The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Gaspé constituency
References, 462-3
>>See also Fisheries--Fish processing plants;
Social security system--Reform, Consultation;
Unemployment insurance--Claimants
Gaspé Cured see Fisheries, Atlantic
Gaspé Peninsula see Economic development; Rail passenger service; Railways--Branch line abandonment; Unemployment--Quebec
Gatecliff, Jack see Hockey
Gateway project see Bridges--Peace Bridge
GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)
Article XI, supply management, strengthening, negotiations, 501, 519-20,
527-9, 533, 3195, 3641, 3656, 3663-5, 3671, 4095, 4110-1, 4148, 4155, 4157,
4165, 4171, 4180, 4184-5, 4190-1, 10437
>>>Government failure, 544, 3612, 3616, 3622, 3624, 3629-32, 3638-40, 3658,
3664, 4100, 4102, 4120, 4144-5, 4177, 4179, 4181-2, 6099, 6920, 7326, 7493-4,
>>>Government response, 144
>>>>S.O. 31, 147
>>>Impact, 171
>>>Job losses, potential, 165-6
>>>o.q., 2544
>>>Other countries, support, lack, 73, 75-6
>>Canadian negotiating team (June 1992-January 1994), qu., 2493
>>Commodity committees, establishment, 3633
>>Membership, Quebec, 7478-9, 8409
>>>Bloc Quebecois position, 8409
>>>S.O. 31, 9525
>>Multi-Fibre Agreement, 1542
>>Role, history, failure, 8444
>>Uruguay Round agreement, 42, 73-4, 76, 1938, 4180, 73197324-5, 7327-8,
7330-1, 7341, 7489-90, 7515-6, 8223, 8230, 8233, 8390, 8395, 8400, 8417-21,
>>>Adjustment period, 4113
>>>Agriculture, benefits, 73-4, 1770, 4109, 4122, 7319, 7339, 7517-9, 8391-2,
8403-4, 8417-9, 8441
>>>Background, 7324
>>>Culture, protecting, 7326, 7485, 8235-7, 8395-6
>>>Intellectual property, multilateral trade disciplines, 7319, 7325, 8236
>>>Liberal Party, "red book" promises, 7337, 8412
>>>Provinces, consultation process, 8213-5, 8217-9, 8221-5, 8234, 8396-7,
8399-400, 8407
>>>Subsidies, countervailing duties, regulations, 7325, 7328, 7331, 7341,
7480-1, 7515, 7517-8, 8214-5, 8392-3, 8395, 8401, 8412
>>>United States, legislation, implementing, protectionism, 7321, 7327, 7333-4,
7338-9, 8223, 8227-9, 8399
>>>See also Farm machinery and equipment--Exports;
Steel industry--Exports;
Supply management/marketing boards;
World Trade Organization
>>See also Agricultural products--Tariffs;
Agriculture--Agri-Food--Export subsidies;
Cultural sovereignty;
Customs Tariff--Legislation;
Exports--Expansion opportunities--Tariffs;
General Preferential Tariff;
Grain transportation--Freight rates;
Milk--Industrial milk producers, Quebec;
Supply management/marketing boards;
Textile and clothing industry;
Trade--Expansion--Interprovincial trade barriers;
Wheat--Durum wheat, exports to United States;
World Trade Organization
Gauthier, Jean-Robert (L--Ottawa--Vanier; resigned November 23, 1994)
- >>Abortion, petitions, 3575, 5351
>>Auditor General, 2810
>>Auditor General Act (amdt.) and Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--appointment of the Auditor General of Canada)(Bill C-257), 4997-8
>>Auditor General Act (amdt.--approval of appropriations for the office of the Auditor General and an audit of the office of the Auditor General)(Bill C-255), 4871
>>Auditor General Act (amdt.--reports)(Bill C-207), 678, 2810-2, 5186, 5189
>>Auditor General's report, 748, 1224, 2810-2, 5186
>>>S.O. 31, 98-9
>>Bosnia-Herzegovina, M. (Ouellet), 3376-7
>>Budget, M. (P. Martin), 748-50
>>Canada Pension Plan, 2810
>>Canada's Foreign Affairs Policy Review Special Joint Committee, 2331-3
>>>Report, tabled, 7812-3
>>China, S.O. 31, 6979
>>Conflict of interest, o.q., 13473
>>Constitutional reform, o.q., 15599
>>Corporations, 749-50
>>Defence expenditures, 2331
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, o.q., 4945-6
>>Employment, 2330
>>Euthanasia, petitions, 3575, 5351-2
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, report, 7991
>>Foreign affairs policy, M. (Ouellet), 2330-3
>>Gauthier, J-R, references, Public Accounts Standing Committee, 1224
