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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 1st Session   (January 17, 1994 - February 2, 1996)  Latest Session
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Geneva conventions see Chemical and biological weapons; Refugees--Determination process

Genital mutilation see Women--Excision

Genocide see Armenia; Bosnia-Herzegovina--War crimes; Crimes against humanity; Hate propaganda--Criminal Code provisions; International Criminal Court

Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod see Parliament--35th

Geoducks see Fisheries--Open fisheries

Geological Survey of Canada

    >>British Columbia, Vancouver and Victoria offices, amalgamation, o.q., 10835
    >>See also Mineral resources--Mapping

Geomatics industry see Natural resources

George, Dudley see Kettle and Stoney Point Reserve--Ipperwash Provincial Park, Ont.

Georgia see Murder--Rate, United States

Georgian Bay '94 Marine Heritage Festival

Georgian Bay Island National Park

    >>Staff, tribute, S.O. 31, 15284

Georgina, Ont. see Ice fishing

German Canadians

    >>Wartime repressive measures, redress, 9065-6


    >>Bundesrat see Senate--Role
    >>>S.O. 31, 6434
    >>>See also European Community; Foreign investment; International relations; Nunatsiaq constituency; Science and technology--Education
    >>See also Education--Workplace; Trade--Private sector/public sector; Unemployment insurance--Privatization

Gerrard, Hon. Jon (L--Portage--Interlake; Secretary of State (Science, Research and Development); Secretary of State (Science, Research and Development)(Western Economic Diversification) as of January 25, 1996)

    >>Bankruptcy Act (amdt.--priority of claims)(Bill C-237), 7213-4
    >>Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-109), 16922
    >>British Columbia Treaty Commission Act (Bill C-107), 16884, 16893-6
    >>Borrowing Authority Act, 1994-95 (Bill C-14), 1928-32
    >>Canada Employment Centres, automation, 16526
    >>Canadian Space Agency, Saint-Hubert, Que. facility, 16603
    >>Census, ethnic origin, o.q., 15103
    >>Child care, 16526-7
    >>Constitutional Amendments Act (Bill C-110), 17566-8
    >>Defence equipment, M. on supply (Jacob), 16601-3
    >>Department of Human Resources Development Act (Bill C-96), 16525-7
    >>Education, social and human sciences focus, 16526-7
    >>Employment, 16526
    >>Excise Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-13), 3285, 3291
    >>Excise Tax Act and Excise Act (amdt.)(Bill C-90), 15472
    >>Gerrard, references, 1928
    >>Government programs and services, delivery, 16526
    >>Hate propaganda, M. (Pagtakhan), 12441-2
    >>High technology industry, o.q., 16966-7
    >>Human resource development, 16525-6
    >>>Labour market and social security programs, 16527
    >>Information highway, 1929-32
    >>>o.q., 11349, 15104
    >>Multiculturalism, 17567
    >>National Research Council, funding, o.q., 10151, 16619
    >>National unity, 17567
    >>Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, budget, o.q., 10151
    >>Official languages policy/bilingualism, 17567
    >>Portage--Interlake constituency, 1928
    >>Quebec, 17567
    >>Radarsat, earth observation satellite, 16601-3
    >>>o.q., 16617
    >>References, maiden speech, 1928, 1931
    >>Research and development, 1928-9
    >>>Training, o.q., 9536
    >>Royal Canadian Mint Act (Bill C-82), 14365
    >>Science and technology, 1928, 1930-1
    >>>Budget, Feb. 27/95 measures, o.q., 10151
    >>>Government policies and priorities, o.q., 4392
    >>Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
    >>>French-language scientific journals, o.q., 14316-7, 15770
    >>>Budget, o.q., 10151
    >>>Grants, o.q., 9329
    >>Space program
    >>>History, Canadian space industry role, 16601-2
    >>>Long term plan, 16603
    >>>United States Space Shuttles, 16601, 16603
    >>>>o.q., 16617
    >>Tobacco Products Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-117), 17545
    >>Tourist industry, o.q., 15929
    >>Training programs, human resource sector councils, 16526

Gervais, Richard see Conflict of interest--Dupuy

GFI Control Systems Inc.

