42nd Parliament, 1st Session (December 3, 2015 - September 11, 2019)

M-190, Labour Shortages of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area

Report and Government Response

Report 17: Labour Shortages and Solutions in the GTHA Construction Industry
  • Adopted by the Committee: May 2, 2019
  • Presented to the House: May 17, 2019


That the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities be instructed to undertake a study on the labour shortages of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, to consider, among other things, (i) the challenges associated with a lack of skilled workers in the construction industry, (ii) possible recommendations on how to increase construction skill development in the region, (iii) analysis of the Atlantic Immigration Pilot initiatives as a model to address the skilled worker need in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area; and that the Committee report its findings to the House within six months of the adoption of this motion


Webcast Televised Audio only In Camera Cancelled Modified Outside of Parliament Hill