>>Government expenditures, 2811-2
>>>M. on supply (Crête), 1167
>>>M. on supply (Williams), 1224
>>Government programs and services, 749-50, 1167, 2810
>>Immigrants, o.q., 1858
>>Income tax, 749-50
>>Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports, tabled, 6092, 6721
>>International relations, 2331
>>Leduc, Jean-Louis, o.q., 577
>>National debt, 748-9
>>Northern Cod Adjustment and Recovery Program, 2811
>>Official Languages Act, S.O. 31, 487
>>Official Languages Act (amdt.--review of the Act)(Bill C-283), 6722
>>Old age pensions, 2810
>>Ontario Training and Adjustment Board, S.O. 31, 293
>>>Committee reports, 7860
>>>Divisions, recorded, 5774
>>>Documents, 2812
>>Public Accounts Standing Committee, 1224
>>Public Service, 1535
>>>o.q., 723
>>References, 5-6, 41
>>>Election of Speaker, missing by two votes, 8170
>>>Resignation, summoned to Senate, 8165
>>>See also House of Commons vacancies
>>Scientific Research Tax Credit, 2811
>>Sexual orientation, petition, 5351
>>Trade, 2331
>>Training programs, o.q., 5580
Gauthier, Hon. Senator Jean-Robert (L--Ontario as of November 23, 1994)
Gauthier, Michel (BQ--Roberval)
- >>Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Standing Committee, 5524
>>Aboriginal self-government, 4963
>>Acadians, 4585
>>Akwesasne Indian Reserve, o.q., 1610
>>Appropriation Act No. 3, 1995-96 (Bill C-116), 17539
>>Bloc Québécois, 17674
>>>o.q., 1853-4
>>Blood, o.q., 12484
>>Borrowing Authority Act, 1995-96 (Bill C-73), 10740-4
>>Bosnia-Herzegovina, o.q., 8341, 8426-7, 13912, 14015
>>Budget, Feb. 22/94, 3070-1
>>Budget, Feb. 27/95, 10743
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1994 (Bill C-17), 3070-1
>>Business of the House, 113, 496, 893, 1189, 1508, 1804, 2131, 2440, 2744, 3050, 3335, 3655, 3812-3, 3958, 4279, 4473, 4779, 5102, 5436, 6041, 6339, 6641, 6988, 7318, 7936, 8251, 8554, 8832, 9152-3, 9425, 9952, 10273, 10618, 10904, 11300, 11617, 11888, 12197, 12492, 14725, 15001, 15295, 15879, 16149, 16442, 16742, 17392, 17712
>>Cabinet ministers, 1359
>>Canada Assistance Plan, o.q., 10187-8
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, o.q., 11404, 13804
>>Canada Pension Plan, o.q., 10148
>>Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women, o.q., 10659
>>Canadian Airborne Regiment, o.q., 9417-8, 9465-6, 9528, 9601
>>Canadian Armed Forces, o.q., 6853, 8169
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, o.q., 10711, 16535-6
>>Canadian National Railways, o.q., 10828
>>Child care, o.q., 17704
>>China, o.q., 6513
>>Citizenship, o.q., 14085-6
>>Communications Security Establishment, o.q., 7031-2, 7098, 7179
>>Constitution, 4960-1
>>>o.q., 14642
>>Constitution Amendment, 1993 (Prince Edward Island), M. (Dingwall), 1356-60
>>Constitutional reform, 4961-2, 6388-9
>>>o.q., 6034-5, 6085, 6137, 6255, 6383, 9724-5, 14529, 16319, 16664, 16734, 16829-30
>>CSIS, o.q., 5815, 9820-1
>>Defence equipment, o.q., 15101
>>Defence expenditures, o.q., 10073, 15101
>>Deficit, 3070
>>>o.q., 5895, 6899, 9057, 9143, 9900, 17136
>>Dollar, exchange rate, o.q., 2787
>>Drug trafficking, o.q., 1305, 1380, 1500-1
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, o.q., 3567, 3648
>>Economic recovery, o.q., 3953
>>Education, post-secondary, o.q., 7853, 8243
>>Electronic eavesdropping, o.q., 7031
>>Employment, 3071
>>>o.q., 3158, 3273
>>Ethics Counsellor, o.q., 7422, 7504-5
>>Federal Office of Regional Development for Quebec, o.q., 3763
>>Federal-provincial relations, o.q., 4387-8
>>Financial institutions, 10743
>>Flag, o.q., 14085-6
>>Francophones, o.q., 6441, 15479-80
>>Gasoline/automotive fuels, o.q., 4276-7
>>Ginn Publishing Canada Inc., o.q., 2538, 2623
>>Government, 4063, 4961
>>Government expenditures, 807
>>>o.q., 3440
>>Government programs and services, 808
>>>o.q., 3234-5, 4387-8, 6637, 9946, 10659
>>Gun control/guns, o.q., 229, 8694-5
>>Haiti, o.q., 6222
>>Health care, 809
