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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Standing Joint Committees see Library of Parliament Standing Joint Committee; Official Languages Standing Joint Committee; Scrutiny of Regulations Standing Joint Committee

Standing Orders

    >>Amending, process, 1622, 12461
    >>>M. (H. Gray), 957-85, 1002-26, agreed to, 1026
    >>>See also House of Commons--Rule changes
    >>>M. (Milliken), 259-60, agreed to, as amended, by unanimous consent, 261
    >>>>Amdt. (Robinson), agreed to, 261
    >>>See also House of Commons--Proceedings
    >>Language, gender-bias, 2775
    >>Reprinted copy, June 1993, with index, tabled, 31
    >>S.O. 56 and S.O. 78, deleting, M. (Ablonczy), unanimous consent denied, 13902
    >>S.O. 78, deleting, M. (B. Mills), unanimous consent denied, 12461
    >>See also Petitions--Procedure/process--Subject matter; Procedure; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports, Fifty-third


    >>Truro, N.S., woolen mill, exports, 16008-9

Stanley Cup see Hockey--National Hockey League

Stanley, George see Flag--Maple Leaf

Starmania see Victoires de la Musique--Paris

START I/START II see Nuclear weapons--Non-proliferation

State of Canada's Forests, The see Forestry--Annual report

State-run economies see International economic development--Free market economies

