The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Medical Research Council
35th anniversary, S.O. 31, 16532
>>Operating budget, $10.8 million cut-back, 2070
Medical supplies see Hospitals
Medicare see Health insurance
Meech Lake Accord see Constitutional reform
Meehan, Denise see Women--Canadian Woman Entrepreneur of the Year
Mefloquine see Canadian Armed Forces--Personnel
Mégantic--Compton--Stanstead constituency
Electoral boundaries, redistribution, 2753-4, 2917-8
>>References, 3674, 4167-8, 12743
>>See also Unemployment
Funding, new requests, turning down, Feb. 27/95 budget statement, 10098
>>See also Government expenditures;
Sustainable development
Members of Parliament
Aboriginal peoples, 11201-2
>>Accountability, 1834, 3724, 5321, 5324, 5326, 5528-9, 12457-8, 12471-2,
12502, 12504-5, 12507-8
>>>Reform, 125-6, 3859, 12361
>>>>Gagliano Plan, 5026
>>>>Lapointe Commission, 12352, 14436
>>>>>o.q., 1859, 4993
>>>>Parliamentarians' Compensation, Sobeco, Ernst & Young report
>>>>>Lapointe Commission referral, 2083
>>>>>Tabled, 2083
>>>>S.O. 31, 18-9, 2734
>>>Tax free, 14008
>>>>See also Members of Parliament--Living allowance
>>Apologies, acceptance, 228
>>Baby boomers and younger, 650
>>>Effectiveness, 12461
>>>Independence, 1940
>>>Liberal Party Members, 12449, 12910, 13387, 13862, 13875-6, 13883-4,
13891-3, 14272-3, 14275, 14283, 14292-3, 14367
>>>>o.q., 13480
>>>>S.O. 31, 6511, 9775, 13717, 13810-1, 14220
>>>>See also Hate crime--Legislation
>>Career politicians, 14004
>>Certificate of election, newly introduced
>>>Bélanger, Mauril (Ottawa--Vanier constituency), 9941
>>>Paradis, Denis (Brome--Missisquoi constituency), 9941
>>>Robillard, Lucienne (Saint-Henri--Westmount constituency), 9941
>>Challenges, S.O. 31, 17
>>Characteristics/qualifications, 14460-2
>>>United States Federalist Papers description, etc., 12434-5
>>"Class of '65", Thirtieth anniversary, congratulations, 16369-71
>>Code of conduct
>>>Drafting, o.q., 12256
>>>See also Conflict of interest
>>Code of ethics see Lobbyists--Ethics
>>Constituencies, Kilger, Acting Speaker, invitations to, 2906
>>Constituency offices
>>>Furnishings, equipment, etc., Procedure and House Affairs Standing
Committee referral, M. (Duncan), agreed to, 8466
>>>Inventory, House of Commons Materiel Management role, 8459-63, 8465-6
>>>Transfer of assets, non re-elected Members, 8459-64
>>>Communication methods, 184-5
>>>>Gulf Canada report (1985), recommendations, 8215-6
>>>Consultations, televoting, S.O. 31, 16432-3
>>>Duties to, S.O. 31, 12410
>>>See also Members of Parliament--Recalls by constituents--Representation
>>Croatian-born see Peric--References
>>Cuba, junket, Ethics Counsellor, condemning, o.q., 10790-1
>>Disregarding authority of Chair, Speaker naming, 6387, 12902-3, 16144-5
>>>See also Bellehumeur--References;
Leroux, Gaston--References;
Procedure--Language, inappropriate/improper
>>Employees, collective bargaining, allowing, o.q., 2000-1
>>Exercise room, masseur services, access, 5027
>>Expense allowance, tax free, eliminating, 8094, 14434
>>Experienced, lack, short length of service, 14441
>>Families, support, S.O. 31, 4515
>>Farmers, 6101
>>Fiduciary trust responsibility, 15825-6
>>Financial independence, 8136-7
>>>Pensions, eligibility, legislation see Members of Parliament Retiring