    >>Alternative fuels systems, designer/manufacturer, expansion, S.O. 31, 14714

Ghitter, Hon. Senator Ronald D. (PC--Alberta)

    >>References see Calgary North constituency--Shopping mall development

Giammarella, Luca see Money laundering

Gibbs, William see National Parole Board

Gibson, Rick see Golf--Dunhill Cup

Gigaflop supercomputer see Manitoba HVDC Research Centre--Computers

Gigantès, Hon. Senator Philippe D. (L--De Lorimier)

    >>References see Constitutional reform--Charlottetown Accord, Failure; Quebec--Independence, Civil war

Gillespie, Glenn see Cancer--Research

Gillette Farm

    >>Dairy farm, Embrun, Ont., fire, S.O. 31, 8168

Gilmour, Bill (REF--Comox--Alberni)

    >>Aboriginal land claims, 5121-3, 5771-2
    >>Aboriginal peoples, 5124
    >>Aboriginal self-government, 5085-8, 5123
    >>Abortion, petitions, 11447, 12966
    >>Access to Information Act (amdt.--crown corporations)(Bill /61), 16869
    >>Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd., S.O. 31, 4983
    >>Alternative Fuels Act (Bill S-7), 14040-1
    >>Auditor General Act (amdt.)(Bill C-83), 14516-9
    >>Budget, 13311
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1995 (Bill C-76), 13311
    >>Business, 14155-6
    >>Business Development Bank of Canada, 17607
    >>Canada Post Corporation
    >>>M. (Breitkreuz), 16810
    >>>M. (Crête), 14776-7
    >>Canada Wildlife Act (amdt.)(Bill C-24), 3892-3
    >>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (amdt.)(Bill C-56), 7432-5, 7439, 7458, 8648, 8650-1, 8655-6, 8896-9
    >>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (Bill C-13)(3rd Sess., 34th Parl.), 8896
    >>Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, 8897-8
    >>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, M. (Copps), 5146-8, 5164
    >>CANI-Clayoquot Project, r.o., 10671
    >>Capital punishment, petition, 11572
    >>Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act (Bill C-87), 14105-6
    >>Clayoquot Biosphere Project, r.o., 10671
    >>Climate change, M. (Caccia), 8156-7
    >>CMHC, 17608
    >>>S.O. 31, 15477
    >>Comox--Alberni constituency, 564
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--sentencing)(Bill C-41), 13826-8
    >>Culture, 7303-4
    >>Cultural Property Export and Import Act, Income Tax Act and Tax Court of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-93), 15738
    >>Department of Canadian Heritage Act (Bill C-53), 7303-4
    >>Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (Bill C-52), 16849-50
    >>Endangered and Threatened Species Act (Bill C-275), 14253-4
    >>Employment equity, 13827-8, 15427
    >>Employment Equity Act (Bill C-64), 15427-8
    >>Environment, 5146-8, 5164, 7143, 7432-5, 7439, 7458, 8650-1, 8655-6, 8896-9, 14517-9
    >>>S.O. 31, 12715
    >>>Statement by Minister (Copps), 1433-4, 3399, 6179-80, 6601
    >>Environment Department, qu., 14547
    >>Environmental industry, 7143
    >>Environmental Youth Alliance, r.o., 10671
    >>Ethics Counsellor, 14442
    >>Euthanasia, petitions, 8046-7, 11571-2, 12966
    >>Farm improvement loans, 17607
    >>Firearms Act (Bill C-68), 11129-31
    >>Flora and fauna, 14253
    >>Forestry, 564, 578-9
    >>>o.q., 2742, 7810, 11297-8
    >>Gasoline/automotive fuels, 14040-1, 14150, 14155-8, 14633-4, 14753
    >>Government, 16288
    >>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, 14518
    >>Government programs and services, 7435, 16849-50
    >>Great Lakes, statement by Minister (Copps), 7143-4
    >>Greenpeace Canada
    >>>o.q., 2742
    >>>r.o., 10671
    >>Gun control/guns, 11129-31
    >>>Petitions, 10752-3
    >>Housing, 17607-8
    >>Justice system, 13826-8
    >>Lighthouses, petition, 11104
    >>MacMillan Bloedel Ltd., S.O. 31, 2170
    >>Maheu, references, 564
    >>Manganese-based Fuel Additives Act (Bill C-94), 14150-1, 14155-8, 14633-4, 14753
    >>Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act (amdt.)(Bill C-85), 14442-4
    >>Mortgages, 16287-9, 16292, 17607
    >>Multiculturalism, 7303-4
    >>Municipal infrastructure, M., 14297-300
    >>Murder, S.O. 31, 2927-8
    >>>o.q., 944, 6141, 6564, 17087
    >>>S.O. 31, 12787-8
    >>NAFTA, 7143
    >>>o.q., 2857, 3392-3
    >>National Housing Act (amdt.)(Bill C-108), 16287-9, 16292, 17607-8
    >>National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, 1434
    >>Native Trappers School of B.C. Canada, qu., 14548
    >>Natural resources, 579-80
    >>Nova Scotia, o.q., 9533, 9607
    >>Nunziata, references, 7303
    >>Official languages policy/bilingualism, petition, 11447
    >>Official Opposition, S.O. 31, 16829
    >>Petro-Canada, o.q., 8831, 9149
    >>Postal service, petition, 4834
    >>>Members' remarks, 16288
    >>>Private Members' Business, 13854
    >>>Question and comment period, 15738
    >>>Speeches, 578, 8896
    >>Public Accounts, 16287-8
    >>References, maiden speech, 564
    >>Reform Party, 7304
    >>RRAP, 17608
    >>Same-sex couples, petition, 11104
    >>Sexual assault, petitions, 7864, 8647, 12029, 13288, 15837
    >>Sexual offenders, S.O. 31, 2927-8
    >>Sexual orientation, 13827-8
    >>>Petitions, 11104, 12029, 13882
    >>Sierra Club of Western Canada, r.o., 10671
    >>Small Business Loans, 17607
    >>Special interest groups, o.q., 2742
    >>Stoney Reserve, o.q., 11530
    >>Sustainable development, 1434, 7432
    >>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Jackson), 564, 578-80
    >>Valhalla Society, qu., 17146
    >>Water, M., 9355-8
    >>Western Canada Wilderness Committee
    >>>o.q., 11297-8
    >>>qu., 14548
    >>>r.o., 10671
    >>Wildlife, 3892-3, 14254
    >>Young Offenders Act, S.O. 31, 2927-8
    >>Yukon First Nations Land Claims Settlement Act (Bill C-33), 5121-4, 5771-2
    >>Yukon First Nations Self-Government Act (Bill C-34), 5085-8

