The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Berthier--Montcalm constituency
Electoral boundaries, redistribution, 2907-8, 9988
Bertrand, Robert (L--Pontiac--Gatineau--Labelle)
- >>Abortion, petition, 9205
>>Agriculture, M. on supply (J-G Chrétien), 11507-8
>>Alcan Cable, S.O. 31, 16478
>>Auditor General Act (amdt.)(Bill C-83), 14564
>>Bertrand, references, 3077
>>Bloc Québécois, S.O. 31, 11524, 13717
>>Bosnia-Herzegovina, M. (Collenette), 17154-6
>>Budget, Feb. 27/95, S.O. 31, 10186
>>Business, 6168
>>Canada Customs, o.q., 3444
>>Canadian heritage, 5550
>>Consumers, 6169
>>Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-240), 5182-3
>>Crime prevention, 5182
>>Dairy products/industry, 11507
>>>o.q., 15529
>>Dangerous offenders, 5182-3
>>Department of Industry Act (Bill C-46), 6168-9, 6172-3
>>Divorce, petition, 16109
>>Economic conditions, S.O. 31, 5150
>>Education, post-secondary, S.O. 31, 12531
>>Equalization payments, S.O. 31, 9463
>>Federalism, S.O. 31, 16901
>>Francophones, S.O. 31, 12187
>>Freight rates, 11507-8
>>Government programs and services, 6168-9
>>>o.q., 6220
>>Grain transportation, 11507-8
>>Health care, S.O. 31, 13172
>>Holidays, 5548-50
>>Housing, M. (C. Gagnon), 3077-9
>>Job creation, 6168
>>Liberal Party, S.O. 31, 7420-1, 11984
>>Louis David Riel Conviction Revocation Act (Bill C-288), 10930-1
>>Mining industry, M. (Serré), 15242-3
>>NAFTA, S.O. 31, 14920
>>National Patriot Day, M. (Bergeron), 5548-50
>>National Veterans Week, S.O. 31, 16317
>>Natural resources, 14564
>>Nuclear weapons, S.O. 31, 14527
>>Official languages policy/bilingualism, S.O. 31, 3515-6
>>Paradis, references, S.O. 31, 9600
>>Penitentiaries, 5182-3
>>Political parties, S.O. 31, 6555
>>Pulp and paper industry, o.q., 4001
>>Quebec, S.O. 31, 6709, 12836, 13229, 14013-4, 14807, 14991, 15040, 15210, 17033
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum, S.O. 31, 8423-4, 10466, 14807, 15286, 15479, 16140
>>References, 6652
>>>Maiden speech, 3077
>>Regional disparities, 6172-3
>>Research and development, 6168
>>Responsible government in Canada, 5548-9
>>Riel, Louis David, 10931
>>Robillard, references, S.O. 31, 9600
>>RRAP, 3078
>>Sexual orientation, petitions, 9205, 10393, 14024
>>Skiing, S.O. 31, 9999
>>Supply management/marketing boards, 11507
>>Trade, 6169
>>United Nations, 17154-5
>>Vote, right to, 5549
>>Weathercopy, S.O. 31, 4574
"Best before" date see Packaging and labelling
Best Kept Secret see Communications Security Establishment--History
Bestiality see Pornography--Léolo
Betaseron see Multiple sclerosis
Betesh, Saul see Murderers
Béthanie, Que., see Shefford constituency--Electoral boundaries
Bethel, Judy (L--Edmonton East)
- >>Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act (Bill C-88), 17445
>>Alberta, S.O. 31, 9647
>>Atlantic Groundfish Strategy, 7207
>>Auditor General Act (amdt.--reports)(Bill C-207), 3862
>>Borrowing Authority Act, 1995-96 (Bill C-73), 10744-7
>>British Columbia Treaty Commission Act (Bill C-107), 15694, 15709-10
>>Budget, 710-1
>>>M. on supply (Williams), 7207-9
>>>M. (P. Martin), 710-1
>>Budget, Feb. 27/95, 10744-5
>>Child support payments, o.q, 11760
>>Citizenship and Immigration Standing Committee, report, 5527
>>Constitutional Amendments Act (Bill C-110), 17528-30
>>Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Bill C-7), 3244-5
>>Crime, 4294, 4297
>>Crime prevention, 5885
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--force) and Coastal Fisheries Protection Act (amdt.--force)(Bill C-8), 1320
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--sentencing)(Bill C-41), 5885-6
>>Cuba, o.q., 10667
>>Department of Health Act (Bill C-95), 16227-9
>>Drug trafficking, 3244-5
>>Edmonton East constituency, 710
>>Employment, 7129, 7207-9
>>>o.q., 17238
>>Employment equity, S.O. 31, 16829
>>Environment, S.O. 31, 15331
>>Euthanasia, petitions, 9070-1, 13444
>>Federalism, 17529
>>Government, 7209
>>Grain Export Protection Act (Bill C-262), 10300-1
>>Grain transportation, 10300-1
>>Gun control/guns, S.O. 31, 13591
>>Health care, 17621-2
>>>o.q., 16441
>>Health insurance (Medicare), 17621-2
>>Highways and roads, S.O. 31, 13523
>>Immigrants, S.O. 31, 1992
>>Industry Standing Committee, reports, 17445
>>Job creation, 7129
>>Justice system, 5885-6
>>Latvia, petition, 2492
>>Members of Parliament, S.O. 31, 6771
>>Mexico, o.q., 15705
>>National Family Week, S.O. 31, 6556
>>National unity, 17529-30
