Members – Detailed Contract Expenditures Report

Michaud, Kristina - Avignon—La Mitis—Matane—Matapédia - Bloc Québécois

Reporting Period
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Supplier Description Date Total
Club Optimiste d'Amqui Advertising 2024-04-27 $500.00
Ville de Causapscal Advertising 2024-04-28 $250.00
Club de Patinage Artisitique Tourbillon de Matane inc. Advertising 2024-05-03 $300.00
Société d'Agriculture Comté Matapédia Advertising 2024-06-10 $500.00
Fête des guitares du Québec Advertising 2024-06-30 $500.00
TVC Matapédia Advertising 2024-07-03 $500.00
André Roy Électrique Inc. Repair of Machinery and Office Furniture 2024-07-05 $91.50
ANndré Roy Eélectrique Repair of Machinery and Office Furniture 2024-07-05 ($91.50)
Festival Western de Nouvelle Advertising 2024-07-08 $500.00
Corporation des événements spéciaux Advertising 2024-07-09 $500.00
Coop. des Travailleurs CHNC Advertising 2024-07-21 $420.00
Club Quad de la Matanie Advertising 2024-08-17 $500.00
Corporation Touristique de Ste-Luce Advertising 2024-08-22 $300.00
Légion Royale Canadienne Filiale 130, Victor Côté Advertising 2024-09-11 $500.00
Basebal Senior Matane Inc. Advertising 2024-09-15 $250.00
Beneva-Assurances générales Constituency Office Insurance 2024-09-17 $1,557.61
Cogeco Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-09-22 $135.89
La Capitale Assurance Générale Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-09-22 ($135.89)
MRC de la Matanie Advertising 2024-09-23 $500.00
Organisme de bassin versant Matapédia-Restigouche Advertising 2024-09-23 $250.00
Comité culturel Saint-Ulric Advertising 2024-09-29 $250.00
Club de Golf Revermont Advertising 2024-09-30 $200.00
Toshiba Tec Canada Business Solutions – Toshiba Tec Canada Solutions d'affaires Photocopier Equipment (Copy Charge) 2024-09-30 $254.48
Zone Blanche Framing, Outside Supplier 2024-09-30 $200.00
Amis du Jardin de Doris, Les Advertising 2024-10-01 $500.00
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-10-01 $226.08
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data overage fees for mobile devices 2024-10-01 $106.00
Cyclones du Bas St-Laurent Advertising 2024-10-01 $250.00
Gare patrimoniale/Maison de la Culture de Sayabec Advertising 2024-10-03 $350.00
Comité des Loisirs de St-Luc Advertising 2024-10-04 $200.00
Loisirs Chamonix inc., Les Advertising 2024-10-04 $250.00
Société Alzheimer Gaspésie/Îles-de-la-Madeleine Advertising 2024-10-08 $250.00
Comité Festif de Val-Brillant Advertising 2024-10-09 $300.00
Société de développement et de mise en valeur de Carleton-sur-Mer Advertising 2024-10-10 $400.00
Technoscience Est-du-Québec Advertising 2024-10-11 $500.00
Club de patinage de vitesse les Rapidos de Matane Advertising 2024-10-12 $250.00
Club des 50 ans plus de Mont-Joli Advertising 2024-10-15 $250.00
Municipalité de Sainte-Luce Advertising 2024-10-15 $250.00
Lebel Roy, Élodie Communications Officer 2024-10-16 $300.00
Médialo Inc. Advertising 2024-10-17 $333.00
Club 50 ans et plus St-Jérôme de Matane Advertising 2024-10-21 $200.00
MRC de la Matapédia Advertising 2024-10-21 $300.00
Best Buy Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-10-22 $44.93
Cogeco Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-10-22 $135.89
Comité Festif de Val-Brillant Advertising 2024-10-23 $350.00
Corporation de gestion récréotouristique de Matane Advertising 2024-10-25 $500.00
FADOQ Région Gaspésie Iles-de-la-Madeleine Advertising 2024-10-25 $434.88
Telus Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-10-25 $85.00
Maison Roy et Giguère Gifts given as a matter of protocol 2024-10-28 $95.00
