The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Development see Aerospace industry; Environmental technologies
>>Diffusion, promotion, Canadian technology network, establishing, Throne
Speech proposal, 2, 6017, 6253
>>Innovative technology, development, $270 million government support, Budget
1996 statement, 379, 449, 811, 1508, 1531
>>New technology strategy, emerging technologies, government role, 6017-8
>>Quebec government programs, federal transfer payment cut-backs, impact, 8966
>>See also Child prostitution--Child sex tourism;
Financial institutions--Consumer choice;
High technology industries;
Information technology;
Justice system;
North American Aerospace Defence Command;
Science and technology
Technology infrastructure
Building, Canada Foundation for Innovation role, 9255
Technology Partnerships Canada
Creating, $250 million funding by 1998-99, Budget 1996 measure, 379, 406,
438, 446-7, 794, 813, 848, 1482, 1484, 1531, 1537, 6016, 6280, 7246, 9564
>>>$150 million funding in 1996-97, already approved Defence Industry
Productivity Program projects, percentage, o.q., 708
>>>o.q., 530, 8392
>>>Quebec benefits, o.q., 4751-2, 8948
>>>Quebec government position, S.O. 31, 703-4
>>>S.O. 31, 475
>>Private sector advisory group, Bombardier Inc. membership, o.q., 5959
>>See also Aerospace industries--Technology;
Electric power--Fuel cells;
Environmental technologies--Development;
Job creation
Teen pregnancies see Youth
Teen suicide see Suicide--Youth
Teeth see Police--Fingerprints
Tele-vote 96 see National unity--Canadians participation
Telecare Burlington Distress Line see Volunteers
Call centres, technological development
>>>New Brunswick, government-industry cooperation, S.O. 31, 7139
>>>Prince Edward Island, industry, growth, S.O. 31, 7138
>>>Société nationale des communications du Québec, establishing, $1.3 million
government grant, enabling, S.O. 31, 7964
>>Industry, Normex Telecom, In-Flight Phone Canada Inc. takeover, benefits,
S.O. 31, 1657
>>Policy, o.q., 1251
>>>See also Broadcasting--Licenses, Policy
>>Rate restructuring, accessibility, maintaining, o.q., 4987-8
>>Satellite dishes, use/sale, unregulated, consumer awareness, need, o.q.,
1768, 1845
>>Wireless technology, Nexsys Commtech International Inc. network monitoring
system, Waterloo, Ont., S.O. 31, 9167
>>See also Information highway--Broadcasting;
Telefilm Canada
Falardeau, Pierre, Patriotes of 1838 film project, rejection, political
censorship, o.q., 9884-5, 10068
>>Funding, reduction, Budget 1996 measure, 1485
Telegdi, Andrew (L--Waterloo)
- >>Arctic, 326
>>Bombardier Inc., 9345
>>Borrowing Authority Act 1996-97 (Bill C-10), 1039
>>Brown, J., references, 2447
>>Budget 1997, M. (P. Martin), 8407, 8426-7, 9339-43, 9345
>>Canada Elections Act and Referendum Act (amdt.)(Bill C-63), 6739
>>Canada Post Corporation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-239), 827
>>Canadian Executive Services Organization, S.O. 31, 960
>>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33), 2446-7
>>Canadian Securities Commission, 8344-5 o.q., 5739
>>Committees of the Whole House
>>>M. (J. Chrétien), 15
>>>M. (H. Gray), 5749-51
>>Crime, 2085-7
>>>Petition, 4870
>>Crime prevention, S.O. 31, 6483
>>Criminal Code and Copyright Act (amdt.--profit from authorship respecting a crime)(Bill C-205), 4660
>>Defence equipment. petition, 4870
>>Discrimination and racism, 2446-7
>>Education, post secondary, 9340-1
>>Environment, 326
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, M. (Williams), 2972
>>Gun control/guns, 2085, 2091
>>Highways and roads, petition, 9847
>>Housing, S.O. 31, 5284
>>Impaired driving, S.O. 31, 232
>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee, report, 10141
>>Knowles, Hon. Stanley, S.O. 31, 1542
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), M. on supply (Solberg), 3214
>>Members of Parliament, 5750
>>>S.O. 31, 9322
>>Municipalities, S.O. 31, 9478
>>National unity, 5750-1
