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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Prince Edward Point National Wildlife Area see Monarch Butterfly Reserves

Prince George--Peace River constituency

    >>Electoral boundaries, redistribution, 2566-7
    >>References, 664

Printing services see House of Commons

Prison guards see Police--Killed in action

Prisoners of war see Veterans' benefits--Merchant seamen

Prisoners Week

    >>Correctional Service of Canada promoting, Nov. 19-26/95, S.O. 31, 16431
    >>Reform Party, opposing, 16673

Prisons see Penitentiaries

Prisons and Reformatories Act see Corrections and Conditional Release Act, Criminal Code, Criminal Records Act, Prisons and Reformatories Act and Transfer of Offenders Act (amdt.)(Bill C-45)


    >>Budget, Feb. 22/94 measures, impact, 2048
    >>Personal information, protection, legislation, 15899-908, 17063-72, 17613-20
    >>>S.O. 31, 15760-1
    >>>See also Protection of Personal Information Obtained by Certain Corporations Act (Bill C-315)
    >>See also Information highway; Social insurance numbers--Divulgence

Privacy Act

    >>Exemptions see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; Communications Security Establishment--Database; National Arts Centre Corporation
    >>See also Access to Information Act and Privacy Act (amdt.--Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and National Arts Centre Act)(Bill C-342); Immigration and Refugee Board--Schelew; Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation, Inquiry

Privacy Commissioner

    >>Annual report (1994-95), tabled, 14543
    >>See also Communications Security Establishment--Activities

Private family trusts

Private Members' Bills

    >>Effectiveness, 12451, 15795-6
    >>Votable, 8005
    >>See also Bills--Private Members' Public

Private Members' Business see Privilege--Nunziata; Procedure; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Eighty-first

