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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Protection of Personal Information Obtained by Certain Corporations Act (Bill C-315)--Mayfield

Protectionism see Trade--Competitiveness/protectionism

Protocols see Agreements, Protocols, Exchange of Notes, Treaties, etc.

Proud, George (L--Hillsborough)

    >>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, 15912-5
    >>>S.O. 31, 8935, 14990
    >>Borrowing Authority Act, 1994-95 (Bill C-14), 1909-11
    >>>M. (Collenette), 11252
    >>>M. (Collenette), 17152-4
    >>>M. (Ouellet), 3362-3
    >>Budget, Feb. 27/95, M. for approval (P. Martin), 10542-4
    >>Canada Student Loan Program, 7075
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, 1519-20, 1910, 10877
    >>>Petition, 12257-8
    >>Canadian Volunteer Service Medal for United Nations Peacekeeping Act (Bill C-258), 10051
    >>Commemoration of the birthplace of Confederation Act (Bill C-292), 8525, 16697
    >>Committee, 1015
    >>Constitution Amendment, 1993 (Prince Edward Island), M. (Dingwall), 1390-2
    >>Cruise missile testing, M. (Collenette), 420-2
    >>Defence equipment, 422
    >>Defence policy, 420-1, 1519-23, 1530
    >>>M. (Collenette), 1519-23, 1530
    >>Deficit, 7075, 10543, 15913-4
    >>Department of Canadian Heritage Act (Bill C-53), 7283-4
    >>Economic conditions, 1045
    >>Economic development, 7074
    >>Economic recovery, 1045, 1910, 15913
    >>Education, post-secondary, 7074
    >>Electoral boundaries, 2731-2
    >>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Suspension Act, 1994 (Bill C-18), 2731-2
    >>Employment, 7074
    >>Environment, 15057
    >>Equalization payments, 1044-5
    >>Exports, 15914
    >>Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements and Federal Post-Secondary Education and Health Contributions Act (amdt.)(Bill C-3), 1044-5
    >>Fisheries, 15056
    >>Fisheries, Atlantic, 1390, 1909, 15057
    >>Government expenditures, 1910, 10544
    >>>S.O. 31, 11054
    >>Government programs and services, 10543
    >>Health insurance (Medicare), 10544
    >>Historic sites, 7284
    >>House of Commons, 1020, 2731
    >>Housing, 15914
    >>Infrastructure program, S.O. 31, 3437
    >>Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports, 9113, 12849, 15051, 15928
    >>International relations, 327-8
    >>Job creation, 1909, 15913
    >>Liberal Party, 10544
    >>Maheu, references, 326
    >>Members of Parliament, 2732, 10544
    >>National debt, 15913
    >>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, reports, 13054
    >>National Defence Department, M. on supply (Frazer), 10877, 10914-6
    >>National parks, petition, 15738
    >>National unity, 1044-5
    >>NATO, 10914-5
    >>Oceans Act (Bill C-98), 15056-7
    >>Peacekeeping, 1521, 10051, 10915, 17152-4
    >>>M. (Ouellet), 326-8
    >>Prince Edward Island, 1045, 1390-1, 7284
    >>Private family trusts, 10543
    >>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 16697
    >>>Speeches, 1044
    >>Public Service, 10544
    >>RCMP, o.q., 1066
    >>Regional disparities, 1044
    >>Search and rescue, 1520
    >>Serial killer board game/cards, petition, 72
    >>Small business, 1910-1
    >>Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-99), 15913-5
    >>Social security system, 10543-4
    >>>M. (L. Axworthy), 7074-5
    >>>S.O. 31, 6709, 8592
    >>Somalia, 10915-6
    >>Standing Orders, M. (H. Gray), 1015, 1020
    >>Taxation, 10543
    >>Trade, o.q., 12842
    >>Transfer payments to provinces, 1909
    >>Unemployment, 1910, 7075
    >>Unemployment insurance, 1909, 7075, 10543-4