Statements by Members under S.O. 31 see House of Commons--Proceedings; Procedure

Statements by Ministers

    >>Acid rain, sulphur dioxide emissions, second international protocol, Canada signing (Copps), 5347-50
    >>Airline industry, Canada-Osaka, Japan route, Air Canada designated carrier (Young), 475-6
    >>Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping troops, mandate
    >>>Ending (Ouellet), 15251-3
    >>>Six month extension (Ouellet), 2132-4
    >>Cabinet Ministers, integrity and ethics, commitment (J. Chrétien), 7409-15
    >>Canada Communication Group, audit report, and audit action plan (Dingwall), 4397-400
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, officer training, Royal Military College, Kingston, Ont., fully bilingual teaching institution (Collenette), 3479-83
    >>Canadian National Railways, privatization, Canadian Pacific Railway proposal (Young), 9006-7
    >>Challenger Jet fleet (Eggleton), 5525-6
    >>China, Tiananmen Square demonstrations, anniversary (Chan), 5057-60, 13285-7
    >>Commonwealth Day (Ouellet), 2224-5
    >>Commonwealth Day (Stewart, C.), 10392-3
    >>Conflict of interest, code of conduct (J. Chrétien), 5395-400
    >>Energy efficiency (A. McLellan), 3281-2
    >>Environment (Copps), 1431-4
    >>>Earth Day (Copps), 3396-400
    >>>Environmental assessment and review process (Copps), 6598-602
    >>>OECD, Environmental Performance Review of Canada (Copps), 16372-5
    >>>Protection, Action 21 (Copps), 15049-51
    >>>Toxic substances, Toxic Substances Management Policy (Copps), 6177-80, 13183-7
    >>Environmental industry, sectoral consultation, government initiative (Copps), 158-60
    >>Eritrea, Ethiopia and Egypt, ministerial visit (C. Stewart), 6719-21
    >>>1994-1995, main (Eggleton), 1757-60
    >>>1995-1996, main (Eggleton), 10107-11
    >>Flood, Perth-Andover, N.B., customs officers drowned (Anderson), 3127-8
    >>Foreign affairs policy (Ouellet), 9238-44
    >>Government expenditures, management, The Expenditure Management System of the Government of Canada (Eggleton), 9659-60
    >>Government programs and services, review, Strengthening Government Review (Eggleton), 16489-91
    >>Governor General, Hon. Roméo LeBlanc, appointment (J. Chrétien), 8097-8
    >>Grain transportation, delivery problems, government addressing (Goodale), 4994-7
    >>Great Lakes, water quality, chlorine levels, International Joint Commission report (Copps), 7139-44
    >>Greenpeace Canada, tax status (Anderson), 2867
    >>Gun control/guns, government position/action (Rock), 8483-8
    >>Holocaust, Yom Hashoah, memorial day (Eggleton), 11843-5
    >>>Levels (1994) (Marchi), 796-804
    >>>Levels (1995) (Marchi), 7469-74
    >>>Levels (1996) (Marchi), 16073-9
    >>Industry, strategy (Manley), 8639-45
    >>International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), 50th anniversary, tribute (Young), 7428-30
    >>International Credit Union Day (Goodale), 15533-5
    >>International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination (Finestone), 10720-2
    >>International Water Day, National Capital's Celebration (Copps), 2361-4
    >>International Women's Day, women, achievements/goals, recognizing (Finestone), 1957-60, 10334-8
    >>Irving Whale, Magdalen Islands, sinking, Sept. 7/70, environmental threat (Copps), 2488-92
    >>La Francophonie
    >>>Journée internationale de la Francophonie (Ouellet), 10718-20
    >>>Semaine nationale de la Francophonie (Ouellet), 2545-7
    >>Multiculturalism (Finestone), 997-1001
    >>Municipalities, grants in lieu of taxes, federal freeze, removal (P. Martin), 4870-1
    >>National Citizenship Week (Marchi), 3009-12
    >>National Co-op Week (Goodale), 7039-41, 15533-5
    >>National Day of Mourning for Workers Killed or Injured in the Workplace (L. Axworthy), 3609-10
    >>National security (H. Gray), 2861-7, 11099-101
    >>National Transportation Week (Young), 4829-32
    >>Nigeria, democratic elections of 1993, military regime ignoring (C. Stewart), 13879-81
    >>Notice, shortage, apologizing, 3481
    >>Nuclear weapons, non-proliferation treaty, extending (Chan), 11993-5
    >>Official languages policy/bilingualism, federal institutions (Eggleton), 2180-2
    >>Parks Canada, principles and policies (Dupuy), 2707-9
    >>Parliament Buildings, renovations, asbestos removal, etc. (Dingwall), 7274-7
    >>Population, migration, world-wide problem, United Nations Conference on Population and Development, September 1994, Cairo, Egypt (Marchi), 6295-8
    >>Presenting in House, Hermanson refusal to allow, S.O. 31, 1551
    >>Public Service, employment equity (Eggleton), 2794-7
    >>Rwanda, civil war, humanitarian and medical aid, Canada contribution (C. Stewart), 4395-7
    >>Somalia, Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation, civilian deaths, courts martial (Collenette), 2440-1
    >>South Africa, democratization, transition period, Canada assistance (C. Stewart), 7601-4
    >>Sustainable development (Copps), 6907-12
    >>Tobacco/cigarette smuggling (J. Chrétien), 1029-35
    >>Trade (MacLaren), 9244-9
    >>Transportation, National policy (Young), 17665-8
    >>United Nations,
    >>>49th anniversary (Ouellet), 7103-5
    >>>50th anniversary (Ouellet), 15729-32
    >>>Persons case, Persons Day/Women's History Month (Finestone), 15411-4
    >>>Violence against, combatting (Finestone), 8659-62, 17283-6
    >>World Food Day (Robichaud), 6781-2
    >>World War II
    >>>D-DAy, 50th anniversary (Copps), 4867-70
    >>>Italian campaign, 50th anniversary (MacAulay), 3915-6
    >>See also Procedure

Statistics see Visible minorities

Statistics Canada

    >>Advance payments, internal government departments contractual arrangements, investigation, summary report, tabled, 7893
    >>Employees, provincial distribution, Quebec share, 1052
    >>See also Aboriginal peoples--Band funding, Overpayments; Labour force--Women; Women--Violence against

Status of the Artist Act

    >>Self-employment, encouraging, government action, need, S.O. 31, 8876

Status of Women Canada

    >>Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women, Human Resources Development Women's Program, consolidation, 10480-1, 10623-6, 10631-2
    >>Dismantling, 10586
    >>Special interest groups, support for, Reform Party position, 10586
    >>See also Canadian Heritage Department

Statutes of Canada

    >>Anomalies, inconsistencies, correcting, government proposals, tabled, 3105
    >>>See also Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act (Bill C-40)

Statutory Instruments Act see Regulations--Reform

Statutory Program Evaluation Act (Bill C-289)--Williams

    >>First reading, 7894
    >>Second reading, 11217-25
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 11225
    >>See also Government expenditures--Statutory; Government programs and services--Statutory expenditures

Statutory release see Offenders--Parole or statutory release breach

Stay in School Program see Education--High school

STDs see instead Sexually transmitted diseases

Steckle, Paul (L--Huron--Bruce)

