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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Malpeque constituency

    >>References, 532

Malvern remedial project see Nuclear waste

Managed trade see Trade

Mandela, Nelson see South Africa--Election

Manera, Anthony see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation

Manganese-based Fuel Additives Act (Bill C-94)--Minister of the Environment (Copps)

Manhattan incident see Oceans--Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act

Manicouagan constituency see Air transportation tax--Fares; Unemployment--Quebec


    >>Aboriginal peoples, health care, cost per capita, 3472
    >>Confederation, entry, 125th anniversary, celebrations, etc., S.O. 31, 12363, 14083, 15694-5
    >>>Richot, Father Noel Joseph, role, tribute, S.O. 31, 15097
    >>Election, Apr. 25/95, Premier Gary Filmon re-election victory, S.O. 31, 11803-4
    >>See also other subject headings

Manitoba Association of Bilingual Municipalities

    >>Forum, St., Boniface, Man., S.O. 31, 9142

Manitoba Entertainment Complex Inc. see Winnipeg, Man.--NHL arena

Manitoba HVDC Research Centre

    >>Computers, 10 gigaflop supercomputer, S.O. 31, 148

Manitoba Hydro see Split Lake Cree Agreement

Manitoba Tankard see Curling

Manitoulin Island see Border crossings

Manley, Hon. John (L--Ottawa South; Minister ofIndustry; Minister of Industry, Minister for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Minister of Western Economic Diversification and Minister responsible for the Federal Office of Regional Development-Quebec as of January 25, 1996)

