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Taber, Dawn see Murderers--Kelly, Patrick
TAGS see Fisheries, Atlantic--Atlantic Groundfish Strategy
China-Taiwan dialogue, petitions, 1594, 4236
>>Elections, Mar. 23/96
>>>Canadian foreign policy implications, o.q., 1169-70
>>>Chinese intimidation, military exercises, Canadian position, etc., 543,
554, 1685
>>>>Missile tests encroaching on commercial air corridors, S.O. 31, 637-8
>>>>o.q., 430, 531, 583
>>>>S.O. 31, 354, 522, 581, 1162, 1242
>>>>United States military vessels in area, 544
>>>>>o.q., 583
>>>S.O. 31, 1162
>>See also Immigration/immigrants--China-Taiwan confrontation--Visas
Marine transportation--Dubai;
Quebec--Separation/sovereignty, Scottish, Taiwanese sovereignty
"Take it to Heart" see Canadian Heritage Department
Taliban regime see Afghanistan--Islamic fundamentalists seizing power
Tamil Tigers see Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Translator charged with crimes; Terrorism--Funding
Tamils see Sri Lanka
Tanks see Defence equipment
Tanzania see Africa--Great Lakes region; Canada-Tanzania Income Tax Agreement Act 1996
Target: Top Gun see Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Cold Lake, Alta.
Tariffs see Agricultural products; Dairy products--Ice cream/yogurt
Taro dump see Hazardous waste--Storage/dump sites
Tashlin, Lesley see Olympics, 1996 Summer Games (Atlanta, Georgia)
Task forces see Canada Labour Code--Part I; Dangerous/high-risk offenders--Sex offenders, Long term offender designation Disabled and handicapped persons--Disability task force; Financial institutions; Victims of crime--Federal-provincial jurisdiction; Young offenders--Federal-provincial task force; Youth
Tasmania see Australia--Murder
Tassé, Roger see Citizenship and Immigration Department--Deportation
Tax claw-back see Old age pensions
Tax Court of Canada see Federal Court of Canada--Auditor General's report
Tax Court of Canada Act see Federal Court Act, Judges Act and Tax Court of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-48); Income Tax Amendments Act, 1996 (Bill C-69)
Tax credits see Students
Tax evasion see Income tax--Conventions/protocols with other countries
Tax expenditures see Corporations--Taxation
Tax havens see Corporations--Taxation; Income tax--Conventions/protocols with other countries; Taxation
Tax incentives see Energy efficiency--Investments
Tax information see Elections--Voters list, Permanent
Tax points see Federal-provincial jurisdiction--Decentralizing to provinces; Health care system--Funding
Tax Rebate Discounting Act see Income Tax Amendments Act, 1996 (Bill C-69)
Tax relief see Taxation
Tax returns see Small and medium business
10 reasons to hate paying, S.O. 31, 5553
>>Aboriginal peoples, 7129
>>Advance rulings, taxpayer requesting, process, Auditor General position,
4764-5, 10133-5
>>Burden on families/middle class, reducing, 2989, 4753-4, 4768-9, 6204, 7158,
7286, 7296, 7324, 9227, 9253, 9926
>>>Low-income families, o.q., 7038-9
>>>o.q., 5559, 5598, 6490, 7039-40, 9018-9
>>>S.O. 31, 7654
>>Compliance, special measures, additional revenue, 7247
>>Corporations, paying fair share, S.O. 31, 3310
>>Corporations/personal, percentage, comparison, 1479, 5608, 9520, 9531, 9926
>>>Canada-United States, comparison, 7220
>>Discrimination see Caregivers;
Child care--Parents at home, 1496
>>Disputes, 10,000 cases before courts, 4724
>>Exempt status see Private family trusts
>>Fairness, Liberal government (Chrétien) position, 7940
>>Federal-provincial co-ordination, Liberal government (Chrétien) election
promise, "red book", 5823, 5832, 5844
>>Flat tax proposal, 890-1, 7261, 7872
>>>Reform Party position, 4726, 7027, 7766, 7872, 8365
>>>See also Income tax
>>G-7 countries, comparison, 7950-1