    >>Abortion, petitions, 8663, 9864, 10198, 17145-6
    >>Advance Payment for Crops Act, o.q., 1725
    >>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, S.O. 31, 9139
    >>Agriculture, M. (Goodale), 4146, 4164-7
    >>Air pollution, S.O. 31, 4052
    >>Automobile industry, S.O. 31, 3515
    >>Bluewater Fibre Inc., 15916
    >>Budget, Feb. 22/94, M. for approval (P. Martin), 2114-5
    >>Corporal punishment, S.O. 31, 4198-9
    >>Crime, S.O. 31, 3151
    >>Deaths, 10422
    >>Defence policy, 2115
    >>Deficit, 2115
    >>Environment Department, S.O. 31, 5207
    >>Euthanasia, petitions, 8663, 9864, 10198
    >>Fire-fighters, M. (Speller), 4728-9
    >>Firearms Act (Bill C-68), 10421-3
    >>Foreign affairs policy, 2115
    >>Gasoline/automotive fuels, 16046
    >>>Petition, 4062
    >>GATT, 4165
    >>Government policies, 2115
    >>Gun control/guns, 10421-3
    >>>Petitions, 9864, 10198
    >>Home Buyers Plan, S.O. 31, 292
    >>House of Commons, S.O. 31, 5571, 6509
    >>Huron--Bruce constituency, 2114
    >>Infrastructure program, 2115
    >>Job creation, 15915-6
    >>Los Angeles, CA, S.O. 31, 2968
    >>MADD Canada, S.O. 31, 14917
    >>Manganese-based Fuel Additives Act (Bill C-94), 16046
    >>Members of Parliament, 2114-5
    >>Mining industry, M. (Serré), 15245-6
    >>Murder, 3151, 10422
    >>NAFTA, 4164
    >>Olympics, 1994 Winter Games, S.O. 31, 1099
    >>Packaging and labelling, M. (Pagtakhan), 2961-2
    >>Penitentiaries, S.O. 31, 3151
    >>Post offices, S.O. 31, 713
    >>Postage stamps, S.O. 31, 2783
    >>>Bills, Government, 16046
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 6883, 13655
    >>>Members' remarks, 4167
    >>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), 15915
    >>References, maiden speech, 2114
    >>Same-sex couples, petitions, 8663, 9864, 10198, 10723
    >>Sexual orientation, petitions, 8663, 9864, 10198, 10723
    >>Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-99), 15915-6
    >>Small business, S.O. 31, 148, 17081-2
    >>Social security system, 2115
    >>Steckle, references, 2114
    >>Tackle Windpower, 15916
    >>Unemployment, 15915
    >>Wheat, 4165
    >>Winkler, Eric, S.O. 31, 10783-4
    >>World War II, S.O. 31, 12364

Steel industry

    >>Anti-dumping protection, World Trade Organization Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-57), addressing, need, 8220-1, 8259-63
    >>Canada-U.S. sectoral steel accord, petition, 7735
    >>Exports, GATT Uruguay Round agreement, benefits, 8419
    >>Importance, 8260-1
    >>>Quebec, 8263
    >>United States trade actions, 543-4, 8260, 8262-4
    >>>World Trade Organization, relationship, 8220-1, 8398-9, 8414, 8419-20, 8434, 8453-4

Stephens, Lieutenant Colonel Alan see Croatia--Canadian Armed Forces

Sterilization see Refugees--Chinese

Stevedoring see Marine Atlantic Inc.

Stevenson, Christopher see Sexual offenders--Fredericks

Stevenson, Theresa

    >>Order of Canada recipient, tribute, S.O. 31, 6897

Stewart, Hon. Christine (L--Northumberland; Secretary of State (Latin America and Africa))

