The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Victoria, B.C. see Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports--Canada-france Parliamentary Association
Victoria Cross see Veterans; World War I--Battle of Vimy Ridge
Victoria formula see Constitution--Amending
Victoria Island see Economic development/renewal--Northern Canada
Victoriaville-Athabaska, Que. see Cycling--Bicycle paths
Victory Hill see National Capital Commission
Video conferencing see Justice system
Video lottery terminals see Bankruptcy and insolvency
Video tapes see Audio and video tapes; Penitentiaries--Inmates
Vienna, Austria see Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports--Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
Democracy, human rights, political prisoners, petitions, 648, 3877
>>Quân, Trân Trieû, Canadian citizen, life imprisonment, Canadian
representations, actions, etc., 1512, 1532-3, 1824, 2569, 3384, 4490, 4597-8
>>>o.q., 712-3, 1589-90, 1663-4, 2942-3, 3824-5, 5375, 5561-2, 6794-5, 10070-1
>>>Petitions, 1716, 1774-5, 1899, 2189, 2815-6, 4159
>>>S.O. 31, 178, 353, 1365, 8387, 8501-2, 10063
>>See also Canadian International Development Agency;
Foreign aid;
Vietnamese see Hong Kong--China
Vigilante justice see Justice system
Villeneuve, Jacques see Auto racing
Villeneuve, Maryse see Canadian Armed Forces--Official languages policy/bilingualism
Villeneuve, Raymond see Quebec separation/sovereignty
Vimy Ridge see World War I--Battle of Vimy Ridge
"Extreme fighting" event, Kahnawake reserve, pay-tv broadcasting, legality,
o.q., 1892
>>Homosexuals, victims, 2112-3, 2160, 2197, 2544, 2571-2
>>Men, victims, gender-blind rules, establishing, 9670
>>Prevention, Hamilton, Ont., conference, Dr. Ronald Bayne role, S.O. 31, 6052
>>Schools, 338
>>>Scarborough School Board, zero tolerance policy, success, S.O. 31, 8899
>>Society, media, television, etc., 8813
>>Toys promoting, petition campaign, S.O. 31, 9598-9
>>Women and children, victims
>>>Criminal Code (amdt.--child prostitution, child sex tourism, criminal
harassment and female genital mutilation)(Bill C-27), relationship, 9639,
9641, 9644, 9711
>>>Government strategy, 7357
>>>Shelters and support agencies, funding cuts, 8793
>>>Shelters, Nelson House, Nepean, Ont., closure, S.O. 31, 5161-2
>>>Systemic, 3581
>>>United Nations position, etc., 3545, 3581
>>Women, victims
>>>Carrefour des femmes de Lachute projects, S.O. 31, 7184
>>>Economic and social conditions, poverty, relationship
>>>>S.O. 31, 7184-5
>>>>Social program cutbacks, impact, o.q., 7185-6
>>>École Polytechnique, Montreal, Que., Dec. 6/89 massacre, anniversary,
National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women
>>>>Government actions, relationship, o.q., 7186, 7193
>>>>o.q., 7388
>>>>S.O. 31, 7080, 7139-41, 7182-5
>>>Fraser Valley East constituency cases
>>>>Inmate transferred to minimum security institution, phoning victim from
jail, 9591
>>>>Woman stalked, sexually assaulted, police unable to act, etc., 9593-4
>>>Gun control legislation, Firearms Act (Bill C-68), relationship, O7186-7,
>>>International situation, United Nations Commission on Human Rights report,
Canadian response, etc., o.q., 9601-2
>>>Klassen, Susan, Yukon Territory case, killed by estranged husband,
manslaughter conviction, parole eligibility, etc., 7681
>>>>S.O. 31, 7705-6
>>>Males taking responsibility, amending Criminal Code, petitions, 9657-8
>>>Other countries, 488
>>>Provocation defence, petitions, 7722, 8018-9, 8870, 9332, 9514, 9807, 10238
>>>Saskatoon December Memorial Committee Speaking Out: A Portrait of
Violence awareness program, S.O. 31, 7182
>>>Slasher films, Coalition for the Safety of Our Daughters video, Reel