>>Official Opposition, 5749, 5751
>>Postal service, 827
>>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 1874, 9117, 9124
>>Public Accounts Standing Committee, 5749
>>Public safety officers compensation fund, M. (Szabo), 8036-7
>>Reform Party, 5749-50
>>Research and development, S.O. 31, 7380, 7778
>>Ringuette-Maltais, references, 15
>>Securities industry, 8345
>>Sexual assault/offences, 2085-6
>>Sexual orientation, 2447
>>Speaker, references, 6739
>>Speakership, 15, 5749-50
>>Student loans, 9340
>>>S.O. 31, 8130
>>Suicide, petitions, 4870, 9847
>>Telecommunications, S.O. 31, 9167
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Sheridan), 326
>>Universities/colleges, S.O. 31, 6786
>>Victims of crime, M. on supply (R. White), 2085-7, 2091
>>Young offenders, 2085. 10141
Telemarketing see Advertising
Telephone service
Bell Canada
>>>Local billing procedure, petition, 5645
>>>Rate increase
>>>>Profit, 40% increase/job lay-offs, rationale, 5201
>>>>>o.q., 1051
>>>>Small and medium business, impact, S.O. 31, 7305
>>Business rates, Regional/urban, gap, 7594-5
>>>o.q., 4673-4, 8138-9
>>Deregulation, Alberta Government Telephones, 7601
>>Local basic service, rate increase, 5786, 5790, 5792-4, 7594
>>>$15 ceiling, National Anti-Poverty Organization, proposal, 7595
>>>Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission, decision, 5785,
>>>Fédération national des associations de consommateurs du Quebec, position,
>>Long distance, rates
>>>Coalition for Affordable Telephone Services, position, 5785, 7593-4
>>>Competition, reducing, o.q., 8139
>>Rural Canada, installation costs, 392
>>Rural Quebec, outdated, party lines, etc., 9141-2
>>Saint-Pie-de Bagot, Saint-Damase, Que., network system, Bell Canada
modernizing, request, petition, 3012
>>Waterloo, Ont., S.O. 31, 4172
>>See also Bell Canada Act (amdt.--construction charges)(Bill C-227);
Information highway--Broadcasting;
National Revenue Department--Client services;
Prince Edward Island;
Telephone voting see Elections--Electronic voting by touch tone telephone
Direct to home satellite transmission
>>>Canadian service providers, need, 7598-9
>>>>o.q., 7192-3
>>>Cultural protectionism, impact, 7599
>>>Licence applications, Canadian Radio-television and telecommunications
Commission decisions
>>>>Cabinet intervention, Power DirecTv example
>>>>>o.q., 531, 970
>>>>>S.O. 31, 353
>>Programs, Jake and the Kid, Canadian production, S.O. 31, 4741
>>Satellite dishes/broadcasting equipment, un-authorized use, consumers,
warning, 5797-8
>>>Black market/grey market, distinction, o.q., 7192-3
>>>o.q., 6614
>>>Radio-Canada, analog signal, elimination, o.q., 9934-5
>>>S.O. 31, 6656-7
>>Television production fund, 8179-80, 8222
>>>o.q., 4308, 5112, 5483-4
>>>Quebec artists, support, o.q., 4457
>>See also Closed circuit television;
Copyright--Rights, Broadcasting;
House of Commons--Broadcasting/televising;
Television, cable
CHOT, CFGS, francophone stations, National Capital Region, channel
relocation, protesting, S.O. 31, 7460-1
>>Negative marketing option, cable companies, use, Canadian Radio-television
and Telecommunications Commission control, 244-5, 2026-32, 4202-11, 4529-39,
10099-106, 10249-51
>>>Government position, 6176
>>>>o.q., 4634, 4670, 4673, 4750, 4803-4, 6130-1
>>>Legislation, Broadcasting Act (amdt.--broadcasting policy)(Bill C-216)
>>>>Copps, Canadian Heritage Minister, position, o.q., 9486
>>>>Opposing, government, lobbying allegation, 6175-6
>>>>>o.q., 4673, 4750, 4803
>>>>>S.O. 31, 4795
>>>>Senators, Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission,
>>>>>o.q., 6064
>>>>>S.O. 31, 6442, 8829
>>See also Broadcasting Act (amdt.--broadcasting policy)(Bill C-216)
Television production fund see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Funding, Reduction; Film and video industry; Television
Televoting see Young Offenders Act--Amending
Tellier, Paul see Canadian National Railways--President
Temagami, Ont.
