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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Phoenix Rising Solution see National debt--Elimination

Phone sex see Telephone sex services

Physician assisted suicide see Euthanasia

Physiotherapists see Health care

Picard, Pauline (BQ--Drummond)

Piché, Paul

    >>Quebec Patriot of the Year award winner, S.O. 31, 7801

Pichette Task Force see Regional development--Montreal--Quebec

Pickard, Jerry (L--Essex--Kent)

    >>Abortion, petition, 10340
    >>Agricultural research, 6101-3, 10216
    >>Agriculture, 13361
    >>>o.q., 12723
    >>>Petition, 15650
    >>Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act (Bill C-61), 15732
    >>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, reports, 6475, 15732
    >>Atlantic provinces, 10217
    >>Automotive safety, o.q., 2179
    >>Borrowing Authority Act, 1995-96 (Bill C-73), 10291
    >>Budget, Feb. 22/94, M. for approval (P. Martin), 1815
    >>Budget, Feb. 27/95, 10291
    >>>M. for approval (P. Martin), 10215-7
    >>Budget, M. on supply (Williams), 7207
    >>Canada Investment Fund, 551
    >>Committees, Parliamentary, 551
    >>Defence equipment, 551
    >>Defence expenditures, 1815
    >>Deficit, 7207, 10215-6
    >>Department of Agriculture Act (amdt.)(Bill C-49), 6101-4
    >>Employment, S.O. 31, 4575
    >>Essex--Kent constituency, 550
    >>Ethics Counsellor, 551
    >>Euthanasia, petition, 10339
    >>Excise Act, Customs Act and Tobacco Sales to Young Persons Act (amdt.)(Bill C-11), 1677-9
    >>Gasoline/automotive fuels, 6102, 10216
    >>>Petition, 3575, 4528
    >>>S.O. 31, 1302, 3269
    >>GATT, 533
    >>Government, 551
    >>Government policy, 550-2
    >>Infrastructure program, 550
    >>>S.O. 31, 226
    >>Kilger, references, 550
    >>Legislation, 551
    >>Liberal Party, 550
    >>Members of Parliament, 551
    >>Miner, Jack, S.O. 31, 7982
    >>National Apprenticeship Program, 550-1
    >>National unity, 17554-5
    >>Ontario, S.O. 31, 10319, 10610
    >>Opposition, 6104
    >>>Sittings of the House, 1647
    >>>Speeches, 10215
    >>Protection of Personal Information Obtained by Certain Corporations Act (Bill C-315), 17617-9
    >>Senate, 6103
    >>Small business, 551
    >>Social security system, petition, 4211
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 533, 550-2
    >>Tobacco/cigarette smuggling, 1677-9
    >>Tobacco/cigarettes, 1678
    >>Underground economy, M. (Szabo), 12824-5
    >>Youth Service Corps, 551

Pickering, Ont. see Airports

Pictou Landing Indian Band see Aboriginal peoples

Pictou Landing Indian Band Agreement Act (Bill C-60)--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Irwin)

    >>First reading, 8645
    >>Second reading, 8950-9
    >>>Agreed to, 8959
    >>Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 8959
    >>>Reported, without amdt., 9474
    >>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Irwin), agreed to, 9698
    >>Third reading, 9698-706
    >>>Agreed to, 9706, passed.
    >>Royal Assent, 11028. Chap. 4, S.C. 1995
    >>See also Aboriginal peoples--Pictou Landing

Picture This see Bosnia-Herzegovina--Conflict, Children

Piers see Harbours, wharves and breakwaters

Pillitteri, Gary (L--Niagara Falls)