Gingras case see Bilingualism bonus--RCMP eligibility

Gingras, Daniel see Murderers

Ginn Publishing Canada Inc.

Girard, Alice see Women--Persons case

Girl Guides of Canada

    >>223rd Girl Guides of Mississauga, S.O. 31, 12247
    >>Canada Cord award recipients, S.O. 31, 1607
    >>Government funding, 864

Gitksan Band see Aboriginal self-government

Givens, Phil

    >>Former Member of Parliame, Member of Ontario Legislature, Toronto, Ont. Mayor, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 17230

Glacier National Park (UNited States) see Border, Canada-United States; Waterton Glacier International Peace Park

Glaister, Bill see Crime--Victims

Glasgow, Scotland see World Pipe Band Championships

Glengarry--Prescott--Russell constituency

    >>References, history, 596-7
    >>See also Migratory birds--Sanctuaries; Railways--Branch line abandonment

Glenwood, Alta. see Post offices

Global education see International development assistance

Global gender equality see Human Resources Development Department--Mandate

"Global Village" see International relations

Global Vision see Trade--International marketplace

Global warming see Environment

Globalization see Economy; World Trade Organization--Multinational corporations

Globe and Mail

    >>Reporting, inaccurate, S.O. 31, 2429
    >>See also Deficit--Forecasts, Misrepresentation; Education, post-secondary; Employment equity; Government expenditures--Reduction, Interest rate increases; Pearson International Airport--Terminals 1 and 2, Valid and legal contract

Globe International Trade Fair and Conference

    >>Environmental industry, promoting, S.O. 31, 2733

Glue sniffing see Innu--Davis Inlet

GM retirees see Ottawa, Ont.