Old growth forest, wilderness region, sustainability, Ontario Progressive
Conservative government (Harris), policies, S.O. 31, 4300-1
>>See also Mining industry
Temporary absences see Penitentiaries--Inmates
Temporary employment agencies see Employment
Tender calls see Government buildings--Hull, Que; Government contracts
Term 17 see Constitution--Terms of union of Newfoundland with Canada; Education--Newfoundland denominational school system, Constitutional amendment
Terminal control units see Air navigation services
Terminally-ill see Suicide--Assisted suicide
Terra Nova see Information highway
Terrana, Anna (L--Vancouver East)
- >>AIDS, petition, 3722
>>Bourassa, Robert, S.O. 31, 5106-7
>>Canada Day, S.O. 31, 2471
>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.--polling hours)(Bill C-307), 3779
>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.--polling stations in hospitals)(Bill C-308), 3779-80
>>Canada Elections Act (amdt.--registration of political parties)(Bill C-400), 9514
>>Canada Elections Act and Referendum Act (amdt.)(Bill C-63), 6726-7
>>Canadian Armed Forces, S.O. 31, 10176
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, S.O. 31, 8901
>>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33), 2549-50
>>Child care, 7265
>>Child poverty, 7264-5
>>>S.O. 31, 7030
>>Child tax benefit, 7265
>>Children, 7264
>>Chinese New Year, S.O. 31, 7960
>>Citizenship, S.O. 31, 2884-5
>>Credit cards, petition, 10146-7
>>Crime, petitions, 3640, 4677
>>Economic development/renewal, 7263
>>Education, 7264-5
>>Elections, 3779-80, 5709-10, 6726, 9514
>>>S.O. 31, 7381
>>Festivals, S.O. 31, 3815
>>Film and video industry, o.q., 6751
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (H. Gray), 7263-5
>>Francophones outside Quebec, 3798
>>>M. on supply (Marchand), 3798
>>Gasoline taxes, petition, 276, 2483-4
>>Goods and Services Tax, petition, 8957
>>Hate crimes, 2549
>>Health, S.O. 31, 356, 2804, 5950-1, 9544-5
>>Health care system, 7265
>>>Petition, 3641
>>Highways and roads, petition, 2484, 8514
>>Hospitals, S.O. 31, 3201
>>Housing, 7263-5
>>Immigration/immigrants, S.O. 31, 6304
>>Interprovincial trade, o.q., 8510
>>Italy, S.O. 31, 3418
>>Literacy, petition, 8514
>>Nisga'a land claim, S.O. 31, 1365
>>Postal service, S.O. 31, 7513
>>Poverty, 7263-4
>>Procedure, Bills, Private Members' public, 5710
>>Program Cost Declaration Act (Bill C-214), 7543
>>Same-sex couples, 2549-50
>>Sexual orientation, 2549-50
>>Standing Orders, M. (Jennings), 9474-5
>>Taiwan, S.O. 31, 581
>>Veterans benefits, petitions, 3641, 4447
>>Volunteers, S.O. 31, 1883, 9646
Territorial Lands Act (amdt.--definition of adult)(Bill C-435--Harb
First reading, 10040-1
Territorial Protection Act (Bill C-441)--Hopkins
First reading, 10237
>>See also Canada--Indivisible
Combatting, Canadian role, etc., 242-3, 2722-3, 2725-6, 3988
>>>Canadian Security Intelligence Service and Royal Canadian Mounted Police,
>>>North American Aerospace Defence Command role, 486, 500, 542, 554
>>>o.q., 237-8
>>>S.O. 31, 760
>>Egypt anti-terrorist summit, March 1996, Canadian participation, 2723, 2726
>>>o.q., 587-9, 767
>>Funding, preventing, punishing, 242-3, 3988
>>>Charitable donations, income tax status, Babbar Khalsa, etc., 2725-6
>>>>o.q., 589, 713
>>>Eelam Tamil Community Association of British ColumbiA, Tamil Tigers,
relationship, 2726
>>>o.q., 237, 589
>>G-7 summit, June 1995, Halifax, N.S., addressing, priority, 2722
>>International examples, 2722, 2724-5
>>International information sharing, importance, 2723
>>Organization of American States Lima Declaration, April 1996, Canada
signing, 2723
>>Political Eight (P-8) countries counter-terrorism conference, Ottawa, Ont.
