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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Caouette, Réal see Gun control/guns--Registration, Morrison

Cap-Tourmente, Que. see Migratory birds--Habitat, Snow goose

Cape Breton, N.S.

    >>Golf course, construction, $1.8 million expenditure, Canadian Heritage Department funding, o.q., 10151
    >>See also Highways and roads--Nova Scotia; Labour mobility; Radio stations--CKJM; Rankin, John Angus; Tourist industry--Nova Scotia

Capilano--Howe Sound constituency

    >>References, 91

Capital cost allowance see Alternative and renewable energy--Equipment

Capital gains see Corporations--Income tax

Capital gains tax

Capital punishment

    >>Canadian Police Association position, 14671, 14673
    >>Crime rate, relationship, 586, 3874
    >>Extending to include child molesters, rapists and drug dealers, 13963
    >>Free votes in House of Commons, 14671-2
    >>Legislation see Criminal Code (amdt.) and Young Offenders Act (amdt.--capital punishment)(Bill C-265)
    >>Parliament addressing, 1591
    >>Referendum, 585, 5908
    >>>M. (T. White), 14670-8, dropped from Order Paper, 14678
    >>>o.q., 5577-8, 14724
    >>>Petition, 9204, 11572, 14328
    >>>Reform Party position, 13897, 14670-1
    >>>S.O. 31. 2119-20, 3874, 4130, 4198, 17572
    >>Reinstating, 4496
    >>>Petition, 7993, 9206
    >>>Police position, S.O. 31, 14808-9
    >>>Public opinion, 13963, 15579-80
    >>>S.O. 31, 14604-5
    >>S.O. 31, 12107
    >>United States comparison, 14672, 14674-5, 14677
    >>White, R., position, 2454
    >>See also China--Human rights violations, Jingsheng; Murder--Child victims; Nigeria--Saro-Wiwa

Carbon dioxide emissions see Air pollution; Climate change--Carbon dioxide reduction program--Education program

Carbon tax

Carcinogenic emissions see Air pollution

Cardillo, Dominic

    >>Kitchener, Ont., mayor, S.O. 31, 6327

Cardinal, Douglas see Aboriginal peoples--Trent University

Cardinal, Harold see Aboriginal peoples--Ramsay

Cardinal, Ruth see Canadian Airborne Regiment--Videos; Canadian Armed Forces--Suicide; National Defence Department--Director general of public affairs; Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces Peacekeeping operation

Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation Awareness Month

Cardiovascular diseases see Health

Care Canada

    >>Donations for Somalia relief, misuse, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Prime Time News, allegations, o.q., 13045-6

Career counselling centres see Employment

Caribbean see Banks and banking--Taxation; Commonwealth; International development assistance--Latin America and Caribbean

Cariboo--Chilcotin constituency

Caribou herd see Wildlife--Conservation

Caribou pier see Harbours, wharves and breakwaters--Nova Scotia

Carin paper see CIDA--Mandate

Carleton--Charlotte constituency see Christmas Miracle Program; Young Entrepreneurs Program

Carleton Civic Centre see Woodstock, N.B.

Carleton County Steer Show and Sale see Agriculture

Carleton North High School see Basketball

Carney, Hon. Senator Pat (PC--British Columbia)

    >>References see Senate--Gender equality

Carolinian ecosystem see Environment--Environmental education projects--Grand River

Caron, André (BQ--Jonquière)

Carpenter, Melanie see Dangerous offenders; Murder

Carr, Judy Feld

    >>Syrian Jews, repression, liberation efforts, praise, S.O. 31, 10464

Carr, Shirley see Women--Persons case

Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi see Employment--Youth

Carrefour Jeunesse-Emploi de l'Outaouais

    >>Participant, unemployment insurance benefits, 7669-70
    >>>o.q., 7556-7
    >>Subsidy, cancellation, o.q., 6778, 7556-7

Carroll, Richard see Immigration--Deportation

Carroll, Stephen see Medal of Bravery

Cars see Automobiles; Motor vehicles

Carstairs, Hon. Senator Sharon (L--Manitoba; as of September 15, 1994)

    >>>Senate appointment, 6040, 6465
    >>>>S.O. 31, 6031
    >>>See also Constitutional reform--Meech Lake Accord; Members of Parliament--Education

Carter, Hon. Chesley

    >>Former Senator, death, tributes, 157-8

Carter-Edwards, Ed

    >>World War II veteran, prisoner of war and Buchenwald death camp survivor, S.O. 31, 6380

Carter, Jimmy see North Korea--Nuclear facilities

Cartier, George-Étienne see Federalism--Compromise; Responsible government in Canada--Baldwin

Casgrain, Thérèse see Vote, right to--Women

CASI see Compact airborne spectrometer imager


    >>Aboriginal jurisdiction, provincial agreements, o.q., 4000
    >>Windsor, Ont.
    >>>Establishment, 531
    >>>Northern Belle Riverboat, opening, 17731-2
    >>>>S.O. 31, 16828-9
    >>>Taxation of winnings, 17732
    >>>Tourist industry benefits, etc., 17732
    >>See also Kanesatake Indian Reserve

Castle Kilbride

    >>Baden, Ont., heritage designation, S.O. 31, 6132

Castlegar, B.C. see British Columbia Summer Games--1996

Castonguay, Claude see Health care--Funding

Castonguay Committee see Military colleges--Collège militaire royal, Saint-Jean, Que.

Castonguay-Dobbie commission see Constitutional reform

Catalyst Award see Bank of Montreal--Employment programs

Catterall, Marlene (L--Ottawa West; Parliamentary Secretary to President of the Treasury Board from December 6, 1993 to September 27, 1994)