    >>Aboriginal Economic Development Program
    >>>$230 million investment, 1263
    >>>Effectiveness, 1260-1
    >>>Industry Department, 1260-2
    >>>o.q., 105-6
    >>Aerospace industry
    >>>Subsidies, o.q., 14021
    >>>Winnipeg, Man., o.q., 1556
    >>Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act (Bill C-88), 11995
    >>Air Atlantic, corporate restructuring, o.q., 8250
    >>Aluminium industry, crisis, o.q., 575
    >>Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-109), 16783
    >>Banks and banking, banking code of conduct, 1777
    >>Bell Canada, o.q., 11680
    >>Books and magazines, retail booksellers, o.q., 16781-2
    >>Bouchard, references, 8639
    >>Budget, Feb. 22/94, M. for approval (P. Martin), 1774-80
    >>>Competitiveness, o.q., 11488
    >>>Executive compensation, o.q., 12841-2
    >>>Government grants, 1779
    >>Business Development Bank of Canada, provincial jurisdiction, o.q., 12898, 13047
    >>Business Development Bank of Canada Act (Bill C-91), 12602, 12876-7, 14333-4, 14357
    >>Canada Business Corporations Act (amdt.)(Bill C-12), 1343, 3902-4, 5292
    >>Canada Investment Fund
    >>>Creating, 1777
    >>>Private sector, 1777
    >>Canada Wildlife Act (amdt.)(Bill C-24), 5240
    >>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, review, o.q., 15771
    >>Canadian Pacific Railway, head office, o.q., 16619
    >>Canadian Technology Network, creating, 1777
    >>Census, ethic origin question, o.q., 15045
    >>Chrétien, Jean, references, 1774
    >>Competition, laws and regulations, 1776
    >>Conflict of interest, code of conduct, 5503, 11923
    >>>o.q., 5581
    >>Consumers, protection, 1776
    >>Contact lenses, short, medium and long-term use, o.q., 8884
    >>Copyright Act, amendments, o.q., 7368
    >>Copyright, legislation, o.q., 17498
    >>>Directors, 3903
    >>>Documents, electronic filing, 3903
    >>>Private, public disclosure requirements, 3903
    >>>Shares, institutional investors, 3903
    >>Credit cards, interest rates, o.q., 4525-6
    >>Cultural industries, foreign domination, o.q., 2040
    >>Cultural Property Export and Import Act, Income Tax Act and Tax Court of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-93), 15725
    >>Defence equipment, helicopters, o.q., 4470, 4524
    >>Defence industry
    >>>Industrial reconversion program, 3921-4
    >>>>M. on supply (Ménard), 3921-5
    >>>>o.q., 2929-30, 3569-70, 4343-4, 4470-1, 4581-2, 6517-8, 11061-2, 14021, 14315-6
    >>>Job losses, 3921
    >>Defence Industry Productivity Program
    >>>Investment/return, 3925
    >>>Review, o.q., 14021
    >>Defence policy, review, 3922
    >>>1993-1994, 1775
    >>>Reduction, 1775, 1779
    >>Department of External Affairs Act (amdt.)(Bill C-47), 9339
    >>Department of Industry Act (Bill C-46), 5822, 8726
    >>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, legislation, Bill C-91, o.q., 3567, 3647-50, 3703, 3838, 7733, 7809-10, 8039-40, 15530
    >>Economic conditions, recession, 162
    >>Economic development
    >>>Government commitment, 161
    >>>Investment, 163
    >>Economic recovery
    >>>Initiative and resourcefulness, 1778
    >>>Quebec independence, impact, o.q., 3648
    >>>Commodity and assembly line based, 1775
    >>>Government role, 8641
    >>>Growth, 1777, 1779, 8639
    >>>Transformation, 1775-6
    >>Education, post-secondary, science and engineering, o.q., 11065
    >>>Contaminated properties/buildings, o.q., 17087
    >>>Technology, 1777
    >>Environmental industry
    >>>Sectional consultation, 1777
    >>>Technologies, o.q., 10716
    >>Exports, Canadian business involvement, 1776
    >>Expressvu, o.q., 14226
    >>Farmers, assistance, 165
    >>Federal Business Development Bank, advertising, qu., 12422