Provencher constituency see Francophones outside Quebec--Manitoba; Infrastructure program


    >>Constitutional status, amending, mechanism, 6942
    >>See also other subject headings

Provincial debt

    >>Economic recovery, impeding, S.O. 31, 5810-1
    >>Impact, importance, 12058
    >>Level, $240 billion, 13217
    >>See also Quebec--Debt, provincial; Saskatchewan

Provincial legislatures see Constitutional reform--Regional veto proposal; Members of Parliament--Pensions; Senators--Appointments

Provincial parks

    >>Rouge River Valley, Ont., wilderness area, 919-20
    >>>o.q., 25-6
    >>>S.O. 31, 3564-5
    >>See also Kettle and Stoney Point Reserve--Ipperwash Provincial Park, Ont.

Prud'homme, Hon. Senator Marcel (IND--La Salle)

    >>References, S.O. 31, 1179

Pseudorabies virus see Hogs

Psoriasis Awareness Month

Psychiatric services see Health care

Psychoactive drugs see Drug trafficking

Psychoactive Substances Control Act (Bill C-85)(3rd Sess., 34th Parl.) see Drug trafficking--Legislation; Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Legislation

Psychoanalysis, psychotherapy see Health care--Core services

Psychological abuse see Violence; Women--Violence against, Spousal/partner abuse

Psychotropic substances see Drug trafficking--Combating; Drugs and pharmaceuticals

Public Accounts

    >>Accounting practices, o.q., 234-5, 6855
    >>Improvements, 1157-8
    >>Liabilities, disclosing, New Zealand example, 16198, 16287-8
    >>Role, 1157, 1159-60
    >>Simplification, Auditor General recommendation, 2816
    >>See also Government contracts--Purchases

Public Accounts Standing Committee

    >>>Bloc Québécois Member, 1196, 1210, 1214
    >>>Electing, 15001-2
    >>Gauthier, J-R, Chairman, 34th Parl., 1224-5, 1255
    >>Mandate, 1012, 1154, 1156-7, 1159-60, 1162, 1164, 1166-7, 1169, 1172, 1174, 1190, 1197, 1203-4, 1206, 1210, 1212-5, 1224, 1226-8, 1256, 1264
    >>Membership, opposition parties, parity, 14930-2
    >>Proceedings, non-partisan, 1214
    >>Reports, presented
    >>>First (Information for Parliament--Understanding Deficits and Debt), 3610
    >>>Second (Auditor General's Office, estimates, 1994-1995, main), 4306
    >>>Third (Estimates, 1994-1995, main), 4306
    >>>Fourth (Auditor General Act (amdt.--reports)(Bill C-207), 4871
    >>>Fifth (Northern Cod Adjustment and Recovery Program), 5618
    >>>>g.r., tabled, 7893
    >>>Sixth (Program evaluation), 8489
    >>>>g.r., tabled, 11815
    >>>Seventh (Tax revenue--resource companies allowance), 9474-5
    >>>Eighth (Auditor General's report, 1993-94), 12294-5
    >>>Ninth (Auditor General's report, 1993-94), 12294-5
    >>>Tenth (Pension overpayments), 12761
    >>>Eleventh (Auditor General, 1995-1996 main estimates), 13054
    >>>Twelfth (National Defence Department), 13599
    >>>Thirteenth (Correctional Service of Canada), 13881
    >>>>Dissenting report (Double bunking), Bloc Québecois, 13881
    >>>Fourteenth (Property management of government buildings), 14024
    >>>Fifteenth (Federal transportation subsidies--Atlantic Region Freight Assistance Program), 14409
    >>>>Dissenting report, Bloc Québécois, 14409
    >>>>g.r., tabled, 16489
    >>>Sixteenth (Science and technology activities), 16399
    >>>Seventeenth, (Auditor General's report, 1995-1996, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions), 16547
    >>>Eighteenth (Federal transportation subsidies--Atlantic Region Freight Assistance Program), 17347
    >>Travel authorization, M. (Milliken), agreed to, 4401
    >>See also Auditor General's Office; Auditor General's report--1992-1993; Government expenditures--Accountability; Government programs and services--Audits and evaluations