Private Members' draw see House of Commons

Private Members' Motions

    >>Aboriginal land claims, aboriginal land claims commission, independent, establishing (Taylor), 16946-55, dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 16955
    >>Access to Information Act, Parliament and Crown agencies, applying to, M. (B. Mills), 7957-66, 9089-97, 10849-57, negatived, on recorded division, 10857
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 7966, 9097
    >>Agriculture, jurisdiction, reassigning, federal-provincial-industry negotiations (Kerpan), 9499-508, 10971-9, 12272-8
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 9508, 10979
    >>>Negatived on recorded division, 12332-3
    >>Air India, flight 182 (Nunziata), 12746-55, dropped from Order Paper, 12755
    >>Atlantic provinces, government policy (C. Axworthy), 9975-83, dropped from Order Paper, 9983
    >>Breast cancer, support groups, toll free information line (McLaughlin), 12395-404, dropped from Order Paper, 12404
    >>Canada Post Corporation
    >>>Privatization, (C. Breitkreuz), 16803-10, dropped from Order Paper, 16810
    >>>Regions and municipalities, local development, promoting, (Crête), 14772-80, dropped from Order Paper, 14780
    >>Canada Student Loans Program, repayment provisions, income contingent plan (Manning), 7053-63, 8605-14, 10638-44, agreed to, as amended, on division, 10815
    >>>Amdt. (Manning), agreed to by unanimous consent, 7053
    >>>Amdt. (Valeri), 10641, agreed to, on recorded division, 10814-5
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 7063, 8614
    >>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, privatizing/making solely public (J. Brown), 5683-93, dropped from Order Paper, 5693
    >>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, "responsibilities", including (I. McClelland), 6540-9, dropped from Order Paper, 6549
    >>Capital punishment, referendum, M. (T. White), 14670-8, dropped from Order Paper, 14678
    >>Child care, expenses, income tax deduction (Szabo), 11320-8, dropped from Order Paper, 11328
    >>Child support payments, income for recipient, tax deduction for payer, inequity, Income Tax Act, amending (Gaffney), 2652-61, 3548-57, 4549-56, agreed to, on division, 4557
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 2661, 3557
    >>Cigarette lighters, Hazardous Products Act, including (Pagtakhan), withdrawn, 15707
    >>Climate change, energy conservation, efficiency, promoting (Caccia), 8152-62, dropped from Order Paper, 8162
    >>Communications Security Establishment, operations, Security Intelligence Review Committee reviewing (Lee), 7836-44, 9036-45, 10815-20, agreed to, 10820
    >>>Amdt. (Langlois), 7840, withdrawn, 10818
    >>>Amdt. (Lee), 10818
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 7844, 9045
    >>Constitution Act, 1982, amending
    >>>"Notwithstanding" clause, section 33, deleting (Allmand), 2697-704, dropped from Order Paper, 2704
    >>>Property rights, entrenching (M. Scott), 10024-33
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 10033
    >>>>Human Rights and the Status of Disabled Persons Standing Committee, leave to move, unanimous consent, denied, 10032
    >>Credentials, foreign and out of province, accreditation (Pagtakhan), 7658-67, dropped from Order Paper, 7667
    >>Crimes against humanity, commemorating April 20-27 each year (Assadourian), 11375-83, dropped from Order Paper, 11383
    >>>Amdt. (Daviault), 11378
    >>Crown corporations
    >>>Executive salaries, disclosure (Harvard), 8513-22, dropped from Order Paper, 8522
    >>Cuba, United States trade embargo, lifting, Canadian position (Robinson), 9791-800, dropped from Order Paper, 9800
    >>Cultural institutions, funding, multi-year basis (Plamondon), 12139-45, dropped from Order Paper, 12145
    >>Dangerous offenders, detention (Meredith), 17654-63, dropped to bottom of Order Paper, 17663
    >>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, patents, extending, legislation, Bill C-91 (3rd Sess., 34th Parl.), repealing (Solomon), 3677-85, dropped from Order Paper, 3685
    >>Employment equity, discriminatory, cancelling (T. White), 11636-45, dropped from Order Paper, 11645
    >>Energy sector, regulations, streamlining, (Morrison), 14909-15, dropped from Order Paper, 14915
    >>>Hazardous substances/toxic chemicals exposure, right to know legislation (Blaikie), 13559-67, dropped to bottom of Order Paper, 13567
    >>>Volunteer, tax deduction, increasing to $1000 (Speller), 4723-31, agreed to, on division, 4731
    >>Government contracts, contents, full disclosure, monthly tabling in House of Commons (Guay), 4801-9, dropped from Order Paper, 4809
    >>Hate propaganda, Internet circulation, regulation (Pagtakhan), 11365-74, 12437-43, agreed to, 12443
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 11374
    >>Health care
    >>>National registry of drugs, implants, biotechnology, establishing, (McLaughlin), 14344-52, dropped from Order Paper, 14352
    >>>Provinces, flexibility (Bridgman), 12565-73, dropped from Order Paper, 12573
    >>House of Commons, votes, free votes, allowing, non-confidence motions, alternative (Jennings), 3128-37, 4420-8, 5369-76, as amended, agreed to, 5376
    >>>Amdt. (Boudria), 4424, as amended, agreed to, 5376
    >>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Jennings), agreed to, 5376
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 3137, 4429
    >>>Aboriginal peoples (Taylor), 8197-206, dropped from Order Paper, 8206
    >>>Co-operative and non-profit (C. Gagnon), 3073-81, dropped from Order Paper, 3081