    >>Federal-provincial relations, M. on supply (G. Leroux), 13149-51
    >>Film and video industry, distribution, o.q., 12114
    >>Gasoline/automotive fuels
    >>>Additives, o.q., 11761-2, 12844, 15704
    >>>Gas pumps, o.q., 12599
    >>>Prices, o.q., 11941, 11943, 12117, 13131
    >>GATT, Article XI, 165
    >>Ginn Publishing Canada Inc., sale, o.q., 1691, 2039-40, 3156, 3833-4
    >>GOSAP Energy Incorporated, funding, o.q., 8344
    >>Government expenditures
    >>>Accountability, M. on supply (Williams), 1260-5
    >>>Budget, Feb. 22/94 measures, o.q., 2973-4
    >>>GDP percentages, qu., 11535-6
    >>>Review, 1264
    >>Government, integrity, o.q., 8632-3
    >>Government programs and services
    >>>Audits and evaluations, 1265
    >>>Federal-provincial duplication, 1780
    >>Grain transportation, railway cars, o.q., 3707
    >>Highways and roads
    >>>Nova Scotia, o.q., 14019
    >>>Ontario, o.q., 17500
    >>Hyundai Auto Canada, Bromont, Que., o.q., 2857
    >>Industry Department, o.q., 8633-4
    >>Industry, Science and Technology Department, former, accounting policy, 1262-3
    >>Industry Standing Committee, report, fourth, g.r., 11943
    >>Industry, strategy
    >>>"Building a more Innovative Economy", policy paper, tabled, 8639
    >>>o.q., 8632
    >>>Statement by Minister, 8639-41
    >>Information highway, 163-4
    >>>Advisory council, o.q., 944, 2175-6, 2438, 3445, 3709, 3958
    >>>CANARIE Inc. project, 8640
    >>>>o.q., 3767
    >>>Economic recovery, relationship, 1776
    >>>Futuropolis project, o.q., 3767
    >>>Government role, 1776-7
    >>>Manley speech writer and policy advisor, o.q., 17142-3
    >>>Privacy, o.q., 7230
    >>>SchoolNet program, 8640
    >>>Strategy, o.q., 3445
    >>Infrastructure program
    >>>Information networks, 1778
    >>>Job creation component, 1778, 8640
    >>Infrastructure, spending, qu., 5824
    >>Inglis Limited, Cambridge, Ont., o.q., 7858
    >>Internet, o.q., 10616-7
    >>Investment Canada
    >>>Investment Review Division, o.q., 386
    >>>Office renovation, o.q., 105
    >>Job creation, small business, o.q., 8698
    >>>Categories, 5504
    >>>>o.q., 5581
    >>>Ethics, 11923-4, 11927
    >>>Fees, 11923-4
    >>>Names, 5503
    >>>Registration, 5503-4, 11923-7
    >>>>o.q., 1690
    >>Lobbyists Registration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-43), 5400, 5503-4, 11724-5, 11741, 11792, 11923-7
    >>Magdalen Islands, ferry service, o.q., 2931, 5212-3, 7731, 7805
    >>Maintenance of Railway Operations Act, 1995 (Bill C-77), 10990-1
    >>Maxwell Macmillan Canada, sale, o.q., 1691
    >>Members of Parliament, pensions, o.q., 12841-2
    >>Ménard, references, 4343
    >>Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (Bill C-23), 5227
    >>MIL Davie Inc.
    >>>Business plan, o.q., 5213, 10389-90
    >>>Lauzon, Que., shipyard, o.q., 3651, 3764, 5305, 7805-7, 8631, 8697-8
    >>>SMART ships, o.q., 2931, 3764, 5213
    >>Montreal, Que., futuropolis project, o.q., 3767
    >>National debt, level, 161
    >>>o.q., 299
    >>National Defence Department, move management services, o.q., 7858
    >>National Research Council, mandate, 1777
    >>Nortel Communications Inc., o.q., 14228
    >>Oceans Act (Bill C-98), 15144-5
    >>Ontario Métis and Aboriginal Association, economic development program funding, o.q., 16323-4, 16366
    >>Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Communications network, 1778
    >>Para-Ordnance Mfg Inc., government funding, qu., 6784
    >>Parent, references, 161
    >>Pearson International Airport Agreements Act (Bill C-22), 2978
    >>Pearson International Airport, o.q., 14765
    >>Pratt * Whitney Canada Inc., o.q., 13917-8
    >>Privilege, Gauthier, M. (language, inappropriate/improper), 3655
