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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Child Find Canada

    >>Green Ribbon of Hope campaign, S.O. 31, 12714, 13041

Child labour

    >>Exploitation, combating
    >>>Free the Children campaign, Craig Keilberger, crusade, S.O. 31, 17623-4
    >>>S.O. 31, 11983
    >>>United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, 8255-9, 8261, 11795

Child molesters see Capital punishment--Extending; Pedophiles

Child print program see Independent Order of Foresters

Child prostitution see Prostitution

Child support payments

Child tax benefit

    >>Eligibility, National Revenue Department determining, o.q., 17581
    >>Improving Social Security in Canada discussion paper proposal, 7978
    >>Operation, 7004
    >>Quebec, 8801
    >>See also Social security system--Payments

Child tax credits see Income tax; Unemployment insurance--Low-income recipients


    >>>Border crossings, customs officers/surveillance, increasing, o.q., 995-6
    >>>S.O. 31, 12892
    >>Adoption see National Adoption Awareness Month Act (Bill C-246)
    >>At risk, identifying, 2416-8
    >>>See also Crime--Prevention; Young offenders--Rehabilitation
    >>Children's bill of rights, 11793
    >>Community Action Program for Children
    >>>Funding, cuts, 13083-4
    >>>>o.q., 10518
    >>>Implementation, memorandum of understanding, o.q., 6563
    >>Deaths, poverty, disease and malnutrition, 2306, 11795
    >>>Combating, petition, 9068
    >>Early childhood education, improving, 13255
    >>Family breakup, impact, 4552-3
    >>Grandparent access or custody see Divorce--Children, access
    >>Legislation see Old Age Security Act, Canada Pension Plan, Children's Special Allowances Act, Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-54)
    >>Missing, 623
    >>>Members of Parliament householders including pictures, S.O. 31, 15596
    >>>National Revenue Department, Independent Order of Foresters child print program plaque, S.O. 31, 16316
    >>>Registry/search and recovery initiative, "Our Missing Children", S.O. 31, 12836
    >>>See also Child Find Canada; National Missing Children's Day
    >>Nurturing, security and opportunities, importance, 6696-7
    >>>S.O. 31, 9140
    >>Parental guidance, support, importance, 4887-8, 4890-1
    >>Parental rights
    >>>Petition, 14096
    >>>See also Children--Physical discipline
    >>Physical discipline, parental rights, 4900-1
    >>>Criminal Code, sec. 43, reviewing, government intention
    >>>>o.q., 5100-1, 5306-7, 12724-5
    >>>Petition, 17505
    >>>>S.O. 31, 11751-2
    >>>Legislation see Criminal Code (amdt.--protection of children)(Bill C-296)
    >>>Petition, 9379
    >>>See also Corporal punishment--Parental right
    >>Rights see International Tribunal for Children's Rights; Interpretation Act (amdt.--convention on the rights of the child)(Bill C-254);
    >>Sexual abuse
    >>>Age of consent, review, o.q., 11615-6
    >>>Citizens Against Child Exploitation, Monica Rainey, director
    >>>>o.q., 11616
    >>>>S.O. 31, 11607
    >>>Combating, 6741-2
    >>>>o.q., 16193-4
    >>>>Petition, 6476, 8046, 8759
    >>>>S.O. 31, 1099, 11607-8
    >>>>Bail, sentencing, and parole provisions, petitions, 5265, 5352, 6391
    >>>>Detention until end of sentence, 5856-9, 5863, 5867-9, 6739, 6743
    >>>>Minimum sentence, establishing, 6824
    >>>>Release, access to children, preventing, o.q., 8174
    >>>See also Corrections and Conditional Release Act, Criminal Code, Criminal Records Act, Prisons and Reformatories Act and Transfer of Offenders Act (amdt.)(Bill C-45); Criminal Code (amdt.--child prostitution, criminal harassment and female genital mutilation)(Bill C-119)
    >>Special needs, 11795
    >>>Child care expenses, income tax deductibility, petitions, 71, 451, 847
    >>Support, care, improving, 611, 632, 651
    >>United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, 11793-800
    >>Victims of war
    >>>S.O. 31, 3992
    >>>UNICEF 1996 report, S.O. 31, 17574
    >>>See also Bosnia-Herzegovina--Conflict; Bosnian Children Relief; Iraq--United Nations economic sanctions; Rwanda--Civil war
    >>Violence against, combating, 11795
    >>>Legislation, introducing, 2399, 2449-50
    >>>>o.q., 6778-9
    >>>Petitions, 805, 2365
    >>>S.O. 31, 7980, 8745-6
    >>>Throne Speech proposal, 11, 242
    >>See also AIDS; Bosnia-Herzegovina--Conflict; Bosnian Children Relief; Child abuse; China--One-child policy; Cigarette lighters; Crime prevention; Divorce--Standard of living; Drug trafficking; Food banks--Users; Hate propaganda--Internet circulation; Health care; Imports; Innu--Davis Inlet; Justice system--Pedophiles; Kids Sense Week; Pedophilia; Pornography--Léolo; Poverty; Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--Yes campaign, Bouchard remarks Refugees--Chinese--Women and children; Sexual assault; Softball; Sunshine Foundation of Canada; Take Our Kids to Work Day; Universal Children's Day

Children's Bureau see Health Department

Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario see Hospitals

Children's Special Allowances Act see Old Age Security Act, Canada Pension Plan, Children's Special Allowances Act, Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.) (Bill C-54)

