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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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E-file program see Income tax--Returns

E money see Currency--Alternatives

Eagle River exercise see Canadian Armed Forces

Eagleson, Alan

    >>Former National Hockey League Players Association head, United States racketeering and embezzlement charges, government investigation, 2425, 6325
    >>>Hockey Canada, files, records, access, o.q., 2484-5
    >>>o.q., 2174, 2485, 7857-8
    >>>>RCMP investigation, delay, o.q. 17501

Early childhood education see Children

Early retirement see Atlantic Groundfish Strategy--Income support; Employment; Unemployment--Reducing

Earnscliffe Strategy Group see Gun control/guns--Legislation (Bill C-68), Communications

Earth Day

    >>25th anniversary, S.O. 31, 11804
    >>Apr. 22/94, S.O. 31, 3153, 3327

Earth observation satellite see Radarsat

Earth Summit (1992) see Sustainable development

Earthquakes see Kobe, Japan; Los Angeles, CA

East Montreal see Montreal, Que.

East Timor see Indonesia

Easter see Orthodox Church

Easter Seal Society

    >>Campaign, S.O. 31, 2350

Easter, Wayne (L--Malpeque)

Eastern Europe

    >>Democratic and economic reforms, 2309, 2325-7
    >>>Hungary, Poland, Romania, 2326
    >>>Hungary-Slovakia treaty, S.O. 31, 11751
    >>>See also Russia; Ukraine
    >>Economic growth, 2325
    >>Free market economies, establishing, 2304
    >>See also Housing--Exports; NATO; Trade

Eastern Ontario see Gasoline/automotive fuels--Blended, ethanol

Eastern Quebec see Regional development; VIA Rail Canada Inc.

Eastern Quebec Development Plan

    >>Maintaining, S.O. 31, 7979
    >>See also Forestry

Eastern Townships, Que. see Economic conditions

Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Eaton, G. Campbell

    >>Distinguished Newfoundlander, death, S.O. 31, 379

Eaton Yale Limitée

    >>Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que., plant closure, S.O. 31, 3991

Eaton's see T. Eaton Company

Ebola virus

    >>Detention/quarantine of visitors from Zaire, o.q., 12843

EC see European Community

Éco-Équipement Inc.