    >>>Bills, Government, 11736, 11741, 12876
    >>>Decorum, 3655
    >>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 3647, 3710, 10904
    >>Productivity, improvements, 1776
    >>Public Accounts Standing Committee, mandate, 1264
    >>Public Service, downsizing, o.q., 17500
    >>Publishing industry, Canadian control, o.q., 2039-40
    >>Quebec, separation/sovereignty, 164-5
    >>>o.q., 15603, 16142
    >>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), o.q., 16192
    >>Railways, strike/lock-outs, March 1995, 10990-1
    >>>o.q., 10901-2
    >>References see Defence industry--Industrial reconversion program; Indonesia--East Timor; Information highway; Job creation--Private sector; Taxation--Increase, Tax revolt
    >>Regional development
    >>>Grants, o.q., 8636
    >>>Quebec, o.q., 5152-3
    >>Regulations, legislation (Bill C-62), o.q., 11677-8
    >>Research and development
    >>>Business involvement, 1776
    >>>Centres of excellence, 1777
    >>>Expenditures, o.q., 388-9, 7373
    >>>New product creation, 1776-7
    >>>Research support programs, o.q., 1240
    >>>Scientific research and experimental development tax credit, 1779
    >>>Small business, 1776
    >>Science and technology, government policies and priorities, 1776-7, 8640
    >>Seagram Company Ltd., MCA studios, takeover, o.q., 11883, 11885-6, 11935-7, 11940-2
    >>Shipbuilding industry
    >>>Government contracts, o.q., 8829
    >>>Shipyards, rationalization, o.q., 5305
    >>Small business
    >>>Aboriginal entrepreneurs, 1261
    >>>Assistance, 1776
    >>>Capital access, 1777
    >>>>o.q., 4583-4, 8348, 8698, 9282, 10715
    >>>Economic importance, 162-3
    >>>Government assistance, o.q., 12072
    >>>Industry Standing Committee, o.q., 7103
    >>>Information and technological networks, 1777
    >>>Regulations, o.q., 5340
    >>>Science and technology, technological change, 1776
    >>>Taxation, o.q., 5340
    >>Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-99), 14024, 15771, 16943
    >>Small Business Loans, total, limit, o.q., 8348, 8634-5, 8698-9
    >>Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, grants, o.q., 5158
    >>Space program, long term plans, 1777
    >>>o.q., 4701
    >>Standard of living, maintaining, 1775
    >>Standards Council of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-113), 17091
    >>Sugar industry, United States market, o.q., 10517-8
    >>Sustainable development, benefits, 1775
    >>Taxation, GDP percentages, qu., 11536-7
    >>Technological changes, adopting, 1776
    >>Technology Partnership Program, funding, 1777
    >>>Industry, o.q., 11680, 17710
    >>>Telemarketing, o.q., 3238
    >>Telephone service, basic rates, o.q., 8551, 8831, 16324-5
    >>Telesat Canada, Anik E-2 satellite, o.q., 8346
    >>Television, direct to home satellite transmission, 11925-6
    >>>o.q., 8430, 11610-1, 11613, 11677, 11680, 11754-5 , 11881-2, 11884-5, 11887-8, 11936-8, 11940-2, 11986-7, 12594, 13366-70, 14225-6, 14454
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 161-5
    >>Tourist industry
    >>>Government assistance, o.q., 7316
    >>>Promotion, 8640
    >>>>o.q., 7370, 13531
    >>Toyota Motor Corporation, Cambridge, Ont., o.q., 7858
    >>>Barriers, 1775
    >>>Expansion, 1776
    >>>Interprovincial barriers, 162, 1776, 1780, 8640, 13149-51
    >>>>o.q., 4469, 5152-3, 5521-2
    >>>Interprovincial, o.q., 12187-8, 12248-9, 16195
    >>>Latin America, 1776
    >>>Southeast Asia, 1776
    >>>Strategies, 1775
    >>>United States, 1776
    >>Ultramar Canada, refinery, o.q., 4779, 7101
    >>Unemployment, 8639
    >>Unemployment insurance, reform, 1779
    >>Unitel Communications Inc., o.q., 11680
    >>University research, funding, 1777
    >>Video games, o.q., 12681
    >>Wal-Mart Stores, o.q., 2436