1995/1996 conference, Ottawa Declaration, 2722-3, 2725-6, 3983
>>>o.q., 238
>>See also Air India, Flight 182;
Calgary Jewish Centre--Bombing attempt;
Canadian Armed Forces--Quebec City, Que.;
Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Translator charged with crimes
Terry Fox run see Health--Cancer, Research
Tetra Pak see Employment--Government-private sector partnership
Textbooks see School textbooks
Textile industry
Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement, impact, o.q., 2364-5
>>National Textile Week, S.O. 31, 1951, 9985
>>Textile Monterey, Drummond, Que., bankruptcy, reopening, S.O. 31, 1459
>>Wool suits, exports to United States, reduction threats, o.q., 2068
>>See also Lincoln Fabrics
Thailand see Canadian Executive Service Organization; China--Human rights violations; Defence equipment--Exports; Spar Aerospace
Thalheimer, Peter (L--Timmins--Chapleau)
- >>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33), 2584
>>Emergencies/disasters, S.O. 31, 3086
>>Mining industry
>>>o.q., 1424
>>>S.O. 31, 638
>>Music, S.O. 31, 34, 178
>>Property rights, M. (Gilmour), 4829-30
>>Revoke the Conviction of Louis David Riel Act (Bill C-297), 7170-1
>>Roy, Jean-Robert, 7719
>>Same-sex couples, 2583
>>Sexual orientation, 2583
>>Twain, Shania, S.O. 31, 4548
The Netherlands see Netherlands
Théatre des Lutins see Francophones outside Quebec
>>>Extent, 10018
>>>See also Joy riding
>>Roberts, Fred, apprehending perpetrator, S.O. 31, 7961
>>See also Gun control/guns
Therapeutic records see Sexual assault/offences--Accused acces to medical and therapeutic records; Victims of crime--Medical and therapeutic records
Thérèse F. Casgrain Fellowship see Female genital mutilation (excision)--Research
Therrien, Henri
Thetford Mines, Que., Mayor, Asbetos Region Chamber of Commerce Personality
of the Year (1996), tribute, S.O. 31, 9795
Thérse-Martin secondary comprehensive school see World School Championships
Thibaudeau decision see Child support payments--Legislation--Taxable income
Thibault, Lise see Quebec
Thirsk, Dr. Robert see Space program
This Hour Has 22 Minutes see Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Programs
Thistletown Community Breakfast Club see Children--Nutrition
Thomlinson, Doug see Canadian Executive Service Organization
Thompson, Myron (REF--Wild Rose)
- >>Abortion
>>>M. (G. Breitkreuz), 2981
>>>Petition, 4235
>>Agriculture, 1933-4
>>Bankruptcy and insolvency, 7799
>>Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-5), 5536-8
>>Borrowing Authority Act 1996-97 (Bill C-10), 1024, 1068, 1071
>>Break and enter, S.O. 31, 5106
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1996 (Bill C-31), 1933-4, 1967, 1977-81
>>Cabinet, 338
>>Canadian Armed Forces, M. (B. Mills), 8980-1
>>Canadian flag, o.q., 5115-6
>>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33), 2131, 2401-2
>>Capital punishment, 2797-8, 4474, 4585, 4600, 5124
>>Census (1996), M. (D. Grey), 9237-8
>>Child care, M. (G. Breitkreuz), 5144
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 5523
>>>S.O. 31, 5475
>>Crime, 5049
>>>Petition, 4235
>>Crime prevention
>>>o.q., 6449-50
>>>S.O. 31, 233