Allowances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-85);
Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.--at age 60,
10 years service)(Bill C-236)
>>>See also British Columbia Treaty Commission;
Canadian Pension Commission--Cousineau;
Cavers, Harry;
Givens, Phil;
House of Commons visitors;
MacPhail, Agnes;
McCrossan, Paul;
Wenman, Robert Lloyd
>>Freedom of speech
>>>o.q., 6332
>>>S.O. 31, 6251
>>Householder mailings
>>>Duceppe alleged promotion of wife's municipal candidacy, S.O. 31, 7554
>>>Entitlements, changes, 5027
>>>See also Children--Missing;
Surrey--White Rock--South Langley constituency;
Unemployment insurance--Okanagan--Shuswap constituency
>>Inappropriate conduct see Privilege--Bhaduria
>>Independence, Liberal Party position, S.O. 31, 13320
>>Integrity, 221, 700, 3726-7, 7639-40
>>>S.O. 31, 7365
>>>See also CRTC--Licence applications, Letters
>>Judicial hearings, access, M. (Lee), 16794-801
>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 16801
>>Language, inappropriate
>>>o.q., 2435
>>>Racist and sexist remarks, o.q., 14814
>>>S.O. 31, 2430
>>>See also Chatters--References;
>>Lapel pins/buttons, wearing in Chamber, 15186
>>Leadership role, Spicer Commission report, 14005
>>Living allowance, tax free, eliminating, 8094
>>Maiden speeches see particular Member--References;
>>Meals while House sitting, provided at no cost, 2328
>>Members-Pages annual hockey game, S.O. 31, 10262
>>Members-Pages basketball game, S.O. 31, 4770-1
>>Naming see Members of Parliament--Disregarding authority of Chair
>>Number, maintaining/reducing, 2556
>>>Cost factor, 12161
>>>Prince Edward Island, constitutional guarantee, 2732
>>>Reform Party position, 10243
>>>S.O. 31, 3229
>>>United States comparing, 2552-5, 10243, 12161, 12318-9
>>>See also Electoral boundaries;
Prince Edward Island
>>Oath, legislation
>>>Bloc Québécois, opposing, 2196
>>>>S.O. 31, 2477
>>>See also Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--oath or solemn
affirmation)(Bill C-201)
>>>Furnishings, equipment, etc., Procedure and House Affairs Standing
Committee referral, M. (Duncan), agreed to, 8466
>>>Inventories, M. (Duncan), 8458-66, dropped from Order Paper, 8466
>>>Moving, renovation and redecorating costs, reduction, 5025-6
>>>Reform Party position, 12337, 12470
>>>See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports,
>>Party discipline, 167-8, 5677-8,
11847, 12346, 14439, 14901
>>>Chrétien, Jean, Prime Minister, not signing nomination papers, 149901
>>>>o.q., 14085
>>>See also Justice system--Sentencing, Legislation (Bill C-41)
>>Pensions, 10253, 10255-6, 11973, 13301, 17550
>>>Abolishing, 12175, 13514
>>>Age criteria, 12151, 12153-4, 12156-63, 12166, 12169, 12173, 12175-6,
12180, 12183, 12204, 12207-9, 12212, 12213-4, 12224-7, 12232, 12340-1,
12344-6, 12351-3, 12355-7, 12360, 12378-9, 12381-2, 12388-90, 12392-4, 12426,
12429, 12432, 12434, 13484-5, 13515, 13521, 14001-3, 14006-7, 14417-21, 14425,
14427-32, 14436-8, 14441, 14443-6, 14460, 14462-4
>>>>o.q., 12368
>>>Amounts, individual cases, etc., 12158, 12176, 12180, 12210, 12212, 12231-2,
12343, 12347, 12353, 12357-9, 12378-9, 12388, 13487, 13492-3, 13495-8, 13520,
14002, 14419-21, 14439, 14442, 14461
>>>Balcer-McIsaac commission report, 12157