>>Harmonization, Finance Standing Committee review, 7222
>>>See also Goods and Services Tax
>>Income from property, taxed three times, 890-1
>>Increases, 1522, 7266, 9517-8, 9522-3, 9949-50, 9954
>>>1994-1996 budgets, 3942, 7298
>>>Economic growth, comparison, 9517
>>>Former Progressive Conservative and Liberal governments, record, 3942
>>>Impact, 9144
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 37 times, $24-$26 billion since 1993 election,
269, 402, 433, 1812-3, 4724, 5608, 6021, 6568-9, 6859-60, 7128, 7154, 7286,
7323, 7906, 7942, 8327-8, 8786-7, 8969, 9147, 9149, 9249, 9251-2, 9255, 9522,
9559, 9566, 9632, 9636, 9859, 9950-1, 10045-6, 10048-9, 10080, 10085-6
>>>Opposing, petition, 827
>>>>o.q., 6448, 7966
>>>o.q., 9018-9, 9742, 9935
>>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney, Campbell), 71 times, 10048-9
>>>Reform Party policies, 8310
>>>S.O. 31, 8500
>>>See also National debt--Interest payments
>>Indians, Indian Act section 87 exemption, 9636-7
>>Legislation, simplifying, 9519-20
>>Level, 50% of income, 8789
>>Liberal Party philosophy, 4769-70
>>Loopholes, closing, 813, 884, 1650, 2996, 6501-2, 7248, 8325, 9225
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien) record, three page list, 8320
>>>o.q., 6448, 7966-7
>>National revenue collection agency see Canada Revenue Commission
>>National Revenue Department rulings, consistency and transparency, need for,
Auditor General report, 4751, 4758
>>No increase, Budget 1996 statement, 373, 411, 414, 433, 437, 446, 454-5,
458, 464, 793, 797-9, 811-2, 841, 843, 850, 852, 1441, 1474, 1477, 1518, 1529,
1536, 1553, 1559, 1901, 2899, 3023, 3941-2, 4724, 7297, 9537, 9921
>>>o.q., 6448
>>>S.O. 31, 816
>>>>Goods and Services Tax harmonization, o.q., 2251
>>>>Home copying charges, blank audio and video tapes, o.q., 2007
>>No new taxes, no increases, Budget 1997 statement, 8290, 8297, 8327
>>>o.q., 8308, 8310
>>>S.O. 31, 8304-5
>>Payroll taxes, 9943
>>>Increase, 293, 8143-4, 8361
>>>Increase/decrease, Finance Standing Committee review, 7220
>>>Levels, Canada-United States comparison, 7220
>>>>Impact, 9143-4
>>>>Reform Party position, 7063, 7324, 7409
>>>See also Canada Pension Plan--Premiums
>>Percentage of income, 6022
>>Policy interpretations, National Revenue Department rulings
>>>Consistency, 4740
>>>Documents, background papers, availability, 4739-40
>>>Roving commission, establishment, o.q., 1049-50
>>>Uncollected accounts, collection policies, S.O. 31, 3001
>>>Unfairly collected, Bloc Québécois claim, S.O. 31, 8007
>>>G-7 countries, comparisons, 1434
>>>Quebec, 5656, 5688
>>Reduction, 294, 813, 1475, 1523, 7012-3, 7218, 7271, 8340, 9251
>>>$15 billion relief, Reform Party alternative "fresh start" budget
proposals/election platform, 5861, 5863, 6276, 6542-3, 6568-70, 6580, 7257-61,
7283, 7293, 7386, 7398, 7408-10, 7943, 7982, 8340-1, 8380-1, 9518, 9943,
9954-5, 10053, 10081, 10086, 10088
>>>>o.q., 5480, 5559, 5599, 5807-8, 6448, 6490, 6866, 7146, 7188-9, 7386-7,
9275, 9743
>>>>S.O. 31, 7708
>>>Budget 1997 measures
>>>>Lack, 8327, 8361, 9149
>>>>o.q., 8310, 9019, 9937
>>>Federal-provincial tax relief agreement, o.q., 1245-6, 2432-3, 2476-7
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien) policies, 9255
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien) position
>>>>Budget 1997 statement, 8297-8
>>>>o.q., 7885, 9275
>>>Martin, Finance Minister, position, 9149
>>>New Zealand example, benefits, 10089-90
>>>Not Canadian way, unCanadian, Prime Minister Chrétien remarks, 9149, 9639
>>>Not possible now, 9144, 10076, 10080-1
>>>>Prime Minister Chrétien position, 7409
>>>o.q., 313-4, 5369, 5480, 5559, 6961
>>>Provinces reducing rates, federal government increasing, o.q., 314, 1245
>>>Smaller government factor, 9639
>>>Targets, o.q., 5598-9