Children's Special Allowances Program

    >>Eligibility, benefits, 6992


    >>Frei, President Eduardo, taking office ceremony, Canadian delegation, S.O. 31, 1378
    >>Human rights, violations, 306
    >>Pinochet dictatorship, civilian massacres, death toll, 11381
    >>See also Canada-Chile Social Security Agreement; NAFTA--Latin American countries; Nunez--References

Chilliwack River

    >>Valley hazard management plan, implementing, petition, 1762


    >>Alternative and renewable energy, development, need, 6803-4
    >>Business opportunities, 4624
    >>Canadian Ambassador to see Paynter, John
    >>Food requirements, eggs role, Canadian grain exports, relationship, 8439
    >>Human rights violations, 9937
    >>>Jingsheng, Wei, dissident, show trial, death penalty possibility, Canadian position, o.q., 17583
    >>>Yalden, Max, Canadian Human Rights Commissioner, statements, S.O. 31, 17033
    >>>o.q., 2432, 4864-5, 17144
    >>>S.O. 31, 4818, 13228
    >>>Trade, linkage, Quebec Premier Parizeau position, o.q., 8883
    >>>See also China--One-child policy--Prime Minister Chrétien trade mission; Trade--China, Team Canada delegation
    >>Northern Telecom, projects, monies received, ro., 16548
    >>Nuclear weapons, testing
    >>>CANDU reactors, sale, concerns, o.q., 7858
    >>>S.O. 31, 6979
    >>One-child policy
    >>>Human rights implications, Canadian trade, relationship, S.O. 31, 16960
    >>>See also Refugees--Chinese
    >>Prime Minister Chrétien trade mission
    >>>Economy, importance, o.q., 7635
    >>>Human rights violations, addressing, 7547-8
    >>>>o.q., 2619-20, 4698-9, 6987, 7629-30, 7688, 7730
    >>>>S.O. 31, 7307-8, 8034
    >>>Purpose, o.q., 7728-9
    >>>Quebec representation, 8337
    >>>>o.q., 6436-7, 6512-4
    >>>>S.O. 31, 6379, 6511, 6632
    >>>Results, o.q., 7991
    >>>S.O. 31, 7626, 7725, 7802-3, 8036, 8167-8
    >>Three Gorges dam project, government position/Liberal Party opposition (34th Parl.), conflicting, 9937-8
    >>>o.q., 7858-9
    >>Tiananmen Square demonstrations, anniversary, 4818
    >>>S.O. 31, 13229
    >>>Statement by Minister (Chan), 5057-60, 13285-7
    >>Visitor's visas, denial to Taiwanese Canadians, S.O. 31, 13521
    >>See also Economy--Growth; Embassies and consulates; Gasoline/automotive fuels--Blended, ethanol; General Preferential Tariff; Nortel Communications Inc.; Seals; Tibet; Trade; World Trade Organization--Members

Chinese Canadian Association of Public Affairs

    >>Young ambassadors program, S.O. 31, 12788

Chinese Canadians

    >>Head tax and Chinese Immigration Exclusion Act, redress, 9065-6
    >>>Petition, 10522
    >>>S.O. 31, 8165
    >>See also Taiwanese Canadians

Chinese New Year

    >>Year of the Boar, S.O. 31, 9272-3
    >>Year of the Dog, 668
    >>>S.O. 31, 1177

Chinese refugees see Refugees

Chinook salmon see Salmon--Pacific fishery

Chipman Junior-Senior High School see Canada Remembers Program--Minto

Chipman, Penny see Postal service--Chilanko Forks

Chirac Jacques see France

Chiropractic profession

    >>100th anniversary, S.O. 31, 8874

Chloramine see Drinking water--Disinfection

Chlorinated Substances Action Plan see Environment

Chlorine levels see Great Lakes; St. Lawrence River

Choirs see Music--World Choir annual performance

Choosing Life see Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples--Reports

Chrétien government see Liberal government (Chrétien)

Chrétien, Right Hon. Jean (L--Saint-Maurice; Prime Minister)

