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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Yalden, Max see Canadian Human Rights Commission--Annual report; China--Human rights violations

Yarmouth County, N.S.

    >>Plant closures, impact, 549
    >>See also Mining--Tin mine

Yarmouth, N.S. see Education--Legal system

Year of the Family see International Year of the Family

Year of the Grandparent see Grandparent Year Act (Bill C-291),

Yellow Quill Indian Band

    >>Band assets, alleged misuse, etc., o.q., 12418, 12723

Yellowhead constituency

    >>References, 868

Yellowhead Highway Association see Highways and roads

Yellowknife, N.W.T. see Geological Survey of Canada

Yeltsin, President Boris see Russia


    >>150th anniversary, S.O. 31, 4856
    >>Young Woman of Distinction Award see Ferguson, Tracey

Yogurt see Ice cream/yogurt

Yom Hashoah see Holocaust

York Centre constituency see Health care--Magee neuromuscular clinic

York North Technology Strategy see Economic development

York Region Senior Games see Sports

York Region Strategic Alliance see Economic development; Employment--Skills

York--Simcoe constituency

    >>References, 1755-6, 4118-9
    >>See also Health care--Hemodialysis equipment

York University

    >>Schulich, Seymour, $15 million donation, S.O. 31, 17382-3

Yorkton--Melville constituency

    >>References, 538

Young Achievers Award see YTV

Young ambassadors see Chinese Canadian Association of Public Affairs

Young, Hon. Douglas (L--Acadie--Bathurst; Minister of Transport; Minister of Human Resources Development as of January 25, 1996)