GNP (Gross National Product)

    >>Per capita, developed/developing nations, comparison, 2341
    >>See also Deficit; Developing countries--Per capita; Education--Expenditures; Foreign aid; Health care--Expenditures; International development assistance--Funding

Goat's Eye Ski Run see Banff National Park--Sunshine Village Corporation

God see Constitution--Preamble; House of Commons--Prayers

Goderich, Ont. see Small business

Godfrey, John (L--Don Valley West)

    >>Bankruptcy Act (amdt.--priority of claims)(Bill C-237), 5133-4
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1995 (Bill C-76), 11591-3
    >>Budget, M. (P. Martin), 690-3
    >>Business, 691
    >>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, M. (J. Brown), 5691-3
    >>Canadian Heritage Standing Committee, reports, 5060, 14322
    >>CIDA, 1271-2
    >>Contact lenses, o.q., 8884
    >>Cultural industry, 16016-7
    >>Cultural institutions, 9298
    >>Department of Canadian Heritage Act (Bill C-53), 8963, 9082-3
    >>Developing countries, 1272
    >>Diabetes Awareness Month, S.O. 31, 16532
    >>Economic policy, 691-2
    >>Excise Tax Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-103), 16016-7
    >>Foreign policy, 1272-3
    >>Ginn Publishing Canada Inc., 2381
    >>Government credit rating, 11592
    >>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, 9297-9
    >>Government expenditures, M. on supply (Williams), 1271-3
    >>Government Organization Act (Federal Agencies)(Bill C-65), 9297-9
    >>Industry Standing Committee, reports, 15222, 15732
    >>Liberal Party, 690-1
    >>National debt, 11591-3
    >>National parks, 9082-3
    >>Publishing industry, 16019
    >>>M. on supply (Bouchard), 2381
    >>References, maiden speech, 690
    >>Rwanda, S.O. 31, 11675
    >>Same-sex couples, petition, 8886
    >>Sexual orientation, petition, 8886, 13814
    >>Small business, 693

Godin, Gérald

    >>Former Quebec MLA, death, S.O. 31, 6770

Godin, Maurice (BQ--Châteauguay)