    >>Aboriginal self-government
    >>>Constitutional amendment, o.q., 385
    >>>Indian Act, relationship o.q., 1065-6
    >>>Inherent right, defining, o.q., 723, 991
    >>>Manitoba, o.q., 2219
    >>Access to information, Bloc Québécois requests, o.q., 15293-4
    >>Aerospace industry, Bombardier Inc./Canadair regional jets project, o.q., 15181
    >>Agriculture, Quebec, S.O. 31, 17575
    >>>HIV research, funding, o.q., 8429-30
    >>>National Aids Strategy, o.q., 8342-3, 8349
    >>>Research, o.q., 8342
    >>Alberta, deficit, o.q., 2041
    >>Allmand, references, 41
    >>Assistant Deputy Chairman of Committees of the Whole House, Kilger, appointment, M., 12
    >>Atlantic Groundfish Strategy, retraining, o.q., 3517
    >>Bank of Canada, governor, 42
    >>Banks and banking, profits, o.q., 17282
    >>Bhaduria, references, o.q., 228, 231
    >>Bilingualism bonus, RCMP employees, o.q., 2932
    >>Bloc Québécois, Official Opposition, o.q., 16028
    >>>Bihac, Serbian seige, o.q., 8341-3
    >>>Canadian Armed Forces peacekeepers taken hostage, o.q., 12895-7, 13001-2, 13124, 13235
    >>>Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping troops, o.q., 576, 988-9, 1101, 1684, 1918, 2126-7, 5304, 8342-3, 8426-7, 8429, 8828, 10072-3, 12110-1, 12720, 12897, 13001-3, 13124, 13235-6, 13722, 14997, 15289
    >>>Gorazde, Serbian attack, o.q., 3330
    >>>Muslim population, o.q., 5304, 13724
    >>>NATO air strikes, o.q., 989, 1100-1, 1183, 12896
    >>>NATO-led force, o.q., 15600, 15642-3
    >>>NATO rapid reaction force, o.q., 13235, 13321, 13598, 13724
    >>>Pale, o.q., 12898
    >>>Sarajevo, o.q., 988-9, 1684
    >>>United Nations peacekeeping contingent, o.q., 12718, 12895-6, 13124
    >>Bouchard, references, 44, 9939, 17627
    >>>o.q., 1916-7, 9199-200
    >>>Balanced, o.q., 1424, 2223
    >>>Ministerial confidentiality, o.q., 571
    >>>Pre-budget consultations, 42
    >>>>o.q., 716, 6852, 7316
    >>>Process, o.q., 571
    >>Budget, Feb. 27/95
    >>>Provincial finance ministers advance meeting, o.q., 9602
    >>>Targets, o.q., 9946-7
    >>Burundi, ethnic conflict, o.q., 11136
    >>Business of the House, 43, 261
    >>>Shuffle, o.q., 14451
    >>>Size, 41-2
    >>Cabinet ministers
    >>>Administrative, quasi-judicial tribunals, communications with, 7410-11
    >>>>o.q., 7372-3, 7421-4, 7557, 7561
    >>>Air travel, o.q., 387-8
    >>>Integrity and ethics
    >>>>o.q., 7423, 7425-6
    >>>>Statement by Minister, 7409-11
    >>>Judiciary, communications with, 7410
    >>>>o.q., 7421-3
    >>>Offices, expenditures, reduction, 42
    >>>Resignation requests, o.q., 2435
    >>>Role, 7410
    >>Canada Council, grants, o.q., 17388
    >>Canada Health Act, five principles, o.q., 10145, 10266, 10269, 15399
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer, programs, o.q., 11404-5, 11482, 12109-10
    >>Canada Pension Plan
    >>>Financing, o.q., 2122, 10384-5
    >>>Reform, o.q., 14993, 14995
    >>>Sustainability, o.q., 10152
    >>Canada Post Corporation, office building, o.q., 10469, 10615
    >>Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women, President, Glenda Simms, o.q., 11407, 11487
    >>Canadian Airborne Regiment, Kenward, LCol Peter, o.q., 9601
    >>Canadian Armed Forces
    >>>de Chastelain, o.q., 15291
    >>>Francophones, o.q., 1797
    >>>Operation William Tell, o.q., 6852-3
    >>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
    >>>Beatty, o.q., 11408, 11485
    >>>Funding, o.q., 11484
    >>>International service, o.q., 17630
    >>>Mandate/role, o.q., 16665-6
    >>>Manera, o.q., 9281, 11485
    >>Canadian Pacific Railway, head office, o.q., 16668
    >>Canadian Pension Commission, Cormier, o.q., 9608
    >>Carbon tax, o.q., 5894
    >>Chairman of Committees of the Whole House, Kilgour, appointment, M., 12
    >>Challenger Jet fleet, maintaining, costs, o.q., 4059-60
    >>>Human rights violations, o.q., 2432, 2620, 4698-9
    >>>Trade mission, Quebec representation, o.q., 6512-4
    >>Chrétien, J., references, o.q., 3570, 14641-3
    >>Citizenship, citizenship court judges, o.q., 3518
    >>Collenette, references, o.q., 15291
    >>Communications Security Establishment
    >>>Accountability, o.q., 7315
    >>>Electronic eavesdropping, o.q., 7031, 7314
    >>>Ministerial responsibility, o.q., 7031-2
    >>>Role, mandate, o.q., 7314
    >>Conflict of interest
    >>>Anderson, David, o.q., 102-3, 151-2
    >>>Code of conduct, 7410
    >>>>o.q., 7372-3, 12678
    >>>Dupuy, Michel, o.q., 13322-6, 13368-71, 13592-4, 13721
    >>>Kirkby, G., o.q., 3574
    >>>Statement by Minister, 5395-7
    >>>Amending formula, o.q., 16066, 17576