>>Hibernia development project, o.q, 8475, 8545-6, 8630
>>House of Commons, 965-9
>>Housing, 3071
>>Immigrants, o.q., 11682
>>Income tax, o.q., 8936, 9143, 9946
>>Indian reserves, o.q., 1380
>>Interest rates, o.q., 9057, 9900
>>International Women's Day, S.O. 31, 1990-1
>>Job creation, o.q., 2737, 5097-8, 7684, 11609, 13591
>>Kanesatake Band Council, o.q., 4772
>>Kanesatake Indian Reserve, o.q., 1684-5, 3829-30, 4578, 4656, 4696-7, 4772, 11059
>>Kingston, Ont., 4960
>>Lobbyists, 4064
>>Magdalen Islands, o.q., 3763
>>Members of Parliament, 16370
>>MIL Davie Inc., o.q., 3763, 8630-1
>>Military colleges, o.q., 1797, 1853-4, 1915-6, 2124, 2290, 2354, 2434, 4465-6, 4820, 4866, 4988, 7727, 8116, 8169-70, 8995-6, 10073, 15872
>>Mining industry, 3119-21
>>Monetary policy, o.q., 9901
>>Mortgages, o.q., 2787
>>NAFTA, o.q., 14451
>>National unity
>>>M. on supply (Manning), 4960-3
>>>o.q., 16319, 16361, 16433-4, 16775, 16961-2, 17576
>>Old age pensions, o.q., 14996-7, 15340
>>Order in Council appointments, 967-8
>>>o.q., 10659-60
>>Pearson International Airport Agreements Act (Bill C-22), 4063-4
>>Pearson International Airport, o.q., 14764
>>Pepin, Hon. Jean-Luc, 14539-40
>>Political parties, 4064
>>Poverty, o.q., 2171-2, 11609
>>Prince Edward Island, 1356-7
>>>False allegations, 6040-1
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 3654-5, 16327
>>>Misleading/false statements, 6288-9
>>>Adjournment motions under S.O. 52, 12869-70, 12903
>>>Adjournments, 11024
>>>>M. (Gagliano), 11025-7
>>>Bills, Government, 1071-2, 5056, 11012, 14179
>>>Committee reports, 7859-61
>>>Committees, 5524
>>>Debate, 3086-8
>>>Decorum, 3654-5, 16064
>>>Divisions, recorded, 11557
>>>Divisions, recorded, deferred, 13905-6, 13908
>>>Documents, tabling, 16070
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 2124, 4585, 10619
>>>Members' remarks, 101, 6223-4, 11001, 15533, 15812
>>>Minister's remarks, 4585, 12294
>>>Motions, 3087
>>>Official Opposition status, 17674
>>>Oral question period, 1241-2
>>>Oral questions, 1241, 2361, 3654, 3771, 10787, 14615
>>>Points of order/questions of privilege, 7235
>>>Sittings of the House, 11024
>>>>M. (Gagliano), 11025-7
>>>Speeches, 66, 12932, 16974
>>>Supply bills, 2646, 13441, 17539
>>Public Service, 10742
>>>o.q., 10000
>>Quebec, 1359-60, 4962
>>>o.q., 3953, 4342, 8037, 8747, 8824-5, 8877, 14223-4, 14529, 14923-4, 15640-1, 15698-9, 15763-4, 15920, 16064-5, 16142-3, 16188-9, 16902, 17576
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum, 1359-60
>>>M. to adjourn under S.O. 52, leave to move, 14552
>>>o.q., 10610-1, 14085, 14223-4, 14529, 14609, 14642, 14718-9, 15042, 15179, 15212, 15401, 15522-3, 15598-9, 15804-5, 15871-2, 15920-1, 17576
>>>Results, preliminary report, tabled, 16070
>>Radio stations, o.q., 7313
>>>M., 3118-21
>>>o.q., 10787, 10828-9
>>>Maiden speech, 66
>>>See also Board of Internal Economy--Members
>>Russia, o.q. 12593
>>Seagram Company Ltd., o.q., 11882, 12065-6
>>Search and rescue, o.q., 229, 297-8, 383, 489, 568
>>Social security system
>>>M. (L. Axworthy), 806-9
>>>o.q., 3096-7, 3328-9, 5097-8, 6637, 13804, 15340-1
>>>o.q., 8290-1
>>>Statement by Minister (Collenette), 2441
>>Standing Orders, M. (H. Gray), 965-9
>>Taxation, o.q., 6898, 9144
>>Telecommunications, o.q., 4204, 4387
>>Television, o.q., 11807, 11986, 13368, 15179
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 66-9
>>Tobacco/cigarette smuggling, 1219
>>>o.q., 149-50, 719, 789, 1062-3, 1102, 1186-7, 1233, 1423
>>>Statement by Minister (J. Chrétien), 1032-3
>>Tobacco/cigarettes, o.q., 886, 989
>>Trade, o.q., 12187-8, 12248
>>Training programs, o.q., 23, 101, 2971-2, 3096-7, 3234-5, 4387-8, 9724-5
>>>o.q., 15291, 17232-3
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 10741
>>>o.q., 1726, 9650, 10266, 11526, 17628
>>Unemployment, 4960
>>>o.q., 2854
>>Unemployment insurance, 3070
>>>o.q., 2736, 7684-5, 13232, 13591-2, 14812-3, 14884, 15340, 17136-7, 17275