    >>Immigrants, AIDS/HIV infected persons, medical testing (Hanger), 6104-12, 7065-74, 7395-402, negatived, on recorded division, 7403
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 6112, 7074
    >>Immigration and Refugee Board, dismantling, subsumption of functions to Citizenship and Immigration Department (Hanger), 17734-42
    >>>Dropped to bottom of Order Paper, 17742
    >>Immigration, levels (Lee), 6284-9, dropped from Order Paper, 6289-90
    >>Income tax
    >>>Income fluctuations, averaging, Income Tax Act amending (Althouse), 6411-6, dropped from Order Paper, 6416
    >>>Personal savings accounts, interest, $1000 or less, eliminating, (Malhi), 17260-8, dropped from Order Paper, 17268
    >>>Senior citizens, age credit, reducing (Marchand), 4680-7, dropped from Order Paper, 4687
    >>Members of Parliament
    >>>Judicial hearings, access (Lee), 16794-801
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 16801
    >>>Offices, inventories (Duncan), 8458-66, dropped from Order Paper, 8466
    >>Mining industry, exploration, incentive program
    >>>(Deshaies), 15063-71
    >>>(Serré), 13207-16, 15239-48, 16459-66
    >>>>Agreed to, 16466
    >>>>Dropped to bottom of Order Paper, 13216, 15248
    >>Multiculturalism, programs, discontinuing (J. Brown), 11558-66, dropped from Order Paper, 11566
    >>Municipal infrastructure, sewage, treatment, minimum standard (Gilmour), 14297-306, 15626-8, 16645-54
    >>>Amdt. (Guay), 14302
    >>>Dropped to bottom of Order Paper, 14306, 16654
    >>National Grandparents Day, second Sunday in September (Assadourian), 15828-33, agreed to, 15833
    >>National Patriot Day, establishing (Bergeron), 5545-54, 7539-47, 8900-5, agreed to, as amended, on recorded division, 9035-6
    >>>Amdt. (O'Brien), 8900, agreed to, 8905
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 5554, 7547
    >>Northern Canada, food, distribution, improving (Bachand), 5461-8, dropped from Order Paper, 5468
    >>Official languages Act, 25th anniversary, reviewing (Ringma), 13196-205
    >>>Amdt. (S. Tremblay), 13202
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 13205
    >>"On to Ottawa" Trek (de Jong), 16167-76, dropped from Order Paper, 16176
    >>Ontario, Highway 16, Ottawa to Hwy 401, four-lane highway, federal-provincial agreement, requesting (Jordan), 3250-8, dropped from Order Paper, 3258
    >>Packaging and labelling, "best before" and expiry dates, printing on outside (Pagtakhan), 2953-62, 4299-302, agreed to, as amended, 4302
    >>>Amdt. (MacDonald), agreed to, 4302
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 2962
    >>Political parties
    >>>Donations, individual, $5,000 limit/year (Plamondon), 2504-12, 4015-23, 6061-8
    >>>>Amdt. (Assad), 4019, negatived, on recorded division, 6226-7
    >>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 2512, 4023
    >>>Reform, review (Assad), 17298-307
    >>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 17307
    >>Poverty, children, elimination by year 2000 (C. Axworthy), 6360-9, dropped from Order Paper, 6369
    >>Public Service, regional rates of pay, abolishing, (MacDonald), 15672-80, dropped from Order Paper, 15680
    >>Pulp and paper industry, dioxin producing bleaching process, regulations (Caccia), 4158-63, dropped from Order Paper, 4163
    >>>October 1970 FLQ Crisis, victims, detention, financial compensation (M. Bernier), 11029-36, dropped from Order Paper, 11036
    >>>Self-determination, right, recognition (Ménard), 17467-75, dropped from Order Paper, 17475
    >>Rail passenger service, high speed train, Quebec City, Que.-Windsor, Ont., corridor (Laurin), 2999-3008; 4370-7, negatived, on recorded division, 4417-9
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 3008
    >>Railways, branch line abandonment,
    >>>Franquet--Chapais and CRAN CN trunk lines, northern Quebec, maintaining (M. Gauthier), 3118-26, dropped from Order Paper, 3126
    >>>Public sale (Guimond), 16213-21, dropped from Order Paper, 16221
    >>Royal Canadian Legion, religious head covering (Sikh turban/Jewish kipa), wearing, entry denial, discrimination (Cohen), 9681-90, dropped from Order Paper, 9690
    >>Same-sex couples, legal recognition (Ménard), 11832-40, 13151-60, 14501-8
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 11840, 13160
    >>>Negatived on recorded division, 14508
    >>Senate, triple-E concept (equal, elected, effective) (Jennings), 15660-9, dropped from Order Paper, 15669
    >>Sexual offenders, incarceration, reoffenders, National Parole Board enforcing, legislation (Beaumier), 6400-9, dropped from Order Paper, 6409
    >>Social security system, benefits, application time limits (Duhamel), 2513-8, dropped from Order Paper, 2518
    >>St. Lawrence Seaway, navigability, year-round (Pomerleau), 2387-94, dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 2394
    >>Tax reform, harmonization, integration with social security system reform (C. Axworthy), 3402-10, dropped from Order Paper, 3410
    >>Tobacco/cigarettes, taxes, reducing, restoring tax to Jan. 1/94 levels (K. Martin), 7009-18, dropped from Order Paper, 7018
    >>Underground economy, government addressing, initiatives (Szabo), 12816-25, 14947-56, 15318-25, agreed to, on division, 15325
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 12825, 14956
    >>Water, fresh water, Canadian sovereignty, protecting (Gilmour), 9355-63, dropped from Order Paper, 9363
    >>World War II, Dieppe raid, Canadian veterans recognition, appropriate decoration (Blaikie), 2823-31, as amended, agreed to, 2831
    >>>Amdt. (Pain), 2826, agreed to, 2831
    >>See also Procedure

