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M-87 Corporate tax rate increase and disclosure of CEO-to-median-worker pay ratio

44th Parliament, 1st Session

Motion Text

That, in the opinion of the House, the government should introduce legislation within six months following the adoption of this motion, that would:

(a) establish requirements for large companies to disclose their CEO-to-median-worker pay ratio;

(b) increase corporate income tax for large companies with disparities in their CEO-to-median worker pay ratio, at the following rates:

(i) 0.5% if CEO-to-median-worker pay ratio is between 50 and 100,

(ii) 1% if CEO-to-median-worker pay ratio is between 101 and 150,

(iii) 1.5% if CEO-to-median-worker pay ratio is between 151 and 200,

(iv) 2% if CEO-to-median-worker pay ratio is between 201 and 250,

(v) 2.5% if CEO-to-median-worker pay ratio is between 251 and 300,

(vi) 3% if CEO-to-median-worker pay ratio is between 301 and 350,

(vii) 3.5% if CEO-to-median-worker pay ratio is between 351 and 400,

(viii) 4.0% if CEO-to-median-worker pay ratio is between 401 and 450,

(ix) 4.5% if CEO-to-median-worker pay ratio is between 451 and 500,

(x) 5% if CEO-to-median-worker pay ratio is 500 and more; and

(c) include regulations to prevent tax avoidance and use of contractors to avoid disclosing their CEO-to-median-worker pay ratio, while making sure CEO pay is defined as the total compensation of the CEO or the total compensation of the highest earning individual in the company, whichever is higher.

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Monday, June 19, 2023
Placed on Notice


Monday, June 19, 2023
Placed on Notice

Joint Seconders (6)

Jointly seconding a private Member's motion is a formal way for up to 20 Members to show support for the motion before it is called for debate. They are displayed in the order they were received by the Clerk of the House.