Privilege / Impeding the House

Impeding the House

Journals pp. 1206-9

Debates pp. 7045-6


On June 6, Mr. Baldwin (Peace River) rose on a question of privilege and moved that the Standing Committee on Privileges and Elections examine certain matters ''which indicate that the rights of Parliament on behalf of the people to have full and unabridged reporting of the actions of government are being threatened". According to Mr. Baldwin, the motion was prompted, in part, by statements of Mr. Joyal (Maisonneuve—Rosemont) expressing his misgivings about legislative proposals which might curb the freedom of the press, and also by the actions of Mr. Lang (Minister of Transport) to suppress an article about himself which he considered offensive. Arguments on the case were made on the following day and tended to concentrate on the issue involving Mr. Lang.


Is there a question of privilege either in consequence of the actions taken by the Minister of Transport or in view of the remarks made by the Member for Maisonneuve—Rosemont?


There is no question of privilege.

Reasons given by the Speaker

Under the umbrella of privilege, a Member has raised a matter of grievance and expressed a personal statement. This is a practice which is allowed under certain circumstances even though it does not constitute a question of privilege.

It was suggested that the Minister of Transport, in his attempt to suppress publication of critical material, might have benefited unduly from his position as a Minister of the Crown. The Chair has heard nothing to indicate that any undue influence was exercised by the Minister. On the contrary, the Chair has heard the Minister himself explain that his approach was properly carried out through his solicitor.

The comments made by the Member for Maisonneuve—Rosemont do not constitute a matter of privilege. Instead, the Members can consider the matter through debate on the relevant legislative proposals as they pass through the required stages.


Debates, June 6, 1977, pp. 6321-2; June 7, 1977, pp. 6377-90; June 10, 1977, pp. 6531-3.