>>Nigeria, petition, 17636
>>Parole, 5885
>>Police, 1320
>>Poverty, 7130
>>Prostitution, o.q., 14614-5
>>Quebec, 17529
>>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 8833-6
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum, 8834
>>References, maiden speech, 710
>>Reform Party, S.O. 31, 13523
>>Registered personal security plan, M. on supply (Ablonczy), 10651
>>Royal Canadian Mint Act (amdt.)(Bill C-82), 12912, 12915
>>RRSPs, 10651
>>Senate, M. (Jennings), 15668-9
>>Serial killer board game/cards, petition, 1109
>>Sexual orientation, petition, 13444
>>Small business, 10622, 10745
>>Social security system
>>>M. (L. Axworthy), 7129-31
>>>Petition, 13444
>>Trade, o.q., 4469
>>Training programs, 7129-30
>>Women, M. on supply (C. Gagnon), 10622
>>Young Offenders Act, 4295-6
>>Young offenders, M. on supply (Forseth), 4295-7
Bethune, Dr. Norman
Medical pioneer, S.O. 31, 10319-20
Between the Lines program see Crime prevention--Literacy
Bevilacqua, Maurizio (L--York North; Parliamentary Secretary to Minister of Human Resources Development from December 6, 1993 to February 5, 1996) February 5, 1996)
- >>ADM Agri-Industries Ltd. Operations Act (Bill C-313), 12863-4
>>Agriculture, 2841, 13361-2
>>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, 5556-7
>>Atlantic Groundfish Strategy, 2839, 4514, 4529-31, 4688, 5555-7
>>Auditor General for the Family Act (Bill C-322), 16390-2
>>>M. (Collenette),
>>Bosnia-Herzegovina, M. (Collenette), 17174-5, 17177-8
>>Budget (1996), 17719-20
>>Budget, Feb. 22/94, M. for approval (P. Martin), 1750
>>Budget, Feb. 27/95, 9909-10
>>>M. for approval (P. Martin), 10441-3
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1994 (Bill C-17), 2838-42
>>Business, 632
>>Canada Assistance Plan, 2840, 12089
>>Canada Employment and Immigration Commission, annual report (1992-1993), tabled, 796
>>Canada Employment Centres, o.q., 16740-1
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 16355
>>>M. on supply (Bouchard), 12080, 12088-9
>>Canada Labour Code and Public Service Staff Relations Act (amdt.--scabs and essential services)(Bill C-317), 13942-3
>>Canada Pension Plan, o.q., 3332, 17630
>>Canada Student Financial Assistance Act (Bill C-28), 4318-20, 5404-5, 5409-10
>>Canada Student Loans Program, 5931, 6653, 6705, 16355, 16495-6, 17721
>>>M. (Manning), 10642-4
>>Child care, o.q., 16778, 16782
>>Children, 632
>>Deficit, M. on supply (Abbott), 9909-13
>>Department of Human Resources Development Act (Bill C-96), 16446-52, 16495-6
>>Department of Labour Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30), 4514, 4529-31, 5554-7
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, 632, 6703
>>Economic development, 5555, 5557, 15898, 16448, 16450, 17721
>>Economic recovery, o.q., 10271
>>Education, 632-3, 10750
>>>S.O. 31, 7552
>>Education, post-secondary, 2840, 16574-5
>>>o.q., 13128-9
>>Employment, 631, 4318-9, 4531, 5787-8, 6702, 10750, 11519, 16448-50, 17720
>>>o.q., 2544, 11603
>>>S.O. 31, 16480
>>Employment equity, 15150-1, 15355, 15380, 15444-5, 16496
>>>M. on supply (Strahl), 12969-73
>>Employment Equity Act (Bill C-64), 15150-1, 15355, 15380, 15444-5
>>Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-111), 17483-4
>>Family, 16390-2
>>Family income, o.q., 16782
>>Fédération des femmes du Québec, o.q., 4862
>>Finance Standing Committee, reports, M. (Gagliano), 17719-21
>>Fire-fighters, M. (Blaikie), 13565-6
>>Fisheries, Atlantic, 4531
>>Full Employment Act (Bill C-209), 5787-9
>>Government, 6705, 17720
>>Government expenditures, 17720
>>Government programs and services, 6704, 6944-5, 16450, 16496
>>Grain Export Protection Act (Bill C-262), 10303-5
>>Grain transportation, 10303-4
>>Gun control/guns, petition, 10959
>>Health care, 12089
>>House of Commons, 6705
>>Human resources development centres, 17721
>>Human Resources Development Department, 16355, 16448, 16495
>>Human Resources Investment Fund, 10442
>>Income security programs, 6945
>>Income tax, M. (Marchand), 4684-6
>>Information highway, 7352-3, 15898
>>Infrastructure program, 5787-8
>>Israel, S.O. 31, 16316-7
>>Job creation, 674-5, 2966, 4089, 6704, 15899, 16450-1, 16496, 17484
>>>o.q., 13126, 14020, 17084
>>Kanesatake Band Council, 4092
>>Kanesatake Indian Reserve, 4091-2
>>Labour disputes, 6249-50
>>Labour markets, 6704
>>Labour mobility, o.q., 17391-2
>>Labour relations, 13942-3
>>Lay-offs, 5933
>>Liberal Party, o.q., 16782
>>Literacy, 632
