Members – Detailed Contract Expenditures Report

Barrett, Michael - Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes - Conservative

Reporting Period
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Supplier Description Date Total
Apple Computer Software and Licenses 2024-08-19 $149.99
ROGERS WIRELESS – ROGERS SANS-FIL Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-09-01 $16.79
Bell Canada Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-09-23 $89.95
Bell Canada Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-09-23 $69.95
Toshiba Tec Canada Business Solutions – Toshiba Tec Canada Solutions d'affaires Photocopier Equipment (Copy Charge) 2024-09-30 $139.45
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data overage fees for mobile devices 2024-10-01 $248.03
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-10-01 $202.00
ROGERS WIRELESS – ROGERS SANS-FIL Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-10-01 $16.79
Ignite Printing External Printing Costs 2024-10-05 $1,028.00
Apple Computer Software and Licenses 2024-10-07 $49.99
SafeTracks GPS Canada Security Equipment, Intercom and Alarm System (Member's Office Budget) 2024-10-10 $14.99
SafeTracks GPS Canada Postage, Parcel Post and Courier Services 2024-10-10 $25.95
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Telecommunications Equipment Parts 2024-10-11 $229.96
Post, Jennifer Janitorial Services and Maintenance 2024-10-14 $150.00
Postes Canada Postage and Parcel Post 2024-10-21 $285.89
Bell Canada Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-10-23 $69.95
Bell Canada Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-10-23 $89.95
NORTHERN MICRO INC. Computer Equipment 2024-10-31 $2,507.00
1935256 Ontario Inc. Office Rental 2024-11-01 $1,510.00
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data overage fees for mobile devices 2024-11-01 $116.23
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-11-01 $154.00
Canva Pty. Ltd. Licencing/Maintenance for Application Software and for Application Development and Delivery Software 2024-11-01 $13.94
Canva Pty. Ltd. Licencing/Maintenance for Application Software and for Application Development and Delivery Software 2024-11-01 $0.18
Lindsay, Keith Office Rental 2024-11-01 $1,278.00
Post, Jennifer Janitorial Services and Maintenance 2024-11-11 $180.00
Girls Inc. of Upper Canada Advertising 2024-11-12 $500.00
Bell Canada Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-11-23 $69.95
Bell Canada Constituency Office Internet and Cable 2024-11-23 $89.95
1935256 Ontario Inc. Office Rental 2024-12-01 $1,510.00
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data plan for mobile devices 2024-12-01 $170.00
Bell Mobility – Bell Mobilité Voice and data overage fees for mobile devices 2024-12-01 $176.19
Lindsay, Keith Office Rental 2024-12-01 $1,278.00
Northern Micro Inc. Computer Equipment 2024-12-12 $165.00
1935256 Ontario Inc. Office Rental 2025-01-01 $1,510.00
Lindsay, Keith Office Rental 2025-01-01 $1,278.00