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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Brown, Jill

    >>Death, tribute, S.O. 31, 10657

Brown, Trooper Kyle see Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation

Brown, May see British Columbia--Lt. Governor

Browning, Kurt

    >>World figure skating champion, S.O. 31, 3514
    >>See also Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--English television network

Bruce II reactor see Nuclear reactors

Bruce--Grey constituency

    >>Profile, famous personalities, 12-3
    >>See also Emergency response personnel; Tourist industry

Bruce Peninsula see Aboriginal land claims

Brule, Alta.

    >>1900s coal mine, closure, social security programs, lack, impact, 1985-6

Brundtland Commission see World Commission on Environment and Development

Brunswick Mining and Smelting

    >>Operations, Dalhousie, N.B., closure, environmental restoration, costs, o.q., 12721-2

Brushett, Dianne (L--Cumberland--Colchester)

    >>Agriculture, 9522-3, 9543
    >>>M. on supply (Marchand), 3615
    >>Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act (Bill C-61), 9522-3, 9539-40, 9544
    >>Agriculture and Agri-Food Department, 9539
    >>Airports, o.q., 12798
    >>Aquaculture, 507
    >>Auditor General Act (amdt.)(Bill C-83), 14590-2
    >>Automobile sales, o.q., 11942
    >>Banks and banking, 17694
    >>Bishop, Elizabeth, S.O. 31, 14080
    >>Books and magazines, 17694
    >>Borrowing Authority Act, 1994-95 (Bill C-14), 1927-8
    >>Bosnia-Herzegovina, S.O. 31, 17133
    >>Budget, Feb. 22/94, M. on supply (R. Speaker), 2208
    >>Budget, Feb. 27/95, 11287, 11304
    >>>M. for approval (P. Martin), 10484, 10489-92
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1994 (Bill C-17), 4483
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1995 (Bill C-76), 11286-7, 11302-4
    >>Canada Customs, 16006
    >>Canada Elections Act (amdt.--registration of political parties)(Bill C-229), 6245-6
    >>Canada Health Act, 11905-6
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 11303
    >>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, M. (Copps), 5173-4
    >>Canadian Merchant Navy, S.O. 31, 4338
    >>Capital gains tax, 3615
    >>Charitable and Non-profit Organization Director Remuneration Disclosure Act (Bill C-224), 10684-6
    >>Children, o.q., 16193
    >>Citizenship, S.O. 31, 3270
    >>Climate change, M. (Caccia), 8157-9
    >>Clyke, Vera, S.O. 31, 9525
    >>Cod, o.q., 1186
    >>Constitution Amendment, 1993 (Prince Edward Island), M. (Dingwall), 1354-5
    >>Cultural Property Export and Import Act, Income Tax Act and Tax Court of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-93), 14839
    >>Cumberland--Colchester constituency, 506
    >>Curling, S.O. 31, 2351, 2925-6
    >>Customs Act and Customs Tariff (amdt.)(Bill C-102), 16005-9
    >>Debt recovery bonds, S.O. 31, 1097
    >>Defence equipment, 1154
    >>Deficit, 11286-7, 11302-3, 17693
    >>Department of Health Act (Bill C-95), 16159-61, 16253-5
    >>Department of Labour Act (amdt.)(Bill C-30), 5569
    >>Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (Bill C-52), 6374-5
    >>Divorce Act (amdt.--granting of access to, or custody of, a child to a grandparent)(Bill C-232), 8310
    >>Dominion Biologicals, 16007-8
    >>Economy, 10490, 11303
    >>>o.q., 10618
    >>Education, post-secondary, S.O. 31, 7682-3
    >>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Suspension Act, 1994 (Bill C-18), 2940
    >>Environment, 14590-1
    >>>S.O. 31, 8289
    >>Euthanasia, petition, 6944
    >>Excise Act, Customs Act and Tobacco Sales to Young Persons Act (amdt.)(Bill C-11), 1702
    >>Ferry service, o.q., 6443
    >>Finance Standing Committee, reports, M. (Gagliano), 17693-5
    >>Fish products, o.q., 8638
    >>Fisheries, Atlantic, 1355, 5569
    >>Forestry, 5173-4
