Members – Detailed Contract Expenditures Report

MacDonald, Heath - Malpeque - Liberal

Supplier Description Date Total
Island Wide Penny Saver Advertising 2024-04-01 $505.00
Grand & Toy Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-04-10 $100.07
Grand & Toy Bulk Paper Purchases 2024-04-10 $18.20
Stingray Radio Inc. Advertising 2024-05-12 $480.00
Nuwelcom INC Advertising 2024-07-16 $299.00
Data Sciences Licencing/Maintenance for Application Software and for Application Development and Delivery Software 2024-09-01 $23.37
Esta Chocolates Inc. Promotional Items 2024-09-18 $548.00
VK Green houses Advertising 2024-09-24 $102.00
Island Press Ltd. Advertising 2024-09-25 $475.00
MJS Marketing & Promotions Advertising 2024-09-26 $350.00
Bell Aliant Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-09-30 $140.95
Toshiba Tec Canada Business Solutions – Toshiba Tec Canada Solutions d'affaires Photocopier Equipment (Copy Charge) 2024-09-30 $146.17
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data overage fees for mobile devices 2024-10-01 $103.60
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-10-01 $192.10
Data Sciences Licencing/Maintenance for Application Software and for Application Development and Delivery Software 2024-10-01 $23.37
Data Sciences Licencing/Maintenance for Application Software and for Application Development and Delivery Software 2024-10-01 $165.03
NGP Van Inc. Licencing/Maintenance for Application Software and for Application Development and Delivery Software 2024-10-01 $165.89
island pure waters Banking Fees and Cheque Orders 2024-10-02 $47.75
crapaud community curling club Advertising 2024-10-04 $250.00
MJS Marketing & Promotions Advertising 2024-10-10 $350.00
Aerus Repair of Machinery and Office Furniture 2024-10-12 $205.98
Island Press Ltd. Advertising 2024-10-16 $475.00
MJS Marketing & Promotions Advertising 2024-10-24 $350.00
Bell Aliant Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-10-31 $140.95
Canadian Network Broadcasting Advertising 2024-10-31 $1,500.00
102273 PEI Inc Office Rental 2024-11-01 $1,739.13
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data overage fees for mobile devices 2024-11-01 $104.00
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-11-01 $192.10
NGP Van Inc. Licencing/Maintenance for Application Software and for Application Development and Delivery Software 2024-11-01 $166.91
Postes Canada Postage and Parcel Post 2024-11-12 $167.63
amazon Office Decor 2024-11-20 $135.38
Island Pure Waters Spring Water 2024-11-20 $57.70
MJS Marketing & Promotions Advertising 2024-11-21 $350.00
Atlantic Superstore Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-11-26 $118.80
The Guardian Printed Matter, Books, Newspapers and Subscriptions 2024-11-26 $480.56
Princess Auto Office Decor 2024-11-29 $45.98
102273 PEI Inc Office Rental 2024-12-01 $1,739.13
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Long Distance 2024-12-01 $2.04
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data overage fees for mobile devices 2024-12-01 $56.49
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-12-01 $192.10
NGP Van Inc. Licencing/Maintenance for Application Software and for Application Development and Delivery Software 2024-12-01 $170.26
Grand & Toy Cleaning Products 2024-12-04 $15.87
Grand & Toy Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-12-04 $603.75
kelly flower shop Gifts given as a matter of protocol 2024-12-05 $115.00
Island Press Ltd. Advertising 2024-12-11 $475.00
Postmedia Network Inc. Advertising 2024-12-14 $570.00
Island Press Ltd. Advertising 2024-12-18 $189.00
102273 PEI Inc Office Rental 2025-01-01 $1,739.13