>>Unemployment insurance account, o.q., 7684-5, 17275, 17384-5
>>Welfare, 3070-1
>>Winnipeg, Man., National Hockey League arena, o.q., 12791-2, 12796, 12838
>>Women, S.O. 31, 1990-1
>>World War ll, 4960, 4962
Gay and lesbian couples see International Lesbian and Gay Association; Same-sex couples
"Gay bashing" see Crime--Violent crime
Gayle, Clinton see Immigrants--Criminals; Police--Killed in line of duty, Baylis
Gaz Métropolitain
Pipeline, extension, infrastructure program funding, S.O. 31, 4129
GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
Agri-food sector, percentage, 11384
>>Airports, Montreal, Que., contribution, 3502
>>Charitable and non-profit organizations, revenues and expenditures,
percentage, 9488, 9494
>>Decline, 32
>>>Economic slow-down, government monetary policy, relationship, o.q., 13124-5
>>Exports, percentage, 2092-3, 2272, 2277, 2297, 2329, 2336, 6503
>>>o.q., 17443
>>Foreign aid, percentage, Reform Party position, 2334
>>Health care costs, percentage, 11328, 13226
>>International ranking, 15929
>>Mining industry activities, percentage, 1769
>>National and provincial debt, percentage, 5186
>>National debt, percentage, 3027, 11357
>>>International comparison, o.q., 4271-2
>>>o.q., 4271-2
>>Small business, percentage, 11355
>>Social programs, percentage, 13221
>>Unemployment insurance, payments, percentage, 7127
>>See also Cultural industries;
Government borrowing;
Government expenditures;
Government revenues--Increasing;
Income tax;
International development assistance--Funding;
National debt;
Science and technology--Investment;
Social security system--Expenditures;
Gemini reservation system see Airline industry--Air Canada/Canadian Airlines International
Genaille, Sheila
Métis National Council of Women, President, S.O. 31, 1991
Gender based analysis see Government departments, board, agencies and commissions--Legislation and policies
Workplace, job descriptions, correcting, 2021, 2025
>>See also House of Commons--Publications;
Standing Orders--Language
Gender equality
Global implementation, promotion and support, 16493, 16495
>>Government objectives, 16493-4
>>See also Senate
Gender related terms see Income Tax Act
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade see GATT
General Investment Corporation see MIL Davie Inc.--Business plan
General Motors of Canada Ltd.
Oshawa constituency location, S.O. 31, 3827
>>Sexual harassment charge, S.O. 31, 8627
>>See also Canadian National Railways--Locomotives;
Defence equipment--Armoured vehicles
General Motors Place see Vancouver, B.C.
General Preferential Tariff
Advantages/disadvantages, 1547
>>Beneficiaries, list, review, 1546-7
>>China, 1543, 1546
>>Countries, categories, 2162-3
>>Developing countries, assisting, indirect aid, 1539-40, 1542-5, 2165
>>Domestic benefits, 1539-40, 1544
>>Domestic producers, protecting, anti-dumping and temporary safeguard
measures, 1540, 1544-5, 2166-7
>>Graduation from, 2161-2
>>Historical background, 1539
>>Imports under, monitoring, 2162
>>June 30, 2004, extending to, 1539-40, 1544-5
>>Legislation, references, 3843
>>>See Customs Tariff (amdt.)(Bill C-5)
>>Manufactured and semi-manufactured goods, 1539
>>NAFTA and GATT agreements, impact, 1540
>>Newly industrialized nations, excluding, 1543, 1546, 2163, 2166
>>Rate structure, review, consultations, 1540, 1543, 1546, 2161-3, 2165-6
>>Rubber footwear and rubber inner tubes, exclusion, 1540
>>Rule of origin regulations, 1539
>>Southeast Asia, 1543
General Security Insurance Company of Canada Act (Bill S-3)--Cauchon
Message from Senate, 4715
>>First reading, 4715
>>Second reading, Committee of the Whole, report stage, concurrence, third
reading, agreed to, 5780, passed.
>>Royal Assent, 5782
Generation X see Youth
Generic drugs see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Prices
Genesis Media Inc. see Government advertising