Public education see Referendums and plebiscites; Tobacco/cigarette smuggling--Government strategy

Public Harbours and Port Facilities Act (amdt.)(Bill C-344)--Crête

    >>First reading, 14323
    >>See also Ports--Harbour masters

Public inquiries see Blood--HIV contaminated blood/blood management system, Krever public inquiry; Pearson International Airport--Terminals 1 and 2, privatization; Radio stations--Télémédia licence application

Public libraries see Vancouver Public Library

Public office holders

    >>Indictable offences, conviction, 5881
    >>Public distrust, 13301
    >>Removal if convicted of criminal offence, 13957
    >>See also Members of Parliament; Senators

Public opinion see Bosnia-Herzegovina--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping troops; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation; Currency--Two dollar coin; Employment equity; Environment--Protection; Government expenditures; House of Commons--Seats; Income tax--Increase; Migratory birds--Species protection; Young Offenders Act

Public opinion polls

    >>$67 million expenditure, o.q., 4271
    >>Government contracts, r.o., 14416
    >>Results, government releasing
    >>>Criteria, o.q., 4271, 4273-4, 4773
    >>>Failure, 5379
    >>>Legislation, 15369-77
    >>>>See also Access to Information Act (amdt.--disclosure of results of public opinion polls)(Bill C-309)
    >>>o.q., 4273
    >>>Progressive Conservative Government (Mulroney) policy, 15369-70
    >>>S.O. 31, 14221
    >>See also Gun control/guns; Liberal Party--Popularity; National unity; Quebec--Separation/sovereignty; Surrey--White Rock--South Langley constituency

Public Petitions to Parliament (Bill C-642)(1st Sess., 32nd Parl.) see Petitions--Legislation

Public safety see Justice system

Public Sector Compensation Act see Budget Implementation Act, 1994 (Bill C-17)