Manning, Preston (REF--Calgary Southwest)

    >>Aboriginal land claims, o.q., 12793, 13125
    >>Aboriginal self-government, o.q., 2173, 2433, 3951-2, 12066, 12793
    >>Agriculture, government commitment, M. (Goodale), 4150-5, 4157
    >>Airline industry, o.q., 490
    >>Atlantic Groundfish Strategy, income support and labour adjustment program, o.q., 11807-8, 12188-9
    >>Bosnia-Herzegovina, 316-8
    >>>Canadian Armed Forces peacekeepers taken hostage
    >>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (B. Mills), 12932-3
    >>>>o.q., 3044-5
    >>>Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping troops, 12932-3
    >>>>o.q., 5304, 12110-1, 13002-3
    >>>Hostage-taking, 12933
    >>>Muslim population, o.q., 5304
    >>>Peace process, o.q., 13046-7
    >>>Visoko, o.q., 14224-5
    >>Bouchard, references, 9939
    >>>Balanced, 10121
    >>>Budgetary policy, M. (Gagliano), 8491-5
    >>>Mini-budget, o.q., 5658
    >>>o.q., 297
    >>>Pre-Budget consultations
    >>>>M. (P. Martin), 686-90
    >>>>o.q., 717
    >>Budget, Feb. 22/94, M. for approval (P. Martin), 2056-62
    >>Budget, Feb. 27/95
    >>>Financial institutions/analysts, o.q., 9277
    >>>M. for approval (P. Martin), 10121-5
    >>>Provincial finance ministers advance meeting, o.q., 9602
    >>>Public interests, 10121-3
    >>>Reform Party alternative taxpayers budget proposals, 10122, 10124
    >>>Target, o.q., 9946-7
    >>Cabinet ministers, administrative tribunals, communications with, o.q.,
    >>Cabinet, shuffle, o.q., 14451 7505-6
    >>Campbell, Douglas, politician, S.O. 31, 11753
    >>Canada, Ethnic and linguistic diversity, 4912
    >>Canada Health Act, amending, 11848
    >>>o.q., 3878
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer, Liberal Party election promises, breaking, 11847
    >>Canada Student Loans Program, repayment provisions, M., 7053-5
    >>Canadian Airborne Regiment, o.q., 12675
    >>Canadian Armed Forces
    >>>Personnel, reducing, 2057-8
    >>>>o.q., 2123
    >>>Suicide, o.q., 12675
    >>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, privatizing, o.q., 8427
    >>Canadian Coat of Arms, o.q., 17239
    >>Canadian Wheat Board
    >>>Democratization, 4154
    >>>Jurisdiction, 4152
    >>Carbon tax, government instituting, 2057
    >>>o.q., 297, 790
    >>Chatters, references, o.q., 2433
    >>Chrétien, J., references, 45
    >>Communications Security Establishment, o.q., 7033
    >>Conflict of interest
    >>>Code of conduct, o.q., 7505-6
    >>>Dupuy, Michel, o.q., 13322, 13368-9, 13473-4, 13592-3, 13720-1, 13804-5, 14084-5, 14314
    >>Constitution, Bloc Québécois, o.q., 100-1
    >>Constitutional reform
    >>>Charlottetown Accord, o.q., 15873
    >>>Provinces/regions, right of veto, o.q., 16905
    >>>Quebec right of veto, o.q., 16065-6, 17705-6
    >>>Reform Party position, 4909-10
    >>>Regional veto proposal, 16985
    >>>>o.q., 16963, 17628-9
    >>Corporations, income tax, o.q., 9651-2
    >>>Causes, o.q., 4202
    >>>Victims, 11543
    >>>>o.q., 14922-3
    >>Crime prevention, o.q., 4202
    >>Croatia, Canadian Armed Forces, o.q., 11294, 12110-1
    >>Crop insurance, 4152
    >>Crown corporations, subsidies, 46
    >>CSIS, o.q., 7033
    >>Dairy industry, subsidies, 10125
    >>Defence equipment, exports, o.q., 4988-9
    >>>Eliminating, 10121-2
    >>>>o.q., 9901-2, 10146, 10787-8, 10829-30, 10897-8, 17276-7
    >>>Forecasts, 2056, 10121, 10124
    >>>>o.q., 2668, 6899-900
    >>>GDP percentage, o.q., 5658, 5816, 6900, 8427-8
    >>>Reduction, 2057, 2059-60, 8491, 8494-5
    >>>>o.q., 1423, 1552, 1722, 4695-6, 5340-1, 5657-8, 5940, 6774, 6851-2, 9058-9, 9726
    >>Diefenbaker, Right Hon. John, 14537
    >>Dollar, exchange rate
    >>>Decline, o.q., 2040
    >>>International confidence, o.q., 2354-5
    >>Dupuy, references, o.q., 7312
    >>Economic conditions, o.q., 5726
    >>>Indicators, performance, o.q., 14452
    >>>Quebec separation threat, o.q., 15765
    >>Economic policy
    >>>Liberal Party, 10122
    >>>National unity, o.q., 5815
    >>>Reform Party approach, 4909-10
    >>Economic recovery, Reform Party policies, o.q., 7180
    >>Education, post-secondary
    >>>Education vouchers, 6617
