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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Changing Together see Immigrants

Chapiteau see Television, cable--Pay-per-view

Charest, Isabelle see Olympics, 1994 Winter Games--Speed skating

Charest, Hon. Jean J. (PC--Sherbrooke)

    >>Borrowing Authority Act, 1995-96 (Bill C-73), 10746
    >>Bosnia-Herzegovina, 360
    >>>o.q., 14321
    >>Budget, 10273
    >>>M. (P. Martin), 737-8, 742-3
    >>Budget, Feb. 27/95, 10330-1, 10333-4
    >>>M. for approval (P. Martin), 10439, 10442-3, 10446-51
    >>Canada Pension Plan, o.q., 10152
    >>Capital gains tax, qu., 4093
    >>Centre of Excellence for Women's Health, 458
    >>Charest, references, 459, 461
    >>Constitutional reform, o.q., 6337-8
    >>Deficit, 10449-51
    >>>o.q., 16030, 16196
    >>Dental plans, 738, 742
    >>Diefenbaker, Right Hon. John, 14536
    >>Economy, 10447
    >>Education, 10746, 10749-50
    >>>o.q., 10617, 14817
    >>Education, post-secondary, o.q., 8943, 11065
    >>Employment, o.q., 1861
    >>Environmental industry, o.q., 10715-6
    >>Foreign affairs policy, 360
    >>Government expenditures, 459
    >>Government programs, 742
    >>Health insurance (Medicare), 10449
    >>Health plans, 742-3
    >>Highways and roads, o.q., 12601, 12682
    >>House of Commons, 262
    >>Infrastructure program, o.q., 304
    >>Job creation, 458-9
    >>Lobbyists, 457
    >>Members of Parliament, 457
    >>Military colleges, o.q., 2544-5
    >>NAFTA, 457-8
    >>National debt, 10449
    >>Old age pensions, 10443, 10449, 10451
    >>>o.q., 10152, 10327
    >>Paproski, Hon. Steven E., 109-10
    >>Parent, references, 29, 456
    >>Parliamentary reform, 457
    >>Peacekeeping, M. (Ouellet), 359-60
    >>Pearson International Airport, o.q., 11412
    >>Pelletier, Irénée, 1388
    >>Péloquin, Gaston, references, 5812-3
    >>Pepin, Hon. Jean-Luc, 14541
    >>Privilege, rights of Members breached, 30, 10330-1, 10333-4
    >>>Committee reports, 1863
    >>>Debate, 29, 262, 10446
    >>>Decorum, 4815, 6339, 8944
    >>>Divisions, recorded, 17583
    >>>Documents, 112, 10334, 11144, 11195
    >>>Motions, 1923
    >>>Oral question period, 29, 8944
    >>>Oral questions, 1861-2, 6339
    >>>Points of order/questions of privilege, 10273
    >>>Speeches, 16974
    >>Progressive Conservative Party, 456, 462
    >>Quebec, S.O. 31, 16141
    >>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), 10439
    >>References, 5, 7296-7
    >>>Crossing floor to Liberal Party, 461
    >>>House attendance, 5357, 17648
    >>>>See also Multiculturalism--Policy; Quebec--Separation/sovereignty, Legislation
    >>>"Leader of absolutely nothing", Bellemare remark, 459
    >>>See also Cabinet ministers--Judiciary; Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (Bill C-13)(3rd Sess., 34th Parl.); Constitutional reform--Meech Lake Accord--"Shared sovereignty"; Electoral boundaries--Commissions, suspending, Senate amendments; Quebec--Separation/sovereignty, Third option
    >>Research and development, 10449
    >>Social policy, o.q., 9201
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 456-61
    >>Trade, 458
    >>>o.q., 3162
    >>Transfer payments to provinces, 10450
    >>United Nations, 360
    >>Wenman, Robert Lloyd, 14092-3

Charest report see Constitutional reform--Meech Lake Accord

Charitable and Non-profit Organization Director Remuneration Disclosure Act (Bill C-224)--Bryden

    >>First reading, 2253
    >>Second reading, 9488-97, 10682-8
    >>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on Order Paper, 9497
    >>>Government Operations Standing Committee referral instead of legislative committee, M. (Milliken), agreed to, 10682
    >>>Agreed to, 10688
    >>Government Operations Standing Committee referral, 10688
    >>See also Charitable organizations; Non-profit organizations

