Questions / Oral Questions

Unsatisfactory answer

Debates p. 5221


During Oral Questions, Mr. Alexander (Hamilton West) directed a question to Mr. Mackasey (Minister of Labour) about the Quebec government's objections to Bill C-229, the Unemployment Insurance Act. After a brief exchange during which the Speaker allowed the question but underlined the impropriety of seeking information on a matter currently before the House, Mr. Alexander rose on a point of order seeking further information and asking that the Minister make a statement on the matter. The Speaker ruled immediately.


During Oral Questions, may points of order be raised to obtain clarification on an answer regarded as unsatisfactory?


No. A question seeking additional information can be raised at the adjournment.

Reasons given by the Speaker

Points of order during Oral Questions may not be raised concerning a Member's dissatisfaction with the Chair's ruling on a question asked or an answer given. Members may, however, suggest that the matter be raised at adjournment.