    >>Agriculture, 17715
    >>>M. (Kerpan), 9506-7
    >>Budget, 17716
    >>>o.q., 17143
    >>Budget (1996), 17714-5
    >>Business, 17715
    >>Canada Pension Plan, 17715
    >>Children, S.O. 31, 16316
    >>Commonwealth Games, 1994, Victoria, B.C., S.O. 31, 5937
    >>Communities in Bloom, S.O. 31, 15175
    >>Crime prevention, o.q., 16670
    >>Deficit, 17715
    >>Emergency services, S.O. 31, 13588
    >>Finance Standing Committee, reports, M. (Gagliano), 17714-6
    >>Fruit and vegetables
    >>>o.q., 4866
    >>>S.O. 31, 12365
    >>Government programs and services, 17716
    >>Job creation, 17715
    >>Lamarsh, Judy, S.O. 31, 2037
    >>Net Income Stabilization Account, 9507
    >>Niagara Falls constituency, S.O. 31, 4198
    >>Niagara River remedial action plan, o.q., 13477
    >>Ontario, 17715
    >>Pesticides, o.q., 9424
    >>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), S.O. 31, 15595
    >>Same-sex couples, petition, 14328
    >>Senior citizens, 17715
    >>Serial killer board game/cards, petition, 1109
    >>Sexual orientation, petition, 12729, 14328
    >>Strip clubs, o.q., 8041
    >>Taxation, 17715
    >>Transfer payments to provinces, 17715
    >>Unemployment insurance, 17715
    >>Women, S.O. 31, 7224-5

Pilotage Act

    >>Repeal proposal, safety, o.q., 7631-3

Pilots see Air Canada; Air transportation; Shipping industry--Safety

Pimps see Prostitution; Young offenders

Pinard, Odette see Police--Killed in line of duty

Pine, Grace

    >>Saskatchewan Citizen of the Year Award recipient, tribute, S.O. 31, 9898

Pioneer award see Goodman family

Piopolis, Que. see Defence equipment--Helicopters, Sea King helicopters

Pipe Bands see World Pipe Band Championships


    >>Inspection, National Energy Board powers, 2184
    >>Oil to natural gas, conversion, National Energy Board Act, amending, petitions, 2396, 5353
    >>Southwest Ontario, conversion from oil to natural gas, S.O. 31, 7177
    >>See also Oil and natural gas

PIPSC see Professional Institute of the Public Service

Pirie, Madsen see Canadian National Railways--Privatization/commercialization

Pitawanakwat, Mary see Canadian Heritage Department

Plain Language Act (Bill C-268)--T. White

    >>First reading, 5947-8
    >>See also Legislation--Wording

Plamondon, Louis (BQ--Richelieu)