Public security

    >>Canadian citizens, government protection, lack, S.O. 31, 8112

Public Security Department

    >>Elimination, cost savings, 3299

Public Service

    >>Annual report, tabled, Government Operations Standing Committee referral, 4305
    >>Atlantic provinces, relocation of jobs to, Government Services Minister Dingwall plan
    >>>o.q., 6086-7
    >>>Patronage allegations, o.q., 5896
    >>>S.O. 31, 5935, 6081, 13471-2
    >>Attitude, 1196
    >>Bilingualism bonus, 11582
    >>Chrétien, Prime Minister, remarks, "paid to sit around and do nothing", o.q., 9200-1, 9280
    >>Collective bargaining, 4434-9, 4677
    >>>Reform Party position, 4434, 4439
    >>Competitive process
    >>>Openness, protecting, 11286
    >>>See also Public Service--Downsizing
    >>Conflict of interest, 12482
    >>>Ethical standards, Auditor General report, o.q., 12538
    >>Contracting out policy, 6508
    >>>Costs, 4044, 11713, 13038
    >>>>S.O. 31, 6898
    >>>Downsizing, relationship, 11713-4
    >>>>o.q., 9655
    >>>Former Public Servants, double dipping, 11714
    >>>Review, Government Operations Standing Committee, 2780, 4636, 11714
    >>>>o.q., 4394, 9655
    >>>Without competition, 11714
    >>Contracts, non-monetary issues, negotiating with unions, 2781
    >>>Cost neutral provisions, 11260, 13293
    >>Courses offered, wasteful, o.q., 10516
    >>CSIS employees, membership status, 7901
    >>Deputy Ministers and senior executives, placing on contracts, 1195-6
    >>Diplomatic corps, military personnel abroad, private schools, children attending, o.q., 10471
    >>Downsizing, 1190, 2779, 2799, 4681, 6376, 6397, 6534, 6808, 8359, 8497, 10444, 10477, 10737, 11430, 11585, 13305, 13307, 13380
    >>>14% reduction, 17728
    >>>25,000 reduction, 1784, 1787
    >>>45,000 reduction, 1995-1998, 20,000 by mid 1996, Feb. 27/95 budget statement, 10097, 10108-9, 10118-9, 10203, 10205, 10212-3, 10235, 10284, 10287, 10310-2, 10315-7, 10533-4, 10742, 10939, 10968, 11260, 11275, 11284-5, 11287-8, 11336, 11385, 11388, 11391, 11398, 11822, 11824, 12381, 13059, 13070, 13293, 13339, 13341, 13388, 15489-90, 15493
    >>>>Planned/unplanned, o.q., 12724
    >>>>qu., 14415
    >>>>Women, proportion, 10584, 15331, 15358
    >>>Accountability, responsibility, transfer of authorization, 11285-6
    >>>Buy-out package/workforce adjustment amendments, government proposal, PSAC refusal, o.q., 9198-9, 9947, 10000-1
    >>>Cabinet minister exempt staff/surplus employees, hiring priority, 11283-4
    >>>Charter of Rights and Freedoms, considerations, o.q., 10324
    >>>Contract employees, full-time and part-time, lay-offs, o.q., 10663
    >>>Early retirement, early departure incentives, 11260, 11336, 11359, 11388, 11416, 13293, 13303
    >>>>Acceptance/rejection, time frame, 11285
    >>>>Cost overrun, acceptance level, relationship, o.q., 16736-7, 16780-1, 16836-7
    >>>>o.q., 10272-3
    >>>>Term employees, application, 11285
    >>>Employment equity, consideration, 13059, 13061-3, 13069, 13341, 13397, 15151, 15358, 15393
    >>>>o.q., 10324, 12251-2
    >>>Halifax West constituency, impact, 13330
    >>>Hiring freeze, imposing, 3026
    >>>Joint agreement with unions, o.q., 13051
    >>>Liberal Party election promise, 11284-5, 11287-8
    >>>Management, application, 8048, 10236
    >>>National capital area, impact, government assistance, o.q., 9470, 9474
    >>>o.q., 9947-8, 10000-1
    >>>Outaouais region, 13071
    >>>>S.O. 31, 10262-3
    >>>Program review, relationship, 15489-90
    >>>Quebec Liberal MNAs, Outaouais region, indifference, S.O. 31, 9322
    >>>Quebec, o.q., 17089
    >>>Reform Party proposals, 11285, 11287
    >>>Regional and local flexibility, o.q., 11486
    >>>Relocation and retraining incentive payments, 2799-800, 6808
    >>>S.O. 31, 8287, 9322, 10183, 10607, 10947
    >>>Surplus employees
    >>>>Designation, details, r.o., 10340
    >>>>Six months pay provisions, 11260, 11430, 13059-64, 13293
