CONTENTS: [Orders of Reference] [Minutes of Proceedings] [Witnesses] [10th Report] [11th Report] [12th Report] [13th Report]
Issue No. 12 (Meetings Nos. 93 to 96)
Wednesday, April 9, 1997
Monday, April 14, 1997
Wednesday, April 16, 1997
Tuesday, April 22, 1997
Chairperson: Jim Peterson
Minutes of Proceedings of the Standing Committee on
Pursuant to an Order of Reference of the House dated June 17, 1996, study of Bill C-37, An Act to implement an agreement between Canada and the Russian Federation, a convention between Canada and the Republic of South Africa, an agreement between Canada and the United Republic of Tanzania, an agreement between Canada and the Republic of India and a convention between Canada and Ukraine, for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income
Pusuant to an Order of Reference of the House dated April 10, 1997, study of Bill C-92, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act, the Income Tax Application Rules and another Act related to the Income Tax Act
Pursuant to an Order of reference of the House dated April 15, 1997, study of Bill C-93, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 18, 1997
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), study of the Draft Interim Report of the Sub-Committee on International Financial Institutions.
The Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth Reports to the House
Chairperson: Jim Peterson
Vice-Chairmen: Yvan Loubier
Susan Whelan
Richard Bélisle
Leon Benoit
Dianne Brushett
Barry Campbell
Brenda Chamberlain
Ron Duhamel
Ron Fewchuk
Herb Grubel
Gary Pillitteri
Roger Pomerleau
Monte Solberg
Brent St. Denis--(15)
Associate Members
Reg Alcock
Judy Bethel
Jag Bhaduria
Paul Crête
Roy Cullen
Nick Discepola
Joe Fontana
Jim Gouk
Bill Graham
Stephen Harper
Dick Harris
Jay Hill
Jake E. Hoeppner
Dale Johnston
Karen Kraft Sloan
René Laurin
Peter Milliken
Bob Mills
Andy Mitchell
Rey D. Pagtakhan
Nelson Riis
Yves Rocheleau
Benoît Sauvageau
Werner Schmidt
Jim Silye
John Solomon
Paddy Torsney
John Williams
(Quorum 8)
Martine Bresson
Clerk of the Committee