    >>Waste water, treatment, study, S.O. 31, 1097

Ecodek see CN Tower

École polytechnique see Women--Violence against

École Saint-François-Xavier see National unity--Cultural exchanges

Ecological disasters see Iraq--Southern Marshes

Economic activity see Population--Growth

Economic and Regional Development Agreement

    >>Quebec, o.q., 12899
    >>See also Highways and Roads--Quebec, 70/170 project

Economic and social conditions

    >>Historical advances, 12428-9
    >>See also National unity; Poverty

Economic conditions

    >>Atlantic provinces, 1045, 2052
    >>>Confederation, factor, 701
    >>>Groundfish stocks decline, impact, 5564
    >>Bloc Québécois position, o.q., 16482
    >>Changes, insecurity, etc., 660
    >>Coastal communities, Atlantic provinces, British Columbia, 14864-5
    >>Composite leading indicators, S.O. 31, 1421
    >>Decline, 512, 4477, 4930, 6147
    >>>o.q., 12254
    >>Deficit/national debt, impact on dollar, exchange rate and stock markets, o.q., 15767
    >>Eastern Townships, Que., 1789
    >>Economic statement, fall 1994, o.q., 5726-7
    >>Forecasts, 12384-5
    >>>1994, o.q, 4054
    >>Improvement, 479, 4930, 15929, 17679
    >>>United States economy, relationship, 17679
    >>Indicators, performance, o.q., 14452
    >>International comparison, status, 12804-5
    >>International Monetary Fund
    >>>Concerns, 764
    >>>Performance report, o.q., 11678-9
    >>National debt, impact, S.O. 31, 15283
    >>Newfoundland, 1047
    >>OECD countries, comparison, o.q., 14452
    >>Public/business/consumer confidence, decline, S.O. 31, 12246-7
    >>Quality of life, Feb. 22/94 budget measures, negative impact, 1768-9, 4929-30
    >>>S.O. 31, 4197
    >>Quebec separation threat, impact, 2098, 2205-6, 4915, 8565, 11587, 12040, 12804-5, 12812, 16879-80, 17511, 17560
    >>>Deficit/national debt, 17731
    >>>o.q., 11678, 11887, 15765, 15767
    >>>S.O. 31, 5150
    >>Recession, 32, 10545
    >>>Bank of Canada, policies, impact, 695-6
    >>>Duration, 120, 162, 479, 695-6
    >>>Monetary policy, Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), relationship, 531, 540, 1785
    >>>Toronto, Ont., 2145
    >>Recessions 1980-1994, inflation factor, federal government responsibility, 12804
    >>Recovery, growth rate, international comparison, 11705-6
    >>Responsibility, Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), 7244
    >>Rich-poor gap
    >>>Polarization, 13221-2
    >>>Widening, 660, 1759, 6700, 6737
    >>Social deficit, relationship, 6671
    >>Social security system, impact, 539, 2085, 2235
    >>Stagnation, 17730
    >>"Stop whining", Prime Minister J. Chrétien remarks, Saskatoon, Sask., 2108-9
    >>Subsidies, impact, 6769
    >>Technological development, global implications, 2257
    >>Underground economy, 2092
    >>Western Canada, Quebec, comparison, 3928
    >>Windsor, Ont., employers, etc., 17731-3
    >>World Bank report, wealth ranking, 14633
    >>>o.q., 14533
    >>See also Constitutional reform; Crime; Family violence; Government expenditures; Newfoundland; Oakville--Milton constituency; Taxation--Burden--Reducing

Economic Council of Canada see Immigration--Levels; Regulations; Social security system--Redesigning

Economic crime see Crime

Economic development

    >>Airports, impact, 3748-9
    >>Asia success stories, 4748
    >>Atlantic provinces, 243, 700, 760, 4448-9, 5555, 5569
    >>>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency funding, 1345
    >>>Diversification, 5568
    >>>Program harmonization, 5557
    >>>Reform Party position, 17514-5
    >>>Regional assistance, interprovincial trade barriers, offsetting, 8061
    >>>See also Atlantic provinces--Economic development--Regional development; Regional development--Atlantic provinces
    >>Automobile industry, role, 531
    >>Benefits, 4785
    >>British Columbia, 17594-5
    >>Budget, Feb. 22/94 measures, 2070
    >>Budget, Feb. 27/95 measures, impact, 11822
    >>Business confidence, restoring, 1280
    >>Entrepreneurial spirit, encouraging, 237
    >>Gaspé Peninsula, Que., funding, lack, 3593
    >>Government-business-labour co-operation, 542
    >>Government commitment, 161, 603, 747
    >>Government expenditures reduction and tax cuts, relationship, 11824
    >>Government initiatives, o.q., 16482
    >>Government priority, 17728-9
    >>Government role, 238, 2072, 4748, 6150-1
    >>>Charity, 4750-1
    >>Hastings--Frontenac--Lennox and Addington constituency, 5041, 13421-2
    >>Historic perspective, 4748
    >>Information/knowledge sectors, significance, 237, 1119
    >>Investment, importance, 163
    >>Liberal Party plan, 2070-1
    >>Montreal, Que., 4754, 10969-70
    >>>East Montreal see Pro-Est Co. of Montreal
    >>>Federal government action/inaction
    >>>>o.q., 16613-4
    >>>>S.O. 31, 16774
    >>>Federal-provincial co-operation, 1822
    >>>See also Regional development--Montreal, Que.
    >>National business plan, need for, 15890-1
    >>National debt/deficit, impact, 10094-5
    >>Newfoundland, diversification, Hibernia project role, 2054-5
    >>North York Technology Strategy, 16448, 16450
    >>Northern Ontario, 5036-7
    >>Ontario, 3693
    >>>Auto Pact, importance, 2266
    >>Parry Sound--Muskoka constituency, S.O. 31, 1180
    >>Quebec independence question, impact, 10094
    >>Research and development, importance, 237
    >>Tourism, role, 1681-2
    >>Training and education, relationship, 7075
    >>Université de Montréal study, 4752
    >>York North Technology Strategy, 15898, 17721
    >>York Region Strategic Alliance, 15898
    >>See also Aboriginal Economic Development Program; Forestry; Regional development; Taxation--Reducing; Thetford-Mines, Que.

