Amendments to the Content of Bills / Report Stage

Report stage, motion in amendment, acceptability of amendments

Journals pp. 429-30

Debates pp. 4703-4


During debate at the report stage of Bill C-13, an Act to amend the Northern Canada Power Commission Act, while the clause calling for the setting of rates with the approval of the Governor in Council was under consideration, Mr. Nielsen (Yukon), had proposed a motion to substitute the word "Commissioner" for the word "Governor". Without prior notice, Mr. Neil (Moose Jaw) proposed an amendment to this motion, substituting the words "the Public Utilities Board of the Yukon Territory or the Northwest Territories, as the case may be" for the words "Governor in Council".


Is the amendment to the motion proposed at the report stage relevant to the clause, and can it be proposed without notice?


The proposed amendment cannot be accepted.

Reasons given by the Deputy Speaker

The amendment is completely foreign to the motion that is before the House at this time that is Mr. Nielsen's motion. It brings in "a completely new matter which is no less than a substitute proposition to delete the basic proposition." Furthermore, it is basically a new proposition which, in accordance with Standing Order 75(5), requires the giving of 24 hours notice.

Authorities cited

Beauchesne, 4th ed., p. 171, c. 203(1), (3).

May, 18th ed., p. 381.

Standing Order 75(5).


Debates, April 10, 1975, pp. 4687, 4691-4, 4701-3.