Hatred, S.O. 31, 4980
>>>S.O. 31, 422
>>>See also Afghanistan--Human rights violations
>>See also Family violence;
Obscenity--Criminal Code
"Violence--You Can Make A Difference" see Family violence--Eliminating
Violent offences
Criminal Code, amending, petition, 369
>>Examples, 4288, 4586-8
>>Extreme drunkenness offence, self-induced intoxication, not allowing,
Criminal Code (amdt).--self-induced intoxication)(1st Sess., 35th Parl.), 2045,
>>>Hamilton, Ont. area, o.q., 3258
>>>S.O. 31, 3253
>>Parolees committing, 1140, 5118
>>>Cases, Claude Forget and James Ronald Robinson, 5119
>>Personal injury offences, second conviction, indeterminate sentences, 975
>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--punishment for subsequent and serious
personal injury offences)(Bill C-241)
>>Public concerns, 4271
>>>California three strikes legislation, life imprisonment, 9614, 9616-7, 9704
>>>>Martin, K., private members`s bill, 9714
>>>Full sentence without parole, 5045, 5119, 5861, 6233, 8827
>>>>Petition, 9999
>>>>Reform Party position, 4999-5000
>>>>Truth in sentencing, 9762-4
>>>Lenient, 9433
>>>Life sentences for second offence, 1898, 5045
>>>>Without parole, 5175, 7646-7
>>>>>Petition, 7747
>>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--violent crimes)(Bill C-273);
Dangerous/high-risk offenders--Sex offenders, Long term offender
>>>See also Sentences (convicted criminals)--Conditional sentences--Life
sentences for second convictions for violent or sexual offences;
>>Throne Speech reference, 5037
>>See also Crime--Rate;
Dangerous/high-risk offenders--Designation--Judicial restraint provisions;
Young offenders
Visas see Hong Kong--Chinese takeover, Residents; Immigration/immigrants
Visible minorities see Crime--Police statistics
Visitors visas see Immigration/immigrants--Visas
Vissandjée, NBilkis see Female genital mutilation (excision)--Research
London, Ontario, operations, expansion, S.O. 31, 9927
VISTEC project see CAE Electronics Ltd.
Visually impaired persons see Blind and visually impaired persons
Vitana Corporation
Computer 3-D imaging software, 6018
Vocational rehabilitation of disabled persons program see Disabled and handicapped persons
Vocational training see Education
Voisey Bay, Labrador see Mining industry
Western Canadian Midget Women's Volleyball Championships, RCVC Western
Fitness Roof, gold medal winners, S.O. 31, 2245
Volpe, Joseph (L--Eglinton--Lawrence; Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health as of Feb. 23, 1996)
- >>AIDS, o.q., 2945
>>Alcohol, 9914-5
>>Arctic, o.q., 9277-8
>>Blood, o.q., 6447, 7835-6
>>Canada, petition, 7110
>>Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement, 6781-2
>>Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement, 5336-7
>>Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-61), 5336-9
>>Canada Transportation Act (Bill C-14), 1088, 1112-3, 1118, 1123-4
>>Canadian Airlines International, 6594
>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act (Bill C-60), 5378-9, 5381
>>Children, petition, 5610
>>Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Bill C-8), 4162-4, 4167
>>Dairy products, petition, 7110
>>Defence equipment, 6481
>>Department of Health Act (Bill C-18), 1388-90, 1701-2, 1717-9
>>Drug/substance abuse, 4162-4, 4167
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 4164, 9916
>>>o.q., 8395, 9279, 9607-8, 10070-1
>>Economy, 5338
>>European Union, 5337
>>Fire-fighters/emergency response personnel, M. (Robinson), 5399-400
>>Food and Drugs Act (amdt.--ingredients in food sold in restaurants)(Bill C-309), 7215
>>Francophones outside Quebec, o.q., 9608
>>Fruit and vegetables, o.q., 2892
>>Gross Domestic Product, 6781
>>Hazardous products, 9915