    >>Freight rates, 11303-4
    >>Government, 2208, 6374-5
    >>Government department, boards, agencies and commissions, 14591-2
    >>Government expenditures, 6375, 11303
    >>>M. on supply (Crête), 1154, 1175
    >>Government programs and services, 3819-20, 6375
    >>Government revenues, 11302
    >>Grain transportation, 10491, 11303
    >>GST, S.O. 31, 3700
    >>Gun control/guns, 507
    >>>o.q., 4951
    >>Health, 11518
    >>>o.q., 11193
    >>Health care, 17694
    >>>M. on supply (Manning), 11905-6
    >>Health insurance (Medicare), 11905-6
    >>Highway safety, S.O. 31, 12106
    >>Highways and roads, 11304
    >>House of Commons, 1019
    >>Housing, 16205, 16207, 17694
    >>>M. on supply (Guay), 1448-9
    >>Immigration, petition, 12603
    >>IMP Aerospace Components Ltd., S.O. 31, 19
    >>Income tax, 540
    >>>o.q., 16368-9
    >>Income Tax Act (amdt.--medical expenses--disabled senior citizens)(Bill C-282), 9316-8
    >>Infrastructure program, 1175, 1927-8, 2595
    >>Interest rates, 17694
    >>>o.q., 303-4
    >>International Women's Week, S.O. 31, 10321
    >>Intertape Polymer Group Inc., 4750
    >>>S.O. 31, 4575
    >>Job creation, 4483
    >>>M. on supply (Lalonde), 2595, 2601, 2608-9
    >>>o.q., 2856
    >>Justice system, M. on supply (Meredith), 2411, 2414
    >>Labour sponsored venture capital corporations, 17694
    >>Literacy, S.O. 31, 9724
    >>Lobster, S.O. 31, 3439
    >>Manufacturing industries, 16007
    >>Marine Transportation Security Act (Bill C-38), 7677-9
    >>Members of Parliament, 2411
    >>>M. on supply (D. Grey), 8130, 8137-8
    >>>S.O. 31, 6771
    >>Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-85), 12204-7, 13493-4
    >>National AIDS Awareness Week, S.O. 31, 15337
    >>National debt, 10490, 17694
    >>National Defence Department, petition, 15444
    >>National Entrepreneur of the Year award, S.O. 31, 7553
    >>National Housing Act (amdt.)(Bill C-108), 16205, 16207
    >>National Public Service Week, S.O. 31, 13801
    >>Nova Scotia Highlanders, S.O. 31, 8932-3
    >>Old age pensions, 10484
    >>>o.q., 3101
    >>Order in Council appointments/appointees, 9523, 9540
    >>Penitentiaries, 2411
    >>>o.q., 16540
    >>Poverty, 17694
    >>Prince Edward Island, 1354-5
    >>Public Works and Government Services Department, 6374
    >>Quebec City, Que.
    >>>o.q., 5945
    >>>S.O. 31, 5722
    >>Radio stations, S.O. 31, 5513
    >>Rail passenger service, 2601
    >>Railways, 11303-4
    >>>S.O. 31, 10784-5
    >>>Maiden speech, 506
    >>>See also Dominion Biologicals
    >>Regional development, M. on supply (Crête), 4750
    >>RRAP, 17694
    >>RRSPs, 17694-5
    >>Rural Canada, 507
    >>Same-sex couples, petition, 6944
    >>Sexual assault, S.O. 31, 7091
    >>Sexual orientation, petitions, 6944, 9537
    >>Small business, 10935-6
    >>>o.q., 10715
    >>>S.O. 31, 2212-3
    >>Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-99), 15787
    >>Social security system
    >>>o.q., 3101, 6986
    >>>Petition, 13088
    >>South Africa, S.O. 21, 5151
    >>Standing Orders, M. (H. Gray), 1019
    >>Stanfield's, 16008-9
    >>Student Employment/Experience Development Program, 3615
    >>Sustainable development, 14590-2
    >>Tax reform, M. on supply (Silye), 3819-20
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 506-8, 540
    >>Tobacco/cigarette smuggling, 1702
    >>Transfer payments to provinces, 11303-4
    >>Unemployment insurance, 4483
    >>Universities and colleges, S.O. 31, 1719
    >>Violence, S.O. 31, 8743
    >>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 11981-2
    >>Waswanipi, Que., S.O. 31, 11606
    >>Wentworth Consolidated Elementary School, S.O. 31, 13317
    >>Women, M. (Finestone), 8714-5, 8717
    >>World War II, S.O. 31, 4858
    >>Young offenders, 2414
    >>>o.q., 4775
    >>Young Offenders Act, 507-8
    >>Youth Service Corps, 2608-9