    >>>Bloc Québécois, o.q., 101
    >>>Patriation, o.q., 15398-9
    >>Constitutional reform
    >>>Charlottetown Accord, 6389
    >>>>o.q., 6034-5, 6137, 6254-6, 6382-6
    >>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, credibility, o.q., 16066
    >>>Meech Lake Accord, o.q., 14529, 15642-4
    >>>Negotiations, o.q., 16030, 16663
    >>>Quebec consent, o.q., 16663-4
    >>>Quebec right of veto, 16972-3
    >>>>o.q., 15599, 15604, 15641, 15643, 16066
    >>>Regional veto proposal, o.q., 16905, 16908, 17628-9
    >>>Status quo, o.q., 9724-5
    >>Crime prevention, 44
    >>Croatia, Canadian Armed Forces, o.q., 10072-3, 11293, 12110-1
    >>CRTC, licence applications, 7410
    >>>Letters, tabled, 7411
    >>>o.q., 7422, 7555
    >>Cruise missile testing, Opposing, o.q., 107
    >>Dairy products/industry, tariffs, o.q., 9902
    >>Defence equipment
    >>>Ammunition, o.q., 15183
    >>>Helicopters, 41
    >>>>o.q., 12676-7
    >>Defence expenditures, reduction, o.q., 1796, 2353
    >>Defence industry, industrial reconversion program, o.q., 4054
    >>>Forecasts, 1996-1997, o.q., 6899
    >>>GDP percentage, 43
    >>>>o.q., 1423-4, 2040-1, 2851-3, 2929-30, 3518, 5658, 5816, 6634, 6850, 6852, 8119, 9195, 14452, 17276-7
    >>>Reduction, o.q., 5940, 6850-1, 6899, 16030, 17276-7
    >>Deputy Chairman of Committees of the Whole House, Maheu, appointment, M., 12
    >>Deputy Speaker, Kilgour, appointment, M., 12
    >>Diefenbaker, Right Hon. John, 14535-6
    >>Dollar, exchange rate
    >>>Decline, o.q., 2851, 11678
    >>>International confidence, o.q., 2355
    >>Drug trafficking, cocaine, o.q., 1305, 1500
    >>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, legislation, Bill C-91, o.q, 3702-3, 4055-6, 15406
    >>Dupuy, references, o.q., 7311-2, 7317, 7421-3, 7555, 7557, 7559
    >>Economic conditions
    >>>Forecasts, 1994, o.q., 4054
    >>>Indicators, performance, o.q., 14452
    >>>International Monetary Fund performance report, o.q., 11678-9
    >>>OECD countries, comparison, o.q., 14452
    >>>Quebec separation threat, impact, o.q., 11678, 11887
    >>Economic G-7 Summit (1995)
    >>>Canada hosting, o.q., 11675-6
    >>>G-8 (Group of 8) meeting following, o.q., 13595
    >>Economic G-7 Summits (1994), employment/job creation, o.q., 2216-7, 2288, 2290-1
    >>Economic policy, national unity, o.q., 5815
    >>Economic recovery
    >>>Montreal, Que., o.q., 716
    >>>o.q., 4389
    >>>Foreign investors' concerns, o.q., 2355
    >>>Growth, o.q., 5815-6, 9275, 13321-2
    >>>Aboriginal peoples, o.q., 14313
    >>>Federal government role, o.q., 15645
    >>>Francophones outside Quebec, o.q., 15482-3
    >>>o.q., 10617
    >>Education, post-secondary
    >>>Funding, o.q., 6637, 8243-4, 14614
    >>>Quebec, o.q., 9196
    >>Election, general (1993), salaries, o.q., 574
    >>>Advertising, o.q., 791
    >>>Expenses, o.q., 14452
    >>Electronic eavesdropping, o.q., 7031
    >>Employment, youth, o.q., 3233
    >>Equalization payments, formula, o.q., 1107
    >>Established Programs Financing, Quebec share, o.q., 14313
    >>Ethics counsellor
    >>>Appointment, o.q., 299, 3237, 3768-9, 4345, 5427, 7368, 7428, 7555
    >>>Independence, o.q., 7422-3, 7426, 7556, 7560, 12678
    >>>Aggressive therapy, o.q., 13371
    >>>Physician-assisted suicide, national referendum, etc., o.q., 1425, 1503
    >>>Senate committee report, o.q., 13371
    >>Exports, railways, o.q., 10831
    >>Federal Office of Regional Development for Quebec, ministerial responsibility, o.q., 3763-4
    >>Federal-provincial fiscal arrangements, o.q., 12674
    >>Federal-provincial relations
    >>>Administrative decentralization, o.q., 16663-5
    >>>Duplication and overlap, o.q., 16614
    >>>Equality of the provinces, o.q., 16027
    >>>Federal government impingement on provincial jurisdiction, o.q., 4388
    >>Federalism, Renewal of federalism, o.q., 16903
    >>Finance Department, Minister P. Martin, o.q., 3329
    >>Fiscal policy
    >>>Changing, o.q., 14452
    >>>Liberal government (Chrétien) record, o.q., 9902
    >>Fisheries, Atlantic, foreign overfishing, o.q., 4659
    >>Foreign affairs policy, United Nations sanctions or peacekeeping operations, o.q., 5304-5
    >>Forestry, British Columbia, o.q., 11298
    >>Francophones, culture, o.q., 15481-2
    >>Francophones outside Quebec
    >>>Bloc Québécois position, o.q., 3048, 15481-4
    >>>Ontario, o.q., 15483-4
    >>>Survival, o.q., 2974-5
    >>Gagliano, references, o.q., 3521-2
    >>>Article XI, o.q., 2544
    >>>Uruguay Round agreement, 42
    >>Gauthier, J-R, references, 6, 41
    >>>o.q., 8170
    >>Gauthier, Sen. Jean-Robert, appointment, o.q., 8170-1