Charitable donations

    >>Randolph, Man., residents, S.O. 31, 11289
    >>See also Income tax

Charitable donations tax credit see Income tax

Charitable organizations

    >>Activities not related to charitable status, 11311, 14322
    >>>Disqualification, legislation see Income Tax Act (amdt.--political activities by charities receiving public funds)(Bill C-338)
    >>>Prohibition, 9495
    >>Directors, salaries and remuneration, public disclosure, 9488-94, 9497, 10683, 13489
    >>>Legislation see Charitable and Non-profit Organization Director Remuneration Disclosure Act (Bill C-224); Income Tax Act (amdt.--public access to information from audits of charities and non-profit organizations)(Bill C-294)
    >>>United States, comparison, 9489, 9495
    >>Financial information, returns, public disclosure, 9488, 9494-5, 9497, 10684-8
    >>Government funding, percentage, 9494
    >>Tax exempt status, criteria, 9493
    >>See also Babbar Khalsa Society; GDP; GST; Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--Council for Canadian Unity

Charlebois, Robert see Quebec--Separation/sovereignty

Charles R. Bronfman Foundation see Canadian heritage--Historical vignettes

Charlevoix constituency

Charlie, Dr. Rose see Women--Persons case

Charlottetown Accord see Constitutional reform

Charlottetown, P.E.I.

    >>Birthplace of Confederation, legislation see Commemoration of the birthplace of Confederation Act (Bill C-292)
    >>See also Air traffic control--Terminals; Hockey--National Women's Hockey Championship; Official languages policy/bilingualism--Promoting

Charon, Milly see Multiculturalism--Quebec

Charter of responsibilities see Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Charter of Rights see Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Charter of rights and freedoms see Quebec--Separation/sovereignty, Legislation

Chartered banks see Banks and banking

Châteauguay constituency

Châteauguay, Que. see Oka, Que.--Crisis of 1990

Chatham--Kent constituency see Ontario--Provincial election

Chatham, N.B. see Defence equipment--Armoured personnel carriers; Education, post-secondary--Distance education

Chatham, Ont. see Gasoline/automotive fuels, Blended; Murder--Miller; World War II--The Netherlands

Chattel Loan Insurance Program see Mortgages--Insurance, CMHC program

Chatters, David (REF--Athabasca)

Chaudhuri, Sri

    >>National Science Fair winner, S.O. 31, 4855

Chechnya see Russia

Chefs see Stratford Chefs School

Chelan Canadian National Railways subdivision see Railways--Branch line abandonment

Chemainus, B.C.

    >>Tourism project, success, S.O. 31, 9996

Chemical and biological weapons

Chemical industry see Petrochemical industry

Chemical waste see St. Lawrence River

Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act (Bill C-87)--Minister of Foreign Affairs (Ouellet)

    >>First reading, 11995
    >>Second reading, 12649-67
    >>>Agreed to, 12667
    >>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Ouellet), agreed to, 14071-2
    >>Third reading, 14072-9, 14098-109
    >>>Agreed to, 14109, passed
    >>Senate passage, 14499
    >>Royal Assent, 14499, Chap. 25, S.C. 1995
    >>See also Chemical and biological weapons--Convention; Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee--Reports, Fifth;

Chemicals see Farm chemicals

Chemicals, toxic see Fire-fighters

Cher ami see Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--No campaign

Cherryville, B.C.

    >>Founding, 75th anniversary, S.O. 31, 5149

Cheticamp community radio see Radio stations--CKJM

Chiapas, Mexico see Mexico; NAFTA--Mexico; Organization of American States--Summit

Chiba, Japan see Figure skating--1994 world championships

Chibougamau--Chapais region, Que. see Railways--Branch line abandonment, Privatization

Chicken see Poultry

Chicoine, Therese see Volunteers

Chicoutimi constituency

    >>Electoral boundaries, redistribution, 2562, 2948-9
    >>See also Agriculture; Post offices; Unemployment

Chicoutimi, Que see Air transportation--Pilot training; Congregation of Notre-Dame-du-Bon-Conseil; Unemployment--Quebec; Université du Québec

Chief Electoral Officer

    >>>1992 Federal Referendum--Challenges Met, the and Towards the Thirty-Fifth General Election, tabled, House Management Standing Committee referral, 31
    >>>February 1995 By-election: Another Step Forward, the, tabled, Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee referral, 11684

Chilanko Forks, B.C. see Postal service

Child abuse

    >>>o.q., 1802
    >>>Petition, 9114
    >>>S.O. 31, 7308, 13171
    >>Lac Barrière Indian Reserve, allegations, investigations, 12256
    >>>o.q., 12191, 12289, 14457
    >>>Report, o.q., 15108, 15184-5
    >>>S.O. 31, 14447-8
    >>Martensville, Sask. cases, court decision, inquiry, requesting, o.q., 1802
    >>National Registry of Child Abusers, establishing, o.q., 1802, 3524, 4392, 4579
    >>Offenders, abused as children, statistics, 4240
    >>Sentencing/treatment, petition, 5950, 6567
    >>Victims testifying, procedures, improvements, o.q., 1802

Child care