Brussels, Belgium see NATO--Summit meeting

Bruton, John see Canada--Ethnic and linguistic diversity

Bryden, John (L--Hamilton--Wentworth)

    >>Access to Information Act (amdt.--disclosure of results of public opinion polls)(Bill C-309), 15375-6
    >>Agriculture, 9521
    >>Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act (Bill C-61), 9521
    >>Airports, petition, 14025
    >>Bloc Québécois, 865, 3149
    >>Books and magazines, 14801
    >>Borrowing Authority Act, 1995-96 (Bill C-73), 10295
    >>Bosnia-Herzegovina, 356, 373
    >>>M. (Ouellet), 3373-4
    >>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52 (B. Mills), 12948-50
    >>>S.O. 31, 9140
    >>British Columbia, 16818
    >>Bryden, references, 6345-6, 17027
    >>Budget, Feb. 22/94, M. for approval (P. Martin), 1815, 2049, 2061, 2093, 2155-6
    >>Budget, Feb. 27/95, M. for approval (P. Martin), 10532, 10541
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1994 (Bill C-17), 2887-8, 4641-2
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1995 (Bill C-76), 11309-13
    >>Budget, M. on supply (Williams), 7198, 7204
    >>Business, 2644
    >>>o.q., 572
    >>Canada, 17027
    >>Canada Elections Act (amdt.--reimbursement of election expenses)(Bill C-319), 12708
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, 10876-7, 10883
    >>Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, M. (I. McClelland), 6547-8
    >>Canadian Dairy Commission Act (amdt.)(Bill C-86), 12697
    >>Canadian Labour Congress, 864, 10295
    >>Chamber of Commerce, 864
    >>Charitable and Non-profit Organization Director Remuneration Disclosure Act (Bill C-224), 2253, 9488-90, 10688
    >>Charitable organizations, 11311
    >>Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act (Bill C-87), 12657-60
    >>Child care, 8069
    >>Citizenship and Immigration Department, 5224
    >>Citizenship, S.O. 31, 3152
    >>Communications Security Establishment, 6345-6
    >>>M. (Lee), 9039-41
    >>Constitutional Amendments Act (Bill C-110), 17026-9
    >>Crime, 4289
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--facsimile advertising)(Bill C-234), 17114-5
    >>CSIS, 6351-5
    >>>M. on supply (Langlois), 6345-6, 6351-5, 6357-8
    >>Cultural industry, 14802
    >>Dairy products/industry, 12697
    >>Dangerous offenders, M. (Meredith), 17659-60
    >>Defence equipment, M. on supply (Jacob), 16630
    >>Deficit, M. on supply (Abbott), 9893
    >>Department of Canadian Heritage Act (Bill C-53), 6833-4
    >>Department of Citizenship and Immigration Act (Bill C-35), 5224
    >>Department of Industry Act (Bill C-46), 6157
    >>Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (Bill C-52), 6530, 6533
    >>Dollar, exchange rate, 16818
    >>Economic recovery, 7198
    >>Education, 901
    >>Elections, 4020-1, 12708
    >>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Suspension Act, 1994 (Bill C-18), 2769-70
    >>Employment equity, 15156-7, 15425-7, 15486
    >>Employment Equity Act (Bill C-64), 15156-7, 15425-7
    >>Euthanasia, petition, 9695-6
    >>Excise Tax Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-103), 14800-2
    >>Financial Institutions Laws Amendment Act (Bill C-100), 16792, 16816-9
    >>Firearms Act (Bill C-68), 11122-3
    >>Francophones, 526
    >>Freiburger, Jeremy, S.O. 31, 10655
    >>GATT, 520
    >>GDP, 9488
    >>Ginn Publishing Canada Inc., 2378
    >>Girl Guides of Canada, 864
    >>Government advertising, 14802
    >>Government contracts, 6530
    >>Government programs and services, 2093, 8049
