Members – Detailed Contract Expenditures Report

Gill, Marilène - Manicouagan - Bloc Québécois

Reporting Period
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Supplier Description Date Total
Postes Canada Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-08-05 $19.99
Postes Canada Postage, Parcel Post and Courier Services 2024-08-05 ($19.99)
Postes Canada Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-08-05 $19.99
Postes Canada Postage, Parcel Post and Courier Services 2024-08-05 ($19.99)
Municipalité des Escoumins Advertising 2024-08-19 $500.00
Légion royale canadienne filiale no 3 Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-09-19 $200.00
Fête du chasseur Advertising 2024-09-25 $100.00
La Chambre de commerce du Montréal métropolitain Other Training and Conferences 2024-09-25 $180.00
La Chambre de commerce du Montréal métropolitain Other Training and Conferences 2024-09-26 $180.00
Imagerie Optik 360 Inc. Photography and Video Services 2024-09-27 $25.00
Imagerie Optik 360 Inc. Photography and Video Services 2024-09-27 $25.00
Imagerie Optik 360 Inc. Professional Communication Services 2024-09-27 $345.00
Imagerie Optik 360 Inc. Professional Communication Services 2024-09-27 $1,035.00
North Shore Community Association Advertising 2024-09-28 $100.00
Municipalité de Tadoussac Advertising 2024-09-29 $250.00
Caisse Desjardins de Manic-Outardes Banking Fees and Cheque Orders 2024-09-30 $191.38
Conciergerie Cathy Dufour Janitorial Services and Maintenance 2024-09-30 $112.61
Journal Le Trait d'union du Nord Advertising 2024-09-30 $492.00
Toshiba Tec Canada Business Solutions – Toshiba Tec Canada Solutions d'affaires Photocopier Equipment (Copy Charge) 2024-09-30 $136.95
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data overage fees for mobile devices 2024-10-01 $76.00
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-10-01 $194.08
Bravad TI (9316-0166 Québec Inc.) Monthly Phone Service 2024-10-01 $119.95
Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Manicouagan Advertising 2024-10-04 $500.00
Dollarama Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-10-04 $20.34
Dollarama Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-10-07 $17.50
Intact Insurance Company Constituency Office Insurance 2024-10-07 $2,087.21
Parc Nature de Pointe-aux-Outardes Advertising 2024-10-07 $500.00
Dollarama Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-10-09 $23.59
Municipalité de Sacré-Coeur Advertising 2024-10-09 $250.00
Transport Colicam Spring Water 2024-10-10 $32.00
Bureau en gros Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-10-11 $26.79
HYPERTEC SYSTEMS INC. Computer Equipment 2024-10-11 $133.10
HYPERTEC SYSTEMS INC. Recycling Materials and Supplies 2024-10-11 $0.60
Atikuss Canada Uashat Gifts given as a matter of protocol 2024-10-12 $34.95
Construction Benoît Maltais Signage 2024-10-15 $95.00
Disco Flash Centre des Congrès Public Meeting Room Rentals 2024-10-15 $275.00
Imagerie Optik 360 Inc. Professional Communication Services 2024-10-16 $230.00
Musée de la Côte-Nord Advertising 2024-10-16 $500.00
Cogeco Connexion inc. Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-10-17 $235.63
Cogeco Connexion inc. Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-10-17 $119.95
Boréal entrepreneur électricien inc. Signage 2024-10-18 $180.16
Société nationale de l`Est du Québec inc. Gifts given as a matter of protocol 2024-10-23 $2,006.33
Caisse Desjardins de Manic-Outardes Banking Fees and Cheque Orders 2024-10-31 $28.95
Conciergerie Cathy Dufour Janitorial Services and Maintenance 2024-10-31 $51.18
Postes Canada Postage, Parcel Post and Courier Services 2024-10-31 $18.60
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-11-01 $194.08
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data overage fees for mobile devices 2024-11-01 $89.00
Bravad TI (9316-0166 Québec Inc.) Monthly Phone Service 2024-11-01 $119.95
Immeubles Nordiques Office Rental 2024-11-01 $1,602.99
K2 Consultants Office Rental 2024-11-01 $3,495.74
Arsenal Media Inc. Advertising 2024-11-04 $270.00
Serrurier I. Roussel enr. Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-11-04 $260.00
Légion royale canadienne - filiale no 3 Advertising 2024-11-05 $500.00
Université Téluq Professional Development and Training for Members' Employees 2024-11-07 $1,234.04
Grand & Toy Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-11-08 $262.84
SADC de la Haute-Côte-Nord Advertising 2024-11-11 $500.00
Walmart Gifts given as a matter of protocol 2024-11-11 $21.26
Imagerie Optik 360 Inc. External Printing Costs 2024-11-15 $654.00
Imagerie Optik 360 Inc. Professional Communication Services 2024-11-15 $632.50
Imagerie Optik 360 Inc. Professional Communication Services 2024-11-15 $460.00
Imagerie Optik 360 Inc. Professional Communication Services 2024-11-15 $86.25
Imagerie Optik 360 Inc. Photography and Video Services 2024-11-15 $25.00
Imagerie Optik 360 Inc. Professional Communication Services 2024-11-15 $460.00
Imagerie Optik 360 Inc. External Printing Costs 2024-11-15 $750.00
Imagerie Optik 360 Inc. External Printing Costs 2024-11-15 $100.00
Postes Canada Courier Services 2024-11-15 $16.65
Cogeco Connexion inc. Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-11-16 $119.95
Cogeco Connexion inc. Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-11-16 $235.63
Micro 7 Cur Inc Security Equipment, Intercom and Alarm System (Member's Office Budget) 2024-11-18 $95.00
Numérik Shredding 2024-11-19 $10.00
Postes Canada Courier Services 2024-11-19 $15.78
Librairie A à Z inc. Printed Matter, Books, Newspapers and Subscriptions 2024-11-25 $42.00
Librairie Côte-Nord Printed Matter, Books, Newspapers and Subscriptions 2024-11-25 $42.00
Imagerie Optik 360 Inc. Photography and Video Services 2024-11-27 $50.00
Imagerie Optik 360 Inc. Professional Communication Services 2024-11-27 $345.00
Maison des femmes de Baie-Comeau Advertising 2024-11-28 $100.00
North Shore Community Association Advertising 2024-11-28 $100.00
Guignolée de Baie-Trinité Advertising 2024-11-29 $50.00
Conciergerie Cathy Dufour Janitorial Services and Maintenance 2024-11-30 $92.14
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data overage fees for mobile devices 2024-12-01 $36.00
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-12-01 $194.08
Bravad TI (9316-0166 Québec Inc.) Monthly Phone Service 2024-12-01 $119.95
Immeubles Nordiques Office Rental 2024-12-01 $1,602.99
K2 Consultants Office Rental 2024-12-01 $3,495.74
Postes Canada Courier Services 2024-12-02 $12.39
Postes Canada Courier Services 2024-12-04 $16.65
CFBS Radio Advertising 2024-12-09 $347.90
Journal Le Trait d'union du Nord Advertising 2024-12-09 $232.32
Cogeco Connexion inc. Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-12-16 $119.95
Cogeco Connexion inc. Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-12-16 $235.63
Canadian Tire 265 Office Furniture and Fixtures 2024-12-18 $149.99
Éditions Nordiques Advertising 2024-12-18 $1,160.00
Walmart Appliances 2024-12-18 $74.97
Immeubles Nordiques Office Rental 2025-01-01 $1,602.99
K2 Consultants Office Rental 2025-01-01 $3,495.74