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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Crown Liability and Proceedings Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4)--Minister of Justice (Rock)

    >>First reading, 391
    >>Second reading, 949-56
    >>>Agreed to, 956
    >>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 956
    >>>Reported, without amdts., 1760
    >>Report stage, concurrence, M. (Robichaud), agreed to, 3379
    >>Third reading, 3379-83
    >>>Agreed to, 3383, passed.
    >>Senate passage, 4300
    >>Royal Assent, 4300. Chap. 11, S.C. 1994
    >>See also NAFTA--Environmental Co-operation Agreement--Labour Co-operation Agreement

Crows Nest Pass freight rate see Grain transportation--Freight rates

CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission)

    >>Administrative/judicial tribunal, 7412
    >>Certificates of nomination, tabled, Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, referral, 5821-2
    >>Commissioners, Bill Callahan, appointment, qualifications, o.q., 9531-2
    >>Licence applications
    >>>Decision-making process, 7304
    >>>>o.q., 7510
    >>>Letters of support, Cabinet ministers Tobin, Marchi, Irwin and C. Stewart and other Members of Parliament writing, 7410, 7412, 7414, 12010-1
    >>>>o.q., 7421-2, 7555
    >>>>Tabled, 7411
    >>>Radio stations--Télémédia licence application;
    >>Regulatory process, 5317
    >>See also Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Programming, News bulletins; Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency--Independence; Environment--Environmental assessment and review process, Independent decision making process; Information highway; Telephone service--Basic rates; Television--Direct to home satellite transmission--Violence; Television, cable--French language all-news channel--Pay-per-view ; Violence

Cruise missile testing

Cruise missiles see Cruise missile testing; Defence equipment

Cruise ships see Airports--Vancouver International Airport

Cruises see Income tax--Entertainment expenses

CRY see Crime, Responsiblity, Youth (CRY)

CSCE see Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe

CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service)

    >>1993 public report, tabled, 2861
    >>1994 public report and program outlook, tabled, 11099
    >>Accountability, 6319-20, 6322-3, 6326-7, 6342, 6347, 6353, 6359-60, 6963
    >>>o.q., 7033
    >>>Solicitor General, role, 6312, 6347-8, 6359-60
    >>Activities, S.O. 31, 8933
    >>Annual reports, Solicitor General information, inspector general's report, o.q., 11140
    >>Anti-semitic activities, encouraging, Douglas Christie allegations, Security Intelligence Review Committee investigation, o.q., 8877
    >>Budget, accountability, 2864, 2866-7, 6315-7, 11100-1
    >>Director, Ward Elcock, appointment, S.O. 31, 4385-6
    >>Economic espionage, 2866, 6318, 6354-5
    >>Expenditures, public scrutiny, 7906
    >>Housing allowances, Toronto, Ont./Vancouver, B.C., o.q., 576
    >>Infiltration activities, allegations, royal commission investigation, requesting, 6300-1, 6313, 6317-8, 6321-2, 6344, 6346-7, 6350-1, 6356-8, 8739-40
    >>>M. on supply (Langlois), 6300-27, 6340-60, 6560
    >>>>Amdt. (Langlois), 6300
    >>>o.q., 5896
    >>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), knowledge/role, 6303, 6325-6
    >>>RCMP activities, 1960's-70's, MacKenzie/McDonald commissions, comparison, 6306-10, 6323, 6342, 6346, 6349, 6356-7, 6359, 7248-9
    >>Informant, Grant Bristow, use, allegations, 6302-3, 6317, 6357, 6948
    >>>Germany, neo-Nazi rallies, attendance, o.q., 6856
    >>>Heritage Front, racist group, establishment, role, 6301, 6350
    >>>>o.q., 5815, 11676
    >>>Illegal activities/violence, promoting, video, o.q., 9820-1
    >>>Lewis, Hon. Doug, former Solicitor General, National Security Subcommittee testimony, o.q., 6904-5
    >>>National Security Subcommittee appearance, requiring, o.q., 11676
    >>>New identity, o.q., 11676
    >>>Reform Party, infiltrating, 6301, 6303, 6350-1, 6354-7
    >>>>o.q., 5815, 11676
    >>>Security Intelligence Review Committee examining, final report, making public, etc., 6302-6, 6310, 6312, 6314, 6326, 6341, 6349, 6351, 6355, 6358, 11100-3
    >>>>o.q., 5815, 5896, 5943, 6559-62, 6564-5, 6856, 6904-5, 9059-60, 11676
    >>>>The Heritage Front Affair, M. for Papers (Richardson), 9072, agreed to, on recorded division, 9103-4
    >>>>Unaltered version, referral to National Security Subcommittee, requesting, 8739
    >>>>>o.q., 8879, 8996
    >>>Security Intelligence Review Committee investigation, re-opening, o.q., 9905-6
    >>Informant, Luke Desilets, infiltration of Aryan Nations, defecting, government responsibility, o.q., 12370, 12416
    >>Informants, use, inspector general report, o.q., 10511-2
    >>Mandate, 6308-9, 6312-3, 6316, 6319, 6321, 6323, 6326, 6359
    >>National Security Subcommittee, review, 6318, 6325, 6340, 6351-2
    >>Operations, 2861, 2864, 6313, 6318, 6320-1, 6348, 6356, 6358-9
    >>>Five-year review by Parliament, 6324, 6327, 6359
    >>>>Lee statement, 3rd Sess. 34th Parl., 6318, 6340
    >>>Secrecy, 2865, 6313-5, 6316, 6343, 6353
    >>>Undercover, media leaking, 6352-3
    >>Paskowski, Ryszard, Air India, bomb plant, alleging, o.q., 7507-8
    >>"Preston Manning" file, o.q., 9324-5, 10512
    >>Reform Party information files, access, denial to Reform Party officials, o.q., 6905
    >>Reform Party, investigating, o.q., 9146-7
    >>>See also Reform Party--Election campaign expenses
    >>Reorientation, 2861
    >>See also Bilingualism bonus; Black Canadians--Nova Scotia; Canadian Union of Postal Workers; National security; Public Service; Quebec--Separation; RCMP--Laberge, Pierre; Terrorism--International