>>Maintenance of Railway Operations Act, 1995 (Bill C-77), 10846
>>Manpower, M. on supply (Lalonde), 17200, 17210-2, 17218-20
>>Nortel Communications Inc., 16761
>>Northern Cod Adjustment and Recovery Program, 4531
>>Oka, Que., 4092
>>Old age pensions, 2964, 16496
>>>o.q., 10327-8
>>Old Age Security Act, Canada Pension Plan, Children's Special Allowances Act, Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-54), 6944-7, 6958-9, 12322-3
>>Olympics, 1994 Winter Games, S.O. 31, 1180
>>Ontario, 633
>>Payroll taxes, o.q., 17083
>>Peacekeeping, 17174-5, 17177
>>Ports, 1954, 10566-7
>>Poverty, 632, 6702, 16356
>>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 17652
>>Program for Older Worker Adjustment, 2662, 4531, 16355, 16496
>>Public Service, 12971
>>Quebec North Shore and Labrador Railway Company, 6249-50
>>>o.q., 3334
>>Railways, 10506, 10846
>>>o.q., 10329
>>RCMP, 2842
>>Refugees, 6290, 17542-3
>>Regional development, 5556-7
>>Registered personal security plan, 16452
>>Senior citizens, 4685, 6944-5, 6958
>>Singer Sewing Machine Company of Canada Ltd., o.q., 13919
>>Small business, 10936
>>Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-99), 15897-9
>>Social security system, 923, 2838, 3345, 4089, 4319, 4688-9, 6291, 6701-2, 6958-9, 9235, 10442, 16452, 17200, 17542, 17720
>>>M. (L. Axworthy), 630-3
>>>M. (L. Axworthy), 6652-3, 6686, 6701-5
>>>o.q., 2224, 2296, 6437-8, 6986
>>Summer Employment/Experience Development Program (SEED), o.q., 17084
>>Technological change, 632
>>Training programs, 3264-5, 15897-8, 16447, 16451, 16496
>>>o.q., 6988, 12414, 16833
>>Unemployment, 632, 4531, 5931, 6958, 17720
>>Unemployment insurance, 632, 923, 1750, 2839-40, 4089-90, 6701-5, 9235, 16356, 16446-7, 17200, 17211-2, 17218-20, 17427-8, 17483-4
>>>Developmental uses, tabled, 796
>>>M. on supply (Lalonde), 17427-8
>>>o.q., 2292, 13126, 16833, 17083-4
>>Unemployment insurance account, 10442
>>Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.--excepted employment)(Bill C-218), 3344-5
>>Unemployment Insurance Commission, o.q., 2792
>>United Nations, 17174-5
>>Vaughan Technology Enterprise Centre, 15899, 16449
>>Visible minorities, 12971
>>Welfare, 12080, 12089, 16355-6
>>>o.q., 17391-2
>>West Coast Ports Operations Act, 1995 (Bill C-74), 10566-7
>>Women, 12970-1
>>Young Offenders Act, petition, 7604
>>Youth, 4318, 17720-1
>>>o.q., 11683
>>Youth Internship Program, 1750, 5931, 11519-20, 16450, 16496, 17720
>>Youth Service Canada Program, 16450, 17720
>>>o.q., 15043-4
>>Youth Service Corps, 1750, 5931, 7351-2, 16496
>>>S.O. 31, 7226
Bhaduria, Jag (L--Markham--Whitchurch--Stouffville; IND-L--Markham--Whitchurch--Stouffville as of Feb. 15/94)
- >>Bank of Canada, S.O. 31, 2619
>>Bhaduria, references, S.O. 31, 14637-8
>>Bosnia-Herzegovina, M. (Collenette), 17193
>>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-56), 9026
>>Dave, Joanne, S.O. 31, 8822
>>Deficit, petitions, 11197, 11572
>>Discrimination and racism, S.O. 31, 9055
>>Education, post-secondary, S.O. 31, 7849-50
>>Education, S.O. 31, 10828
>>Ferguson, Tracey, S.O. 31, 4270
>>Government expenditures, petitions, 11534, 11572
>>Gun control/guns, S.O. 31, 6979-80, 7094-5, 11292
>>Immigrants, S.O. 31, 8241
>>Immigration, S.O. 31, 3439
>>Interest rates, S.O. 31, 9943, 10185, 12714, 13800
>>Iraq, S.O. 31, 17493
>>Jamel siamese twins, S.O. 31, 10507-8
>>Members of Parliament, 15186
>>Peace, S.O. 31, 13318
>>>Inappropriate conduct/apology, 197
>>>Member's reputation impugned, 1387, 1507, 1728, 2677
>>>Rights of Members breached, 15186
>>>Divisions, recorded, 9106-9, 9111, 13031-2, 14843-4, 14846-7, 15136-8, 15203, 15236-7, 15505, 16049-50, 16053, 16056, 16277, 16279, 16931-2, 16934-6, 16938-43, 16945-6, 17259
>>>Exhibits, 15108
>>>Points of order/questions of privilege, 1321, 1507, 1728
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), S.O. 31, 15098, 16237
>>References, 570, 1621
>>>Eastern Canada travel, S.O. 31, 14637-8
>>>Resignation/eviction from Liberal Party, 4077
>>>Resignation, Markham--Whitchurch--Stouffville constituency residents, requesting, petition, 1618, 3106, 7375
>>>Threatening letters sent to former colleagues (Toronto Board of Education), o.q., 227-8, 231
>>Sexual assault, S.O. 31, 6633
>>Sports, S.O. 31, 12998
>>>Petition, 10081
>>>S.O. 31, 9272
>>Trade, S.O. 31, 12184
>>Unemployment insurance, S.O. 31, 2121
>>Veterans hospitals, S.O. 31, 12410
>>World War II, S.O. 31, 12410
BHP Minerals Canada Inc.