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--arrest without warrant)(Bill C-224), 366, 3275-8
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--judicial review of parole ineligibility)(Bill C-45), 4243-5, 4246, 4474-7, 4578, 4585, 4589, 4599-600, 5004-5
>>Criminal Code and Copyright Act (amdt.--profit from authorship respecting a crime)(Bill C-205), 2844-6, 4657-8
>>Criminal Code and Young Offenders Act (amdt.--capital punishment)(Bill C-218), 2797-8
>>Criminal Code, Corrections and Conditional Release Act, Criminal Records Act, Prisons and Reformatories Act and Department of the Solicitor General Act (amdt.--high risk offenders)(Bill C-55), 5048-9, 5076, 5121-5
>>Dangerous/high-risk offenders, 2090, 3114-6, 4474-5, 5049, 5121-5
>>Economic development/renewal, 7064
>>Employment equity, 2401
>>>S.O. 31, 1100-1
>>Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 7023, 7047, 7053, 7055, 7061, 7063-5, 7097-9, 7798-800
>>Family violence, 2091
>>>o.q., 2065
>>Forestry, 325
>>Fraud, o.q., 4943
>>Gasoline taxes, petition, 1899
>>Goods and Services Tax, 5122, 7047, 7053, 7063-5, 7097-9, 7798-9
>>>M. on supply (Solberg), 983
>>Government appointments, 7799-800
>>Government grants/loans, 5579
>>Grain marketing
>>>M., 6337-9
>>>S.O. 31, 3123, 3419, 4548, 5106, 7829
>>Grain transportation, 1933
>>>o.q., 3490
>>Gun control/guns, 339-40, 2090-1, 6845, 6879
>>Health Department, 7800
>>Housing, 7064-5, 7097, 7799
>>Impaired driving, M. (Harris), 7859-60
>>Job creation, 5536-8
>>Judges Act (amdt.)(Bill C-42), 6845, 6849-50, 6865, 6867, 6879
>>Justice system, 338-9, 2091, 4475, 4599-600, 5004
>>Liberal government (Chretien), S.O. 31, 474
>>Marriage, S.O. 31, 3481
>>Members of Parliament, 338, 340, 2090, 5122
>>Metric system, 5122
>>Murder, 4244-5, 4476, 5123, 5125
>>Nunziata, references, 6879
>>Official languages policy/bilingualism, 5122
>>Parole, 339, 366, 4200, 4243-5, 4474-7, 4578, 4599-600, 5004-5, 5123-4
>>>o.q., 3425, 6911, 8951-2, 9021
>>>S.O. 31, 4858
>>Penitentiaries, o.q., 8952
>>Prince Edward Island, 7023, 7047
>>Prisons and Reformatories Act (amdt.)(Bill C-53), 4950-1
>>Privilege, Ramsay (contempt of Parliament), 4200
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 3278
>>>Committees, 5523
>>>Members' remarks, 4589, 6865
>>>Motions, 3089
>>>Private Members' Motions, 5144, 6339
>>>Translation Services, 2498
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Zed), 4439-41
>>References see Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee--Membership
>>Retail sales, 7064-5, 7097, 7099
>>Same-sex couples, 2401
>>>Petition, 4235
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 339
>>Sexual assault/offences, 2084, 2090
>>Sexual orientation, 2131, 2401-2
>>>Petition, 4235
>>Social programs, 5537
>>Suicide, petition, 4235
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Sheridan), 325, 338-40
>>Underground economy, 7063-4
>>Victims of crime, 338-40, 55376867
>>>M. on supply (R. White), 2055, 2084, 2090-1
>>>S.O. 31, 2061
>>Violence, 338
>>Violent offences, o.q., 3258
>>Young offenders
>>>o.q., 3130, 3258, 3425
>>>S.O. 31, 6440-1
>>Young Offenders Act, 338-9, 2090, 3425
>>>o.q., 3258, 9219-20