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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Macassa Mine

    >>Kirkland Lake, Ont., tragedy, Nov. 26/93
    >>>o.q., 1616
    >>>S.O. 31, 224, 1230

MacAulay, Hon. Lawrence (L--Cardigan; Secretary of State (Veterans); Secretary of State (Veterans)(Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) as of January 25, 1996)

    >>Atlantic Groundfish Strategy, income support, 2063
    >>>Balanced, 2064
    >>>Pre-budget consultation, 2062
    >>Budget, Feb. 22/94, M. for approval (P. Martin), 2062-4
    >>Constitution Amendment, 1993 (Prince Edward Island), M. (Dingwall), 1352-4
    >>Disabled and handicapped persons, independence, 2062
    >>Government programs and services, duplication, 2062
    >>Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1995 (Bill C-105), 15253
    >>Job creation, unemployment insurance premium reduction, 2063
    >>National debt, increase, 2064
    >>National Defence Department, Deputy Minister's office, o.q., 6217-8
    >>Prince Edward Island, fixed link to New Brunswick, 1352-4
    >>Social security system, reform, 2062-3
    >>Unemployment insurance
    >>>Benefits, 2063
    >>>Premiums, 2063
    >>Veterans Affairs Department
    >>>Budget, cut-backs, qu., 7042
    >>>Expenditures, 2062
    >>Veterans' benefits
    >>>Aboriginal veterans, o.q., 4827
    >>>Application process, 9436-8
    >>>Pensions and allowances, 2062
    >>Veterans' hospitals, jurisdiction, 2064
    >>Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act (Bill C-67), 9114, 9436-8
    >>World War II
    >>>Italian campaign, 50th anniversary, statement by Minister, 3915
    >>>V-E Day, 50th anniversary, statement by Minister, 16867
    >>Young Offenders Act (amdt.) and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 9455

Macdonald-Cartier International Airport (Ottawa, Ont.) see Airports

MacDonald, Elmer see Atlantic Agriculture Hall of Fame

Macdonald, Sir John A. see Federalism--Compromise; Kingston, Ont.

MacDonald, Ron (L--Dartmouth)

MacDonough, Alexa

    >>Nova Scotia New Democratic Party leader, retirement, S.O. 31, 8423

Mace see House of Commons; Parliament Buildings--1916 fire

Macedonia (FYROM)

Machine program see Customs Tariff

MacKenzie, MGen Lewis (retired) see Peacekeeping--Parliamentary debate

Mackenzie Valley highway see Tourist industry--Northern Canada

Mackey, Hilary see Forestry--Clayoquot Sound

MacLaren, Hon. Roy (L--Etobicoke North; Minister for International Trade; resigned as of January 24, 1996)