CSN see Confédération des syndicats nationaux

CTV see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Programming


    >>Canadian investments, mining and tourist industries, 15608
    >>Economic and human rights, reforms, 2283
    >>Foreign aid, $30 million line of credit, Canadian ban, lifting, S.O. 31, 5655, 10608
    >>United States trade embargo
    >>>Canada, Canadian companies, subsidiaries, application to, 16655-6
    >>>Defiance, punitive legislation, Canadian position, o.q., 10667-8, 11758, 13724-5, 13919, 14023, 14317-8
    >>>Lifting, Canadian position, 2259
    >>>>M. (Robinson), 9791-800, dropped from Order Paper, 9800
    >>>>o.q., 13919-20
    >>>>Petition, 12120
    >>>>S.O. 31, 10465-6
    >>See also Members of Parliament; Organization of American States--Summit; Sugar industry--United States market

Culbert, Harold (L--Carleton--Charlotte)

    >>Aboriginal land claims, 5125
    >>Abortion, petition, 8489
    >>>M. on supply (Marchand), 3672-4
    >>>o.q., 13917
    >>>S.O. 31, 2665, 11403
    >>Althouse, references, 3672
    >>Aquaculture, o.q., 15046
    >>Basketball, S.O. 31, 2478
    >>Border crossings, S.O. 31, 9526
    >>Bosnia-Herzegovina, 367
    >>Breast cancer, M. (McLaughlin), 12401
    >>Breau, Louise, S.O. 31, 1230
    >>Budget, Feb. 22/94, 3113-4
    >>Budget, Feb. 27/95, M. for approval (P. Martin), 10451-3
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1994 (Bill C-17), 3113-4
    >>Canada Health Act, 12054
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer, M. on supply (Bouchard), 12054-6
    >>Canadian Armed Forces, o.q., 16834
    >>Canadian Coast Guard, 15029-30
    >>Canadian Farm Business Management Committee, S.O. 2665
    >>Chrétien, J., references, S.O. 31, 4051
    >>Christmas Miracle Program, S.O. 31, 8472
    >>Corey, Clifford, S.O. 31, 13319
    >>Crime prevention, 4895
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--force) and Coastal Fisheries Protection Act (amdt.--force)(Bill C-8), 1330
    >>Decentralization, 468
    >>Defence policy, M. (Collenette), 1512
    >>Deficit, 3113
    >>>M. on supply (Grubel), 9580-1, 9588-90
    >>>o.q., 16069-70
    >>>S.O. 31, 10144
    >>Department of Health Act (Bill C-95), 16161-4
    >>Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (Bill C-52), 6578
    >>Electoral boundaries, 9391
    >>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, 1995 (C-69), 11621, 11631
    >>Employment, o.q., 11683
    >>Environment industry, o.q., 6141
    >>>Petitions, 8489-90, 9206, 10340
    >>>S.O. 31, 1852
    >>Excise Act, Excise Tax Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-32), 5637-9
    >>Firearms Act (Bill C-68), 10401-2, 13735
    >>Fisheries, Atlantic, S.O. 31, 3645, 5810
    >>Fisheries, licences, o.q., 12678
    >>Flag, S.O. 31, 6379
    >>Gasoline/automotive fuels, 16343-4
    >>Government, 1257-8, 5573
    >>>S.O. 31, 7226, 9275
    >>Government expenditures, M. on supply (Williams), 1257-8
    >>Government programs and services, 6578, 6727-8
    >>>S.O. 31, 5335-6
    >>Governor General, S.O. 31, 8240
    >>GST, petition, 15564
    >>Gun control/guns, 10401-2, 13735
    >>>o.q., 5216-7, 9784
    >>Health care, 12054-6
    >>>M. on supply (Manning), 11862-3
    >>Health insurance (Medicare), 12055
    >>House of Commons, 11621, 11631
    >>Information highway, o.q., 299
    >>Infrastructure program, o.q., 14926
    >>Job creation, 3113-4, 6727-8
    >>>S.O. 31, 14717
    >>Justice system, petition, 10395
    >>Kilgour, references, 367
    >>Liberal Party, 3113
    >>>S.O. 31, 16661
    >>Manganese-based Fuel Additives Act (Bill C-94), 16343-4
    >>Martin, P., references, 3113-4