    >>>>o.q., 6712
    >>>Established Programs Financing, o.q., 6712
    >>>Funding, o.q., 6712
    >>Election, general (1993), Reform Party, o.q., 7179
    >>Employment, youth, o.q., 3233
    >>Energy, development, 10125
    >>>Environmental assessment and review process, o.q., 14885
    >>>Federal government centralization attitude, o.q., 14994-5
    >>>Federal-provincial agreements, o.q., 14994-5
    >>Ethics Counsellor, o.q., 7556, 14085
    >>Farmers, 4152
    >>Federal-provincial relations
    >>>Administrative decentralization, o.q., 16664
    >>>Changes, o.q., 15967
    >>>Federal government position/attitude, o.q., 17234-5
    >>>Federal institutions, o.q., 15872-3
    >>>Reform Party, 4908-9
    >>>Renewal of federalism, o.q., 16902-3
    >>>Status quo, 4908-9
    >>>>o.q., 3274
    >>Firearms Act (Bill C-68), 11543-4, 13739-42
    >>Fiscal policy
    >>>Changing, o.q., 14452
    >>>Liberal government (Chrétien) record, o.q., 9902
    >>>Liberal Party, 10122
    >>Foreign affairs policy, United Nations sanctions, o.q., 5304-5
    >>Gasoline/automotive fuels, excise tax, 10124, 11847
    >>GATT, Article XI, 4157
    >>>Integrity, o.q., 14084, 14314
    >>>Leadership and policies, 2058
    >>>Powers, 2061
    >>Government accommodation/buildings, Sault Ste. Marie, o.q., 9529-30
    >>Government appointments, patronage system, 11847
    >>>o.q., 8170-1
    >>Government contracts, awarding, o.q., 14314
    >>Government credit rating
    >>>Downgrading, o.q., 10897-8
    >>>Foreign currency debt, o.q., 2620-1
    >>>National debt level, o.q., 3518, 9725-6
    >>>Triple-A level, o.q., 10829-30
    >>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions
    >>>Budgets, 46
    >>>Fiscal responsibility, o.q., 1380
    >>Government expenditures, 46-7, 686-7
    >>>6% cut-backs, o.q., 489-90
    >>>1994-1995 projection, 2056
    >>>Budget, Feb. 22/94, o.q., 1722, 2040, 2929-30, 2972-3, 5098
    >>>Capital expenditures, o.q., 9529-30
    >>>Controlling, 2056
    >>>>o.q., 1611, 2853, 3518, 12368, 15806
    >>>Estimates, o.q., 3519
    >>>Priorities, 6616
    >>>Reducing, 2057, 2061-2, 8492, 8494
    >>>>o.q., 3519, 6774, 7033, 7179, 9059
    >>>Social security system, o.q., 9326
    >>>Statutory expenditures, o.q., 1380, 1610-1
    >>Government programs and services, federal-provincial duplication, 46, 2061
    >>>o.q., 15806-7
    >>Government revenues
    >>>Growth, 2060
    >>>User fees, o.q., 1380-1
    >>Governor General
    >>>Income tax exemption, 8098
    >>>LeBlanc, Hon. Roméo, appointment, statement by Minister (J. Chrétien), 8097-8
    >>>Pay and perks, review, 8098
    >>>Selection process, o.q., 8170-1
    >>Grain, price, 4152
    >>Grain transportation, 4154
    >>>Freight rates, 10125
    >>>Abolishing, 11847
    >>>Replacing, o.q., 717
    >>Gun control/guns
    >>>Government proposals, o.q., 8476
    >>>Legislation (Bill C-68), 11543-4, 11847, 13739-42
    >>>>o.q., 12412-3
    >>>Public safety, 11543
    >>>Registration, 11544
    >>>Smuggling, 11543
    >>>Theft, 11543
    >>>Use in commission of a crime, 11543
    >>Hanger, references, 6035
    >>Health care
    >>>Accessibility, 11847
    >>>Core services, M. on supply, 11846-51, 11854
    >>>Cost efficiency, 11850-1
    >>>Federal government role, 6617
    >>>Funding, 11847-9
    >>>>o.q., 3648-9, 3878, 11483, 15524
    >>>National Forum on Health Care, 11848
    >>>Private clinics, o.q., 17235
    >>>Provinces, o.q., 14643
    >>>Reform, 11849
    >>>>o.q., 7032-3, 11484
    >>>System, 11850-1
    >>>Two-tier system, 11847-8, 15524
    >>>United States system, 11849, 11851
    >>>Universality, 11847
    >>>User fees, 11848, 11850
    >>>>o.q., 3878
    >>Health insurance (Medicare)
    >>>Canada Health Act, o.q., 3649
    >>>Established Programs Financing, o.q., 3568, 10267
    >>>Extra billing, o.q., 3567-8
    >>>Insured services, 11847
    >>>>o.q., 10266
    >>>Saskatchewan Co-operative Commonwealth Federation government initiating, 11849
    >>Highways and roads, Nova Scotia, o.q., 13322, 14314
    >>Holocaust, S.O. 31, 11806
    >>House of Commons
    >>>Citizens' initiatives, 1015, 1017
    >>>Confidence convention, 1016-7
    >>>Debates, 262
