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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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National Defence Department

    >>Accounting methods, discrepancy, 1992-1993 Auditor General report, 1469
    >>>o.q., 492, 6257, 7100
    >>Assistant deputy ministers, new positions, o.q., 12292-3
    >>Auditor General's reports, response, lack, 17744
    >>Budget, 1995-1998, $1.6 billion reduction, Feb. 27/95 budget statement, 10096, 10531-2, 10864
    >>Capital assets, management, $100 million, wasting, 1993-1994 Auditor General's report, 16554
    >>>o.q., 8297
    >>Career renewal and classification courses, francophone, availability, o.q., 2672
    >>Civilian personnel, reduction, redeployment and retraining incentive payments, 3028
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Personnel, Reduction
    >>Deputy Minister
    >>>Fowler, Robert, 10885-6
    >>>Fréchette, Louise, appointment, S.O. 31, 14311
    >>>Office, renovations, 10886
    >>>>o.q., 6217-8, 6443
    >>Director general of public affairs, Ruth Cardinal, Apr. 24/95 remarks to Media Club of Canada, o.q., 12675-7
    >>Employees, seasonal contracts, retired military personnel, eligibility, o.q., 10900
    >>Environmental protection, policy
    >>>Documents, tabled, 4209
    >>>o.q., 3770
    >>>Capital assets, Quebec share, 10120
    >>>Quill pens, 150 for $2000, engraved with "Minister of National Defence", 16586-7, 17419, 17745
    >>>>o.q., 16069
    >>>Ottawa (NDHQ), 10865
    >>>Reduction, 10864-5
    >>Information technology systems development, $700 million potential savings, 1993-1994 Auditor General's report, 8321
    >>>o.q., 8293-4
    >>Lageaux report, 10865
    >>>o.q., 6443, 7100
    >>Land Engineering Test Establishment, closure, o.q., 6258
    >>Louis St. Laurent Building, Hull, Que., 10886
    >>Mismanagement, waste, National Defence Minister Collenette role, etc., 17744-5
    >>Mission statement, 16582
    >>Move management services, household moves, tendering process, 1753, 5137-9, 10739, 10912-4, 13795-7, 17422-3
    >>>o.q., 156, 389, 1381-2, 3957, 7858, 11993, 15605
    >>>Petition, 14933, 15444, 15650, 15707-8, 16196-7, 17445
    >>>S.O. 31, 14880
    >>New Brunswick Advanced Education and Labour Department, occupational and lifeskills training project, co-operative venture, 1528
    >>Official languages policy/bilingualism, 9125
    >>>Costs, 1832
    >>>Second language training, 3480-1
    >>Policies, documents, tabled, 11533
    >>Private sector partnerships, co-operation, 16596-7
    >>Procurement policies, 10865, 10873
    >>Research centres, closure/cut-backs, Feb. 22/94 budget measure, 3028
    >>Senior officials, accountability
    >>>Collenette, National Defence Minister, leadership, lack, resignation, requesting, o.q., 15213-4
    >>>Inquiry, M. on supply (Frazer), 10862-92, 10905-22, negatived, on recorded division, 10922-3
    >>>o.q., 12676-7, 15213-4
    >>Tendering practices, petition, 16080
    >>Transportation, Canadian Airlines International contract, o.q., 11345
    >>See also Air traffic control--Computerized system (CATS); Canadian Armed Forces; Canadian Coast Guard--Fisheries and Oceans Department; Defence--Low level flight training; Defence equipment--Exports; Defence industry--Industrial reconversion program--National Defence Department; Homemakers magazine--Special edition; Kettle and Stoney Point Reserve--CFB Ipperwash; Missiles; Peacekeeping--Canadian participation, Control; Public Accounts Standing Committee--Reports, Twelfth; Training programs--Youth; Turbot--Atlantic fishery

National Dental Hygiene Week

National Elizabeth Fry Week

    >>Recognition, S.O. 31, 12184

National Emergency Medical Service Week

National Energy Board

    >>Hearings, intervenors' expenses, reimbursing
    >>>Document, tabled, 16096-7, 16100
    >>>Interprovincial Pipeline and Intercoastal Pipeline example, o.q., 1614
    >>>Ontario Pipeline Landowners Association, 16096-7, 16104
    >>>Petitions, 3401-2, 3793
    >>>See also Pipelines--Southwest Ontario
    >>Impact, etc., 17743
    >>Regulation role, 14911-2, 14915
    >>See also Oil and natural gas exploration

National Energy Board Act see Canada Oil and Gas Operations, Canada Petroleum Resources Act and National Energy Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-6); Pipelines--Oil

National Energy Program

National Entrepreneur of the Year award

    >>Bragg, John, recipient, S.O. 31, 7553

National Environmental Technology Advancement Centres see Environment--Technology

National Epilepsy Month

National Family Week

    >>10th anniversary, S.O. 31, 6556
    >>Oct. 2-8/95, S.O. 31, 15174, 15283

National Film Board (NFB)