Private Members' Motions for Papers

    >>CSIS, informant Grant Bristow, use, Security Intelligence Review Committee, report, The Heritage Front Affair, M. for Papers (Richardson), 9072, agreed to, on recorded division, 9103-4

Private sector

    >>Regulatory burden, business impact test, 1158, 7258
    >>See also Atlantic provinces--Economic development; Bureaucracy--Government; Canada Investment Fund; Canada Student Loans Program; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; Chemical and biological weapons--Convention; Communications Security Establishment--Information security program (INFOSEC); Currency--Two dollar coin, Implementation; Employment; Employment equity; Exports--Financing--Strategies; Farm improvement loans; Film and video industry--Loan Guarantee Program; Foreign affairs policy; Government contracts; Members of Parliament--Pensions; Mining industry--Advisory committee; Mortgages--Insurance, CMHC program; National Defence Department; Oil and natural gas--Athabasca tar sands; Public Service--Salaries; Rail passenger service--High speed train; Research and development; Social security system; Sustainable development; Trade; Training programs--School-to-work internships; Unemployment insurance--Training programs


    >>Coalition for public and private partnerships, 17689
    >>Compensation packages, 3544
    >>Process, transparency, 4073
    >>See also Airports; Canada Post Corporation; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Television stations; Canadian Coast Guard; Canadian Heritage Department; Canadian National Railways; Crown corporations; Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions--Move management services--Review; Government programs and services; Lobbyists; National Film Board--Telefilm Canada; National museums; Pearson International Airport; Petro Canada; Railways--Branch line abandonment Transport Department--Operations; Transportation--Systems; Unemployment insurance

Privilege (by category)

    >>Contempt of Parliament see Privilege (by Member)--Peterson--Ringuette-Maltais
    >>False allegations see Privilege (by Member)--Allmand--L. Axworthy--Bouchard--Dupuy--Gauthier, M.--Hopkins--Speller
    >>Hansard see Privilege (by Member)--Bouchard
    Imputing motives see Privilege--White, T.
    >>Inappropriate conduct/apology see Privilege (by Member)--Bhaduria
    >>Language, inappropriate/improper see Privilege (by Member)--Anawak--Catterall--Gauthier, M.--Morrison--Richardson--Robinson
    >>Member's remarks see Privilege (by Member)--Robinson
    >>Member's reputation impugned see Privilege (by Member)--Bhaduria--Dhaliwal--Grubel--Irwin--Kirkby--Nunez--Ouellet
    >>Minister's remarks see Privilege--Brien
    >>Misleading/false statements see Privilege (by Member)--Bouchard--Campbell--Crête--Gauthier, M.--Jennings--Langlois--Massé--Milliken--Nunziata--Paré
    >>Prayers see Privilege (by Member)--Wayne
    >>Private Members' Business/selection process see Privilege (by Member)--Nunziata
    >>Rights of Members breached see Privilege (by Member)--Abbott--Axworthy, C.--Bhaduria--Charest--Cummins--Epp--Hart--Lee--Ménard--Mills, B.--Ringuette-Maltais--Strahl--Taylor--Wayne

Privilege (by Member)