>>>United States President Reagan example, deficit, unemployment, impact, 6289
>>>See also Budget--Balanced;
Health care system;
Social programs--Priority
>>Reform Party policies, 6289-90, 6734, 6737, 7063, 9559-60
>>Retroactive collection, 281
>>Revenues, increase, Budget 1997 measures, 10085
>>Saskatchewan, 7292-3
>>Senior citizens, relief, 8665-6
>>Single/double income families, discrimination, o.q., 5371-2
>>>Clarity, lack, 4721-2, 4724-5
>>>Complexity, 884, 4726
>>>Independent Quebec, Bloc Québécois position, 4765, 9202-3
>>>Integrity, maintaining, 4739
>>>International comparison, 4767
>>>Public confidence, lack, 4761
>>>Wealthy benefitting from and controlling, 442, 8320
>>System, review/reform, 884-6, 987-8, 991-2, 1513, 1532, 3017, 3938, 7153-4,
7800, 9149, 9925, 9940
>>>1967 Carter Royal Commission, 884, 9925-6, 9947
>>>Corporate and personal, Bloc Québécois reviews, proposals, $6 billion
additional revenue, 4753, 7759, 7777, 8337-8, 9257, 9519, 9524, 9539, 9924-6
>>>Effectiveness, 9923, 9925
>>>Equity and fairness, creating, 6015, 7404, 8299, 9319-21, 9923, 9925
>>>Fairness, restoring, 888, 892, 2994, 2996, 3017, 3935, 4354-5, 4754-7, 4761,
4769, 5608, 7128, 7247, 9947-8
>>>>Legislation (Bill C-92), 9515
>>>>o.q., 5680-1, 6563
>>>>Petition, 6967-8
>>>Finance Standing Committee report, recommendations, 4729
>>>France, comparison, 884
>>>Government initiatives, list, tabled, 7841
>>>Lack, 9140, 9142
>>>Neutrality, 9926
>>>New Zealand, comparison, 3017
>>>o.q., 1050, 4454, 7781
>>>Parliamentary review, 839
>>>Petition, 4996, 5426-7, 8020
>>>Reform Party position, 890, 2991, 3943-4, 7027, 8328
>>>Simplification, 341, 892-3, 4724, 4726, 5844, 7261-2, 7736, 7955, 9064,
9925, 9949
>>>>o.q., 526
>>>S.O. 31, 3310
>>>Stability, 9926
>>>United States, comparison, 884
>>Tax expenditures, 9924
>>Tax havens, 884, 9228-9
>>>Auditor General 1992 report, 442, 987
>>>Elimination, 7403
>>>>Bloc Québécois position, S.O. 31, 10179
>>>Revenue loss, 442
>>>Tax benefits, review, 442
>>Tax relief
>>>Budget 1996 measures, lack, 452, 458,
>>>Reform Party position, 5779-80, 7128
>>>>o.q., 4072-3, 5477-8, 5734-6, 7145, 8450
>>>>S.O. 31, 7379
>>>>See also Deficit--Reduction
>>Tax shelters
>>>Eliminating, 7404
>>>Rules, tightening, 4757
>>>>o.q., 6563
>>Taxpayer-government disputes, ombudsman, appointment, 245, 2164-73
>>>See also Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act (Bill C-215)
>>Unpaid taxes, $6.4 billion, 813, 846, 1438, 1496, 1516
>>>Collection/recovery, additional resources, 3016-7
>>>>o.q., 642
>>>See also Deficit
>>Waste, eliminating, 4725
>>See also Aboriginal land claims--Compensation;
Air navigation services--Commercialization;
Air transportation--Aviation fuel tax;
Air transportation tax;
Capital gains tax;
Child poverty--Eliminating;
Defence expenditures--Conscientious objectors;
Estate/inheritance tax;
Gasoline taxes;
Goods and Services Tax;
Gross Domestic Product;
Income tax;
Income tax returns;
Job creation;
Labour market--Efficiency;
Nisga'a land claim--Agreement in principle;
Political parties--Government subsidies;
Quebec separation/sovereignty;
Rail transportation/railways--Short line operations--Taxation system;
Small and medium business;
Social programs--Costs;
Trucking industry;
Underground economy--Controlling--Impact;
Unemployment insurance account--Surplus;
Taxi drivers see Excise Tax Act (amdt.--small supplier carrying on a taxi business)(Bill C-317); Goods and Services Tax--Small supplier exemption
Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act (Bill C-215)--Shepherd
First reading, 245
>>Second reading, 2164-73
>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 2173
>>See also Taxation--Taxpayer-government disputes
Taxpayer Protection Act
Implementing, 3020