Diamond mine development, Lac de Gras, NWT, environmental assessment review,
o.q., 8881-2
World Cup Biathlon, Hinton, Alta., Mar. 10-13/94, S.O. 31, 1717
>>World War ll, S.O. 31, 4944-5
>>See also Olympics, 1994 Winter Games
Biculturalism see Bilingualism and Biculturalism Royal Commission (Laurendeau-Dunton)
Bienvenue, Judge Jean see Judges
Big Brothers Month
September 1995, S.O. 31, 14638
Big Rock Breweries see Arts and culture
Bihac see Bosnia-Herzegovina
Bike L.A. see Habitat for Humanity
Gang wars, Montreal, Que., explosives, 14575, 14578, 14581-2, 14720, 15264,
Bilateral aid see International development assistance
Bilingualism see Official languages policy/bilingualism
Bilingualism and Biculturalism Royal Commission (Laurendeau-Dunton) see Quebec--Nationhood
Bilingualism bonus
CSIS employees, eligibility, 7897
>>Eliminating, 7900, 7908, 11582
>>>Cost savings, 3034-5
>>>Official Languages Commissioner recommendation, 7898, 7902-3, 7905
>>>>o.q., 2931-2
>>Purpose, 7904, 7910
>>RCMP employees, uniformed and civilian, eligibility, Gingras case, Federal
Court of Canada ruling, 7896-900, 7902-12
>>>o.q., 2179, 2932
>>>S.O. 31, 4129, 9274
Bills, House of Commons (Royal Assent denoted by *)
Government, Public
>>>C-1.\Oaths of Office (Pro Forma)--Prime Minister (J. Chrétien)
>>>C-2.\Department of National Revenue Act (amdt.)--Minister of National
Revenue (Anderson)
>>>C-3.\Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements and Federal Post-Secondary
Education and Health Contributions Act (amdt.)--Minister of Finance (P. Martin)
>>>C-4.\Crown Liability and Proceedings Act (amdt.)--Minister of Justice
>>>C-5.\Customs Tariff (amdt.)--Minister of Finance (P. Martin)
>>>C-6.\Canada Oil and Gas Operations, Canada Petroleum Resources Act and
National Energy Board Act (amdt.)--Minister of Natural Resources (A. McLellan)
>>>C-7.\Controlled Drugs and Substances Act--Minister of Health (Marleau)
>>>C-8.\Criminal Code (amdt.--force) and Coastal Fisheries Protection Act
(amdt.--force)--Minister of Justice (Rock)
>>>C-9.\Income Tax Act (amdt.)--Minister of Finance (P. Martin)
>>>C-10.\West Coast Ports Operations Act, 1994--Minister of Human Resources
Development and Minister of Western Economic Diversification (L. Axworthy)
>>>C-11.\Excise Act, Customs Act and Tobacco Sales to Young Persons Act
(amdt.)--Minister of National Revenue (Anderson)
>>>C-12.\Canada Business Corporations Act (amdt.)--Minister of Industry
>>>C-13.\Excise Tax Act (amdt.)--Minister of Finance (P. Martin)
>>>C-14.\Borrowing Authority Act, 1994-95--Minister of Finance (P. Martin)
>>>C-15.\Income Tax Amendments Revision Act (amdt.)--Minister of Justice
>>>C-16.\Sahtu Dene and Métis Land Claim Settlement Act--Minister of Indian
Affairs and Northern Development (Irwin)
>>>C-17.\Budget Implementation Act, 1994--Minister of Finance (P. Martin)
>>>C-18.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Suspension Act, 1994--Leader of
the Government in the House of Commons (H. Gray)
>>>C-19.\Appropriation Act No. 3, 1993-94--President of the Treasury Board
>>>C-20.\Appropriation Act No. 1, 1994-95--President of the Treasury Board
>>>C-21.\Railway Safety Act (amdt.)--Minister of Transport (Young)
>>>C-22.\Pearson International Airport Agreements Act--Minister of Transport
>>>C-23.\Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994--Minister of the Environment
>>>C-24.\Canada Wildlife Act (amdt.)--Minister of the Environment (Copps)
>>>C-25.\Canada Petroleum Resources Act (amdt.)--Minister of Indian Affairs
and Northern Development (Irwin)
>>>C-26.\National Library Act (amdt.)--Minister of Canadian Heritage (Dupuy)
>>>C-27.\Income Tax Act, Income Tax Application Rules, Canada Pension Plan,
Canada Business Corporations Act, Excise Tax Act, Unemployment Insurance Act
(amdt.)--Minister of Finance (P. Martin)
>>>C-28.\Canada Student Financial Assistance Act--Minister of Human Resources
Development (L. Axworthy)
>>>C-29.\Coastal Fisheries Protection Act (amdt.)--Minister of Fisheries and
Oceans (Tobin)
>>>C-30.\Department of Labour Act (amdt.)--Minister of Human Resources
Development (L. Axworthy)
>>>C-31.\Canadian Film Development Corporation Act (amdt.)--Minister of
Canadian Heritage (Dupuy)
>>>C-32.\Excise Act, Excise Tax Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)--Minister of
Finance (P. Martin)
>>>C-33.\Yukon First Nations Land Claims Settlement Act--Minister of Indian
Affairs and Northern Development (Irwin)
>>>C-34.\Yukon First Nations Self-Government Act--Minister of Indian Affairs
and Northern Development (Irwin)
>>>C-35.\Department of Citizenship and Immigration Act--Minister of
Citizenship and Immigration (Marchi)
>>>C-36.\Split Lake Cree First Nation Flooded Land Act--Minister of Indian
Affairs and Northern Development (Irwin)
>>>C-37.\Young Offenders Act (amdt.) and Criminal Code (amdt.)--Minister of
Justice (Rock)
>>>C-38.\Marine Transportation Security Act--Minister of Transport (Young)
>>>C-39.\Appropriation Act No. 2, 1994-1995--President of the Treasury Board
>>>C-40.\Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 1994--Minister of Justice
>>>C-41.\Criminal Code (amdt.--sentencing)--Minister of Justice (Rock)
>>>C-42.\Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1994--Minister of Justice (Rock)
>>>C-43.\Lobbyists Registration Act (amdt.)--Minister of Industry (Manley)
>>>C-44.\Immigration Act (amdt.), Citizenship Act (amdt.) and Customs Act
(amdt.)--Minister of Citizenship and Immigration (Marchi)
