Members – Detailed Hospitality Expenditures Report

Genuis, Garnett - Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan - Conservative

Reporting Period
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Date Location Total of Attendees Purpose of Hospitality Total
2024-06-10 Ottawa 200 To discuss constituency issues with stakeholders $262.71
2024-06-15 Ardrossan 500 To celebrate a significant event $41.79
2024-06-19 Ottawa 7 To discuss business of the House, caucus and committees $199.23
2024-06-22 Sherwood Park 175 To meet constituents $641.70
2024-06-24 Fort Saskatchewan 20 To meet constituents $144.27
2024-06-25 Sherwood Park 50 To meet constituents $40.34
2024-06-26 Sherwood Park 4 To plan Member's priorities and activities $107.01
2024-07-01 Fort Saskatchewan 2000 To celebrate a significant event $208.08