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No. 091A

Thursday, June 23, 1994

14:00 a.m.

The Clerk of the House informed the House of the unavoidable absence of the Speaker.

Whereupon, Mr. Kilgour (Deputy Speaker and Chairman of Committees of the Whole) took the Chair, pursuant to subsection 43(1) of the Parliament of Canada Act. PRAYERS


The Deputy Speaker informed the House that, pursuant to Standing Order 28(4), he has recalled the House today for the sole purpose of granting Royal Assent to certain Bills.


A Message was received from the Senate as follows:

      ORDERED: That a Message be sent to the House of Commons to acquaint that House that the Senate has passed the following Bill, namely:
        Bill C-16, An Act to approve, give effect to and declare valid an agreement between Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada and the Dene of Colville Lake, Déline, Fort Good Hope and Fort Norman and the Metis of Fort Good Hope, Fort Norman and Norman Wells, as represented by the Sahtu Tribal Council, and to make related amendments to another Act,
      without amendment.

A Message was received from the Senate as follows:

      ORDERED: That a Message be sent to the House of Commons to acquaint that House that the Senate has passed the following Bill, namely:
        Bill C-28, An Act respecting the making of loans and the provision of other forms of financial assistance to students, to amend and provide for the repeal of the Canada Student Loans Act, and to amend one other Act in consequence thereof,
      without amendment.

A Message was received from the Senate as follows:

      ORDERED: That a Message be sent to the House of Commons to acquaint that House that the Senate has passed the following Bill, namely:
        Bill C-32, An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act, the Excise Act and the Income Tax Act,
      without amendment.

A Message was received from the Senate as follows:

      ORDERED: That a Message be sent to the House of Commons to acquaint that House that the Senate has passed the following Bill, namely:
        Bill C-30, An Act to amend the Department of Labour Act,
      without amendment.

A Message was received from the Senate as follows:

      ORDERED: That a Message be sent to the House of Commons to acquaint that House that the Senate has passed the following Bill, namely:
        Bill C-35, An Act to establish the Department of Citizenship and Immigration and to make consequential amendments to other Acts,
      without amendment.


The Deputy Speaker informed the House that the Honourable Deputy Governor General will proceed to the Senate today at 2:00 p.m., for the purpose of giving Royal Assent to certain Bills.

A Message was received from the Honourable Claire L'Heureux-Dubé, Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, in her capacity as Deputy Governor General, desiring the immediate attendance of the House in the Senate.

Accordingly, the Deputy-Speaker, with the House, proceeded to the Senate.

The Commons returned to the Chamber.

Whereupon, the Deputy-Speaker reported that, when the Commons had been in the Senate, the Honourable Deputy Governor General was pleased to give, in Her Majesty's name, the Royal Assent to the following Bills:

      Bill C-23, An Act to implement a Convention for the protection of migratory birds in Canada and the United States. -- Chapter No. 22;
      Bill C-24, An Act to amend the Canada Wildlife Act and to make a consequential amendment to another Act. -- Chapter No. 23;
      Bill C-12, An Act to amend the Canada Business Corporations Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts. -- Chapter No. 24;
      Bill C-31, An Act to amend the Canadian Film Development Corporation Act. -- Chapter No. 25;
      Bill C-40, An Act to correct certain anomalies, inconsistencies and errors in the Statutes of Canada, to deal with other matters of a non-controversial and uncomplicated nature in those Statutes and to repeal certain provisions of those Statutes that have expired, lapsed or otherwise ceased to have effect. -- Chapter No. 26;
      Bill C-16, An Act to approve, give effect to and declare valid an agreement between Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada and the Dene of Colville Lake, Déline, Fort Good Hope and Fort Norman and the Metis of Fort Good Hope, Fort Norman and Norman Wells, as represented by the Sahtu Tribal Council, and to make related amendments to another Act. -- Chapter No. 27;
      Bill C-28, An Act respecting the making of loans and the provision of other forms of financial assistance to students, to amend and provide for the repeal of the Canada Student Loans Act, and to amend one other Act in consequence thereof. -- Chapter No. 28;
      Bill C-32, An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act, the Excise Act and the Income Tax Act. -- Chapter No. 29;
      Bill C-30, An Act to amend the Department of Labour Act. -- Chapter No. 30;
      Bill C-35, An Act to establish the Department of Citizenship and Immigration and to make consequential amendments to other Acts. -- Chapter No. 31;
      Bill C-207, An Act to amend the Auditor General Act (reports). -- Chapter No. 32; and
      Bill S-3, An Act to authorize General Security Insurance Company of Canada to be continued as a corporation under the laws of the Province of Quebec.

The Deputy Speaker also reported that he had presented to Her Honour the following Supply Bill, to enable the Government to defray certain expenses of the public service, to which Her Honour was pleased to give, in Her Majesty's name, the Royal Assent:

      Bill C-39, An Act for granting to Her Majesty certain sums of money for the public service of Canada for the financial year ending March 31, 1995. -- Chapter No. 33.


At 2:29 p.m., the Deputy Speaker adjourned the House until Monday, September 19, 1994, at 11:00 a.m., pursuant to Standing Orders 28(2) and 24(1).