The 44th Parliament was dissolved on March 23, 2025.

Dissolution is the formal ending of a Parliament by proclamation of the Governor General. A general election must follow dissolution. In practice, as soon as Parliament is dissolved, committees can neither sit nor report to the House, as they cease to exist until the House reconstitutes them following the election.

Upon dissolution, all business before committees is terminated. All orders of reference expire, and the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of all committees cease to hold office.

The government is no longer required to provide responses to committee reports.

The information on these pages refers to committees and their work before Parliament was dissolved.

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List of Committees of the past session

44th Parliament, 1st Session (November 22, 2021 - January 6, 2025) Latest Session
On April 21, 2016, the House concurred in the Eighth Report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, thereby amending Standing Order 104(2) and changing the name of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development (AANO) to the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs (INAN).

Standing Committees


The Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs examines all matters relating to the mandate, management and operation of the Department of Veterans Affairs and of the Veterans Review and Appeal Board.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SACV)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food studies bills, government activities and expenditures, and issues related to Canada’s agriculture and agri-food industry.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SAGR)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage studies the policies and programs of the Department of Canadian Heritage and the organizations within the Portfolio. These organizations are active in the fields of culture, heritage and human rights.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SCHP)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The Standing Committee on International Trade studies and reports on such matters as international trade policy, and the global trade and investment environment.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SCII)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration studies matters related to immigration and citizenship. It has oversight of Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, and monitors federal multiculturalism policy.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SCIM)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development studies the programs and legislation of Environment Canada, Parks Canada and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency as well as reports of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SENV)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics studies matters related to the Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and the Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada, and certain issues related to the Office of the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SETH)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development studies matters related to international affairs, including Canada’s foreign policy and development assistance. The government department under the Committee's scrutiny is the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development.


Subcommittee on International Human Rights (SDIR)
Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SFAA)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The Standing Committee on the Status of Women studies the policies, programs, expenditures and legislation of departments and agencies, including the Department for Women and Gender Equality, that conduct work related to the status of women.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SFEW)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The mandate of the Standing Committee on Finance is to study and report on all matters relating to the mandate, management and operation of selected federal departments and agencies, including the Department of Finance and the Canada Revenue Agency, and to conduct pre-budget consultations.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SFIN)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans studies and reports on matters related to the federal role in the management of Canada's fisheries and the safeguarding of its waters.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SFOP)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The Standing Committee on Health studies issues that relate to Health Canada, including bills and regulations. It also has oversight of four health-related agencies, including the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the Public Health Agency of Canada.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SHES)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities studies employment, labour, income security, skills development and disability issues, as well as programs administered by Employment and Social Development Canada. The Committee also administers the Centennial Flame Research Award.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SHUM)


The Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs reviews, examines and reports on issues affecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples and northerners.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SINA)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The Standing Committee on Industry and Technology studies and reports on legislation, the activities and spending of Industry Canada and its portfolio members, and other issues related to industry and technology capability; scientific research and development; telecommunications policy; investment, trade, small business and tourism; and rules and services that support the effective operation of the marketplace.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SIND)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights studies the bills, policies, programs and spending of the Department of Justice and the six federal agencies related to its portfolio.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SJUS)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The mandate of the Standing Committee on Official Languages includes, among other matters, the review of official language policies and programs, including reports of the Commissioner of Official Languages.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SLAN)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The Standing Committee on National Defence studies the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces, as well as the domestic, continental and international security environment.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SNDD)

Mandate: The Standing Committee on National Defence studies the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces, as well as the domestic, continental and international security environment.


The mandate of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates studies the effectiveness and proper functioning of government operations, on the estimates process as well as on the expenditure plans of central departments and agencies.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SOGG)


The mandate of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts is to review and report on the Public Accounts of Canada and all reports of the Auditor General of Canada.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SPAC)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The Procedure and House Affairs Committee studies and reports on the rules and practices of the House and its committees, electoral matters, questions of privilege, MP conflicts of interest, internal administration of the House, and services and facilities for MPs.


Subcommittee on Private Members' Business (SMEM)

Mandate: The Subcommittee on Private Members’ Business of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs reviews all private members’ bills and motions to determine whether any are non-votable.

Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SPRO)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The Standing Committee on Natural Resources studies bills, government activities and expenditures, and issues related to Canada’s energy, forest, minerals and metals, and earth sciences sectors.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SRNN)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security reviews legislation policies, programs and expenditure plans of government departments and agencies responsible for public safety and national security, policing and law enforcement, corrections and conditional release of federal offenders, emergency management, crime prevention and the protection of Canada's borders.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SSEC)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The Standing Committee on Science and Research studies all matters relating to science and research, including any reports of the Chief Science Advisor.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SSRS)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.


The Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities primarily studies the legislation, policies and programs, and other issues of national importance related to transportation, infrastructure, and Canadian cities and communities as well as the operations of Transport Canada and Infrastructure Canada.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (STRA)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.

Special Committees


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SAFG)


The Committee was created to conduct hearings to examine and review all aspects of the Canada-People's Republic of China relationship, including but not limited to diplomatic, consular, legal, security and economic relations.


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SCAC)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.

Other Committees


The Liaison Committee deliberates on administrative matters relating to the standing committee system. The main responsibility of the Liaison Committee is to apportion funds to standing committees from the money allocated for that purpose by the Board of Internal Economy.


Subcommittee on Committee Budgets (SBLI)

Mandate: Subcommittees are working groups that report to existing committees. Most standing committees create a subcommittee on agenda and procedure, commonly referred to as a “steering committee”, to help them plan their work, by adopting a routine motion.

Joint Committees


Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure (SAMA)


The Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament assists the Speakers of both the Senate and the House of Commons in reviewing the effectiveness, management and operation of the Library.


The Standing Joint Committee for the Scrutiny of Regulations reviews and scrutinizes government regulations and other statutory instruments.