>>>Beneficiaries, list, publishing, o.q., 14229-30
>>>Benefit accrual rate, reduction, 12154-5, 12164, 12166, 12173, 12177,
12183, 12204-6, 12212, 12213, 12224-5, 12340, 12342, 12352, 12355, 12357,
12360, 12392-3, 12425, 12433, 12524, 13484, 13492, 13515, 14001, 14006-7,
14419, 14427-8, 14431, 14435, 14437, 14441, 14443, 14460, 14462
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 12161, 12384, 13513, 14003, 14419-22, 14437, 14440
>>>Bouchard, L., eligibility, o.q., 4993-4
>>>Boudria position, 14423-4, 14446
>>>Businesses, impact, relationship, 12158, 12202-3, 12213, 12358
>>>Cabinet Ministers, 12173
>>>Canadian citizenship requirement, establishing, Quebec
separation/sovereignty factor, 13482-3, 13485-6, 13488-9, 13513, 13517,
13519-20, 15563
>>>>See also Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.--members
who cease to be citizens of Canada)(Bill C-352)
>>>Ceiling, 75% of salary, 19 years contributions, 12154, 12158, 12173, 12212,
12346, 12353, 12524, 13483, 14001-2, 14430, 14432, 14446
>>>Contributions, reducing, etc., 8079, 8085-6, 8091, 8094-5, 8098-9, 8102,
8107, 8110, 8127-8, 8134, 12155, 12158-9, 12166, 12171, 12206, 12208, 12342-5,
12357-8, 12360, 12393, 12434, 14007, 14421, 14424, 14427, 14429, 14437,
14440-3, 14445-6
>>>>Disbursements, relationship, 13520, 14461-3
>>>>Government share, 12162, 12164,
12199-200, 12206, 12208, 12210-1, 12215,
12225, 12234, 12339-40, 12344, 12351-3, 12355, 12357, 12359-61, 12378-9,
12382-3, 12391-2, 12394, 12426-7, 12434-5, 13484, 13493, 13496, 13517,
14006-7, 14431
>>>>>o.q., 4859-60
>>>Copps, Deputy Prime Minister, eligibility, S.O. 31, 11186
>>>Cost savings of changes (Bill C-85), 12154, 12156, 12159, 12163-4, 12169,
12174, 12177, 12208, 12210, 12225, 12360, 13492, 14006-7, 14417-9, 14421,
14431, 14435, 14437, 14441-2, 14446
>>>>o.q., 13595
>>>Costs, 13862
>>>>Public disclosure, 12425
>>>>>o.q., 13595
>>>Deficit, actuarial adjustment, 8087-9, 8107, 12339
>>>Deficit/debt/government restraint, relationship, 12213-4, 12225, 12344,
12354, 12361, 12380-1, 12390-1, 12394-5, 12425, 12433-4, 12528, 13491, 13494,
13496, 14438, 14461
>>>Disability pensions, 14417
>>>Double-dipping, eliminating, 1645, 3411-5, 7204, 8083-6, 8088-9, 8092, 8095,
8101-2, 8107-8, 8110, 8131-2, 8135, 8138-9, 12151, 12153-4, 12156, 12158-61,
12169-73, 12176-7, 12183, 12197-200, 12204, 12209-12, 12214, 12225-7, 12340-1,
12352-3, 12357, 12360, 12379, 12392, 12426, 12429, 12453, 12497, 12523-4,
13484, 13492, 13515-6, 13519, 14006-7, 14417-21, 14425, 14427-8, 14430, 14432,
14436-8, 14441, 14443, 14446, 14460, 14462-3
>>>>Members of Parliament receiving other pensions, 12174-5, 12356, 12426,
13498-9, 13515-6, 13519-20, 16690-6
>>>>>See also Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--other pension
income)(Bill C-314)
>>>>o.q., 2043, 2046, 8037-8, 11988, 12368
>>>>S.O. 31, 2617
>>>>Threshold, $5000, 12153-4, 12198-9, 12212
>>>>Throne Speech measure, 10, 124, 126, 457
>>>Eligibility requirements, 3411-2, 3418-9, 8092-3, 8098, 8101-5, 8107,
8109-10, 8126-7, 8129, 8132-6, 8142
>>>>o.q., 8038
>>>Families of Members, impact, 12155-6, 12427-8, 13488-9, 14418, 14426
>>>Former Members, retroactively removing from, 12384
>>>Funding provisions, actuarial soundness, annual report, etc., 12205, 12208,