    >>GDP, decline, o.q., 13125
    >>Ginn Publishing Canada Inc., sale to Paramount Communications, Inc., o.q., 2292, 2539
    >>Government advertising, contracts, o.q., 3161, 3237
    >>Government appointments, patronage, o.q., 3160-1, 8170-1, 9281-2
    >>Government contracts
    >>>Awarding, o.q., 14315
    >>>Tendering process, o.q., 5898
    >>Government credit rating, Moody's Investors Service reviews, o.q., 11679
    >>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions
    >>>Fiscal responsibility, o.q., 1380
    >>>Operating budgets, 2975
    >>Government expenditures
    >>>Budget, Feb., 22/94, o.q., 1918, 2040, 2929-30, 2972-3, 2975, 2977
    >>>Budget, Feb. 27/95, o.q., 9196
    >>>Controlling, o.q., 2853
    >>>Estimates, o.q., 3519
    >>>Previous government commitments, o.q., 6384-5
    >>>Reduction, o.q., 21, 715-6, 2041, 2852, 2932, 3518-9, 6898-9
    >>>Review, o.q., 2852, 2977, 3440-1
    >>>Statutory expenditures, o.q., 1380
    >>Government, integrity, o.q., 14314
    >>Government programs and services
    >>>Duplication, o.q., 1918, 4388, 6637
    >>>Federal-provincial duplication, o.q., 9725-8, 9946, 10265-6, 15287
    >>>French language services, o.q., 11755
    >>Governor General
    >>>Appointment process, o.q., 8170-1
    >>>Hnatyshyn, Ottawa-Arizona return trips, o.q., 1800
    >>>Income tax, o.q., 9278
    >>>LeBlanc, Hon. Roméo, appointment
    >>>>o.q., 8170-1, 9419
    >>>>Statement by Minister, 8097-8
    >>>Pay and perks, review, o.q., 1800
    >>>Abolishing, o.q., 5656, 5659, 11678
    >>>Alternatives, 42
    >>>Health care, application, o.q., 2355, 2435
    >>>Provincial and federal consumption taxes, merging, o.q., 5657
    >>>Replacing, o.q., 3765, 5342-3, 5656-7
    >>Gun control/guns
    >>>Indian reserves, o.q., 1066
    >>>Legislation (Bill C-68), o.q., 10474
    >>Haiti, democratic government restoring, o.q., 6223
    >>Health care
    >>>Expenditures, o.q., 10611-2, 15400
    >>>Funding, o.q., 4695, 13239, 15406
    >>>Government commitment, 44
    >>>Jurisdiction, o.q., 9727, 15645
    >>>National standards, o.q., 6903, 10145, 11482
    >>>Private clinics, o.q., 5900, 8433-4, 14769, 15399-400
    >>>Provinces, o.q., 14643
    >>>Reform, o.q., 7033, 15399-400
    >>>System, o.q., 10272
    >>>Two-tier system, o.q., 4657, 14643, 15399
    >>>Waiting periods, o.q., 15400
    >>Health insurance (Medicare)
    >>>Canada Health Act principles, o.q., 3704-5, 16614
    >>>Established Programs Financing, o.q., 3568, 10267, 10617
    >>>Expenditures, o.q., 20-1, 99-100
    >>>Extra billing, o.q., 3568
    >>>Insured services, o.q., 10266-7
    >>>Portability, o.q., 3832
    >>Hibernia development project, o.q., 6853, 8427, 8828-9
    >>Highways and roads, Nova Scotia, o.q., 12679, 13326-7, 14315
    >>Homosexuality, o.q., 6220
    >>Hospitals, provincial responsibility, o.q., 15400
    >>House of Commons
    >>>Debates, 261-2
    >>>Expenditures, reduction, 42
    >>>Public confidence, o.q., 570
    >>>Votes, o.q., 102, 232, 571, 793, 14315, 14452
    >>Housing, social, o.q., 792
    >>Human Resources Development Department, amalgamation, o.q., 15287-8, 15291
    >>Hyundai Auto Canada, Bromont, Que., o.q., 2857
    >>Immigrants, Mendoza, José Salinas, o.q., 6559
    >>Immigration and Refugee Board, appointments, o.q., 4345
    >>Income tax
    >>>Collecting, o.q., 9946
    >>>Surtax, o.q., 8825-6
    >>>Tax shelters/loopholes, o.q., 995, 1101
    >>Income Tax Act, comprehensive review, o.q., 3764-5
    >>Industrial park museum, theme park, Shawinigan, Que., o.q., 3443-4, 3520
    >>Infrastructure program
    >>>Implementing, 43
    >>>Job creation component, o.q., 22, 2289-90, 2852
    >>>Ministerial responsibility, o.q., 304, 383-4
    >>>Quebec, o.q., 3045
    >>Inter-governmental affairs, policy, o.q., 101
    >>Interest rates
    >>>Bloc Québécois policies, o.q., 5658
    >>>Increase, o.q., 11678
    >>International development assistance, economic benefits, o.q., 15294
    >>Jackson, references, 41
    >>Job creation
    >>>115,000 since February 1994, o.q., 4053
    >>>Apprenticeship programs, o.q., 3232
    >>>Budget, Feb. 22/94 measures, o.q., 2537
    >>>Government commitment, o.q., 1423, 2537
    >>>Government initiatives, o.q., 13231-2
    >>>Interest rates, o.q., 2291
    >>>Private sector, o.q., 21
    >>>Quebec, o.q., 3047, 11886-7
    >>>Small business, o.q., 2288, 2290-1
    >>>Taxation, o.q., 3831
    >>Kanesatake Indian Reserve
    >>>Casino, o.q., 11296
    >>>Cemetery, o.q., 4656, 5898
    >>Kingston, Ont., French-language high school, o.q., 4658, 5942, 11758
    >>Labour disputes, essential services, o.q., 10830-1
