Adjournment Motion Proposed Under Standing Order 26 / Application Not Accepted

Continuing nature of problem; other opportunities for debate

Debates pp. 9324-5


Mr. Carter (St. John's West) sought leave to move the adjournment of the House, under the provisions of Standing Order 26, in order to discuss "the critical economic plight of the people of Newfoundland" due to the failure of the responsible Ministers to plan and implement remedies for the grievances caused by the "phosphorous pollution of Placentia Bay and St. Mary's Bay".


Does this application meet the requirements of Standing Order 26?


No. The application is not accepted.

Reasons given by the Speaker

This application is in the form of a series of grievances which are of a continuing nature and which cannot be understood to be a sudden emergency. "... according to the rules and precedents, even if there is urgency of debate, adjournment under Standing Order 26 cannot be granted if there are other opportunities for debate within a reasonable time." There is to be a six-day Budget debate beginning tomorrow and, in addition, there remain eight allotted days in this supply period. There are, therefore, fourteen days during which Members will have the opportunity to raise grievances.