    >>Africa, democratization, 2281
    >>Bosnia-Herzegovina, M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (B. Mills), 12942-3
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1995 (Bill C-76), 13196
    >>Burundi, o.q., 6518
    >>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-92), 14484
    >>Care Canada, o.q., 13046
    >>Chemical and biological weapons, o.q., 7038
    >>China, Three Gorges dam project, o.q., 7859
    >>>African nations, 2281
    >>>Caribbean nations, 2282
    >>Commonwealth Day, statement by Minister, 10392
    >>>Economic and human rights reform, 2283
    >>>United States trade embargo, o.q., 10667-8
    >>Customs Act and Customs Tariff (amdt.)(Bill C-102), 15990
    >>Defence equipment, exports, o.q., 13003-4
    >>Divorce, children, petition, 3106
    >>Education, Africa, $14.9 million Canadian contribution, 6720
    >>Eritrea, Ethiopia and Egypt, ministerial visit, statement by Minister, 6719-20
    >>Foreign affairs policy
    >>>Components, 2280
    >>>Review, M. (Ouellet), 2279-84
    >>Foreign affairs policy, 5966
    >>Foreign aid, emergency relief/development assistance, 2280
    >>>Democratic government, restoring, 2283, 5966-7
    >>>>o.q., 4390
    >>>Embargo, o.q., 5209, 5215-6, 6136
    >>India, Sikh Canadians, o.q., 10329
    >>International development assistance
    >>>Accountability, 2284
    >>>Africa, 2280-1
    >>>CIDA role, 2283-4
    >>>Funding, 2281
    >>>Humanitarian dimension, 2280
    >>>Latin America and Caribbean, 2281
    >>>Plans, programs and strategies, 2283
    >>>Poverty, 2281
    >>>Sustainable development, 2280
    >>International economic development, Latin America, 2282
    >>International peace and security
    >>>Promotion, 2280
    >>>Threat, 2279
    >>International relations, Canadian reputation, 2280
    >>La Francophonie, Africa, 2281
    >>Latin America
    >>>Canada's ties, 2281-3
    >>>Democracy and constitutional rule, 2282-3
    >>Law of the Sea, United Nations convention, o.q., 7632
    >>Marine Transportation Security Act (Bill C-38), 5292
    >>>Democratic elections of 1993, military regime ignoring, statement by Minister, 13879-80
    >>>Saro-Wiwa, Ken, o.q., 16544
    >>Nuclear weapons, o.q., 8751
    >>Pakistan, human rights abuses, o.q., 10078
    >>>Canada's role, M. (Ouellet), 5966-7
    >>>Canadian participation, o.q., 4390
    >>Procedure, bills, government, 5292, 13196
    >>References see CRTC--Licence applications, Letters; NAFTA--Mexico, Canadian delegation
    >>Rwanda, civil war, 5966-7
    >>>Humanitarian and medical aid, Canada contribution, statement by Minister, 4395-6
    >>South Africa
    >>>"Canadian Companies in South Africa", tabled, 6719
    >>>Democratization, o.q., 4472
    >>>Elections, United Nations observer force, Canadian participation, report, tabled, 4395
    >>>Transition period, Canada assistance, statement by Minister, 7601-2
    >>>Africa, 2281
    >>>Latin America, 2282
    >>Turkey, Kurdish minority, o.q., 11150
    >>United Nations
    >>>African nations, 2281
    >>>Mandate, 2284

Stewart, Hon. Jane (L--Brant; Minister of National Revenue as of January 25, 1996)