    >>Agricultural products
    >>>Export subsidies, 7319
    >>>Tariffs, 7319
    >>>>o.q., 8347, 9605-6, 9778
    >>Aluminium industry
    >>>Crisis, o.q., 2624
    >>>Production, o.q., 1305
    >>>Russia, modernization, o.q., 2178
    >>>South Africa smelter, o.q., 1305, 2178, 2622-3
    >>Apples, United States producers, o.q., 3391
    >>Beer, FTA, o.q., 1070, 1187, 1920
    >>Border crossings, United States entrance fee, o.q., 9328, 15972
    >>Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act (Bill C-87), 11995
    >>China, Prime Minister Chrétien trade mission, o.q., 7635
    >>Cuba, United States trade embargo, o.q., 11758, 13724-5, 14317-8
    >>Cultural industry, exports, o.q., 9827
    >>Economy, growth, 2273
    >>Embassies and consulates, Lebanon, Beirut, o.q., 14818
    >>Employment, exports, sustaining, 2272
    >>Environment, non-recyclable, disposable lighters, o.q., 5582
    >>>Delivery system, 2273
    >>>Expansion opportunities, 7318-9
    >>>Financing, 2276
    >>>Government assistance, 2274-5
    >>>>o.q., 1386
    >>>Increase, o.q., 17442-3
    >>>Regulatory and tax policies, 2274
    >>>Small and medium business, 2274
    >>>Strategies, 2274-6
    >>>Tariffs, 7319-20
    >>>United States, 2274
    >>>>o.q., 1104-5
    >>Film and video industry, o.q., 14227
    >>Foreign affairs policy
    >>>Private sector forum, 2272
    >>>Review, M. (Ouellet), 2272-6
    >>>Trade, relationship, 2272
    >>Foreign investment, attracting, 2275
    >>FTA, text, o.q., 103
    >>Fur industry, o.q., 12722
    >>>Canadian negotiating team, qu., 2493
    >>>Uruguay round, agreement, 7319, 7321
    >>GDP, exports, percentage, 2272
    >>>o.q., 17443
    >>Human rights, international court, o.q., 14458
    >>Ice cream/yogurt, tariffs, o.q., 9605-6, 9778
    >>Income Tax Act and Income Tax Application Rules (amdt.)(Bill C-59), 9765
    >>International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, expenditures, o.q., 1306
    >>International development assistance, commercial interests and assistance, 2275-6
    >>International economic development
    >>>Asia-Pacific region, 2273
    >>>Knowledge-based industries, 2273
    >>>Production, globalization, 2273
    >>International relations, Canada's role, 2273
    >>Lighters, disposable, imports, o.q., 5582
    >>Maintenance of Railway Operations Act, 1995 (Bill C-77), 10987-8
    >>Matches, wooden, manufacture, o.q., 5582
    >>Middle East, infrastructure, o.q., 14818
    >>>Chile, o.q., 8482, 8837, 8942, 14457-8
    >>>Subsidies, 2274
    >>>>o.q., 10956
    >>Railways, strike/lock-outs, March 1995, 10987-8
    >>>o.q., 10903, 10950, 10956
    >>Softwood lumber, exports, o.q., 1104, 2127, 4581, 5209-10, 5342, 6336, 9151
    >>Sugar industry, o.q., 11064, 14317-8
    >>Supply management/marketing boards, GATT, 7320
    >>Television, cable, Country Music Television network, o.q., 12796
    >>>Bilateral agreements, 2274
    >>>China, qu., 9565
    >>>Closed, self-reliant blocs, 2273
    >>>Competitiveness/protectionism, o.q., 12842-3
    >>>European Economic Community, 2273
    >>>Free trade, 2273
    >>>>o.q., 16067-8
    >>>Global markets, 2273
    >>>Internationally agreed rules and regulations, 2272
    >>>Latin America, 2274
    >>>>o.q., 9280
    >>>Managed trade, 2273
    >>>National strategy, 2273
    >>>North America-Europe, o.q., 13532-3
    >>>Pacific Rim, 2274, 7321-2
    >>>Pillars, 2273
    >>>Statement by Minister, 9244-6
    >>>United States
    >>>>Harassment, o.q., 5727-8
    >>>>Third option, o.q., 9279
    >>>United States-Japan negotiations, o.q., 1385
    >>>Durum wheat, exports to United States, o.q., 298, 2128, 3235-6, 3333, 3335, 3391, 3395, 3956-7
    >>>Export subsidies, o.q., 4584-5
    >>World Trade Organization
    >>>Dispute settlement mechanism, 7319
    >>>Establishing, 2274, 7144, 7319-20
    >>>Trade protection, 7320
    >>World Trade Organization Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-57), 7144, 7318-22, 8390

MacLean-Hunter see Television, cable

Maclean, Suzanne see Cycling for a Miracle

MacLellan, Russell (L--Cape Breton--The Sydneys; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada from December 6, 1993 to February 5, 1996)

Macleod constituency

    >>References, 472
    >>See also Infrastructure program

MacMillan Bloedel Ltd.

    >>Government subsidies, direct/indirect, since 1950, qu., 14546
    >>Scott Paper Limited contract, S.O. 31, 2170

Macphail, Agnes

Mad cow disease see Cattle--Disease

Madawaska--Victoria constituency

    >>Profile, 14

MADD Canada

    >>Activities, tribute, S.O. 31, 14917
    >>Red ribbon campaign, S.O. 31, 16731