    >>Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act (Bill C-88), 11995
    >>Air Canada
    >>>Asian flights, o.q., 10790
    >>>Official Languages Act compliance, o.q., 10904
    >>Air traffic control
    >>>Commercialization, 12575
    >>>>o.q., 5430, 5729, 10716, 10904, 13128, 17633
    >>>Computerized system (CATS), o.q., 12191-2, 12249-50, 12374-5, 12596-7, 13809-10, 14454
    >>>French-language use, o.q., 5579
    >>Air transportation
    >>>American Airlines/Canadian International, o.q., 16838
    >>>Canadian Airlines International, o.q., 17443, 17504
    >>>Modernization, 12575
    >>>Safety, o.q., 7369, 8997, 10667, 12374, 17042
    >>Air transportation tax, increase, Feb. 22/94 budget measure, 2138
    >>Airline industry
    >>>Air Canada/Canadian Airline International, 2137
    >>>>o.q., 5102, 7987-8, 9423, 9654-5, 11189, 11349-50
    >>>Canada-Osaka, Japan route, statement by Minister, 475-6
    >>>Commercial viability, 2137
    >>>Deregulation, 12575
    >>>Hong Kong, o.q., 10473-4, 11057-8, 11189
    >>>Automated weather observation system, o.q., 9063, 12374-5
    >>>De-icing fluids, qu., 11687-8
    >>>Jean Lesage International Airport, 2140
    >>>>o.q., 571, 721, 1239
    >>>Management, transfer to local authorities, 2140
    >>>National airport policy, 6267
    >>>>o.q., 6335-6
    >>>Pickering, Ont., o.q., 7099
    >>>Trois-Rivières, Que., o.q., 6143
    >>Anstey, Gary, o.q., 8481
    >>Automotive safety, bumpers, 2627
    >>>o.q., 2179
    >>Belledune, N.B., port development, o.q., 12195, 12373-4
    >>Bosnia-Herzegovina, M. (Collenette), 17154
    >>Budget, Feb. 22/94, M. for approval (P. Martin), 2136-40
    >>Buffalo and Fort Erie Public Bridge Company Act (amdt.)(Bill C-81), 11353
    >>Canada Ports Corporation
    >>>Masters, Arnold, o.q., 8481, 9727, 9730-1
    >>>Operations, o.q., 9727
    >>Canada Transportation Act (Bill C-101), 14188, 15078-80
    >>Canadian Coast Guard
    >>>Coast Guard colleges, o.q., 6856-7, 10271
    >>>Commercialization, 2138
    >>>Expenditures, 2137
    >>>Privatization, o.q., 3521, 12794-5
    >>Canadian National Railways
    >>>Establishment in 1923, 12573-4
    >>>Locomotives, o.q., 15344-5
    >>>Privatization/commercialization, 7775-7, 12574-5
    >>>>o.q., 6439, 8346, 9062-3, 10473, 10896, 10904, 11814, 12251, 12255, 12293, 13048-9, 13809, 17576-7
    >>>>Statement by Minister, 9006
    >>>Senior executives, o.q., 8246-7
    >>>Tellier, Paul, o.q., 8118, 8175
    >>Canadian Wheat Board, Crow rate elimination, o.q., 10665
    >>Churchill, Man., port, 7594
    >>CN Commercialization Act (Bill C-89), 12257, 12573-5, 14171
    >>CN Exploration, privatization, 12574
    >>>o.q., 4952
    >>CN Real Estate, o.q., 7990
    >>Defence industry, industrial reconversion program, o.q., 5725, 15185
    >>Defence Industry Productivity Program, research and development expenditures, o.q., 15346
    >>Deficit, reduction, 2136
    >>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, legislation (Bill C-91), o.q., 7685
    >>Employment, transportation sector, 2137
    >>Excise Act, Customs Act and Tobacco Sales to Young Persons Act (amdt.)(Bill C-11), 1696
    >>Exports, transportation, 2137
    >>Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-75), 10668
    >>Ferry service, o.q., 6985-6, 7039
    >>>Expenditures, 2137
    >>Government appointments, remuneration, o.q., 8481
    >>Grain elevators, Churchill, Man., o.q., 7693
    >>Grain transportation
    >>>Expediting, o.q., 2674
    >>>Exports, qu., 6181
    >>>Freight rates, o.q., 1430, 5100, 5154
    >>>Railway cars
    >>>>o.q., 2626
    >>>>qu., 6181-3
    >>>Trucks, o.q., 2626-7
    >>Haiti, embargo, o.q., 5432
    >>Hazardous products, qu., 10671
    >>Highways and roads
    >>>Nova Scotia, o.q., 11681, 11991, 12601, 12679, 12682, 12899, 13807, 14316
    >>>Quebec, qu., 9209-10
    >>>Trans-Canada Highway/national highway network, 2137
    >>>>o.q., 3999, 9424
    >>Housing, social, o.q., 4992, 5157
    >>International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), 50th anniversary, statement by Minister, 7428-9
    >>Lighthouses, destaffing, o.q., 4776-7, 5345, 7690, 9063
    >>Magdalen Islands, ferry service, o.q., 1429, 3881, 3997, 4059, 4131, 5305, 7807, 8477
    >>Marine Atlantic Inc.
    >>>Bluenose ferry service, o.q., 14644
    >>>Newfoundland dockyard, o.q., 12417-8
    >>>Operations, commercial footing, o.q., 8553, 10668, 10794, 14644
    >>>Ships, o.q., 5101-2, 5308, 7688, 10668, 10794
    >>Marine safety, Rally 2, Le Nadine, o.q., 5343
    Marine transportation, policy initiatives, 12575
    >>Marine Transportation Security Act (Bill C-38), 4907, 7605-6, 7673
    >>MIL Davie Inc.