Economic Development Association of Canada see Elliot Lake, Ont.; North Channel Marine Tourism Council

Economic espionage see CSIS

Economic G-7 Summit (1995)

    >>Canada hosting, June 16-8
    >>>Calgary-Banff-Canmore, Alta. sites, S.O. 31, 381
    >>>Halifax, N.S. site
    >>>>Final communiqué, agreements, text, leak prior to meetings, o.q., 13328
    >>>>Official languages policy/bilingualism, representation
    >>>>>o.q., 13914
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 14011
    >>>>o.q., 11675
    >>>>S.O. 31, 4339, 13364-5, 13717, 14081-2, 14310
    >>>>South Shore constituency, G-7 leaders' spouses and daughters visit, S.O. 31, 14312
    >>>Quebec City, Que., site, o.q., 11675-6
    >>G-8 (Group of eight) meeting following, Russian President Boris Yeltsin participation, Chechnya human rights violations, relationship, o.q., 13594-5
    >>International financial institutions/transactions, addressing, o.q., 10716
    >>Provinces, consultations, o.q., 13474-5

Economic G-7 Summits (1994)

    >>Detroit, MI, Mar. 13-14, Canadian delegation accommodation, o.q., 1069-70
    >>Employment/job creation, Finance ministers, discussing, 2582, 2611, 2640
    >>>o.q., 2215-7, 2288, 2290-1, 2537
    >>Naples, Italy, July 8-10, 2256
    >>See also Job creation--Tax credit

Economic growth see Economy--Growth

Economic independence see NAFTA

Economic instruments see Pollution--Prevention, Incentives

Economic issues see Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)

Economic migrants see Refugees--Claims/claimants

Economic policy

    >>"A New Framework for Economic Policy", discussion paper, 7163-4, 12047
    >>Bloc Québécois, 14031-2
    >>>Legitimacy, questioning, 765-6
    >>Business support, 691
    >>>o.q., 572
    >>Control, Quebec position, 16416-7
    >>Economic and fiscal update, Finance Minister Martin providing to Finance Standing Committee, 17678-9, 17729
    >>Fundamental change, election promises, "red book", etc., 625-6, 2241, 7150
    >>>o.q., 2738
    >>Globalization, impact, 1871
    >>Liberal-Conservative, similarities, 2049-50, 2240, 2248-9
    >>Liberal government (Trudeau), 1139-40
    >>Liberal Party, outdated, 10122
    >>National unity, relationship, o.q., 5815
    >>Non-partisan, need, 1901-2, 6769
    >>Plan/vision, 4631, 7163-4, 7197
    >>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), 540, 765, 1139-40
    >>>Bloc Québécois, former Progressive Conservative Party Members, 765
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty, relationship, 17550
    >>Reform Party, approach, "21st century economy", 4909
    >>>Quebec, status, 4909-10
    >>Short-sighted, 77-8
    >>S.O. 31, 936-7, 6512
    >>Social policy, relationship, 611, 900
    >>Youth, long-term planning, need, 743
    >>See also Fiscal policy; New Zealand; Quebec--Separation/sovereignty, Legislation; Social security system

Economic recovery