>>>Petition, 1428, 7524
>>See also Constitution Act, 1996 (amdt.--balanced budget and spending
limit)(Bill C-213)
Taxpayers see Quebec separation/sovereignty--Charter on rights and responsibilities of taxpayers
Taylor, Len (NDP--The Battlefords--Meadow Lake)
- >>Agricultural products, 1083, 8375
>>Agricultural research, 8397
>>Agriculture, S.O. 31, 8647
>>Air pollution, o.q., 7087
>>Budget 1996, M. (P. Martin), 440
>>Budget 1997, M. (P. Martin), 8364-6, 8369, 8375, 8379, 8383, 8397
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, S.O. 31, 420
>>Canada Labour Code, 8927-9
>>Canada Labour Code (Bill C-3), 469-71
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I) (amdt.)(Bill C-66), 8552-3, 8556-7, 8927-30
>>Canada Post Corporation, S.O. 31, 5284
>>Canadian Airlines International, 8556-7
>>>S.O. 31, 7137-8
>>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, S.O. 31, 7306
>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act (Bill C-60), 8021
>>Canadian Wheat Board, 1083
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-72), 8245-7
>>Cattle industry, 1083
>>Child care, 7797
>>Child poverty, 8366, 8369
>>>S.O. 31, 6851
>>Child tax benefit, 8366, 8369
>>>o.q., 8396
>>Children, 7173-4
>>>o.q., 6862
>>Competition Act (amdt.--illegal trade practices)(Bill C-221), 1005-6
>>Corporations, S.O. 31, 635-6, 1950-1
>>Deficit, 440
>>Economic development/renewal, S.O. 31, 9014
>>Education, 7797
>>Education, post-secondary, 7797, 8383
>>>o.q., 5888-9
>>Employment insurance, S.O. 31, 5364
>>Environment, 8397
>>>o.q., 3320-1
>>>Statement by Minister (Marchi), 3496
>>Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 7756-8, 7796-7
>>Farm Credit Corporation, S.O. 31, 1883-4
>>Farm equipment, 1005-6
>>Farm income, o.q., 5170
>>Fire-fighters/emergency response personnel, M. (Robinson), 7104-5
>>Gasoline taxes, petition, 7894
>>Goodale, references, 8246
>>Goods and Services Tax, 2210-1, 7756-7, 7796, 8366
>>>o.q., 1893
>>>S.O. 31, 1950-1, 5414-5
>>Grain, 5094
>>>o.q., 4867
>>Grain marketing, 1083, 5280, 8245
>>>o.q., 5116
>>>S.O. 31, 8081
>>Grain transportation, 7796, 7923-4, 8929-30, 9475-6
>>>o.q., 7787-8, 8910
>>>S.O. 31, 2245
>>Grubel, Herb, references, 8379
>>Health care system, 7797
>>Highways and roads, petition, 7089, 7747, 8019, 8233, 8359, 10042
>>Indian Act Optional Modification Act (Bill C-79), 8264-5
>>Irwin, references, 8264
>>Job creation, 440
>>Labour disputes, 8552-3, 8928-30
>>Labour relations, 469-71, 8556-7, 8927-8
>>Motor vehicles, 1005-6
>>National standards, 7797
>>Nova Scotia, 7757, 7796
>>Nuclear energy, 471
>>Nuclear reactors, petition, 7245
>>Parks Canada, 1921-2
>>>o.q., 1666, 8953
>>>Petition, 10042
>>Pensions, M., 8638, 8640-2
>>Postal service, S.O. 31, 7232
>>Poverty, S.O. 31, 5732
>>Prince Edward Island, 7756-7, 7796
>>>Divisions, recorded, 3449, 6583-7, 8343
>>>Private Members' Motions, 8645
>>>Question and comment period, 8397
>>>Quorum, 8021
>>>Statements by Ministers, 3496, 8355
>>Public Service, S.O. 31, 473
>>Rail transportation/railways, S.O. 31, 9442
>>Social programs, 7757
>>Taxation, 8364-5
>>Trade, 1083
>>>o.q., 715-6
>>Unemployment, 440
>>>S.O. 31, 8385
>>Unemployment insurance, o.q., 590, 954-5
>>Wildlife, 6406-7
>>>o.q., 5961, 9385
>>Workplace, M., 1982-5, 1990
Taylor, Hon. Senator Nick (L--Alberta; appointed March 7, 1996)
TD Securities see Canada Post Corporation--Competitive operations
Teachers see Education
Team Canada see Liberal Party--Donations; Trade--Trade Team Canada
- >>Team Cornwall see Economic development/renewal
Team Quebec see Trade
Team London for Youth see Employment--Youth, London
Teasdale, Dr. Lucille
Death, tribute, S.O. 31, 4301
Technical Committee see Corporations--Taxation, System; Job creation
Technological change see Job losses--Concerns