    >>>Proceedings, 15975
    >>>Public expectations, 45
    >>>Recall mechanism, 1015, 1017-9
    >>>Referendums, 1015, 1017, 1019-20
    >>>Reform, 1015, 1021
    >>>>o.q., 15922
    >>>Rule changes, 1015-6
    >>>Votes, 46, 1015-6, 1019-21
    >>>>o.q., 14315, 14452, 15922
    >>>Criminals, o.q., 6036
    >>>Mendoza, José Salinas, o.q., 6558-9
    >>>Benefits, o.q., 887
    >>>Levels (1994), o.q., 886-7
    >>>Policy, o.q., 6035-6
    >>Immigration and Refugee Board
    >>>Appointments, o.q., 7806, 7852
    >>>Claimants, o.q., 7930
    >>>Independence and effectiveness, o.q., 7929
    >>>Patronage, o.q., 7930
    >>>Schelew, Michael, o.q., 7806, 8996-7
    >>Income tax
    >>>Flat tax, 10124
    >>>Personal, 10124
    >>>Tax shelters, 690
    >>>Unpaid taxes, 8494
    >>Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department, dismantling, o.q., 12066
    >>Inflation, government policy, o.q., 2621
    >>Infrastructure program
    >>>Deficit/debt, relationship, o.q., 7180
    >>>Ministerial responsibility, o.q., 383-4
    >>>o.q., 22
    >>Inter-governmental affairs, policy, o.q., 101
    >>Interest rates
    >>>Bloc Québécois, o.q., 4695-6
    >>>Increase, o.q., 2040, 2667-8, 4695-6
    >>Irwin, references, o.q., 2433
    >>Job creation
    >>>5-R job program, 10122
    >>>Budget, Feb. 27/95 measures, 10121
    >>>Deficit, relationship, 8492
    >>>Government commitment, o.q., 1423, 2289
    >>>Government expenditures, o.q., 7180
    >>>Government role, 2058
    >>>Private sector, 2058
    >>>>o.q., 21-2, 2289
    >>>Reform Party contingency plan, 2057, 2059
    >>>Self-sustaining, 2058, 2060
    >>>Taxation, o.q., 2217, 3831
    >>>Unemployment insurance premium reductions, 2060
    >>Justice Department, legal agents, o.q., 13322, 14314
    >>Justice system
    >>>Public safety, 11543
    >>>Reform, o.q., 4132
    >>Kilgour, references, 315
    >>Legislation, 13740
    >>Liberal Party
    >>>Election promises, 11846-7
    >>>Fund-raising, o.q., 13721
    >>Liquor smuggling, o.q., 1504
    >>McLellan, A., references, 297
    >>Members of Parliament
    >>>Party discipline, 11847
    >>>>o.q., 14085
    >>>Pensions, 46, 10123
    >>>>o.q., 10001-2, 10073-4, 12368
    >>Morrison, references, o.q., 2433
    >>>Cultural programs, 4911
    >>>Inclusiveness, 17640
    >>Murder, Danelesko, Barbara, o.q., 4132
    >>National debt, 46
    >>>Budget, Feb. 27/95, measures, 10122-3
    >>>Increase, 2056
    >>>>o.q., 2853
    >>>Interest charges, 2056
    >>>>o.q., 9058, 10147
    >>>o.q., 490
    >>National Defence Department, o.q., 12675-6
    >>National Forum on Health
    >>>Health care expenditures, o.q., 6982
    >>>Provincial governments involvement, o.q., 3567-8, 6981-2
    >>>Reports, o.q., 7032-3
    >>National Parole Board, failures, o.q., 4132
    >>National unity
    >>>M. on supply, 4908-12, 4916
    >>>Post-sovereignty referendum strategy, o.q., 16320-1, 16362-3, 16435-6, 16962-3
    >>>Preserving, o.q., 4388
    >>>Public opinion polls, o.q., 4773
    >>Net Income Stabilization Account, maintaining, 4154
    >>North Korea, nuclear facilities, o.q., 5304-5
    >>Official languages policy/bilingualism, Reform Party position, 4916
    >>Old age pensions, high-income recipients, 46, 2061
    >>>o.q., 9946
    >>Parent, references, 6, 45
    >>>Credibility, enhancing, 46
    >>Parliamentary reform, 46
    >>Parti Québécois, leadership, o.q., 16614
    >>>Canadian participation, o.q., 11294-5, 12111
    >>>M. (Ouellet), 280, 315-8
    >>>Switzerland, o.q., 5305
    >>Penitentiaries, Bath Institute, o.q. 7228-9
    >>Ports, British Columbia, longshoremen, o.q., 938-9
    >>Poverty, children, 6617
    >>>Documents, 690
    >>>Exhibits, 14466
    >>>Members' remarks, 297
    >>>Motions, 15975
    >>>Oral questions, 4655, 6780
    >>>Standing Orders, 15975
    >>Progressive Conservative Party, references, 45
    >>Public opinion polls, results, o.q., 4773
    >>Public Utilities Income Tax Transfer Act, o.q., 297
    >>>By-election, o.q., 1865
    >>>Distinct society, 8800
    >>>Federalism option, 8800
    >>>>o.q., 1685, 3233, 3274, 4342-3
    >>>M. (J. Chrétien), 16982-5
    >>>>o.q., 16065-6
    >>>Self-determination, 8798