    >>Abbott (rights of Members breached), Chair calling oral question out of order as beyond administrative responsibility of government, 13132, Member questioning ruling of Chair, not in order, Chair will not entertain further comments, if Members wish to pursue matter, they are welcome to meet privately with the Chair, 13132-3
    >>Allmand (false allegations), Ramsay comments re Allmand position on murder sentences, withdrawal requested, debate rather than question of privilege, 2936
    >>Anawak (language, inappropriate/improper), Grubel, remarks re aboriginal peoples, grievance rather than question of privilege, 5160
    >>Axworthy, C. (rights of Members breached), Human Resources Development Standing Committee report on changes to social security programs, leak to media prior to presentation in House, taking under advisement, 9202, premature release of report to media serious matter but not question of privilege, Chair suggests Committee might investigate matter and report back to House, 9658
    >>Axworthy, C. (rights of Members breached), Human Resources Development Standing Committee, denial of copy of draft report to Associate Members of Committee, taking under advisement, 9202, Member not entitled to copy of draft report as Associate Member unless serving as full-time member of subcommittee or as substitute on Standing Committee, not question of privilege, 9658
    >>Axworthy, L. (false allegations), J. Brown allegations re grants to Manitoba Entertainment Complex Inc. connected to election campaign contributions, imputing improper motives, withdrawal requested, 14928-9, not question of privilege, Member asked to reconsider decision not to withdraw remarks, 14929-30
    >>Bhaduria (inappropriate conduct/apology), Bhaduria, 1989 letter containing irresponsible statements to Toronto Board of Education, accepted as point of personal privilege, 197
    >>Bhaduria (Member's reputation impugned), media attention accusing misrepresentation of credentials, impeding ability to carry out functions as Member of Parliament, taking under advisement, 1387-8, deferring at Member's request, 1507-8, withdrawn until further notice, 1728; re-submitting, no new information, Chair will review notes and information, deferring decision, 2677, insufficient evidence, request denied, 2705-6
    >>Bhaduria (rights of Members breached), Epp point of order relating to wear of lapel pins/buttons in Chamber, 15186, cannot raise question of privilege out of point of order, 15186
    >>Bouchard (false allegations), Peters, comments implying association with government decision, possibly point of fact rather than question of privilege, Chair will consult Hansard, 2439
    >>Bouchard (Hansard), Copps alteration of "blues", 10519, Chair to review "blues", 10519, changes ought not have been accepted nor printed, substantive difference between French and English versions, corrigendum to be printed, Hansard Editors should adhere to established criteria in accepting suggestions by Members for changes to "blues", 10618-9
    >>Bouchard (misleading/false statements) Copps statement re Bouchard not dissociating himself from Quebec Premier Parizeau remarks concerning defeat of referendum due to "ethnic vote", debate, not question of privilege, 16148
    >>Bouchard (misleading/false statements), refloating of Irving Whale, Copps allegation of Bouchard inaction while Environment Minister, 10518-9, Chair will review "blues" and take matter under advisement, 10519, matter of debate, not question of privilege, 10618
    >>Brien (Minister's remarks), use of word "reculé", insulting to people of Quebec, 14321-2, debate, not question of privilege, 14322
    >>Campbell (misleading/false statements), Silye quoting Campbell remarks out of context from Toronto Star, withdrawal requested, correction/misunderstanding to be made, not question of privilege, 5347
    >>Catterall (language, inappropriate/improper), House documents, sexist terminology, committee referral, taking under advisement, 2396-7; Chair suggesting that Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee examine the matter of standardization of terminology, not question of privilege, 2775
    >>Catterall (language, inappropriate/improper) Reform Party member remarks relating to French Canada, racist, remarks cannot be attributed to a particular Member, Chair cautioning Members about the injudicious use of words, not question of privilege, 17712-3
    >>Charest (rights of Members breached), Budget, Feb. 27/95, secrecy, breach, advance briefing to Liberal caucus, Chamberlain statement, Hill Times article, 10330-4, Chamberlain clarifying remarks quoted in article, 10391, taking under advisement, 10334, 10391, no pre-budget disclosure, Member's word accepted, not prima facie case of privilege, 10573-4
    >>Charest (rights of Members breached), Oral question period, Progressive Conservative Party and New Democratic Party Members participation, Chair ruling made without adequate consultation, taking under advisement, 30-1