    >>Aboriginal Nurses Day, S.O. 31, 12531
    >>Agriculture, M. (Goodale), 4147-9
    >>Alternative Fuels Act (Bill S-7), 11816, 12516, 14182-3
    >>Alzheimer's disease, o.q., 13182
    >>Arts and culture, S.O. 31, 2118
    >>Atlantic provinces, 17527
    >>Bloc Québécois, 1359
    >>Bosnia-Herzegovina, 333
    >>Brant constituency, 467-8
    >>Brantford, Ont., 467
    >>Budget, 735-6
    >>>M. (P. Martin), 735-8
    >>>M. on supply (Williams), 7190-4
    >>Budget (1996), 17688-90
    >>Budget, Feb. 22/94, M. on supply (R. Speaker), 2199
    >>Budget, Feb. 27/95, 13306
    >>>M. for approval (P. Martin), 10129
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1995 (Bill C-76), 13306-8
    >>Business, 17690
    >>Canada, 17526-7
    >>>S.O. 31, 5937
    >>Canada Health Act, 13308
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 13110-1, 13307
    >>Canadian Airborne Regiment, S.O. 31, 9275
    >>Canadian Military Heritage Museum, S.O. 31, 4126
    >>Canadian National Railways, 13307
    >>Centre of Excellence for Women's Health, S.O. 31, 4768
    >>Child care, S.O. 31, 15038
    >>Communities in Bloom, S.O. 31, 14219
    >>Constitution Amendment, 1993 (Prince Edward Island), M. (Dingwall), 1359
    >>Constitutional Amendments Act (Bill C-110), 17526-7
    >>Constitutional reform, 4932
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--sentencing)(Bill C-41), 5888, 6819-21
    >>Criminals, o.q., 5730
    >>Cultural Property Export and Import Act, Income Tax Act and Tax Court of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-93), 15002-4
    >>Decentralization, 468-9
    >>>S.O. 31, 2213
    >>Defence equipment
    >>>o.q., 11811, 14816
    >>>Petition, 15222
    >>>S.O. 31, 11184, 14605-6
    >>Deficit, 7190-2, 13306, 17689-90
    >>>M. on supply (Grubel), 9622-6
    >>>S.O. 31, 9900
    >>Department of Canadian Heritage Act (Bill C-53), 6463
    >>Economic conditions, 6671
    >>>o.q., 14533
    >>Economic recovery, 2199
    >>Employment, 6671, 6673
    >>Employment equity, 15449-50
    >>Employment Equity Act (Bill C-64), 15449-50
    >>Endangered and Threatened Species Act (Bill C-275), 15558-9
    >>Environment, S.O. 31, 11982
    >>Farm income, 4148-9
    >>Farmers, 4148
    >>Federal-provincial relations, M. on supply (G. Leroux), 13110-1
    >>Finance Standing Committee, reports, M. (Gagliano), 17688-90
    >>Food, 4148
    >>Francophones outside Quebec, 6463
    >>GATT, 4148
    >>Government, 6671, 17690
    >>Government expenditures, 13306, 17689
    >>Government programs and services, 7192-3
    >>>S.O. 31, 8823-4
    >>Grain, 4148
    >>Grain elevators, 13308
    >>GST, 4149
    >>Gun control/guns, petition, 10860
    >>Health care, 145
    >>>o.q., 16742
    >>>S.O. 31, 4768
    >>Hockey, S.O. 31, 2732-3
    >>Housing, 16207
    >>Infrastructure program, 467-8
    >>>S.O. 31, 3876, 8628
    >>Inter-City Products Canada Limited, S.O. 31, 97
    >>Israel, S.O. 31, 16240
    >>Job creation, 2199, 6672
    >>Justice system, 586, 6819-21, 11567
    >>>o.q., 9657
    >>Kilger, references, 467
    >>Manufacturing industries, 467
    >>Members of Parliament, 184-5
    >>Mortgages, 16207
    >>NAFTA, 737
    >>National debt, 17689-90
    >>National Housing Act (amdt.)(Bill C-108), 16207
    >>National unity
    >>>M. on supply (Manning), 4932
    >>>S.O. 31, 15870-1
    >>Net Income Stabilization Account, 4148-9
    >>Old age pensions, 9900
    >>Ontario, 17690
    >>>S.O. 31, 13230, 13364
    >>Parole, 5888, 6820
    >>>M. (Ouellet), 333
    >>>S.O. 31, 11606
    >>Pensions, 13307
    >>Population, 10604
    >>Prince Edward Island, 1359
    >>Privatization, 17689
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 14182-3
    >>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 9627
    >>>Members' remarks, 11195
    >>Program for Older Worker Adjustment, o.q., 6777
    >>Public Service, 13307
    >>Quebec sovereignty referendum, 1359
    >>Rail passenger service, 4377
    >>>o.q., 2541
    >>>Maiden speech, 467
    >>>See also Canadian Airborne Regiment--Hazing video
    >>RRSPs, 9900
    >>Rural Canada, 13308
    >>Russia, o.q., 9608
    >>Rwanda, S.O. 31, 6329
    >>Senate, petition, 1036
    >>Small business, 4148
    >>Social security system, 736-7, 7191, 17690
    >>>M. (L. Axworthy), 667-8
    >>>M. (L. Axworthy), 6671-3
    >>>o.q., 2296, 7373
    >>Softball, S.O. 31, 5094
    >>Taxation, o.q., 16906
    >>Telephone City Musical Society, S.O. 31, 7926
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 145, 184-5, 467-9, 586
    >>Trade, 4148
    >>>o.q., 16195
    >>Unemployment insurance, 737, 7191, 7194, 13307
    >>Unemployment, S.O. 31, 2213
    >>VIA Rail Canada Inc., 4377
    >>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 1062
    >>Welfare, 17690
    >>>o.q., 6639
    >>Women, 10605
    >>>M. on supply (C. Gagnon), 10604-6
    >>>S.O. 31, 6897
    >>World War ll, o.q., 4699
    >>Youth Service Corps, 668
    >>Yugoslavia (former), S.O. 31, 294