    >>Abolition, SECOR report recommendation, S.O. 31, 7552
    >>Budget, 6451-2
    >>Films and documentaries, collection, access, rural centres, 14321-2
    >>>o.q., 14319
    >>Funding, 649-50, 12139
    >>>$600,000 reduction, 3067
    >>>S.O. 31, 7553
    >>Mandate, 217
    >>Regional offices, closures, 217, 4791-2
    >>Saskatoon, Sask. office, closure, petitions, 1924, 2893
    >>Telefilm Canada, amalgamation, 7877
    >>>Privatizing, 7877
    >>>Study, o.q., 1505-6
    >>See also Broadcasting and film industry--Review panel; Canadian Heritage Department; Pornography--Léolo; Telefilm Canada

National forest strategy see Forestry--Sustainable development

National Forest Week

National Forum on Breast Cancer see Breast cancer

National Forum on Health

National forums see Foreign affairs policy; National Forum on Health

National Gallery of Canada

National Grandparents Day

    >>Second Sunday in September, designating, 13077-83, 14475-82
    >>>Legislation see Grandparent's Day Act (Bill C-259); Grandparents' Day Act (Bill C-274)
    >>>M. (Assadourian), 15829-33, agreed to, 15833

National Health and Welfare Department

    >>Income Security Programs Branch see Income Security Programs
    >>See also Health Department

National Heritage Day

National Hockey League (NHL) see Hockey; Olympics, 1994 Winter Games--Hockey

National Hockey League Players Association see Eagleson

National Homemaker/Home Support Worker Week

National Horse of Canada Act (Bill C-329)--Murray

    >>First reading, 13188
    >>Second reading, 15793-9
    >>>Dropped from the Order Paper, 15799

National Housing Act see Mortgages

National Housing Act (amdt.)(Bill C-108)--Minister of Public Works and Government Services (Dingwall)

    >>First reading, 15976
    >>Second reading, 16177-84, 16197-208, 16283-304
    >>>Amdt. (T. White), 16200, negatived, on recorded division, 16277-8
    >>>Agreed to, on recorded division, 16385-6
    >>Government Operations Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 16386
    >>>Reported, without amdt., 16692
    >>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Dingwall), 16810-1, agreed to, on recorded division, 16932-3
    >>Third reading, 17604-9
    >>>Agreed to, on recorded division, 17652-3, passed.
    >>Senate passage, 17757
    >>Royal Assent, 17757. Chap. 47, S.C. 1995
    >>See also Mortgages--Insurance, CMHC program

National Housing Act (amdt.)(Bill C-350)--Thompson

National identity

    >>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, role, 10769-70, 10797-9
    >>>Reform Party position, 10759-60
    >>Census, respondents, self-identification as "Canadians", 13024
    >>Citizenship, relationship, 3011, 5776
    >>Culture, heritage, relationship, 453, 2090-1, 4953, 4957, 4970
    >>>Definitions, 452, 2265, 4597-8
    >>Defining, 6458-9, 6842-3, 6877-8
    >>Diversity, 582, 997-9
    >>Entrepreneurial spirit, need, 4967-8
    >>Francophones, anglophones and aboriginal, 3011, 10799-800
    >>Importance, 6876
    >>Justice system defining, 5877, 5882
    >>Multiculturalism, relationship, 454-5, 4935, 6431
    >>Promoting, 851, 5776, 7281
    >>>Throne Speech proposal, 11, 221
    >>Quebec, 999
    >>Trade barriers, decline, impact, 2264
    >>See also Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; Canadian heritage; Canadian Heritage Department; International economic development; Multiculturalism; Quebec; Railways

National Immunization Month

    >>Influenza vaccinations, S.O. 31, 15337

National Infertility Awareness Week

National Library

    >>Estimates, reducing, 4510-11, 4661
    >>Legal deposit provisions, legislation see National Library Act (amdt.)(Bill C-26); Publishing industry--Publications
    >>Mandate, 4511
    >>>National Archives, overlap, 4511

National Library Act (amdt.)(Bill C-26)--Minister of Canadian Heritage (Dupuy)

    >>First reading, 3885
    >>Second reading, 4507-11
    >>>Agreed to, 4511
    >>Committee of the Whole, 4512-4
    >>>Referral, instead of a standing committee, by unanimous consent, 4511
    >>>Reported, without amdt., 4514
    >>Report stage, concurrence, by unanimous consent, 4514
    >>Third reading, by unanimous consent, 4514, passed.
    >>Senate passage, 5364
    >>Royal Assent, 5365. Chap. 20, S.C. 1994
    >>See also National Library--Legal deposit provisions

National Literacy Action Day

National Literacy Program

National Marine Strategy see Environment--Protection; Ports--Labour disputes; Transport Standing Committee--Reports

National Medicare Day

    >>Canadian Health Care Coalition declaration, S.O. 31, 16610-1

National Mental Health Week

National milk-pricing system see Milk--And cream

National Mining Week

National Missing Children's Day

    >>May 25/94, S.O. 31, 4383-5
    >>May 25/95, S.O. 31, 12836

National Museum of Science and Technology

    >>Astronomy magazine, publishing in English only, o.q., 14456-7

National Museums

    >>Privatizing, 7877
    >>See also Canadian Museum of Civilization; Canadian Museum of Nature; National Museum of Science and Technology