    >>>>Vacant positions, appointment without competition, Public Service Commission authority, 11286, 13059, 13061-2, 13064, 13069
    >>>Tax consumers/providers, analogy, 11711
    >>>Term employees, policy, o.q., 13236
    >>>Voluntary substitution program, 13339, 13342
    >>>Women, o.q., 10663
    >>>Workforce Adjustment Program, regulations, amending, 13063
    >>>>3 year suspension, 11284-5
    >>>>Reform Party position, 13063
    >>>See also National Capital region; Public Service--Contracting out policy--Renewal; Public Service Week
    >>Early retirement, hiring back on contract, 2157
    >>Education leave with pay, prevalence, o.q., 1386
    >>Efficiency, Auditor General's report, recommendations, 1732
    >>Employment equity, 1962, 1965-6, 1974-6, 2027, 7282, 8971-8, 8981-3, 8991, 12971, 12975, 12988, 13061, 15301, 15304, 15352, 15378, 15390-1, 15433, 16493
    >>>1992-1993 annual report, tabled, 2794
    >>>Human Resources Development Department, role, 2027
    >>>o.q., 8702, 8754, 8940
    >>>Special Measures Initiative Program, restructuring, 1975, 2795-6
    >>>Statement by Minister (Eggleton), 2794-7
    >>>See also Public Service--Downsizing
    >>English and French work units, 11582
    >>Equal pay for work of equal value, 2781
    >>Essential services, 10297-9
    >>>Legislation see Canada Labour Code and Public Service Staff Relations Act (amdt.--scabs and essential services)(Bill C-317)
    >>>See also Public Service--Strikes
    >>>Guidelines, awareness, o.q., 12485-6
    >>>See also Public Service--Conflict of interest--Whistleblowing
    >>Expenditures, reducing, streamlining, 629
    >>External recruitment, limits, 2779
    >>Incentive awards program, 13036
    >>Job security, 2779
    >>>Government commitment, 1881, 2780, 4636, 6808
    >>>See also Public Service--Workforce adjustment program
    >>Management see Public Service--Downsizing
    >>Members of Parliament, relationship, 209, 250, 1022-3
    >>Morale, 2778-9, 6808-9
    >>>o.q., 16836
    >>National Public Service Week, o.q., 5343-4
    >>Non-productive employees
    >>>Firing, 6662
    >>>See also Public Service--Chrétien
    >>Official languages policy/bilingualism, 2181, 3144, 3146, 3166-7, 3169, 3173-4, 3179, 3189-90, 6422, 6462
    >>>Francophone Public Servants, mother tongue, use, career, jeapordizing, S.O. 31, 5207, 5511
    >>>National Capital Region, French use, Official Languages Commissioner report, o.q., 11813, 12252, 12289, 15485
    >>>Official Languages Commissioner report, o.q., 9729-30
    >>>Quebec/English Canada, 9125
    >>>Reform Party position, 3311
    >>>Service in both official languages, difficulties, Official Languages Commissioner report, o.q., 11991-2
    >>Ottawa, Ont., suburbs, relocating to, impact, 1535-6
    >>>o.q., 723
    >>Pay equity, 294, 2004-5, 2024-5, 2781, 4087-8
    >>>Budget, Feb. 22/94 measures, impact, 3066
    >>>Negotiations with Public Service Alliance of Canada, o.q., 10832
    >>>Nurses, dieticians, occupational and physical therapists, agreement with Professional Institute of the Public Service, o.q., 10832
    >>>o.q., 1996-7
    >>>Public Service Alliance of Canada court challenge, government appealing, 1962, 2796
    >>>Retroactivity, cost, 2025
    >>>Deputy Ministers, special retirement allowance
    >>>>o.q., 10470
    >>>>qu., 14545-6
    >>>>S.O. 31, 10609
    >>>Early retirement without penalties, age 50 and on, amending legislation, 9863
    >>>>S.O. 31, 9322
    >>>>See also Public Service Superannuation Act (amdt.--annuity following job loss)(Bill C-306)
    >>>Fund management, reform, 2780-1
    >>>Generous, taxpayer funded, 665
    >>>Independent Quebec, paying, S.O. 31, 9527
    >>>Pensions Acts (amdt.), Special Retirement Arrangements Act and Pension Benefits Division Act (Bill C-55)(3rd Sess. 34th Parl.), regulations, approval, delay, o.q., 6089
    >>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, relationship, 13488
    >>>Taxation see Pensions--Taxation