ARE électrique Office Renovations 2024-10-30 $90.00
9335-5808 Québec Inc. Office Rental 2024-11-01 $1,450.00
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data overage fees for mobile devices 2024-11-01 $250.64
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-11-01 $226.08
École de Musique de Matane Inc. Advertising 2024-11-01 $300.00
MRC de la Matanie Office Rental 2024-11-01 $667.00
Municipalité du Village de Price Office Rental 2024-11-01 $165.00
Club 50 ans + Saint-Léon-le-Grand Advertising 2024-11-02 $150.00
Fabrique de Sainte-Flavie Advertising 2024-11-03 $150.00
Panda De la Matanie Advertising 2024-11-03 $300.00
Club de Natation Les Espadons Advertising 2024-11-05 $300.00
Quartier Éphémère, centre d'arts visuels Advertising 2024-11-05 $300.00
La Maison Maguire Advertising 2024-11-07 $500.00
Poste Canada Postage, Parcel Post and Courier Services 2024-11-07 $13.93
Poste Canada Postage, Parcel Post and Courier Services 2024-11-07 $13.93
Chez Sara Gifts given as a matter of protocol 2024-11-08 $86.97
Carrefour international bas-laurentien pour l engagement social (CIBLES) Advertising 2024-11-12 $250.00
Club les Éperviers de Matane Advertising 2024-11-12 $300.00
Alarmes 911 Rimouski Inc. Protection and Alarm Monitoring (Member's Office Budget) 2024-11-15 $203.40
Postes Canada Courier Services 2024-11-15 $45.75
Journal Culturel Graffici Coopérative de Solidarité Advertising 2024-11-19 $600.00
Corporation des événements spéciaux de Mont-Joli Advertising 2024-11-20 $200.00
Cogeco Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-11-25 $135.89
COOP de solidarité de Baie-des-Sables Advertising 2024-11-25 $500.00
Telus Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-11-25 $85.00
Hamster Amqui Office Supplies, Stationery and Accessories 2024-11-26 $84.77
Corporation Touristique de Ste-Luce Advertising 2024-11-28 $300.00
Club Motoneiges Vallée Matapédia Advertising 2024-11-30 $350.00
9335-5808 Québec Inc. Office Rental 2024-12-01 $1,501.00
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-12-01 $226.08
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data overage fees for mobile devices 2024-12-01 $70.30
MRC de la Matanie Office Rental 2024-12-01 $667.00
Municipalité du Village de Price Office Rental 2024-12-01 $165.00
Postes Canada Courier Services 2024-12-02 $13.85
Club de patinage de vitesse Optimiste de la Vallée Advertising 2024-12-03 $400.00
Salon des Artisans de Maria Advertising 2024-12-03 $300.00
Postes Canada Courier Services 2024-12-04 $20.51
Chambre de commerce et d’industrie Baie-des-Chaleurs Advertising 2024-12-05 $500.00
Fleuriste Bélanger Gifts given as a matter of protocol 2024-12-09 $120.00
Nettoyage J.N.T. Enr. Janitorial Services and Maintenance 2024-12-09 $480.00
Société d`Histoire et de Généalogie de Matane Advertising 2024-12-11 $250.00
Témoins d hier à aujourd hui de Saint-Gabriel Advertising 2024-12-13 $200.00
Société Patrimoine Matane Advertising 2024-12-14 $200.00
Coop. des Travailleurs CHNC Advertising 2024-12-15 $285.00
La Légion Royale Canadienne, local 137 Advertising 2024-12-15 $200.00
Grands Amis de la Vallée Advertising 2024-12-16 $500.00
CRÉA Est-du-Québec Advertising 2024-12-17 $300.00
Municipalite de Saint-Donat Advertising 2024-12-17 $250.00
Bélanger Fleuriste Gifts given as a matter of protocol 2024-12-19 $140.00
Journal le soir Advertising 2024-12-20 $495.00
9335-5808 Québec Inc. Office Rental 2025-01-01 $1,501.00
MRC de la Matanie Office Rental 2025-01-01 $705.00
Municipalité du Village de Price Office Rental 2025-01-01 $165.00