List of Witnesses
Meetings and site visits in Kuujjuaq, Iqaluit, Cape Dorset and
Resolute Bay and Montreal- May 26-31, 1996
Associations and Individuals
Jaanimmarik School
May 27, 1996
Peter Bentley, Principal
Beverley Makivik, Vice-Principal
Ida Saunders, Administrator
Kativik Regional Government
May 27, 1996
Louis Mercier, General Manager
Mayors of the Region
Kuujjuaq Municipal Council
May 27, 1996
His Worship Johnny Adams, Mayor
Makivik Corporation
May 28, 1996
Peter Adams, Treasurer (and Chairman, First Air)
Nunavik Board of Health and Social Services
May 27, 1996
Dr. Nathalie Boulanger
Jean Dupuis, Chairman
Minnie Grey, Executive Director - ICC Hospital
Dr. Stephen Hodgins
Francine Huden
Denis Tremblay
IQALUIT, Northwest Territories
Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
May 28, 1996
Janice Epp, Training Director
Leevede, Producer, Qaggiq, Current Affairs
Rosie, Executive Producer
Iqaluit Chamber of Commerce
May 28, 1996
Alain Carrière, President
Douglas Lem, 2nd Vice-President
May 28, 1996
Ken Todd, Manager, Strategic Alliances
Nunavut Arctic College
May 28, 1996
John Clay, Director, Certificate and Diploma Services
Bill Riddell, Student Services
Ian Rose, Director Policy & Programs
Greg Welch, President
David Wilman, Director, Nunata Campus
Nunavut Implementation Commission
May 28, 1996
Ken Harper, Commissioner
Nunavut Research Institute
May 28, 1996
Lynn Peplinski, Manager
Bruce Rigby, Executive Director
Nunavut Tourism
May 28, 1996
Paul Landry, President
Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated
May 28, 1996
José Kusugak, President
Town of Iqaluit
May 28, 1996
His Worship Joe Kunuk, Mayor and Councillors
Traditional Ceremonies Lighting of the Qulliq
May 28, 1996
Ekaluk Juralak and grandaughter, Eva Graves
David Serkoak and daughter, Drum dancing
Phoebe Atagotaaluk and Madeleine Allakariallak,
Throat singing
CAPE DORSET, Northwest Territories
Municipality of Cape Dorset
May 29, 1996
Her Worship Akalayok Qavavau, Mayor
Akesuk, Acting Director, Community Development
Members of the Council
Timoon Toronco, Senior Administration Officer
West Baffin Eskimo Cooperative Ltd.
May 29, 1996
Kenoajak Ashevak, Artist
Jimmy Manning, General Manager
Throat Singers
RESOLUTE BAY, Northwest Territories
Division of Frontec Services Ltd.
May 30, 1996
Merrill Currie, Representative, Narwhal Arctic Services
Hamlet of Resolute Bay
May 30, 1996
His Worship, George Eckalook, Mayor
Susan Salluviniq, Senior Administrator
Members of the Council
Polar Continental Shelf Project
May 30, 1996
Tom Allen, Researcher, Acadia University and President
Atlantic Low Temperature Storage, Wolfville, N.S.
Barry Hugh, Base Manager
Olga Kukal, Researcher and Professor of Biology
Acadia University
David Maloley, Base Manager
Qarmartalik School
May 29, 1996
Max van der Voet, Teacher
Resolute Construction
May 30, 1996
Darryl Clarke, President
McGill University
May 31, 1996
Peter Burpee, Professor, Distance Education in the
Gary Pekeles, Baffin Project
Brenda Wilson, Professor, Educational Technology and
Distance Education
Laval University
May 31, 1996
Michel Allard, Director, ``Centre d'études nordiques''
Gérard Duhaime, Director, Groupe d'études inuit et