    >>Aboriginal land claims, 3451-2
    >>Aboriginal peoples
    >>>o.q., 1921-2
    >>Aboriginal self-government, 3451-2
    >>Aerospace industry, S.O. 31, 15338
    >>Air traffic control, o.q., 12537
    >>Air transportation, 3582-3
    >>Airports, 3583
    >>Auditor General's report, 1930
    >>Blood, o.q., 16488
    >>Borrowing Authority Act, 1994-95 (Bill C-14), 1930
    >>Budget, Feb. 22/94, M. for approval (P. Martin), 2049-51
    >>Budget, Feb. 27/95, 11825
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1994 (Bill C-17), 3035-6
    >>Budget Implementation Act, 1995 (Bill C-76), 11430-1, 11825-7
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 11430-1
    >>Capital gains tax, 2050
    >>Châteauguay constituency, 1167
    >>Clancy, references, S.O. 31, 11290
    >>Committees, 12456
    >>Constitutional Amendments Act (Bill C-110), 17552-4
    >>Corporations, 2050
    >>Croatia, S.O., 31, 5721-2
    >>Defence expenditures, 11826
    >>Defence policy, M. (Collenette), 1486-7
    >>Deficit, 1167-8, 2049
    >>Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (Bill C-52), 6569-73
    >>Economic development, S.O. 31, 16774
    >>Economic policy, 2049-50
    >>Education, post-secondary, 11431
    >>Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Act, 1995 (Bill C-69), 13896
    >>Emergency Preparedness Canada, 14382-3
    >>Excise Tax Act, o.q., 1069
    >>Federal-provincial relations, M. on supply (G. Leroux), 13098-9
    >>Federalism, 13098-9
    >>GATT, 8407, 8410
    >>Government, M. on supply (Hermanson), 12456, 12471
    >>Government contracts, 6569-72
    >>Government expenditures, M. on supply (Crête), 1167-9
    >>Government Organization Act (Federal Agencies)(Bill C-65), 14382-3
    >>Government programs and services, 1168-9, 2050-1, 6572
    >>>Petition, 9068
    >>Government revenues, 3036
    >>GST, 3035
    >>Gun control/guns, 12456, 12471
    >>Health care, 11431
    >>Hibernia development project, 11445
    >>>o.q., 8828-9
    >>Holocaust, statement by Minister (Eggleton), 11843-4
    >>House of Commons, 13896
    >>Housing, 2050
    >>>Petition, 391
    >>Income tax, 1168
    >>>S.O. 31, 12061
    >>Indian Affairs and Northern Development Department, 3452
    >>Indian reserves, 3451-2
    >>Interest rates, S.O. 31, 6252
    >>Kahnawake Band Council, qu., 9071
    >>Kahnawake Indian Reserve, 3452
    >>>qu., 9071, 9208
    >>>S.O. 31, 17034
    >>Kanesatake Indian Reserve, o.q., 11408
    >>Lobbyists, 1626
    >>Members of Parliament, 1632-3
    >>Military colleges, 2049, 2051
    >>>S.O. 31, 2214
    >>Montreal, Que., 3583-4
    >>Motions, 1625
    >>National debt, 2049-50
    >>>S.O. 31, 15284
    >>National unity, 17553
    >>Official Languages Commissioner, S.O. 31, 12061
    >>Oil and natural gas, 3583
    >>Oka, Que., 14382-3
    >>Pearson International Airport Agreements Act (Bill C-22), 3582-4
    >>Petitions, M. on supply (I. McClelland), 1625-8, 1632-3
    >>Petrochemical industry, 3583
    >>Political parties, 3584
    >>Poultry, 8408
    >>Private family trusts, 1168, 2050
    >>Public Accounts Standing Committee, 1169
    >>Quebec, 2051, 8410, 13896, 17552-3
    >>>S.O. 31, 7924, 9772-3, 9898, 15037, 15918
    >>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), 17554
    >>>S.O. 31, 15638, 16187-8
    >>References, maiden speech, 1167
    >>Referendums and plebiscites, 1628
    >>>Petition, 3771
    >>>S.O. 31, 3873
    >>Remembrance Day Act (Bill C-251), 6887-8
    >>Remembrance Day, S.O. 31, 7626
    >>Retail trade, S.O. 31, 633-4
    >>Royal Canadian Legion, M. (Cohen), 9683-5
    >>Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, S.O. 31, 7091
    >>Sahtu Dene and Métis Land Claim Settlement Act (Bill C-16), 3451-2
    >>Senior citizens, S.O. 31, 9647
    >>Serial killer board game/cards, S.O. 31, 379
    >>Social security system, 2050
    >>Taxation, 2050
    >>Tobacco/cigarette smuggling, S.O. 31, 226
    >>Trade, 8408
    >>Transfer payments to provinces, 2050, 11430-1
    >>Transportation, 3584
    >>Unemployment, 3035-6
    >>Unemployment insurance, 3035-6
    >>Unemployment Insurance Account, 2050
    >>Veterans, 12547
    >>Veterans Affairs Department, 1168, 2050
    >>>qu., 7042
    >>Veterans' benefits, 9440-1, 11431, 11826, 12299-301, 12308-11, 12547-50, 12554
    >>Veterans' hospitals, 1168, 11826
    >>Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act (Bill C-67), 9438-42, 12299-302, 12308-11, 12547-50, 12554
    >>Welfare, 3036
    >>World Trade Organization, 8407-9
    >>World Trade Organization Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-57), 8407-10
    >>World War II
    >>>S.O. 31, 4857
    >>>Statement by Minister (MacAulay), 3915