    >>Crête (misleading/false statements), Collenette misinterpreting Bloc Québécois comments re closure of College militaire royal de Saint-Jean, debate rather than questions of privilege, 1746
    >>Cummins (rights of Members breached), Questions on the Order Paper, response inaccurate/misleading, 9003-6; Member should attempt to resolve issue with Minister involved, raise matter again if not satisfied, 9005-6; supplemental answers inaccurate, possibly point of debate, Chair will review answer tabled and documents supplied by Member, 9153-5; dispute as to facts, not question of privilege, 9425-7
    >>Dhaliwal (Member's reputation impugned), Ed Harper comments re conflict of interest code compliance, apology requested, 5217-8, taking under advisement, 5218; dispute as to facts, not a question of privilege, 5437
    >>Dupuy (false allegations), letters to CRTC supporting radio licence application by constituent, not written in capacity as Minister, nor attempt to influence CRTC, Chair not asked to rule on privilege question, statement accepted, 7273
    >>Epp (rights of Members breached), voting procedures, yeas/nays, Human Rights and the Status of Disabled Persons Standing Committee Chairman interpretation, abuse of procedure, 12846-8, Chair cannot intervene in matters relating to committee proceedings until a report is received by the House, not question of privilege, 12849
    >>Gauthier, M.
    >>>(False allegations), Prime Minister Chrétien remarks re election of Bloc Québécois Members, taking under advisement, 6040-1
    >>>(Language, inappropriate/improper), Collenette references to Bloc Québécois and all Quebec sovereignists as racists, withdrawal requested, 16327, taking under advisement, 16327
    >>>(Language, inappropriate/improper), Manley comments humiliating, withdrawal requested, taking under advisement, 3654-5
    >>>(Misleading/false statements), Prime Minister Chrétien statements re former Prime Minister Mulroney answer to question relating to commitment given to former Quebec Premier Bourassa to reimburse Quebec government for 1992 referendum costs, impeding Opposition Leader from carrying out his duties, 6388-9, taking under advisement, 6389; dispute as to facts, not question of privilege, 6597-8
    >>Grubel (Member's reputation impugned), Bellemare oral question period remarks re closing off immigration, taking under advisement, 1691
    >>Hart (rights of Members breached), Copps quoting from Hart letter to Canadian Heritage Minister Dupuy, breach of confidentiality rules, 7562, 9332-3, taking under advisement, 7562, 9333, letter to Minister part of public record, can be quoted from in House, question of letter from constituent to CRTC being part of public record is matter of law and Chair will not rule on matters of law, not question of privilege, 9734-5
    >>Hopkins (false/misleading statements), media reports re Liberal caucus members refusing to sit with Hopkins because of dissenting vote, Member made point, record impeccable, no need to elaborate further, 13920
    >>Irwin (Member's reputation impugned), Duncan remarks re Kirkby being placed in potential position of conflict of interest, withdrawal requested, Chair will review "blues" and report back to House if necessary, 12542-3
    >>Jennings (false/misleading statements), L. Axworthy misrepresenting Jennings support for literacy and crime prevention program literature, 14458, not question of privilege, 14458
    >>Kirkby (Member's reputation impugned), Duncan remarks re potential conflict of interest due to adoption by aboriginal family, withdrawal requested, taking under advisement, 12601-2
    >>Langlois (false/misleading statements), Hermanson comments re changing position concerning Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, 1995 (Bill C-69), 13864-5, taking under advisement, 13865
    >>Lee (rights of Members breached), access to Press Gallery room denied twice, Chair will investigate, 9155
    >>Massé, (misleading/false statements), correction to response to question in Question Period re Minister's travel, 576
    >>Ménard (rights of Members breached), statement under S.O. 31, Chair interrupting, personal attacks not permitted, 6040
    >>Milliken (misleading/false statements), The Prime Ministers of Canada, Sir John A. Macdonald, Kingston constituency representation, omission, Member has grievance, Chair will attempt to correct error, will report back to House if necessary, 8755, 8787, errors and omissions misunderstandings and editorial decisions, erratum prepared for first edition, revisions will appear in second edition, 9237
    >>Mills, B. (rights of Members breached), Canada's Foreign Affairs Policy Review Special Joint Committee report, premature release, contempt of Parliament, 7813-4, taking under advisement, 7814, allegation not made against any particular individual, not question of privilege, 7971-2
    >>Morrison (language, inappropriate/improper), Irwin use of term "redneck", grievance occurred in committee, Member should address himself to committee Chair, not a question of privilege, 2439-40