    >>McKay, Judy Rose, S.O. 31, 787
    >>Members of Parliament, 3114
    >>Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-85), 12228
    >>Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 (Bill C-23), 3786-8
    >>National unity, S.O. 31, 5094, 5573
    >>New Brunswick Community College, S.O. 31, 7804
    >>New Brunswick, S.O. 31, 2351, 3760
    >>Oceans Act (Bill C-98), 15029-30
    >>Packaging and labelling, 3673
    >>Peacekeeping, M. (Ouellet), 367-8
    >>Police, 1330
    >>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 1824
    >>>Members' remarks, 3788
    >>>Vote, 3674
    >>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (H. Gray), 9391
    >>Rail passenger service, o.q., 7985
    >>Railways, S.O. 31, 3093
    >>References, maiden speech, 367
    >>Reform Party, S.O. 31, 16661
    >>Remembrance Day Act (Bill C-251), 6892-3
    >>Remembrance Day, S.O. 31, 7552, 16358
    >>Same-sex couples, petitions, 5622, 8489
    >>Sexual orientation, petitions, 5622, 9206
    >>Small business, o.q., 12072
    >>Social security system
    >>>M. (L. Axworthy), 825
    >>>M. (L. Axworthy), 6727-8, 7128, 7946, 8003
    >>St. Andrews, N.B., S.O. 31, 5810, 6710
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 468
    >>Tobacco/cigarette smuggling, 5637-8
    >>Tobacco/cigarettes, 5637
    >>>Petition, 3886
    >>Transportation, S.O. 31, 10317
    >>Turbot, o.q., 11297
    >>Underground economy, M. (Szabo), 14954-5
    >>United Nations, 368
    >>Waterfowl, 3786-7
    >>Wildlife, 3786-7
    >>Woodstock, N.B., S.O. 31, 10465
    >>World War II, S.O. 31, 4817-8
    >>Young Entrepreneurs Program, S.O. 31, 8873
    >>Young offenders, 9854-5
    >>Young Offenders Act (amdt.) and Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-37), 4895, 9854-5
    >>Youth, S.O. 31, 3437, 12245
    >>Yukon First Nations Land Claims Settlement Act (Bill C-33), 5125

Culhane, Claire see Volunteers

Cullen-Couture agreement see Immigration--Quebec

Cults see Supreme Truth cult

Cultural background defence see Justice system

Cultural communities see Bloc Québécois; Canadian Heritage Department; Information highway--Advisory council; Quebec

Cultural exchanges see National unity

Cultural identity see National identity

Cultural industry

Cultural Initiatives Program

Cultural institutions

    >>Auditor General not auditing, 649-50
    >>Funding, multi-year basis, M. (Plamondon), 12139-12145, dropped from Order Paper, 12145
    >>Future, government policy, 9298
    >>>Liberal Party, election promises, 10753-4
    >>>o.q., 7367

Cultural minorities see Quebec

Cultural organizations see instead Cultural institutions

Cultural policy

    >>National, developing, 12141

Cultural programs see Multiculturalism

Cultural property

Cultural Property Export and Import Act, Income Tax Act and Tax Court of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-93)--Minister of Canadian Heritage (Dupuy)

    >>First reading, 12850
    >>Second reading, 14825-42, 14985-9, 15002-9, 15140
    >>>Amdt. (Solberg), 14829, negatived on recorded division, 15135-6
    >>>Agreed to on recorded division, 15202
    >>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 15203
    >>>Reported without amdt., 15535
    >>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 15725
    >>Third reading, 15725-6, 15733-60
    >>>Agreed to on recorded division, 15828-9, passed
    >>Royal Assent, 17257, Chap. 38, S.C. 1995
    >>See also Cultural property

Cultural Property Export Review Board see Cultural property

Cultural sovereignty

    >>GATT, protecting, background, 7485-6
    >>Threat, United States administration strategy document, o.q., 10007