    >>Leader of the Opposition, residence, o.q., 1428, 2222
    >>Leduc, Jean-Louis, 577
    >>Liberal Party
    >>>Election promises, 42
    >>>>o.q., 1423-4
    >>>Fund-raising, o.q., 13721
    >>Liquor smuggling, o.q., 1504
    >>Literacy, programs, o.q. 1683
    >>>Fees, deductibility, o.q., 1622
    >>>Government policy, o.q., 5339
    >>>Registration, legislation and regulations, o.q., 1922, 3768-9, 4345
    >>Magdalen Islands, ferry service, o.q., 2543
    >>Manning, references, o.q., 14451
    >>Massé, references, o.q., 387
    >>Members of Parliament
    >>>Apologies, 228
    >>>Cuba, o.q., 10790-1
    >>>Language, inappropriate, o.q., 2435
    >>>Pensions, o.q., 151, 233, 1067-8, 1921, 2043, 2046, 8037-8, 9419-20, 10075-6, 11405-6
    >>>Powers, increasing, 42
    >>>Recalls by constituents, o.q., 569-70, 720, 994-5, 1310
    >>>Representation, o.q., 1501-2
    >>>Salaries, o.q., 151, 1921, 2043, 2128, 8038, 8045, 9419, 10075
    >>Métis Society of Saskatchewan, o.q., 3049
    >>MIL Davie Inc., Lauzon, Que., shipyard, o.q., 3763-4
    >>Military colleges
    >>>Collège militaire royal, Saint-Jean, Que., o.q., 1796, 1915-6, 2217-8, 2353-4, 2434, 2545
    >>>Royal Military College, Kingston, Ont., o.q., 1797
    >>>Royal Roads Military College, Victoria, B.C., o.q., 1796, 2175
    >>Milk, bovine somatotropin hormone, o.q., 3162, 14314, 14455
    >>Mohawk people
    >>>Bloc Québécois, discrediting, o.q., 1500
    >>>Cabinet committee studying, o.q., 4060-1
    >>Morrison, references, o.q., 2435-6
    >>>Chile, inclusion, o.q., 8036-7, 14450-1
    >>>Environmental Commission, location, o.q., 2857, 3442
    >>>Improvements, 42
    >>>Mexico, human rights record, o.q., 28
    >>>Quebec, independent, inclusion, o.q., 14450-1, 14641
    >>National Capital Commission, Marcel Beaudry, o.q., 10833
    >>National debt
    >>>Increase, o.q., 2853
    >>>Reduction, o.q., 21
    >>National Defence Department, senior officials, o.q., 15213-4
    >>National Forum on Health, o.q., 3568, 3832, 4657, 4694-5, 6854, 6903, 7032-4, 10792, 11482
    >>National unity
    >>>Government inaction, o.q., 6385
    >>>Liberal Party position, 44-5
    >>>>o.q., 1917
    >>>Post-referendum strategy, o.q., 17576
    >>>Preserving, o.q., 4388
    >>>Restoring, 41
    >>New Democratic Party, leader, o.q., 15406
    >>North Korea, nuclear facilities, o.q., 5304-5
    >>Nuclear energy, research and development, o.q., 15347
    >>Oaths of Office (Pro Forma)(Bill C-1), 9
    >>Official languages policy/bilingualism, 2936
    >>>Program, success/failure, o.q., 2974-6
    >>>Reform Party position, o.q., 1916-7, 2974, 3519
    >>Old age pensions
    >>>Aging population, o.q., 10384
    >>>Benefits, o.q., 9946, 10152, 10268, 10384
    >>>Reduction, o.q., 16024
    >>>Review, o.q., 14993, 14996-7, 15340-1
    >>Old age security system, reform/review, o.q., 2122
    >>Olympics, 2002 Winter Games, Quebec City, Que., bid, o.q., 11676
    >>Order in Council appointees
    >>>Number, o.q., 9608
    >>>Pay and perks, o.q., 1800
    >>Organization of American States, summit, o.q., 8832
    >>Parent, references, 6, 41
    >>Parliament, public respect, o.q., 14315
    >>Parliamentary Employees Staff Relations Act, Parts II and III, o.q., 8349
    >>Parti Québécois, leadership, o.q., 16663-4
    >>Payne, references, o.q., 11410
    >>Peacekeeping, Canadian participation, o.q., 12111, 15289
    >>Pearson International Airport, Terminals 1 and 2, privatization contract, 42
    >>>o.q., 5516, 8827-8, 11058-9, 14763-6
    >>Pelletier, Irénée, 1388-9
    >>Péloquin, Gaston, references, 5811-2
    >>Pepin, Hon. Jean-Luc, 14539
    >>Poverty, government fighting, o.q., 2172
    >>Private family trusts, 21-year income tax exemption, o.q., 6851
    >>Privilege, (Gauthier, M.) misleading/false statements, 6389
    >>>Decorum, 2046
    >>>Documents, 1030
    >>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 4060, 7413-4
    >>>Oral questions, 150, 231, 4344
    >>Public Service
    >>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, remarks, o.q., 9201
    >>>Downsizing, o.q., 9947
    >>>Political activities, o.q., 10833
    >>>Anglophones, rights, o.q., 3048
    >>>By-election, provincial, o.q., 1685
    >>>Culture, recognition, o.q., 17279-80, 17387
    >>>Distinct society
    >>>>M., 16971-4, 16983
    >>>>o.q., 15398, 15601, 15641-2, 16064-6, 16663-4, 16902, 16905-8, 17277, 17387, 17576
    >>>Election, Sept. 12/94, o.q., 3519-20, 5814, 6035
    >>>Federalism option, o.q., 1685, 3233, 4342-3
    >>>Federalists labelled as "traitors", o.q., 17580
    >>>Foreign representatives, o.q., 15179
    >>>Parizeau, Hon. Jacques, Premier, S.O. 31, 16062-3
