Members – Detailed Contract Expenditures Report

Gourde, Jacques - Lévis—Lotbinière - Conservative

Reporting Period
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Supplier Description Date Total
Paroisse St-Jean-L'Évangéliste Advertising 2024-04-16 $250.00
Chevalier de Colomb de Charny, Conseil 6852 Advertising 2024-05-01 $250.00
Festival à la Grange Advertising 2024-05-12 $300.00
Festival de Saint-Narcisse-de-Beaurivage inc. Advertising 2024-05-14 $600.00
Pro Max Pub Advertising 2024-05-17 $350.00
ROGERS WIRELESS – ROGERS SANS-FIL Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-06-01 $322.54
Association des Chabot Advertising 2024-06-02 $200.00
Toshiba Tec Canada Business Solutions – Toshiba Tec Canada Solutions d'affaires Photocopier Equipment (Copy Charge) 2024-06-02 $34.28
BELL Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-06-05 $114.95
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Telecommunications Equipment Parts 2024-06-06 $86.23
Stratcom Tendances Inc. Promotional Items 2024-06-11 $1,856.00
ROGERS WIRELESS – ROGERS SANS-FIL Voice Communication Equipment 2024-06-12 $1,266.00
Premiere Avenue Communication Advertising 2024-06-20 $110.00
Toros Lotbinière Advertising 2024-06-20 $200.00
Groupe Vocal Légato inc. Advertising 2024-06-21 $200.00
FAMILIPRIX LEVIS Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-06-24 $25.95
Desjardins, Marie-Ève Janitorial Services and Maintenance 2024-06-25 $180.00
Journal de lé, Le Advertising 2024-06-25 $380.00
Groupe vocal À Portée de Voix Advertising 2024-06-26 $150.00
Fondation Institut Universitaire de Cardiologie et de Pneumologie de Québec Advertising 2024-06-27 $300.00
La Troupe de Théâtre de Lotbinière Inc. Advertising 2024-06-27 $250.00
NORTHERN MICRO INC. Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-06-28 $156.00
Toshiba Tec Canada Business Solutions – Toshiba Tec Canada Solutions d'affaires Photocopier Equipment (Copy Charge) 2024-06-28 $57.37
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data overage fees for mobile devices 2024-07-01 $12.00
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-07-01 $32.00
Développement F.I. Sciences Inc. Web Site Hosting/Domain Name 2024-07-01 $1,635.00
Développement F.I. Sciences Inc. Subject Matter Expert 2024-07-01 $4,000.00
ROGERS WIRELESS – ROGERS SANS-FIL Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-07-01 $602.54
Journal de lé, Le Advertising 2024-07-02 $274.00
LES DISTRIBUTIONS CR. INC Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-07-03 $49.95
BELL Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-07-05 $114.95
Stratcom Tendances Inc. Subject Matter Expert 2024-07-05 $990.00
VIDEOTRON Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-07-05 $45.90
META PLATFORMS INC. Postage, Parcel Post and Courier Services 2024-07-07 $100.00
Napperon de la recherche 2013, Le Advertising 2024-07-08 $295.00
Dekhockey Lévis Advertising 2024-07-11 $250.00
Productions culturelles Québec Advertising 2024-07-15 $500.00
Stratcom Tendances Inc. Subject Matter Expert 2024-07-15 $990.00
Festival Tournoi Métro de Soccer de St-Étienne Advertising 2024-07-16 $250.00
Stratcom Tendances Inc. Subject Matter Expert 2024-07-17 $5,000.00
Postes Canada Postage and Parcel Post 2024-07-22 $322.30
Desjardins, Marie-Ève Janitorial Services and Maintenance 2024-07-23 $180.00
Journal de Lévis, Le Advertising 2024-07-23 $249.00
3094 6412 Quebec Inc. Office Rental 2024-08-01 $2,600.00
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-08-01 $32.00
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data overage fees for mobile devices 2024-08-01 $2.00
Développement F.I. Sciences Inc. Subject Matter Expert 2024-08-01 $4,000.00
ROGERS WIRELESS – ROGERS SANS-FIL Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-08-01 $324.29
STAPLES Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-08-01 $106.16
Mardicom Inc. Communications Officer 2024-08-02 $660.00
BELL Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-08-05 $114.95
Société d`agriculture du comté de Lotbinière Public Meeting Room Rentals 2024-08-08 $850.00
VIDEOTRON Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-08-09 $45.90
Regroupement des personnes aidantes de Lotbinière (RPAL) Advertising 2024-08-15 $500.00
Desjardins, Marie-Ève Janitorial Services and Maintenance 2024-08-19 $180.00
Groupe Cultur'art Advertising 2024-08-19 $250.00
Concours hippique ville de Lévis Advertising 2024-08-26 $500.00
Paroisse de Sainte-Élisabeth-de-Lotbinière Advertising 2024-08-28 $410.00
Club Lions St-Agapit Advertising 2024-08-30 $250.00
3094 6412 Quebec Inc. Office Rental 2024-09-01 $2,600.00
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data overage fees for mobile devices 2024-09-01 $2.00
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-09-01 $32.00
Développement F.I. Sciences Inc. Subject Matter Expert 2024-09-01 $4,000.00
Association de Soccer Chaudière-Ouest Advertising 2024-09-03 $250.00
BELL Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-09-05 $114.95
Stratcom Tendances Inc. Subject Matter Expert 2024-09-06 $990.00
VIDEOTRON Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-09-06 $45.90
Club Lions St-Étienne-St-Nicolas-St-Rédempteur Advertising 2024-09-07 $250.00
Festival de la Rentrée Advertising 2024-09-09 $500.00
Course de boîtes à savon de Lévis Advertising 2024-09-10 $250.00
Mercenaires de Lotbinière, Les Advertising 2024-09-10 $250.00
Fabrique de la Paroisse de Sainte-Mère-de-Jésus Advertising 2024-09-11 $250.00
Potager Therrien Inc. Advertising 2024-09-11 $250.00
Stratcom Tendances Inc. Subject Matter Expert 2024-09-11 $5,000.00
COSTCO NO.542 Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-09-17 $12.49
COSTCO NO.542 Spring Water 2024-09-17 $4.69
SUPER C HULL 5914 Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-09-17 $6.98
Drouin, Marianne Photography and Video Services 2024-09-22 $980.00
Postes Canada Postage and Parcel Post 2024-09-23 $324.99
3094 6412 Quebec Inc. Office Rental 2024-10-01 $2,600.00