>>Health care system, 1327, 1701-2, 1717-9
>>>o.q., 2614, 3261, 5736-7
>>>o.q., 3715, 5424
>>>S.O. 31, 9479
>>Hemp, 4163, 4167
>>Human Reproductive and Genetic Technologies Act (Bill C-47), 5613-20
>>Middle East, S.O. 31, 5730
>>National Organ Donor Day Act (Bill C-202), 1730-2
>>North American Free Trade Agreement, 6782
>>Oil and gas pipelines, o.q., 5419
>>Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill C-311), 5277-8
>>Pearson International Airport, M. (Gouk), 1127-9
>>Pest Management Regulatory Agency, 8690
>>Pesticides, o.q., 2892
>>Pesticides Products Control Act, 6482
>>>o.q., 8449-50
>>>Adjournment proceedings, 1327
>>>Debate, 3430
>>>Decorum, 8456
>>>Divisions, recorded, 9297
>>>Documents, 9333
>>>Members' remarks, 8435
>>>Speeches, 5619
>>Rail passenger service, 1088
>>Rail transportation/railways, 1088, 1112-3, 1118, 1123-4
>>Reproductive technologies, 5613-20
>>>o.q., 481
>>Senate, M. on supply (Gilmour), 3072
>>Senior citizens, M. (Chamberlain), 5444-5
>>Tobacco Act (Bill C-71), 8433-5, 8456, 8580-1, 8718-9, 8724
>>Tobacco industry, 3414-5, 3429, 8434, 8580-1
>>>M., 9336
>>>o.q., 6062, 6134, 6264, 6610, 8393, 9932-3
>>>Petition, 7110
>>>Regulations, tabling, 9331
>>Tobacco products, 3414-6, 3428, 3437, 8434, 8580-1, 8718-9, 8724
>>>o.q., 9328-9
>>Tobacco Products Control Act (amdt.)(Bill C-24), 3414-6, 3428-30, 3437
>>Trade, 5336-9
>>Transportation, 1121
Voluntary intoxication see Justice system--Extreme drunkenness defence
Volunteer awards see Volunteers
Volunteer organizations
Canadian Fraternal Association, annual meeting, Ottawa, Ont., S.O. 31, 2355,
>>Grantham Lions Club, St. Catherines, Ont., 45th anniversary, S.O. 31, 9984
>>Government support/funding, need, S.O. 31, 4336, 5365
>>New Brunswick Association for Community Living, 1997 Sky's the Limit Snow
Challenge, fundraising event, Fredericton, N.B., S.O. 31, 8583
>>Service d'entraide Basse-Ville, S.O. 31, 4336
>>St. Catherine's Jaycees, 60th anniversary, congratulating, S.O. 31, 8944
>>See also Commonwealth;
Social services--Government cut-backs
Volunteer services see Victims of crime--Services
Bonnyman, Angus, Nova Scotia youth volunteer of the year, S.O. 31, 9876-7
>>Canada Volunteer Award, Certificate of Merit
>>>Dean, Jeanette, recipient, S.O. 31, 5364-5
>>>Huish, Julie, recipient, S.O. 31, 6360
>>>Janes, Doreen, recipient, S.O. 31, 6850-1
>>>Myre, Jacqueline, recipient, S.O. 31, 4017-8
>>Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, Father Alfred Couturier, mert medallion,
awarding, S.O. 31, 6603
>>Les Ainé(e)s de Jonquière, Armand-Marquiset honourary award, S.O. 31, 5414
>>National Volunteer Week, tribute, S.O. 31, 1760-2, 1883-5, 2132, 9646, 9648,
9737-8, 9793-5, 9876, 9929-30
>>Saskatoon Literacy Coalition, literacy groups, S.O. 31, 1951
>>Sisters of St. Joseph Orphanage, Haiti, Carroll, Mary Lou, volunteer
efforts, tribute, S.O. 31, 5105
>>St. James Church men's club, breakfast program, S.O. 31, 1884
>>Telecare Burlington Distress Line, Burlington, Ont., tribute, S.O. 31, 5053
>>Tribute, 1639
>>>S.O. 31, 2001, 3077, 3417
>>See also Canadian Executive Service Overseas (CESO);
Housing--Vac, Hungary;
Independent Order of Foresters (IOF);
Service clubs;
World War II--Canadian volunteer radar technicians
Votable items see Private Members' Business Subcommittee; Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports
Vote buying see Government subsidies--Announcements
Voters list see Elections
Votes see Committees--Role; House of Commons; Procedure
Voting age see Elections
Voting hours see Elections
Vouchers see Education, post-secondary--Consumer model
Vout, Dana see Education--Scholarships, Stay-in-School Scholarship
Voyageur festival see Festivals