>>>C-45.\Corrections and Conditional Release Act, Criminal Code, Criminal
Records Act, Prisons and Reformatories Act and Transfer of Offenders Act
(amdt.)--Solicitor General of Canada (H. Gray)
>>>C-46.\Department of Industry Act--Minister of Industry (Manley)
>>>C-47.\Department of External Affairs Act (amdt.)--Minister of Foreign
Affairs (Ouellet)
>>>C-48.\Department of Natural Resources Act--Minister of Natural Resources
(A. McLellan)
>>>C-49.\Department of Agriculture Act (amdt.)--Minister of Agriculture and
Agri-Food (Goodale)
>>>C-50.\Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)--Minister of Agriculture and
Agri-Food (Goodale)
>>>C-51.\Canada Grain Act (amdt.)--Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
>>>C-52.\Department of Public Works and Government Services Act--Minister of
Public Works and Government Services (Dingwall)
>>>C-53.\Department of Canadian Heritage Act--Minister of Canadian Heritage
>>>C-54.\Old Age Security Act, Canada Pension Plan, Children's Special
Allowances Act, Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.)--Minister of Human Resources
Development (L. Axworthy)
>>>C-55.\Yukon Surface Rights Board Act--Minister of Indian Affairs and
Northern Development (Irwin)
>>>C-56.\Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (amdt.)--Minister of
Environment (Copps)
>>>C-57.\World Trade Organization Agreement Implementation Act--Minister for
International Trade (MacLaren)
>>>C-58.\Public Service Staff Relations Board Act and Royal Canadian Mounted
Police Act (amdt.)--Solicitor General of Canada (H. Gray)
>>>C-59.\Income Tax Act and Income Tax Application Rules (amdt.)--Minister of
Finance (P. Martin)
>>>C-60.\Pictou Landing Indian Band Agreement Act--Minister of Indian Affairs
and Northern Development (Irwin)
>>>C-61.\Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties
Act--Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
>>>C-62.\Regulatory Efficiency Act--President of the Treasury Board (Eggleton)
>>>C-63.\Appropriation Act No. 3, 1994-95--President of the Treasury Board
>>>C-64.\Employment Equity Act--Minister of Human Resources Development (L.
>>>C-65.\Government Organization Act (Federal Agencies)--President of the
Queen's Privy Council for Canada, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and
Minister responsible for Public Service Renewal (Massé)
>>>C-66.\Western Grain Transportation Act (amdt.)--Minister of Transport
>>>C-67.\Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act--Minister of Veterans Affairs
>>>C-68.\Firearms Act--Minister of Justice (Rock)
>>>C-69.\Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, 1995--Leader of the Government
in the House of Commons (H. Gray)
>>>C-70.\Income Tax Act and Income Tax Application Rules (amdt.)--Minister of
Finance (P. Martin)
>>>C-71.\Explosives Act (amdt.)--Minister of Natural Resources (A. McLellan)
>>>C-72.\Criminal Code (amdt.--self-induced intoxication)--Minister of
Justice (Rock)
>>>C-73.\Borrowing Authority Act, 1995-96--Minister of Finance (P. Martin)
>>>C-74.\West Coast Ports Operations Act, 1995--Minister of Labour (Robillard)
>>>C-75.\Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act
(amdt.)--Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (Goodale)
>>>C-76.\Budget Implementation Act, 1995--Minister of Finance (P. Martin)
>>>C-77.\Maintenance of Railway Operations Act, 1995--Minister of Labour
>>>C-78.\Witness Protection Program Act--Solicitor General of Canada (H. Gray)
>>>C-79.\Appropriation Act No. 4, 1994-95--President of the Treasury Board
>>>C-80.\Appropriation Act No. 1, 1995-96--President of the Treasury Board
>>>C-81.\Buffalo and Fort Erie Public Bridge Company Act (amdt.)--Minister of
Transport (Young)
>>>C-82.\Royal Canadian Mint Act (amdt.)--Minister of Public Works and
Government Services (Dingwall)
>>>C-83.\Auditor General Act (amdt.)--Minister of the Environment (Copps)
>>>C-84.\Regulations Act--Minister of Justice (Rock)
>>>C-85.\Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)--President of
the Treasury Board (Eggleton)
>>>C-86.\Canadian Dairy Commission Act (amdt.)--Minister of Agriculture and
Agri-Food (Goodale)
>>>C-87.\Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act--Minister of Foreign
Affairs (Ouellet)
>>>C-88.\Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act--Minister of Industry
>>>C-89.\CN Commercialization Act--Minister of Transport (Young)
>>>C-90.\Excise Tax Act and Excise Act (amdt.)--Minister of Finance (P. Martin)
>>>C-91.\Business Development Bank of Canada Act--Minister of Industry
>>>C-92.\Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)--Minister of Agriculture and
Agri-Food (Goodale)
>>>C-93.\Cultural Property Export and Import Act, Income Tax Act and Tax Court
of Canada Act (amdt.)--Minister of Canadian Heritage (Dupuy)
>>>C-94.\Manganese-based Fuel Additives Act--Minister of the Environment (Copps)
>>>C-95.\Department of Health Act--Minister of Health (Marleau)
>>>C-96.\Department of Human Resources Development Act--Minister of Human
Resources (L. Axworthy)
>>>C-97.\Appropriation Act No. 2, 1995-96--President of the Treasury Board
>>>C-98.\Oceans Act--Minister of Fisheries and Oceans (Tobin)
>>>C-99.\Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)--Minister of Industry (Manley)
>>>C-100.\Financial Institutions Laws Amendment Act--Minister of Finance
(P. Martin)
>>>C-101.\Canada Transportation Act--Minister of Transport (Young)
>>>C-102.\Customs Act and Customs Tariff (amdt.)--Minister of Finance (P.
