Amendments to the Content of Bills / Report Stage

Financial initiative of the Crown

Debates p. 4233


When the House proceeded to the report stage of Bill C-15 (Investment Canada Act) on April 23, 1985, the Speaker made a preliminary statement regarding the procedural acceptability of several motions, and invited comments from the Members before making a final ruling. In particular, the Speaker suggested that Motion No. 91, standing in the name of Mr. Axworthy (Winnipeg—Fort Garry), involved a charge on the Treasury which was not foreseen in the Royal Recommendation attached to the bill. Mr. Axworthy argued that the bill already provided for the Minister to make reports concerning operations under the Act and that Motion No. 91 simply defined what those reports should contain. Mr. Hnatyshyn (President of the Privy Council) replied that the motion sought to require the agency to compile and prepare many reports not foreseen when the House agreed to the bill at second reading, and that the preparation of such reports would require expenditures not contemplated in the Royal Recommendation.


When a bill already provides that the Minister shall report on operations under the legislation, is it in order to amend the bill to require the preparation of certain types of reports?


No. The proposed amendment is out of order.

Reasons given by the Speaker

The motion would infringe on the financial initiative of the Crown.

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Debates, April 23, 1985, p. 4000; April 25, 1985, pp. 4090, 4093.