12210, 14423, 14437, 14446
>>>Generous, "gold plated plan", taxpayer funded, etc., 665, 2208, 2494, 3016,
3414, 3416-7, 3419, 6661-2, 6998-9, 7203-4, 11435, 12161-7, 12171-5, 12180,
12201-3, 12207-9, 12212-6, 12224-6, 12340, 12342-4, 12350-1, 12353-4,
12425-8, 12433-4, 12465, 13482, 13484, 13486-8, 13490, 13493, 13496-7, 13499,
13515, 13517, 13520, 14422, 14427, 14430-2, 14434, 14438-9, 14443, 14445,
14461-4, 14895, 14900
>>>>o.q., 12841-2
>>>Grey, Deborah, position, 13515
>>>Historical background, 12338-9, 12391, 12432
>>>Income tax clawback proposal, 12224, 13482, 13513, 13517, 14002
>>>Income tax treatment, retirement allowance and retirement compensation
allowance components, "illegal", etc., 12155, 12164-71, 12173, 12178-9,
12204-5, 12207-8, 12339, 12341-2, 12349, 12360, 12387, 12393, 12426-7, 12429,
12432-4, 12524, 13497, 14001, 14424, 14431, 14443-4
>>>Independent commission/review, 12169-70, 12224, 12227, 12425, 12433, 12523,
13483-4, 14003, 14006, 14422, 14424, 14443, 14464
>>>Independent review, Parliamentarians' Compensation, Sobeco, Ernst &
Young report, 12151-2, 12162-4, 12205-6, 12211, 12342-3, 12355, 12426, 14428,
14433, 14435-6
>>>Indexation, 8110, 8127, 12162-3, 12207, 12224-5, 12339-40, 12351, 12353,
12355, 12357-8, 12360-2, 12392-3, 12425-7, 12432-3, 12435, 12524, 14006,
14423-4, 14431
>>>Information, government withholding, Federal Court hearing, 14425
>>>Interest payments, 12166, 12208, 12210, 12339, 12379, 12425
>>>International comparison, 8140-1, 12353, 12426, 12429, 13484-5, 14421,
>>>Job security, lack, relationship, 14428, 14432, 14438, 14444
>>>Lapointe commission report, 12152-3, 12157-8, 14421, 14427-8, 14435-7,
>>>Legislation, 12151-3
>>>>Committee study, 12380-1, 12383, 13495, 13497, 14275, 14417, 14422,
14426, 14431, 14439, 14441-2
>>>>Expediting, extending hours, time allocation, Bill C-85, 12227-9, 12233,
12345, 12359, 12383, 13484, 13489-91, 13494-5, 13497, 13500, 13513, 13516,
14002-3, 14417, 14442, 14444-5
>>>>Liberal Party Members position, participation in debate, 12350-1, 12382-3,
12430, 13489
>>>>o.q., 7809, 7932, 8037-8, 8045, 9001, 9419-20, 9821, 10001-3, 10073-4,
12190, 12293
>>>>Public opinion, 11828
>>>>S.O. 31, 12590, 14449
>>>>Withdrawing Bill C-85, referring subject-matter to Procedure and House
Affairs Standing Committee, 12167, 12216, 12229-30
>>>>See also Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)(Bill
Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-208);
Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.--at age 60, 10 years
service)(Bill C-236);
Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.--money purchase
pension)(Bill C-270);
Members of Parliament Transition Allowance Act (Bill C-324);
Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--other pension income)(Bill C-314)
>>>Length of service criteria, vesting, 12153, 12180, 12212, 12351, 12353,
12357, 12392, 12432, 13491-3, 14001-3, 14006, 14429-31, 14437
>>>Liberal Party election promises, "red book", 12151-4, 12156, 12161, 12172,
12176, 12180-1, 12183, 12197, 12206, 12208, 12211, 12224, 12227, 12231-2,
12340-4, 12352, 12354, 12356-7, 12392, 12427, 12433, 12523-4, 13484, 13487,
13492, 13494-5, 13515, 14003, 14006-7, 14417-8, 14427-8, 14430, 14435,
14437-8, 14440-1, 14445-6, 14459