>>>C-103\Excise Tax Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)--Minister of Finance (P.
>>>C-104.\Criminal Code and Young Offenders Act (amdt.--forensic DNA
analysis)--Minister of Justice (Rock)
>>>C-105.\Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act, 1995--Minister of Finance
(P. Martin)
>>>C-106.\Law Commission of Canada Act--Minister of Justice (Rock)
>>>C-107.\British Columbia Treaty Commission Act--Minister of Indian Affairs
and Northern Development (Irwin)
>>>C-108.\National Housing Act (amdt.)--Minister of Public Works and
Government Services (Dingwall)
>>>C-109.\Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act
and Income Tax Act (amdt.)--Minister of Industry (Manley)
>>>C-110.\Constitutional Amendments Act--Minister of Justice (Rock)
>>>C-111.\Employment Insurance Act--Minister of Human Resources Development
and Minister of Western Economic Diversification (L. Axworthy)
>>>C-112.\Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.)--Minister of Human Resources
>>>C-113.\Standards Council of Canada Act (amdt.)--Minister of Industry
Development and Minister of Western Economic Diversification (L. Axworthy)
>>>C-114.\Contraventions Act (amdt.)(Bill C-114)--Minister of Justice (Rock)
>>>C-115.\Fisheries Act (amdt.)(Bill C-115)--Minister of Fisheries and Oceans
>>>C-116.\Appropriation Act No. 3, 1995-96--President of the Treasury Board
>>>C-117.\Tobacco Products Control Act (amdt.)--Minister of Health
>>>C-118.\Criminal Law Improvement Act, 1995--Minister of Justice (Rock)
>>>C-119.\Criminal Code (amdt.--child prostitution, criminal harassment and
female genital mutilation)--Minister of Justice (Rock)
>>>C-120.\Yukon Quartz Mining Act and the Yukon Placer Mining Act
(amdt.)--Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (Irwin)
>>Private Members' Public
>>>C-201.\Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--oath or solemn
>>>C-202.\Canada Water Export Prohibition Act--Riis
>>>C-203.\Postal Services Review Act--Boudria
>>>C-204.\Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (amdt.--nutritional value of
>>>C-205.\Criminal Code (amdt.--human being)--Wappel
>>>C-206.\Witness Protection Act--Wappel (Withdrawn, by unanimous consent)
>>>C-207.\Auditor General Act (amdt.--reports)--J-R Gauthier
>>>C-208.\Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)--Wayne
>>>C-209.\Full Employment Act--McLaughlin
>>>C-210.\Recall Act--D. Grey
>>>C-211.\Criminal Code (amdt.--cattle rustling and range cattle)--Riis
>>>C-212.\National Sports of Canada Act--Riis
>>>C-213.\Canadian Security Intelligence Service (amdt.)--Wappel
>>>C-214.\Criminal Code (amdt.--hate propaganda-age group)--Boudria
>>>C-215.\Criminal Code (amdt.--aiding suicide)--Robinson
>>>C-216.\Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.--jury service)--Arseneault
>>>C-217.\Young Offenders Act, Contraventions Act and Criminal Code
>>>C-218.\Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.--excepted employment)--Venne
>>>C-219.\Immigration Act (amdt.--visitors' visas)--Lee
>>>C-220.\Hazardous Products Act (amdt.)--Crawford
>>>C-221.\Ombudsman Act--Gaffney
>>>C-222.\Excise Tax Act (amdt.--extremity pumps)--Gaffney--withdrawn, by
unanimous consent
>>>C-223.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--air conditioners)--Gaffney
>>>C-224.\Charitable and Non-profit Organization Director Remuneration
Disclosure Act--Bryden
>>>C-225.\Language Jurisdiction Act--Stinson
>>>C-226.\Criminal Code (amdt.)--Nunziata
>>>C-227.\Interest Act (amdt.--calculation of credit card interest)--de Savoye
>>>C-228.\Limitation of Interest Rates and Fees in Relation to Credit Card
Accounts Act--de Savoye
>>>C-229.\Canada Elections Act (amdt.--registration of political
>>>C-230.\Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.--training and
>>>C-231.\Divorce Act (amdt.--granting of access to, or custody of, a child to
a grandparent)--Gaffney
>>>C-232.\Divorce Act (amdt.--granting of access to, or custody of, a child to
a grandparent)--Jennings
>>>C-233.\Credit Card Interest Calculation Act--DeVillers
>>>C-234.\Criminal Code (amdt.--facsimile advertising)--de Savoye
>>>C-235.\Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.)--de Savoye
>>>C-236.\Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.--at age 60, 10
years service)--McTeague
>>>C-237.\Bankruptcy Act (amdt.--priority of claims)--de Savoye
>>>C-238.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--child support payments)--C. Gagnon
>>>C-239.\Decade of the Brain Act--Barnes
>>>C-240.\Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Criminal Code
>>>C-241.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--child support payments)--Gaffney
>>>C-242.\Corrections and Conditional Release Act, Criminal Code and Young
Offenders Act (amdt.--improvement to public safety)--Lee
>>>C-243.\Department of Labour Act (amdt.--eligibility for assistance for
long-service workers)--Ménard
>>>C-244.\National Solidarity Day for the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada
>>>C-245.\Financial Administration and Auditor General Acts (amdt.--review of
budget speech)--R. White
>>>C-246.\National Adoption Awareness Month Act--Boudria
>>>C-247.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--child care expenses)--Silye
>>>C-248.\Canadian Human Rights Act, Canada Labour Code and Public Service