    >>>Parti Québécois government, o.q., 8037, 8169
    >>>Provincial government employees, Parti Québécois pressure re political attitudes, o.q., 7311, 7313
    >>>Self-determination, o.q., 8877-8
    >>>Separation/sovereignty, o.q., 4341-2, 4344, 4389, 4655-6, 6905-6, 8825, 8877, 11755-6, 13719-20, 14529-32, 14609, 14641, 14643, 14993, 15599, 15640-1, 17576
    >>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)
    >>>Consultation without consequence, o.q., 14608
    >>>Debate, o.q., 15041-2
    >>>Dion, Stéphane, o.q., 10610-1
    >>>Federal government holding own, o.q., 14608, 15401
    >>>Federal government role, o.q., 14718-20, 15178-9, 15211-3
    >>>Hébert, Senator Jacques, o.q., 15399
    >>>Legality, o.q., 14529
    >>>Media coverage, o.q., 5429, 9197
    >>>National referendum, o.q., 17580
    >>>No campaign, o.q., 15179, 15401-2, 15604, 16024, 16065-6
    >>>Non-residents right to vote, o.q., 15405
    >>>Purpose, o.q., 15641-2, 15645
    >>>Results, o.q., 14528-32, 14608-10, 14641-4, 14886-7, 15598-9, 15604, 16024-5, 16027, 16031, 16063-7, 16614, 16971
    >>>Second referendum, o.q., 16064, 17576-80
    >>>Yes campaign, o.q., 16063-4
    >>>Timetable, o.q., 5942, 14809
    >>>Wording, o.q., 4342, 4655, 8877-8, 9604, 11676, 13719-20, 14608, 14610, 14887, 14993
    >>>Yes campaign, o.q., 15399-401
    >>Radio stations
    >>>Shawinigan, Que., 7411
    >>>Télémédia licence application, o.q., 7310-3, 7315-7, 7366-8, 7373, 7421-7, 7554-6, 7558
    >>Rail passenger service, high speed train, o.q., 3566-7
    >>>Branch line abandonment, o.q., 2932
    >>>Labour disputes, o.q., 10614
    >>>Strike/lockout, o.q., 10786-7, 10829
    >>RCMP, Laberge, Pierre, o.q., 13007-8
    >>References, 14, 45, 6996, 7505, 7509 , 17008
    >>>Accepting questions after speech when Leader of the Opposition, 1774
    >>>Anniversary as Member of Parliament, S.O. 31, 11525
    >>>Caribbean holiday, Challenger Jet use, o.q., 3570
    >>>Leadership and commitment, Federation of Sterea Hellas recognition, S.O. 31, 15097
    >>>Leadership, record, 179, 7639-40, 17596
    >>>Popularity, Quebec, 51, 182-3
    >>>Proud francophone/Quebecer/Canadian, 14641-3
    >>>o.q., 15922
    >>>S.O. 31, 4051, 7309
    >>>"Talks as people used to 30 years ago", 13148
    >>>See also American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association; Border crossings--United States; Canadian Armed Forces; Canadian Pacific Railway--Head office; China; Conflict of interest--Dupuy; Constitution--Amending formula--Patriation in 1982; Constitutional reform; Deficit; Disabled and handicapped--Prejudice; Economic conditions--"Stop whining"; Education--Teaching excellence; Election, general (1993)--Liberal Party leader Jean Chrétien appointing candidates--Salaries; Deficit--Reduction, Further reductions; Federalism--Liberal Prime Ministers; Government expenditures--Reducing; Health care; Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department--Dismantling; Indonesia--East Timor; Industrial park museum--Theme park; Internet--CompuService; Latin America; Laurier Club; Liberal Party; Members of Parliament--Salaries; National Forum on Health; National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy--Chairman; National unity; Nunatsiaq constituency; Pearson International Airport--Terminals 1 and 2, Liberal Party; Petro-Canada--Privatization; Poverty--Quebec; Prime Minister`s residences--Break-in; Public Service; Quebec--Culture--Distinct society--Self-determination--Separation/sovereignty, Aboriginal peoples--Separation/sovereignty, Canada--War Measures Act; Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--No campaign--Results--Second referendum; Radio stations--Shawinigan, Que.; Russia--World War II; Social security system--Reform, Opposition; Taxation--Increase; Television--Direct to home satellite transmission; Tobacco/cigarette smuggling--Mohawk people; Toronto Club--Prime Minister; Unemployment
    >>Referendums and plebiscites, government position, o.q., 5518
    >>Reform Party
    >>>Critics, removal, o.q., 14453
    >>>Popularity, polls, o.q., 14451
    >>>References, o.q., 7559
    >>Regional development, Quebec, o.q., 9949
    >>Research and development, expenditures, o.q., 15100-1, 15106
    >>Resource industries, tax increases, o.q., 5940-1
    >>Ringuette-Maltais, references, 41
    >>>Contributions, o.q., 152, 790, 5895
    >>>Investments, o.q., 152
    >>>Taxing, o.q., 7316
    >>Russia, Chechnya, O.Q., 12593
    >>Saint-Maurice constituency, 41
    >>Science and technology
    >>>Government programs, o.q., 2218
    >>>Investment, o.q., 2218
    >>Seagram Company Ltd., o.q., 11882-3, 11885-6, 12112-3