>>>Liberal Party position, 12435, 12468, 13875, 14423, 14430-1, 14440
>>>>S.O. 31, 11056, 12716
>>>Lump sum payment alternative, 12340
>>>McCrossan, Paul, former Member of Parliament, position, 13517-8, 14422-3
>>>Members performance, relationship, 12385-7, 12390-1, 13490-1, 14433
>>>National Citizens' Coalition position, 8082-3, 8086, 12231, 12357, 13516,
13520, 14461
>>>Need for, 14446
>>>New Democratic Party position, record, 12168-9
>>>New Members, recruitment, impact, 8100, 8125-6, 8128-9, 8136, 8144
>>>Number/percentage eligible/receiving, 12153, 12352-3, 12358, 12428, 13484,
13492, 14437, 14441-2
>>>Old age pensions, comparison, 12180, 12214, 14002
>>>>o.q., 12368
>>>Opting-out/opting-in, 6685, 8087, 8102, 8104-5, 8107, 8109, 8129, 8143,
10123, 10172, 11828, 12155-6, 12161-5, 12171-3, 12176-9, 12181-2, 12202, 12208,
12212, 12224, 12226, 12338-40, 12342, 12344, 12346, 12349-50, 12352, 12355,
12357-62, 12377-8, 12381, 12383, 12389, 12391-3, 12425-6, 12429, 12432-5,
12523-4, 12527, 13482-9, 13493-9, 13513-7, 14003-4, 14007-8, 14417-8, 14422-3,
14425-8, 14431, 14433-4, 14438, 14440, 14443-6, 14459-60, 15331-2, 15389-90,
15489, 17723
>>>>o.q., 151, 233, 1067-8, 10073-4, 11405-6, 11988, 12190, 12214-5, 13595
>>>Previous employment pensions, relationship, 12349
>>>Prime Minister, special $50 bonus at age 65, 12170
>>>Private sector administering, 12340
>>>Private sector/public sector plans, comparison, basing on, 12162-7, 12172-6,
12180-2, 12202-3, 12206, 12207-8, 12211, 12213-6, 12226-7, 12229, 12234, 12338,
12340, 12344-7, 12351, 12355, 12357, 12360-2, 12378-9, 12387-9, 12393, 12425,
12427, 12429, 12432-3, 12523-6, 12528, 13482-4, 13489, 13491-5, 13497, 13499,
13513, 13516-8, 14001-4, 14007-8, 14418-9, 14424-5, 14429-34, 14436, 14439,
14441-5, 14461, 14464
>>>Provincial legislatures, comparison, 12159-60, 12168-71, 12177, 12180,
12339, 12353-4, 12382, 12387, 12392, 12524, 13485, 13514, 14005, 14429
>>>Public concerns, opinion, election issue, etc., 11828, 12151, 12156,
12167-8, 12170, 12180-2, 12201-4, 12206-7, 12211, 12213, 12216, 12224-7, 12229,
12234, 12340, 12343-7, 12349, 12350-2, 12354-5, 12356-7, 12359-60, 12362,
12378-80, 12385, 12388-94, 12425-6, 12428, 12432-4, 12523-4, 12527-8, 13489-91,
13495, 13498, 13500, 13513-5, 13517, 13520-1, 14001-8, 14417, 14419, 14422-3,
14427, 14430, 14437-40, 14442-5, 14464
>>>Public sector parity, o.q., 8037-8
>>>Purpose, 12358, 13490
>>>Quality of government, relationship, 12175-6
>>>Reducing, 3089, 3114, 8103, 8141, 9870, 12169, 12231, 13521, 14427-8,
14443, 14459, 14462, 17752
>>>>33% cut-back, o.q., 10152, 11988, 12368
>>>Reform Party position, 12162, 12168, 12171, 12175-6, 12179, 12182, 12213,
12215, 12224, 12338, 12342-5, 12353, 12355, 12357-8, 12360,
12378-9, 12389, 12426-8, 12432-5, 12505, 12507, 12523-4, 13490, 13494,
13516-7, 13899, 14007, 14420-1, 14424, 14426-7, 14431-3, 14437-40, 14443-5
>>>>o.q., 12368
>>>Reform/review, 46, 60-1, 200, 1834-5, 1908, 2135, 2800, 3411-8, 3849,
5033-4, 6956, 6970, 6972, 6998-9, 7158, 7385, 8080-1, 8086-7, 8090-1, 8093,
8103, 8110, 8124-5, 8129-30, 8136, 8138, 8140, 8142-3, 10432, 10463, 10482-3,
10500, 10533, 11316, 11830
>>>>Eggleton proposals, rejected by Liberal caucus, 12527
>>>>M. on supply (D. Grey), 8078-111, 8123-44, negatived, on recorded