    >>>Separation/sovereignty, 4910, 16982
    >>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 8797-800
    >>>>o.q., 4388-9, 4655-6, 8696, 8748, 8826, 11755-6, 14494-5, 14530, 15923, 16142, 16190
    >>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)
    >>>Federal government role, 16982
    >>>No campaign, o.q., 15967, 16065-6, 16665
    >>>o.q., 14719-20
    >>>Results, o.q., 14530, 14609-10, 14642-3, 15765, 15922, 16065-6, 16190, 16614
    >>>Second referendum, o.q., 17577-9
    >>>Wording, 8798, 8800
    >>>>o.q., 4655
    >>Radio stations, o.q., 7311-2, 7506, 7555-6
    >>RCMP, 16985
    >>References, 5, 47, 3849
    >>>Book, french-language, S.O. 31, 10895-6
    >>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, impeachment request, S.O. 31, 17702-3
    >>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, remarks, "in bed with the Quebec separatists", 17643
    >>>Limousine, 12230, 12337
    >>>Maiden speech, 45
    >>>Nunziata remarks, "You should be tried for treason, Preston", 16070
    >>>o.q., 14451
    >>>Reform Party supplementing income, 12230, 12338, 12355-6
    >>>Washington, DC visit, Newt Gingrich, meeting, S.O. 31, 10466
    >>>See also Conflict of interest--Dupuy; Constitution--Reform Party; CSIS--Reform Party; Fisheries, Atlantic; Gun control--Legislation (Bill C-68); Highways and roads--Infrastructure improvement; Leader of the Opposition--Position; Members of Parliament--Salaries; National unity--Post-sovereignty referendum strategy; Politicians; Senate--Credibility
    >>Reform Party
    >>>Election platform, o.q., 7180
    >>>Role, 46
    >>Regional development, programs/policies, 4912
    >>Regional economic development programs, 46
    >>Remembrance Day, 16444
    >>Resource industries, taxation, o.q., 5940
    >>>Contributions, 688, 690, 2057
    >>>>o.q, 790
    >>>Taxing, o.q., 5894-5, 5941
    >>Rural Canada, preservation, 4155
    >>Seagram Company Ltd., o.q., 11883
    >>Security Intelligence Review Committee, report, o.q., 9145
    >>Senate, elected, o.q., 228-9
    >>Sexual offenders, accused, o.q., 4203
    >>Small business, o.q., 5340
    >>Social security system
    >>>Cut-backs, o.q., 10188
    >>>Decentralization, 6617-8
    >>>Delivery, 6617
    >>>Disadvantaged, targeting, 6616
    >>>Expenditures, 2058-9, 2061
    >>>>o.q., 2041
    >>>Financial sustainability, 6616-7
    >>>National debt/deficit, 10121, 10123-4
    >>>>o.q., 10147
    >>>National goals and principles, 10187
    >>>Reform, 6615-8, 8491, 10121-2, 11847
    >>>>M. (L. Axworthy), 6615-8
    >>>>o.q., 6635-6, 6774, 8117, 9326, 12718-9
    >>>Status quo, 6615-6
    >>>Universality, 6616
    >>Somalia, Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation, o.q., 11137, 11188, 12675-6
    >>Speaker of the House of Commons, election, 6
    >>Special interest groups, funding, o.q., 9326
    >>Standing Orders, amendments, M. (H. Gray), 1015-21
    >>Stoney Reserve, logging, o.q., 11526-7
    >>>Base, o.q., 789-90
    >>>Budget, Feb. 27/95, o.q., 9602
    >>>Burden, o.q., 5894
    >>>Fairness/unfairness, 689
    >>>Federal tax raid, o.q., 5894
    >>>Increase, 687, 10121
    >>>>o.q., 716-7
    >>>Reducing, 2057, 2059
    >>>>o.q., 1504
    >>>Total tax load, o.q., 1552-3
    >>Telecommunications, Liberal Party family compact, o.q., 11883
    >>Television, direct to home satellite transmission, o.q., 11883, 12286-7
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 45-7
    >>Tobacco/cigarette smuggling
    >>>Government strategy, o.q., 1063-4, 1102, 1181-2
    >>>Mohawk people, o.q., 1102
    >>>Statement by Minister (J. Chrétien), 1033-4
    >>>Distortion adjustment program, 4152
    >>>Interprovincial trade barriers, o.q., 4946-7
    >>Transfer payments to provinces, cut-backs, tax points alternative, o.q., 9602
    >>>Quebec, o.q., 1797
    >>>Rate, 2057
    >>>>o.q., 1797-8
    >>Unemployment insurance, two-tier system, o.q., 12718
    >>Upper Nicola Indian Band, Douglas Lake Ranch road, o.q., 13125
    >>Welfare, British Columbia, o.q., 17234
    >>World War ll
    >>>D-Day, 4910-1
    >>>V-E Day, statement by Minister (Copps), 12284
    >>Young offenders, accountability, o.q., 4202