Employment Act (amdt.--whistleblowing)--de Savoye
>>>C-249.\Citizenship Act (amdt.--right to citizenship)--Hayes
>>>C-250.\Canadian International Development Agency Act--Strahl
>>>C-251.\Remembrance Day Act--MacDonald
>>>C-252.\Canada Elections Act (amdt.--review of nomination papers)--Wappel
>>>C-253.\Criminal Code (amdt.--abortion)--Boudria
>>>C-254.\Interpretation Act (amdt.--Convention on the Rights of the
Child)--C. Axworthy
>>>C-255.\Auditor General Act (amdt.--approval of appropriations for the
office of the Auditor General and an audit of the office of the Auditor
General)--J-R Gauthier
>>>C-256.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--transfer of income to spouse)--Szabo
>>>C-257.\Auditor General Act (amdt.) and Parliament of Canada Act
(amdt.--appointment of the Auditor General of Canada)--J-R Gauthier
>>>C-258.\Canadian Volunteer Service Medal for United Nations Peacekeeping
>>>C-259.\Grandparent's Day Act--Jennings
>>>C-260.\Criminal Code (amdt.--replica firearms, theft, import or unlawful
sale of firearms)--Meredith
>>>C-261.\Reserve Force Act--Hart
>>>C-262.\Grain Export Protection Act--R. Speaker
>>>C-263.\Financial Administration Act (amdt.--exempted Crown
>>>C-264.\National Anthem Act (amdt.)--Robinson
>>>C-265.\Criminal Code (amdt.) and Young Offenders Act (amdt.--capital
punishment)--J. Hill
>>>C-266.\Canadian Potato Marketing Act--Althouse
>>>C-267.\Canada Elections Act (amdt.--election expenses)--T. White
>>>C-268.\Plain Language Act--T. White
>>>C-269.\Canada Pension Plan (amdt.--income transferred to spouse)--Szabo
>>>C-270.\Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.--money purchase
>>>C-271.\Yukon First Nations Land Claims Settlement Act
(amdt.--Interpretation)--J. Hill
>>>C-272.\Criminal Code (amdt.--gun control)--J. Hill
>>>C-273.\Interest Act (amdt.)--Lebel
>>>C-274.\Grandparents' Day Act--Assadourian
>>>C-275.\Endangered and Threatened Species Act--Caccia
>>>C-276.\Lester B. Pearson Day Act--Peric
>>>C-277.\Criminal Code (amdt.--genital mutilation of female persons)--C.
>>>C-278.\Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.)--Telegdi
>>>C-279.\Flag Day Act--Shepherd
>>>C-280.\Canada Labour Code and Public Service Staff Relations Act
>>>C-281.\Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Prisons and
Reformatories Act (amdt.)--Strahl
>>>C-282.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--medical expenses--disabled senior
>>>C-283.\Official Languages Act (amdt.--review of the Act)--J-R Gauthier
>>>C-284.\Canada Health Act (amdt.--conditions for contributions)--Blaikie
>>>C-285.\Nuclear Reactor Finance Limitation Act--Riis
>>>C-286.\Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.--university studies after ten
years' employment)--Bélair
>>>C-287.\Department of Labour Act (amdt.--eligibility for assistance for
long-service employees)--Ménard
>>>C-288.\Louis David Riel Conviction Revocation Act--S. Tremblay
>>>C-289.\Statutory Program Evaluation Act--Williams
>>>C-290.\Equal Treatment for Persons Cohabiting in a Relationship Similar to
a Conjugal Relationship--Ménard
>>>C-291.\Grandparent Year Act--Reed
>>>C-292.\Commemoration of the birthplace of Confederation Act--Proud (order
for second reading discharged and bill withdrawn)
>>>C-293.\Criminal Code (amdt.--use of a firearm in the commission of or
attempt at an offence)--J. Hill
>>>C-294.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--public access to information from audits of
charities and non-profit organizations)--Bryden
>>>C-295.\Peacekeeping Act--Strahl
>>>C-296.\Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children)--Robinson
>>>C-297.\Criminal Code (amdt.--summary conviction penalties)--J. Hill
>>>C-298.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--deduction of interest on mortgage
>>>C-299.\Canada Pension Plan Act (amdt.--increased contributions and
>>>C-300.\Broadcasting Act (amdt.--broadcasting policy)--Gallaway
>>>C-301.\Criminal Code (amdt.--violent crimes)--K. Martin
>>>C-302.\Canada Health Act (amdt.--nutrition services)--Patry
>>>C-303.\Criminal Code (amdt.--dangerous intoxication)--I. McClelland
>>>C-304.\Criminal Code (amdt.--prostitution)--Forseth
>>>C-305.\Criminal Code (amdt.--voluntary intoxication)--Forseth
>>>C-306.\Public Service Superannuation Act (amdt.--annuity following job
>>>C-307.\Criminal Code and Copyright Act (amdt.--profit from authorship
respecting a crime)--Wappel
>>>C-308.\ADM Agri-Industries Ltd. Operations Act--Cauchon
>>>C-309.\Access to Information Act (amdt.--disclosure of results of public
opinion polls)--B. Mills
>>>C-310.\ADM Agri-Industries Ltd. Operations Act--Lincoln
>>>C-311.\United States Sugar Import Restrictions Retaliation Act--Zed
>>>C-312.\ADM Agri-Industries Ltd. Operations Act--Discepola
>>>C-313.\ADM Agri-Industries Ltd. Operations Act--R. Lavigne
>>>C-314.\Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--other pension income)--Solomon
>>>C-315.\Protection of Personal Information Obtained by Certain Corporations
>>>C-316.\Immigration Enforcement Improvement Act--Peric
>>>C-317.\Canada Labour Code and Public Service Staff Relations Act
(amdt.--scabs and essential services)--St-Laurent
>>>C-318.\Leader of the Opposition Official Residence Leasing Arrangements
Act--K. Martin
>>>C-319.\Canada Elections Act (amdt.--reimbursement of election expenses)--I.