division, 8144-5
>>>>>Amdt. (Boudria), 8085, not in order, 8095
>>>>Minor reforms, 12213-4, 12346,
12354, 12387-8, 12524
>>>>o.q., 1921, 1994, 2043, 2483, 4860, 4993, 9473, 9782, 9823, 9949
>>>>Petition, 6265, 6390
>>>>Retroactivity, 10242, 14428,
14431, 14439-40, 14443
>>>>>o.q., 8038, 10074, 10076
>>>>S.O. 31, 18-9, 7927, 8033, 8036, 9273-4, 9464, 9817
>>>>Survey, Deputy Prime Minister Copps letter, o.q., 643-4, 1859
>>>RRSPs, alternative, 12166, 12173,
12176, 12179, 12181, 12203, 12226,
12338-9, 12343, 12349, 12357, 12359, 12361, 12379, 12391, 12428, 14008,
14423-4, 14429, 14431, 14445
>>>Salaries, relationship, 12152, 12155, 12157-8, 12160, 12163, 12166,
12173-4, 12181, 12203, 12205-7, 12211, 12213, 12225, 12227, 12230-1, 12234,
12339-40, 12342-3, 12354-5, 12358, 12361, 12387, 12390-2, 12428, 12431-2,
12525, 12527, 13483-4, 13486, 13491, 13493, 13515, 13517-8, 13520-1, 14003-7,
14417-8, 14425, 14427-8, 14430-43, 14463
>>>>S.O. 31, 12364-5
>>>Senators, 12151-5, 12173, 12338, 13513, 14418
Social security system cut-backs, relationship, 14422-3
>>>S.O. 31, 6979
>>>Survivors benefits, spouses, 12156, 12177, 13485
>>>>Common-law spouses, 12156, 14417, 14428
>>>Symbolic role, 12351
>>>Two-tier/three tier system, 10123, 10242, 12162, 12173, 12214-5, 12227,
12340, 12343, 13483-4, 13487, 13495, 14427, 14430-1, 14434, 14439
>>>>o.q., 10075-6, 10325-6
>>>>S.O. 31, 10070, 10186, 10265
>>>University of Manitoba debate, Duhamel comments, S.O. 31, 9272
>>Perks and privileges
>>>Reducing, 2071, 3114
>>>Review, 12355
>>Powers, increasing, 42, 1825
>>Privileges/rights, party status determining, 1646
>>Public trust and confidence, restoring, 2114-5, 2135, 5360, 6355, 11977,
>>Quebec, Bloc Québécois, Liberal Party, Progressive Conservative Party,
independent, representing Quebec, 17094
>>Rail passes, 14435
>>Recalls by constituents, 61-3, 551,
1366, 1368, 1619-22, 1627, 1629, 1632-3,
1642, 1646, 3723-6, 3728-32, 4940, 5321, 5326-7, 5329, 7293, 7297, 7387-94,
12201, 12361, 12386, 12513, 17550
>>>Alberta legislation, repealed, 1620, 3724, 5329
>>>Direct Democracy: The Politics of Initiative, Referendum and Recall,
Thomas E. Cronin book, 3725
>>>Enforcement, 5323
>>>Historical background, 5322
>>>Legislation, 1621
>>>>Other countries, use, 3724, 3728,
3731, 5322, 5324-6
>>>>Recall Act (Bill C-210), 7293
>>>>See also Recall Act (Bill C-210)
>>>o.q., 569-70, 720, 994-5, 1310, 2043, 11410
>>>S.O. 31, 1376, 3701
>>>University of Lethbridge conference, 5321
>>Reform Party, ethics code, 2411, 2714-5, 13900
>>Representation, constituents' views, reflecting, 187-8, 536, 590-1, 1588,
1590, 1603, 1622, 1630, 1633-5, 1637-9, 1641-2, 1896-7, 2339, 2553, 2909-10,
2915, 3129-30, 3134-5, 4420-8, 5370-3, 5507-8, 11976-7, 12460, 12507-8,
12510-4, 13883-6, 13891-3, 13897
>>>Liberal Party Members, 14272-3
>>>New Zealand, comparison, 12512-3
>>>o.q., 1501-2
>>>See also Privilege--Speller
>>Resignations requesting see Payne--References
>>Resignations see Berger--References;
Gauthier, J-R--References;
>>Role, 62, 251, 532, 1629, 3219, 4155, 7304-5, 12455-6
>>>Burke, Edmund, British Parliamentarian, references, 1600-1, 1621-2, 2525,
>>>>Bloc Quebecois position, 5007
>>>>Liberal Party election promises, 14291
>>>Importance, lack, 12383-4, 12386,
>>>Opposition critics, 5757-8
