Members – Detailed Hospitality Expenditures Report

Anand, Hon. Anita - Oakville - Liberal

Reporting Period
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Date Location Total of Attendees Purpose of Hospitality Total
2024-02-15 Ottawa 16 To celebrate a significant event $43.81
2024-06-03 Ottawa 7 To discuss constituency issues with stakeholders $188.78
2024-06-17 Ottawa 400 To celebrate a significant event $400.00
2024-07-01 Oakville 125 To celebrate a significant event $37.45
2024-07-01 Oakville 65 To celebrate a significant event $141.31
2024-07-10 Oakville 10 To attend a staff event $183.34
2024-07-11 Oakville 7 To discuss constituency issues with stakeholders $8.98
2024-08-01 Oakville 8 To attend a staff event $29.99
2024-08-12 Oakville 9 To attend a staff event $165.14