    >>Search and rescue, Canadian Armed Forces helicopter, o.q., 229, 298-9
    >>>Appointments, o.q., 14813
    >>>Elected, o.q., 228-9, 892-3, 10832-3, 14813
    >>>Liberal appointees, o.q., 10832-3
    >>Social policy, priorities, o.q., 9201
    >>Social security system
    >>>Decentralization, o.q., 17627-8
    >>>Deficit, reduction, impact, o.q., 20, 6514, 6851
    >>>Delivery, o.q., 10145
    >>>Mandatory "workfare" contract, o.q., 3517
    >>>National standards, o.q., 11482
    >>>Program administration, o.q., 6136
    >>>>M. (L. Axworthy), 6608-9
    >>>>o.q., 3328-9, 3331, 3439-40, 5339-40, 5814, 6215-6, 6634, 6637-8, 8245-6, 9194, 9724, 10268, 12818-9, 13591, 14809, 14993, 16023
    >>>Review, 43-4
    >>>Transfer payments to provinces, o.q., 5813-4, 8246, 15340, 17627-8
    >>Softwood lumber, exports, o.q., 4387
    >>Somalia, Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation, o.q., 11138-9, 15046-7, 15213-4, 15342, 15345-6
    >>Speaker of the House of Commons, election, 6
    >>Sugar industry, United States market protectionism, o.q., 9607, 10078
    >>Tax reform, 42
    >>>Base, o.q., 789-90
    >>>Budget, Feb. 27/95, o.q., 9195, 9275, 9277
    >>>Burden, o.q., 5894
    >>>Federal tax raid, o.q., 5894
    >>>Increase, o.q., 6898
    >>>Reducing, o.q., 1504
    >>Telecommunications, o.q., 4388
    >>Television, cable
    >>>Francophone all-new channel, 7411
    >>>>o.q., 7422
    >>>Maclean-Hunter, o.q., 2221
    >>Television, direct to home satellite transmission, o.q., 11806-7, 11883-4, 11887
    >>Throne Speech
    >>>Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 41-5
    >>>Consideration later this day, M., 11
    >>Tobacco/cigarette smuggling
    >>>Enforcement, o.q., 989-90
    >>>Federal-provincial meetings, o.q., 788-9, 886
    >>>Government action, o.q., 296
    >>>Government strategy, Feb. 8/94 announcement, 1029-32
    >>>>o.q., 1062-5, 1067, 1102-3, 1181-3, 1422-3, 3571
    >>>Inkster, RCMP Commissioner, letter, tabled, 1030
    >>>Mohawk people, o.q., 1064-5, 1103
    >>>Quebec convenience store owners, o.q., 149-50, 296, 789
    >>>RCMP action, o.q., 227, 296, 382-3, 886
    >>>Statement by Minister, 1029-32
    >>>Advertising, o.q., 14817
    >>>Hazardous Products Act, o.q., 14817
    >>>Packaging and labelling, o.q., 4209
    >>>Taxes, o.q., 103, 150, 789, 886, 893, 989, 996, 3571
    >>>Human rights, linking, o.q., 2620, 3162, 4698-9, 9279
    >>>Interprovincial barriers, 42
    >>>>o.q., 5514-5
    >>>Pacific Rim countries, o.q., 8037
    >>>Surplus, o.q., 5895
    >>>Trade Commissioners, o.q., 8037
    >>>United States, o.q., 2128, 4387, 8036
    >>Training programs
    >>>Federal government
    >>>>Commitment, 43-5, 16973
    >>>>Withdrawal, o.q., 17277
    >>>Jurisdiction, o.q., 101-2, 2971-2, 3045, 4388, 9604, 9725, 14313, 15602, 16903
    >>>Provincial role, o.q., 6637
    >>Transfer payments to provinces
    >>>Block funding formula, o.q., 9945
    >>>Budget, Feb. 27/95 measures, o.q., 10265-6
    >>>Cut-backs, o.q., 9602-3, 9945
    >>>Deficit reduction, impact, o.q., 20
    >>>Quebec, o.q., 17275-6
    >>Turbot, Atlantic fishery, o.q., 10271, 10830, 10833, 11136-7
    >>Turkey, parliament, 75th anniversary, o.q., 11143
    >>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, remarks, o.q., 3327-8, 3330-1
    >>>Quebec, o.q., 3047
    >>>Rate, o.q., 2852, 3047, 4053, 13591
    >>>Youth, o.q., 2854
    >>Unemployment insurance
    >>>Benefits, o.q., 5944, 6136, 13591-2
    >>>Budget, Feb. 27/95, measures, o.q., 13231-2
    >>>Employment insurance, new system, 16973
    >>>Expenditures, o.q., 13232, 13719
    >>>Jurisdiction, o.q., 16901
    >>>Legislation, o.q., 13591-2
    >>>Premiums, o.q., 2216-7, 2289
    >>>Privatization, o.q., 14809
    >>>Quebec, o.q., 11886-7
    >>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), relationship, o.q., 14809, 14883-4, 14992-3, 15340, 16023
    >>>Reform, o.q., 2046, 12717-8, 17277
    >>>Work incentive, relationship, o.q., 13591
    >>Unemployment Insurance Account
    >>>Funds, o.q., 12717
    >>>Surplus, o.q., 17275
    >>United Nations, Fowler, Robert, o.q., 10789-90
    >>Veterans Review and Appeal Board, appointments, o.q., 9062
    >>Western Canada Wilderness Committee, funding, o.q., 11298
    >>>Durum wheat, o.q., 3444, 4387
    >>>Exports to United States, o.q., 2543-4, 3767
    >>Winnipeg, Man., National Hockey League arena, o.q. 12791-3, 12796
    >>Youth Internship Program, apprenticeship training, o.q., 2218
    >>Yugoslavia (former)
    >>>Arms embargo, o.q., 8349-50
    >>>Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping role, o.q., 15342