    >>Aboriginal self-government, 1026-7
    >>Bilingualism bonus, S.O. 31, 4129
    >>Bloc Québécois, 50, 53, 2503
    >>>S.O. 31, 2849
    >>Borrowing Authority Act, 1994-95 (Bill C-14), 1896-8
    >>Bosnia-Herzegovina, 285, 347, 354
    >>Budget, Feb. 22/94, 1896-7
    >>>M. on supply (R. Speaker), 2232-3, 2235, 2248-9
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1994 (Bill C-17), 2871-2, 2889-90, 4637-8
    >>Canada's Defence Policy Review Special Joint Committee, 2271
    >>Canada's Foreign Affairs Policy Review Special Joint Committee, 2271
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, 1515
    >>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 10795-7, 12139-40, 12145
    >>>M. on supply (S. Tremblay), 10780-2, 10794-7
    >>>S.O. 31, 10611
    >>Canadian Dairy Commission Act (amdt.)(Bill C-86), 12735-6
    >>Canadian Film Development Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-31), 4592-3, 5298-9
    >>Canadian Police College, 51-2
    >>Carter, Hon. Chesley, 158
    >>Chrétien, J., references, 51
    >>Confederation, 13485
    >>Constitutional reform, 54, 201
    >>>S.O. 31, 12365, 14446-7
    >>Cruise missile testing, M. (Collenette), 422-6
    >>Cultural institutions, M., 12139-41, 12144-5
    >>Customs Tariff (amdt.)(Bill C-5), 1547
    >>Dairy products/industry, 12735-6
    >>Defence equipment, 426
    >>Defence expenditures, 1526-7
    >>Defence policy, M. (Collenette), 1515-6, 1526-7
    >>Deficit, 54, 1896-8, 2235
    >>Economic policy, 2248-9
    >>Economic recovery, 52
    >>Education, 2964-5
    >>>o.q., 2740-1
    >>Elections, 310
    >>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Suspension Act, 1994 (Bill C-18), 2913-5
    >>Embassies and consulates, 2233
    >>Environment, 1255
    >>Federalism, 50
    >>Federation of Acadian and Francophone Communities in Canada, o.q., 2627
    >>Film and video industry, 4592-3
    >>Foreign affairs policy, M. (Ouellet), 2271
    >>Foreign aid, 310
    >>Francophones outside Quebec, 3170
    >>Freight rates, 2871-2
    >>General Preferential Tariff, 1547
    >>Government, 51, 4638, 10780
    >>Government appointments, 10781-2
    >>Government contracts, 4042
    >>Government expenditures, 52
    >>>M. on supply (Williams), 1244, 1246-7, 1255
    >>Government programs and services, 51-3
    >>Governor General, 12161
    >>Grain transportation, 2871-2
    >>Hibernia development project, 3868
    >>>o.q., 3441-2, 8427
    >>House of Commons, 184, 284, 1024, 1563-4, 2915, 9101
    >>Income tax, 2232-3, 4638
    >>Infrastructure program, 2889
    >>Kilgour, references, 51
    >>La Francophonie, S.O. 31, 2534
    >>Lay-offs, 5933
    >>>o.q., 5580-1
    >>Leduc, Jean-Louis, o.q., 576-7
    >>Liberal Party, 1896-7, 4637-8, 10781-2, 10794-5
    >>Lieutenant-Governors, 12160-1
    >>Maheu, references, 51
    >>Members of Parliament, 1896-7, 2915
    >>Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-85), 12156-61, 13485-6, 14011
    >>Milk, 12735-6
    >>NAFTA, 52, 54
    >>National debt, 51
    >>National Film Board, 12139
    >>>S.O. 31, 7552
    >>National Forum on Health, 52
    >>National Patriot Day, M. (Bergeron), 7540-1
    >>National unity, 1255
    >>New Brunswick, S.O. 31, 4652-3
    >>Nicolet, Que., 51-2
    >>Nuclear weapons, 425-6
    >>Official Languages Act, M. on supply (Ringma), 3170
    >>Paproski, Hon. Steven E., 108
    >>Parent, references, 51
    >>Parliament, 52, 54-5
    >>Peacekeeping, M. (Ouellet), 284-5, 309-10, 347, 350, 354
    >>Pearson International Airport Agreements Act (Bill C-22), 4041-2
    >>Plamondon, references, 1897
    >>Political parties, 54, 4042
    >>>M., 2504-6, 6066-7
    >>>M. (Assad), 17299-301
    >>>S.O. 31, 6433
    >>Ports, 1081-2
    >>Post offices, petition, 1243
    >>Private family trusts, 52, 2890, 4638
    >>>Adjournment proceedings (Late Show), 3865
    >>>Adjournments, M. (Boudria), 2889
    >>>Bills, Government, 1072, 13482
    >>>Committee reports, 1563
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 2648, 17652
    >>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 1864, 2503, 3486-7, 12375
    >>>Members' remarks, 158, 12161
    >>>Oral questions, 150
    >>>Petitions, 1864, 3164
    >>>Points of order/questions of privilege, 2510
    >>>Question and comment period, 50, 343, 594, 3513, 12735
    >>>Quorum, 2892, 2915
    >>>Senate, references, 10795-6
    >>>Speeches, 398, 414, 4042
    >>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Milliken), 1563-4
    >>Public Accounts Standing Committee, 1255
    >>Public Service, 4637-8
    >>Quebec, 50, 1027, 13485-6
    >>References, 53, 1897-8, 3798
    >>Richelieu constituency, 51
    >>Senate, 2271, 2914-5, 12160
    >>Social security system, 52-3, 1898
    >>Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste, 7540-1
    >>Sorel-Tracy region, Que., S.O. 31, 567
    >>St. Lawrence Seaway, 2872
    >>Standing Orders, M. (H. Gray), 1024
    >>Taxation, M. on supply (Loubier), 9676-9
    >>Telefilm Canada, 4592, 12139
    >>Television, S.O. 31, 1061
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 50-5, 200-1
    >>Tobacco/cigarettes, o.q., 150
    >>Trade, 13485
    >>Transfer payments to provinces, 53
    >>Unemployment insurance, 1896
    >>Wenman, Robert Lloyd, 14093
    >>West Coast Ports Operations Act, 1994 (Bill C-10), 1081-2