>>>See also Cabinet ministers--Role;
Public Service--Powers
>>Salaries, 2558
>>>10% decrease, Reform Party policy, 505-6, 4631, 12171,
12176, 12179, 12230, 12337, 12338-9, 12343, 12348, 12353, 12394, 12468, 12506-7
>>>>Manning, reconsidering, S.O. 31, 7627
>>>>o.q., 8038, 8045
>>>And benefits
>>>>Itemized, 14433
>>>>Public debate/independent commission determining, 12163, 12525, 12527-8
>>>Below lowest paid professional hockey player, J. Chrétien statement, 537,
2557, 12392, 14439
>>>>o.q., 1921, 2043, 10075
>>>Democracy, relationship, 12233, 13490, 13498, 14460-1
>>>Fair, adequate compensation, 12167-8, 12180, 12205-6, 12390, 12431-2,
13486, 14463, 17727
>>>Freeze, two year extension, Budget, Feb. 22/94 measure, 1842, 1907, 2779,
2800, 2805, 3026, 11830, 12160, 12174, 12203, 14463
>>>>Legislation, Bill C-17, implementing, 2777
>>>Increase, 8094-5, 8103, 12453
>>>>o.q., 12368
>>>Increasing, 12203, 12269-70
>>>Independent commission, determining, 14004, 14426, 14433, 14463
>>>International comparison, 12157-8, 12232
>>>Lapointe commission report, 14425, 14427, 14435-6
>>>Members of Parliament determining, 12345, 12360-1, 12391, 13517-8, 14443
>>>Non-accountable expense allowance, 2800
>>>o.q., 9419
>>>Parliamentarians' Compensation, Sobeco, Ernst & Young report,
recommendations, 13518, 14425, 14427-8, 14435-6
>>>>o.q., 2128
>>>Private sector, comparison, 8092, 12211, 14434-5
>>>Reducing, 8084-5, 8094
>>>>o.q., 151
>>>Silye proposal, $12,000 per month, no expense allowance, no pension,
12174-5, 12227, 12231, 12342, 12353-4, 12355-6, 12358, 12394, 12525-8, 13484,
13492, 13499, 14425, 14430, 14432-4, 14441
>>>Underpaid, 12337, 14425-6
>>>See also Election, general (1993);
Members of Parliament--Pensions
>>Separation/severance allowance, 8094, 8133-5
>>Speeches, use of other than official languages
>>>Croatian, 2120
>>>Inuktitut, 437, 1437, 1837, 1957, 2036, 2179, 2733, 3435, 3452, 3458, 5160,
5300, 5461, 6032, 7044, 8591, 8946, 8950, 9465, 10079, 10087, 12191, 12201,
12246, 12256, 12295, 13052, 13405-7, 13582, 13605-6, 13700, 13703, 13970,
14222, 14833, 15634, 15636, 16479, 16771
>>>>S.O. 31, 12246
>>Term of office, length, 5324
>>>Air travel
>>>>Frequent flyer points, accumulation, use, 5024
>>>>Number of flights, entitlements, restrictions, 5027
>>>>Reform Party Members, economy class, 12394, 12425
>>>>Reform Party Members, executive class, 12176, 12179, 12353
>>>Allowance for travel to constituencies, eliminating, 12361
>>>Automobile travel allowance, 12175, 12229, 12351, 14001
>>>Costs, 3318
>>>>S.O. 31, 2171
>>>Junkets, 12395, 12425
>>>Spouses' expenditures, 5821
>>Tributes see Benjamin;
Martin, Paul J.;
>>Visible minorities, 201, 580
>>Women, 201, 580, 584, 595, 1825, 2007-8, 2010-2, 11202, 15385-8, 15411
>>>Liberal Party Members, S.O. 31, 6771, 6847-9
>>>Tribute, S.O. 31, 149
>>>See also MacPhail, Agnes
>>Workforce, return, difficulty, 8094, 8100-1, 8124, 8133
>>See also Bloc Québécois--Language barrier--Members elected;
Canada Student Loans Program;
CN Real Estate;
Government contracts;
Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions--Review;
House of Commons--Pages--Printing services;
Income tax--Flat/proportional tax
Peacekeeping--Parliamentary debate;
Public Service;
Turbot--Atlantic fishery