    >>Person-years, managers reducing, bonuses, 2885
    >>Political activities, Public Service Employment Act, application, o.q., 10833, 10902
    >>Powers, influence of bureaucracy, Members of Parliament roles, relationship, 16875-7
    >>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), rationalization policy, reversing, o.q., 106
    >>Public Service Compensation System, inefficiencies, Auditor General's report, o.q., 8119-20
    >>Quebec independence, Outaouais region employees
    >>>Job loss, 13071
    >>>Job preservation in new Quebec Public Service, 13341, 13872
    >>>>o.q., 15486
    >>>>S.O. 31, 15918
    >>RCMP status, uniformed and civilian members, Federal Court of Canada ruling, 7896-902, 7908, 7910-2
    >>Reclassifications, r.o., 10340
    >>Recognition, 1883
    >>>Quality Month, awards of excellence, o.q., 15048
    >>Renewal, 1881, 4967, 7909-10
    >>>o.q., 7097, 9063
    >>>Public Service downsizing, impact, 11840-1
    >>Role, value, 2778-9
    >>Salaries, 1195
    >>>Executive categories, increases, 13385-6
    >>>Freeze, extended for two years, Budget, Feb. 22/94, measure, 1712, 1758, 1784, 1787, 1819, 1827, 1835-6, 1842, 1881, 1883, 1898, 1904-7, 2778, 2796, 2799, 2805-7, 2885, 3019, 3026, 3038, 3066, 3091, 3112, 3115, 4433-7, 4440-1, 4482-3, 4635-9, 4641, 4673, 4677, 5031-2, 8496-7, 8571, 15673
    >>>>Legislation, Bill C-17, implementing, 2776-7
    >>>>Lessening time, alternative efficiencies, 1758, 2778-80, 2885, 3019
    >>>>Morale, impact, S.O. 31, 4128
    >>>>o.q., 1803-4, 1996-7, 5343-4
    >>>>S.O. 31, 2478-9
    >>>Increments, suspended for two years, Budget, Feb. 22/94, measure, 1712, 1758, 2778-80, 2805-7, 3019, 3038, 3066
    >>>Private sector, comparison, 1835, 2799
    >>>Reform Party, position, 4631
    >>>Regional rates of pay, abolishing
    >>>>Cost of abolishing, 15674, 15679
    >>>>Cost of living differences factor, 15674, 15678, 15680
    >>>>Equality/discrimination factor, 15672-80
    >>>>Labour disputes, 1989 ships crews strike arbitration panel eliminating regional rates, etc., 15672-3, 15678-9
    >>>>M. (MacDonald), 15672-80, dropped from Order Paper, 15680
    >>>>National standards factor, 15675-6, 15678
    >>>>Remote regions allowance alternative, 15676-8
    >>>>S.O. 31, 294
    >>>Women, 4646-8, 15352, 15358, 15413
    >>Senior management, influence of lobbyists, protection, 3721
    >>>Block transfers, 11260
    >>>Full time, by job classification, r.o., 12546
    >>Strikes, essential services, anti-scab legislation, 13939-47, 15509-18, 16505-6
    >>>See also Canada Labour Code and Public Service Staff Relations Act (amdt.--scabs and essential services)(Bill C-317)
    >>Telework pilot project, three year term, 2781
    >>Travel allowances, tax liability, 14329
    >>Travel expenditures, reducing, 9870
    >>Tribute see National Public Service Week
    >>Unions see Government expenditures--Budget Feb. 22/94
    >>Visible minorities, 7282
    >>>See also Public Service--Employment equity
    >>Whistleblowing protection, ethics issue, 6392, 13033-9
    >>>Hotline, United States example, 13037, 13039
    >>>Legislation see Canadian Human Rights Act, Canada Labour Code and Public Service Employment Act (amdt.--whistleblowing)(Bill C-248)
    >>>Non-traditional and executive positions, 2795
    >>>See also Public Service--Employment equity--Salaries
    >>Work schedules, flexibility, 2781
    >>Workforce adjustment program, 3112-3, 4637, 6808
    >>>Amending, Treasury Board-union negotiations, 2779-80
    >>>>o.q., 9201
    >>>Budget, Feb. 27/95 measures, impact, 11430
    >>>Government program review, relationship, o.q., 8174, 8294
    >>>o.q., 2360
    >>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), unilaterally amending, 2779
    >>>Retraining programs, funding, access, 2779
    >>>See also Public Service--Downsizing
    >>See also National Public Service Week; Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995); Remembrance Day