National Nursing Week

National Organ Donation Day Act (Bill C-353)--McTeague

National parks

    >>Admission fees
    >>>Individual basis instead of vehicle, S.O. 31, 7178
    >>>Senior citizens, exemption, requesting, petition, 15738
    >>Consultations, studies, Alberta and British Columbia mountain parks, 7868
    >>Departmental responsibility, historic background, 9082-3
    >>Economic benefits, tourist industry, 7867-8, 8028, 8031, 9083, 9156
    >>Enterprise units, hot springs, 6835
    >>Environment Department/Canadian Heritage Department, responsibility, 6834-5, 7278-9, 9075-6, 9079, 9156
    >>Environmental importance, 7867-8, 9083
    >>Government commitment, 6834
    >>Historic sites, economic importance, 452, 455, 6417, 6457, 6465, 6862
    >>History, 6862
    >>Number, use, revenue, cost, r.o., 5828
    >>System, completing, marine parks, etc., 9083
    >>Use, 6846
    >>User fees, o.q., 6561, 7868
    >>See also Banff National Park; Elk Island National Park; Fort Battleford National Park; Georgian Bay Island National Park; Jasper National Park; Kluane National Park; Kootenay East constituency; Pacific Rim National Park; Parks Canada; Point Pelee National Park; Riding Mountain National Park; Waterton Lakes National Park

National Parole Board

    >>Appointment process, 585-6, 2458, 5857-8
    >>>Criticism, Auditor General 1994 Report, o.q., 8172
    >>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee role, o.q., 4056, 4203-4
    >>>Patronage, 4497
    >>>>Allegation, o.q., 1557
    >>>Professional skills/merit, basing on, o.q., 8172
    >>Failures, government apology, requesting, o.q., 4132-3
    >>Gibbs, William, chair, appointment, two-stage selection process, government following, S.O. 31, 8112
    >>>Accountability, 2453, 5857-9, 5863, 5866-8, 5870
    >>>o.q., 3882, 3955-6
    >>>Political interference, o.q., 4057
    >>>S.O. 31, 3563
    >>>Training, 2424
    >>Regional vice chairman see Murder--Convicted murderers committing while on parole
    >>Reports, pre-1990, classified, access to, requesting, o.q., 4949-50
    >>See also Correctional Service of Canada--Influence peddling; Parole; Sexual offenders--Incarceration

National Patriot Day

    >>>M. (Bergeron), 5545-54, 7539-47, 8900-5
    >>>>Agreed to, as amended, on recorded division, 9035-6
    >>>>Amdt. (O'Brien), 8900, agreed to, 8905
    >>>>Dropped to bottom of precedence on Order Paper, 5554, 7547
    >>>S.O. 31, 16662
    >>Patriotes, tribute, S.O. 31, 8165
    >>See also Holidays

National Police Week

National Public Service Week

National Quilters Week

    >>Establishing, S.O. 31, 17136

National reconciliation see National unity

National referendum see Referendums

National Registry of Child Abusers see Child abuse

National Research Council (NRC)

    >>Carty, Dr. Art, president, appointment, 6162
    >>>S.O. 31, 4692
    >>>Decline, 1995-1998, 15% reduction, o.q., 10151
    >>>Increasing, Budget, Feb. 22/94, measure, 1710, 1777, 1789, 1816, 2156
    >>History, 2155
    >>See also Nuclear energy--Development; Research and development; Science and technology--Policies

National Revenue Department

    >>Administrative consolidation, merging Customs and Excise with Taxation, 925-30, 933, 947-8, 3287, 3295, 3297, 3823, 3841-2
    >>>Constituent complaints, reduction, 3295
    >>>Cost-savings, benefits, 3295-301
    >>>Legislation see Department of National Revenue Act (amdt.)(Bill C-2)
    >>>Problems, Auditor General's report, 1994-1995, etc., o.q., 16781
    >>>Programs and services, duplication, eliminating, 3298-9
    >>>Quality of service, improvement, 927-8, 931, 934, 947-8, 3295-9
    >>Auditors, corporate income tax files, government interference, Professional Institute of the Public Service survey, 3805-6
    >>>o.q., 3705
    >>>S.O. 31, 3702
    >>Legislation, references, 3843
    >>Mandate, objectives, 925, 933, 3296-7
    >>Revenue collection, emphasis, 3300
    >>Staff, GST services, increase, 3015
    >>Telephone service, 1-800 information number, S.O. 31, 2284
    >>See also Business--Single government registration number; Canada Customs--Customs officers; Child tax benefit--Eligibility; Children--Missing; Customs Tariff--Legislation; Finance Standing Committee--Reports, Seventeenth; Income tax--Cheaters; Research and development--Scientific research and experimental development tax credit, Rebate; RRSPs--Overcontributions; Taxation--Underground economy

National Road Safety Week

National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy

    >>Chairman, Prime Minister Chrétien, 1432
    >>Membership, 1432-4
    >>>Applications, 1432
    >>Objectives, mandate, etc., 1432-4
    >>Vice-Chairman, Pierre-Marc Johnson, 1433