    >>>Business plan, o.q., 3997, 4059, 4131-2, 5305
    >>>Lauzon, Que., o.q., 386, 1429, 3881, 5305
    >>>SMART ships, o.q., 4059, 4131-2
    >>National Defence Department, o.q., 11345
    >>National Transportation Week, statement by Minister, 4829-30
    >>National unity, railways, 2139
    >>Pearson International Airport
    >>>Improvements, 3484
    >>>>Construction plans, o.q., 1386-7, 2179, 3441, 6518
    >>>Management, 3484-5
    >>>>o.q., 2179
    >>>Redevelopment/improvements, 6269
    >>>Runways, expansion plans, o.q., 6334
    >>>Terminals 1 and 2, privatization contract, 3484-5, 6266-9
    >>>>o.q., 107, 494, 4991, 5339, 5517, 5581-2, 6259-60, 6441, 6518, 6858, 6906, 7990, 11139-41, 11190-1, 11412, 11682-3, 12250, 14454-5, 14817, 17630
    >>Pearson International Airport Agreements Act (Bill C-22), 2978, 3484-5, 6266-9
    >>Pilotage Act, repeal proposal, o.q., 7631-3
    >>Ports, policing, o.q., 17634
    >>>Bills, Government, 12257
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 14184
    >>>Documents, tabling, 11144
    >>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 3486-7, 4585, 10836
    >>>Oral questions, 2627
    >>>Points of order/questions of privilege, 5160
    >>Public Accounts Standing Committee, reports, g.r., tabled, 16489
    >>Quebec City Bridge, o.q., 7990, 12194, 12256
    >>Rail passenger service
    >>>Branch line abandonment, o.q., 5304
    >>>Esquimalt and Nanaimo line, o.q., 4061
    >>>Expenditures, 2137
    >>>Fare reductions, o.q., 15106-7
    >>>High speed train, o.q., 3567, 12416-7
    >>>Incidents, Rimouski, Que., and Brighton, Ont., o.q., 8045, 8122
    >>>Rationalization, 2137
    >>>>o.q., 5303-4
    >>>Saint John, N.B.-Sherbrooke, Que., line, o.q., 4279, 7935
    >>>Track rental rates, o.q., 4209
    >>Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-21), 2797, 3912, 3914
    >>Railway Safety Act, review, On Track
    >>>o.q., 9728-9
    >>>Tabled, 9659
    >>>Accidents/derailments, o.q., 4702, 8122
    >>>Branch line abandonment, 2139
    >>>>o.q., 1922, 5304, 7562, 9062-3
    >>>Canadian National Railway, o.q., 6142-3, 8346, 8552
    >>>Expropriation power, o.q., 14318
    >>>Labour disputes, 15079-80
    >>>Merger proposal, 2137, 2139
    >>>>o.q., 1188, 6516
    >>>North-south traffic, 2137
    >>>Restructuring policy, condemning, M. on supply (Guimond), 7774-8
    >>>Short line operations, 2138, 12574, 15079
    >>>>o.q., 2220
    >>>Strike/lockout, o.q., 10786
    >>>Transportation policy, 15079
    >>>Workers, 7594
    >>>>o.q., 7561
    >>References see Grain transportation--Freight rates; Railways--Labour disputes--Workers; Transportation--National policy
    >>Regional development, railway branch line abandonment, impact, o.q., 9062
    >>Research and development, expenditures, o.q., 15295, 15346
    >>Royal Aviation Inc., maintenance control system, o.q., 7369, 7989
    >>RRAP, o.q., 5157
    >>Search and rescue, Canadian Marine Rescue Auxiliary role, qu., 5588-9
    >>Senate, 6267-9
    >>Shipping industry
    >>>Fees, o.q., 11346-7
    >>>Flags of convenience, o.q., 5101-2
    >>>Safety, o.q., 12373
    >>Ships, double hulls, o.q., 4993
    >>Social security system, M. (L. Axworthy), 916
    >>St. Lawrence River, ice-breaking, o.q., 17390
    >>St. Lawrence Seaway
    >>>Commercialization, 2138
    >>>Ice breakers, o.q., 1691
    >>>Ports, profitability, o.q., 3521
    >>Trade, expansion, 2137
    >>Transport Department
    >>>Employees, 2138
    >>>>o.q., 3521
    >>>Operating budget, 2138
    >>>Operations, o.q., 4950
    >>Transport Standing Committee
    >>>Ministerial direction, o.q., 6439
    >>>Report, Third (A National Marine Strategy), g.r., 15049
    >>>Infrastructure, 2137
    >>>Level of service, o.q., 5303
    >>>National policy
    >>>>o.q., 8346
    >>>>Statement by Minister, 17665-6
    >>>Regulatory reform, 12574-5
    >>>Remote areas, o.q., 3999
    >>>Safety, 2138, 4830
    >>>Subsidies, 2137
    >>>>o.q., 4952
    >>>Surface freight transportation system, 2137
    >>>System, 2137-9, 4829, 15078-80
    >>>>o.q., 3999, 4952, 5433
    >>Vancouver Port Authority
    >>>Casino gambling operation, o.q., 2220
    >>>Chairman, o.q., 2626
    >>VIA Rail Canada Inc.
    >>>Duhamel-Harper Manitoba task force inquiry, o.q., 3525
    >>>Funding, o.q., 2177, 2742, 8553
    >>>Operating costs, 7775
    >>>Personnel, o.q., 6854-5
    >>>Privatization, o.q., 15107
    >>>Western operations, o.q., 3525
    >>Western Grain Transportation Act (amdt.) (Bill C-66), 9114

Young Entrepreneurs Program

    >>Carleton--Charlotte constituency participants, S.O. 31, 8873
    >>Restigouche--Chaleur constituency, S.O. 31, 6251

Young offenders