    >>Gun control/guns, 11122-3
    >>>S.O. 31, 6082, 11984
    >>Hamilton, Ont., 2887-8
    >>>S.O. 31, 4694
    >>Hamilton--Wentworth constituency, 2769-70, 17026-7
    >>House of Commons, S.O. 31, 937
    >>Immigration, 2093, 6015, 6021
    >>Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-9), 1146
    >>Income Tax Act (amdt.--public access to information from audits of charities and non-profit organizations)(Bill C-294), 8757
    >>Inter-Parliamentary Associations, S.O. 31, 2785
    >>Job creation, M. on supply (Lalonde), 2644
    >>Justice system
    >>>M. on supply (G. Breitkreuz), 16681
    >>Lacrosse, S.O. 31, 14079
    >>Lester B. Pearson Day Act (Bill C-276), 8011-2
    >>Lobbyists Registration Act (amdt.)(Bill C-43), 5538-40
    >>Members of Parliament, 505, 1621, 1627, 7204
    >>>M. (Lee), 16799-800
    >>>S.O. 31, 2617
    >>Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-85), 12232-3, 12350
    >>Middle East, S.O. 31, 3991-2
    >>Military colleges, 16630
    >>Milk, 12697
    >>Multiculturalism, 6833-4
    >>>S.O. 31, 3152
    >>Municipal infrastructure, 16818
    >>>M. (Gilmour), 16653-4
    >>National Action Committee for the Status of Women, 864
    >>>S.O. 31, 5338-9
    >>National Defence Department, M. on supply (Frazer), 10876-7, 10883
    >>National Research Council, 2155-6
    >>National security, 6354
    >>New Democratic Party, 11313
    >>Non-profit organizations, 9488-90, 16817-8
    >>>o.q., 5899
    >>Nova Scotia, 3149
    >>Nuclear energy, 2155-6
    >>Nuclear reactors, 2155
    >>Official Languages Act, M. on supply (Ringma), 3149
    >>Pay equity, 2025
    >>Peacekeeping, M. (Ouellet), 356, 373
    >>Petitions, M. on supply (I. McClelland), 1621, 1627, 1632
    >>Political parties, 865, 11312-3
    >>>M. (Plamondon), 4021-2
    >>Politicians, 12232-3
    >>>Bills, Government, 15486
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 6883, 15235, 16641
    >>Public opinion polls, 15375-6
    >>Publishing industry, 14800-1
    >>>M. on supply (Bouchard), 2378
    >>Quebec, 6357-8, 10636-7, 16681, 17027-9
    >>>Background, 17027
    >>>Maiden speech, 373
    >>Refugees, 5224
    >>Research and development, 2155-6, 2644
    >>Royal Bank of Canada, S.O. 31, 1549
    >>Same-sex couple, petitions, 8760, 9696, 15139
    >>Serial killer board games/cards, 1632
    >>Sexual orientation, petitions, 8760, 9696, 12730, 15139
    >>Small business, 2156
    >>Smoking and Health Action Foundation, 864
    >>Social security system, 1815, 2061
    >>>M. (L. Axworthy), 863-5, 901
    >>>M. (L. Axworthy), 8002-5, 8049, 8069
    >>Space program, 2156
    >>Special interest groups, 863-5, 5539, 10295, 11309-12
    >>>S.O. 31, 2213, 7980-1
    >>Taxation, 1146
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 505, 520, 526
    >>Tobacco/cigarettes, 11311
    >>>S.O. 31, 885
    >>Tourist industry, 6157
    >>Unemployment, 2049
    >>Unemployment insurance, 4641-2
    >>Volleyball, S.O. 31, 2170
    >>>M. on supply (C. Gagnon), 2025
    >>>M. on supply (C. Gagnon), 10636-7
    >>World War II, S.O. 31, 4857
    >>Young offenders, 4895
    >>>M. on supply (Forseth), 4289-90
    >>Young Offenders Act (amdt.) and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 4895

BSE see Cattle--Disease

BST see Bovine somatotropin hormone

Buchenwald death camp see Carter-Edwards

Budapest, Hungary see Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe--Summit

Buddies in Bad Times Theatre

    >>Funding, Canada Council grants, S.O. 31, 5302