>>>C-320.\Canada Elections Act (amdt.--registration of political
>>>C-321.\Criminal Code (amdt.--juvenile prostitution outside Canada)--C.
>>>C-322.\Auditor General for the Family Act--Strahl
>>>C-323.\Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (amdt.--order of discharge)--Forseth
>>>C-324.\Members of Parliament Transition Allowance Act--Ringma
>>>C-325. \Food and Drugs Act (amdt.)--Assadourian
>>>C-326.\Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.--membership of board of
>>>C-327.\Criminal Code (amdt.--bail in cases of assault with weapon or
criminal harassment)--Thompson
>>>C-328.\Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.)--Crete
>>>C-329.\National Horse of Canada Act--Murray
>>>C-330.\Criminal Code (amdt.--review process and disclosure by
prosecutor)--C. Axworthy
>>>C-331.\Criminal Code--taking a sample of a bodily substance)--Nunziata
>>>C-332.\Program Cost Declaration Act--Shepherd
>>>C-333.\Termination of Assistance to Indonesia Act--Robinson
>>>C-334.\Canada Pension Plan (amdt.--cancellation of benefits)--Penson
>>>C-335.\Social Insurance Numbers Act--Finlay
>>>C-336.\Taxpayers Bill of Rights--Shepherd
>>>C-337.\Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--warning on alcoholic beverage
>>>C-338.\Income Tax Act (amdt.--political activities by charities receiving
public funds)--T. White
>>>C-339.\Intervenor Funding Act--Finlay
>>>C-340.\Broadcasting Act (amdt.--termination of CBC's television
operations)--J. Brown
>>>C-341.\Financial Administration Act (amdt.--Canada Council, Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation, Canadian Film Development Corporation, National Arts
Centre Corporation)--J. Brown
>>>C-342.\Access to Information Act and Privacy Act (amdt.--Canadian
Broadcasting Corporation and National Arts Centre Corporation)--J. Brown
>>>C-343.\Criminal Code (amdt.--arrest without warrant)--Thompson
>>>C-344.\Public Harbours and Port Facilities Act (amdt.)--Crête
>>>C-345.\Canada Business Corporations Act (amdt.--qualifications of
>>>C-346.\Bell Canada Act (amdt.--construction charges)--Mitchell
>>>C-347.\Competition Act (amdt.)--McTeague
>>>C-348.\Criminal Code (amdt.--mines)--K. Martin
>>>C-349.\Criminal Code (amdt.--peeping Toms)--Thompson
>>>C-350.\National Housing Act (amdt.)--Thompson
>>>C-351.\Firearms Law Sunset Act--G. Breitkreuz
>>>C-352.\Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.--members who
cease to be citizens of Canada)--McTeague
>>>C-353.\National Organ Donor Day Act--McTeague
>>>C-354.\Criminal Code (amdt.--transmission of HIV)--G. Breitkreuz
>>>C-355.\Corrections and Conditional Release Act (amdt.--arrest without
>>>C-356.\Contractors Protection Act--Marchand
>>>C-357.\ Foreign Aid Act--Hanger
>>>C-358.\Criminal Code (amdt.--concurrent sentences)--Harris
>>>C-359.\Canadian Withdrawal From NAFTA Act--Riis
>>>C-360.\Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.--deduction re
other income)--C. Breitkreuz
>>>C-361.\Access to Information Act (amdt.--crown corporations)--Gilmour
>>>C-362.\Parliament of Canada Act and Canada Elections Act (confidence
votes)--Hermanson--2r order discharged and bill withdrawn
>>>C-363.\Criminal Code (amdt.--juvenile prostitution)--C. Axworthy
>>>C-364.\Criminal Code (amdt.--no parole when imprisoned for life)--Hanger
>>>C-365.\Senator Selection Act--Abbott
>>>C-366.\Parliament of Canada Act and the Canada Elections Act
(amdt.--confidence votes)--Hermanson
>>See also Procedure