Members – Detailed Contract Expenditures Report

Masse, Brian - Windsor West - New Democratic Party

Reporting Period
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Supplier Description Date Total
Benefit Campaign Advertising 2024-02-16 $275.00
BIZ X MAGAZINE Advertising 2024-06-01 $362.50
ROGERS WIRELESS – ROGERS SANS-FIL Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-06-01 $308.75
Toshiba Tec Canada Business Solutions – Toshiba Tec Canada Solutions d'affaires Photocopier Equipment (Copy Charge) 2024-06-02 $279.88
CFUW Windsor Advertising 2024-06-06 $200.00
McLean,Sheelah Other Training and Conferences 2024-06-09 $222.00
Wilson,Alex Other Training and Conferences 2024-06-09 $222.00
Cogeco Connexion Inc. Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-06-16 $294.87
Stericycle ShredIT Shredding 2024-06-18 $104.52
ENBRIDGE GAS DISTRIBUTION INC. Public Utilities 2024-06-21 $47.53
ENBRIDGE GAS DISTRIBUTION INC. Public Utilities 2024-06-21 $5.09
GoDaddy Web Site Hosting/Domain Name 2024-06-21 $21.99
MailChimp Professional Communication Services 2024-06-22 $182.01
Yan-Kit Wong Janitorial Services and Maintenance 2024-06-26 $160.00
Studio 1 Custom Framing Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-06-28 $22.99
Toshiba Tec Canada Business Solutions – Toshiba Tec Canada Solutions d'affaires Photocopier Equipment (Copy Charge) 2024-06-28 $297.41
DOLLARAMA Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-06-30 $17.75
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-07-01 $24.00
ROGERS WIRELESS – ROGERS SANS-FIL Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-07-01 $304.00
Home Hardware Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-07-02 $29.97
ENWIN Public Utilities 2024-07-05 $144.57
ENWIN Public Utilities 2024-07-05 $60.68
ENWIN Public Utilities 2024-07-05 $185.78
Janette Florist Gifts given as a matter of protocol 2024-07-10 $57.95
Champion Products Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-07-12 $23.18
Cogeco Connexion Inc. Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-07-17 $338.93
K. Michaels Flowers & Gifts Gifts given as a matter of protocol 2024-07-22 $50.00
Enbridge gas distribution inc. Public Utilities 2024-07-23 $44.34
Enbridge gas distribution inc. Public Utilities 2024-07-23 $33.41
K. Michaels Flowers & Gifts Gifts given as a matter of protocol 2024-07-27 $75.00
Postes Canada Postage and Parcel Post 2024-07-29 $499.00
Windsor-Essex Janitorial Inc. Janitorial Services and Maintenance 2024-07-29 $260.00
Yan-Kit Wong Janitorial Services and Maintenance 2024-07-31 $160.00
2671847 ONTARIO INC Office Rental 2024-08-01 $2,400.00
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-08-01 $24.00
ROGERS WIRELESS – ROGERS SANS-FIL Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-08-01 $408.00
ROGERS WIRELESS – ROGERS SANS-FIL Voice and data roaming fees for mobile devices 2024-08-01 $3,266.04
Enwin Public Utilities 2024-08-06 $161.59
Enwin Public Utilities 2024-08-06 $64.91
Enwin Public Utilities 2024-08-06 $272.58
Windsor Police Alarm Division Protection and Alarm Monitoring (Member's Office Budget) 2024-08-08 $100.00
Gene Alfred Lotz Printed Matter, Books, Newspapers and Subscriptions 2024-08-11 $120.00
STAPLES CANADA Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-08-12 $8.69
Cogeco Connexion Inc. Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-08-16 $338.93
Stericycle Shredding 2024-08-18 $10.95
Rempart, Le Advertising 2024-08-19 $347.50
The City of Windsor (Aquatic and Training Centre) Public Meeting Room Rentals 2024-08-20 $182.97
Enbridge gas distribution inc. Public Utilities 2024-08-22 $10.18
Enbridge gas distribution inc. Public Utilities 2024-08-22 $18.15
Postes Canada Courier Services 2024-08-28 $18.71
Yan-Kit Wong Janitorial Services and Maintenance 2024-08-31 $180.00
2671847 ONTARIO INC Office Rental 2024-09-01 $2,400.00
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-09-01 $24.00
Culligan Spring Water 2024-09-06 $23.50
Enwin Public Utilities 2024-09-06 $60.68
Enwin Public Utilities 2024-09-06 $176.08
Enwin Public Utilities 2024-09-06 $266.83
Grand & Toy Bulk Paper Purchases 2024-09-13 $190.10
Grand & Toy Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-09-13 $878.98
Grand & Toy Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-09-16 $286.30
Yan-Kit Wong Janitorial Services and Maintenance 2024-09-27 $180.00
2671847 ONTARIO INC Office Rental 2024-10-01 $2,400.00