    >>Nunez (Member's reputation impugned), Marchi comments re status as political refugee, 12117, debate, not question of privilege, 12117
    >>Nunziata (misleading/false statements), Reform Party allegations that Liberal Members opposed to singing of National Anthem in House of Commons, not question of privilege, 15976
    >>Nunziata (Private Members' Business/selection process), bill submitted not selected as votable item by Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, Chair recommends taking matter to committee, 2129-31
    >>Ouellet, (Member's reputation impugned), M. Gauthier and Duceppe comments re Ouellet alleged dereliction of duty, taking under advisement, 3654; Chair recognizes merit of arguments but point of order, not question of privilege, 3762-3
    >>Paré (misleading/false statements), Reform Party remarks re spouse's travel expenditures, 5821
    >>Peterson (contempt of Parliament), Finance Standing Committee, first report, draft, leaked to media, (Peterson), matter should first be raised with committee, Chair will discuss matter further with Member, 4702
    >>Richardson (language, inappropriate/improper), B. Mills reference to Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping troops as "big bad junk yard dogs", withdrawal requested, 15606, not question of privilege, Chair urging Members to be judicious in choice of words, 15606
    >>Ringuette-Maltais (contempt of Parliament), D. Grey physical assault in Chamber, 13507-9, taking under advisement, 13509; Member admitted fault, explained not harm meant, apologized for actions, matter closed, 14091-2
    >>Ringuette-Maltais (rights of Members breached), Gauthier, M., comments deriding Serré decision to ask question in English, 15532, matter raised and ruled not point of order, Member not impeded from speaking, voting or coming to the House, not question of privilege, 15532-3
    >>Robinson (language inappropriate/improper), Reform Party Okanagan Centre Constituency Association newsletter, Adolf Hitler quotation, deferring until Member in House, 1151, clarification on apology, Chair accepts Member's (Schmidt) statement under S.O. 31 as an apology, 1188-9
    >>Robinson (Member's remarks), remarks made by Member for Central Nova during course of debate, more appropriately addressed as a point of order, intention to pursue matter after giving notice to Member for Central Nova, 5946
    >>Speller (false allegations), Morrison, comments implying Members voting with party are not representing constituents, point of debate rather than question of privilege, 235
    >>Strahl (rights of Members breached), Human Rights and the Status of Disabled Persons Standing Committee clause by clause study of Employment Equity Act (Bill C-64), amendments ruled inadmissible on grounds that they were available only in English, 12757-61, matter should be raised in Committee, Chair not in position to rule on committee proceedings as no report yet received, at this time not question of privilege, 12760-1
    >>Taylor (rights of Members breached)
    >>>Insufficient copies of Firearms Act (Bill C-68) available, Member unable to inform constituents, 9733-4, matter to be put on agenda of Board of Internal Economy, Chair will report back to House, 9734; Board of Internal Economy decision communicated to Members, may be other means to raise matter, Chair considers matter closed, 9952-3
    >>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee minutes and evidence, Member's computer generated copy, printing of additional copies, House of Commons Printing Unit refusal, matter should be reviewed by Board of Internal Economy, taking under advisement, 12072-4
    >>Wayne (prayers), "God", removal, Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee considering, Committee studying matter, Chair will wait for report, 1189
    >>Wayne (rights of Members breached), photograph with misleading/false captions printed in Health Department publication without Member's permission, Member held up to ridicule, explanation and apology requested, 13009-10, deferring question until Minister in House, 13010; 13087-8, taking under advisement, 13088, explanation provided, apology tendered, Member embarrassed but not prevented from fulfilling her duties as Member of Parliament, not question of privilege, 13727-8
    >>White, T. (imputing motives) Copps tone of voice during statements re Reform Party non-participation in Montreal "no" rally, not question of privilege, 16149

Privy Council

    >>Clerk, Jocelyne Bourgon, credentials, 3105
    >>See also Access to information--Bloc Québécois requests

Privy Council Office see Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--Federal government role

Pro-Est Co. of Montreal

    >>East Montreal economic development, contribution, S.O. 31, 149

Probation see Criminal Code (amdt.--arrest without warrant)(Bill C-343); Justice system; Offenders

Problem resolution program see Taxation