The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Bills, Senate (Royal Assent denoted by *)
Private Members' Public
>>>S-2.\Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--sexual orientation)
>>Private Members' Private
>>>*S-7.\Nipissing and James Bay Railway Company Dissolution Act--Wood
>>>*S-8.\Queen's University at Kingston Act--Milliken
>>>*S-15.\Bishop of the Arctic of the Church of England in Canada
Incorporation Act (amdt.)
Bills of Exchange Act (amdt.--definition of infant and minor)(Bill
First reading, 10037
Bilodeau, Dominique see Quebec Games (1995)
Binney and Smith (Canada) Limited
Crayola crayon manufacturer, one hundred billionth produced, commemorative
blue ribbon crayon, S.O. 31, 474
Binns, Pat see Prince Edward Island--Provincial election
Biodiversity convention see Environment
Biological wealth see Environment--Protection
Biomedical research
Funding, 30% reduction, impact, 8324
Conseil des bio-industries du Québec, $300,000 funding, 8964
>>Development, research funding, Technology Partnership Canada program
>>>Budget 1996 measure, 449, 801, 840
>>>Throne Speech proposal, 5, 307, 379, 6017
>>Israel, $3 million grant, Art Eggleton Centre of Molecular Medicine
Research, relationship, o.q., 9176
>>Quebec, biotechnology companies, competitiveness, S.O. 31, 8946
>>See also Canadian Food Inspection Agency;
Environment and Sustainable Development Standing
Committee--Reports, Second, Third
Biotechnology Regulation in Canada, A Matter of Public Confidence see Environment and Sustainable Development Standing Committee--Reports, Third
Biotechnology Research Institute
Montreal, Que., $20 million investment, Industry Department announcement,
S.O. 31, 4979
Birch, G.A. Sandy
Heart transplant recipient, 1727
Birchall, Air Commodore Leonard see Canadian Armed Forces
Bird, Hon., Senator Florence see Gender equality
Birds see Migratory birds
Birth control
Legalization in 1969, 3858
Bishop of the Arctic of the Church of England in Canada Incorporation
Act (amdt.)(Bill S-15)
Message from the Senate, 9233
>>First reading, 9233
>>Second reading, 9627-8, agreed to, 9628
>>Committee of the Whole
>>>Referral, 9628
>>>Reported, without amdt., 9628
>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 9628
>>Third reading, agreed to, 9628, passed.
>>Royal Assent, 10252
#>>See also Church of England
Bishop's University see Universities/colleges
Bisson, Claude see Communications Security Establishment--Independent review mechanism
Bissonette, Lise see Journalism/journalists--Canadian Journalism Hall of Fame
Black Canadians
Black History Month
>>>Matthieu Da Costa award
>>>>Paré, France, recipient, S.O. 31, 8385
>>>>S.O. 31, 8304
>>>S.O. 31, 33, 128-30, 7571, 7651
>>Montreal, Que., black community resource centre, opening, S.O. 31, 8503
>>Perry, Lloyd, community worker, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 7571
>>Sutherland, Robert, S.O. 31, 130
Black, Conrad see Newspapers--Hollinger Inc.--Saskatchewan
Black Creek see Humber River
Black History Month see Black Canadians
Black Lake, Que. see Inventions
Black Tickle, Nfld. see Fisheries, Atlantic--Processing plants
Blackburn, Margot see Sexual assault/offences--Victims right to know
Blackfoot Nation
Castle Mountain, sacred site, status within Banff National Park, S.O. 31,
Blackmail see Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation, Campbell, Kim
Blackstrap constituency see Kerpan--References
Blaikie, Bill (NDP--Winnipeg Transcona)
- >>Africa, S.O. 31, 4335-6
>>Axworthy, L. references, 86
>>Bourassa, Robert, 4991
>>Brazil, o.q., 10072
>>Bristol Aerospace, S.O. 31, 7778-9
>>British Columbia, S.O. 31, 3198-9
>>Cameroun, S.O. 31, 6180
>>Canada Elections Act and Referendum Act (amdt.)(Bill C-63), 6711
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I) (amdt.)(Bill C-66), 8898
>>Canada Transportation Act (Bill C-14), 1198-201, 1203-4
>>Canadian Airlines International, S.O. 31, 6787
>>Canadian Armed Forces, S.O. 31, 959, 2133
>>Canadian Coast Guard
>>>Petition, 4349
>>>S.O. 31, 3078
>>Canadian Volunteer Service Medal for United Nations Peacekeeping Act (Bill C-300), 7552
>>Caron, André, references, 7582
>>Central America, 87-8
>>Child labour, M., 2459-63
>>Child poverty, S.O. 31, 6441
>>Chile, o.q., 4026
>>China, S.O. 31, 354
>>Chinese Exclusion Act, S.O. 31, 10112
>>Committees of the Whole House, M. (J. Chrétien), 7, 9-10
>>Credit cards, S.O. 31, 7078
>>Crime, petitions, 4089, 7723
>>Cuba, S.O. 31, 130
>>Cultural sovereignty, o.q., 8592
>>Defence equipment
>>>Petition, 6710
>>>S.O. 31, 3416-7
>>Disarmament, S.O. 31, 3416-7
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, o.q., 6751-2, 10187
>>East Timor, o.q., 3210
>>Elections, 6711
>>>o.q., 10235
>>Environment, o.q., 3825, 5063
>>Europe, S.O. 31, 7029
>>Expo 2005, M. (Copps), 6192
>>Fawcett, Norman, 7720-1
>>Fire-fighters, S.O. 31, 2555
>>Francophonie, 974
>>>Statement by Minister (L. Axworthy), 974
>>Gasoline taxes, petition, 8956
>>Goods and Services Tax, S.O. 31, 4300, 8725
>>Guatemala, 87
>>Haiti, M. (L. Axworthy), 86-8
>>Harding, Randolph, 431
>>Health care system, s.O. 31, 7655
>>Hees, George, 3931-2
>>Highways and roads, petition, 7723
>>Housing, o.q., 9803
>>Howe, William Marvin, 4231-2
>>Immigration/immigrants, S.O. 31, 9210
>>Israel, statement by Minister (L. Axworthy), 243
>>Italian Canadians, S.O. 31, 10121
>>Job creation
>>>o.q., 1846
>>>S.O. 31, 4219
>>Kempling, William, 3135-6
>>Knowles, Hon. Stanley, 4027
>>Legislation, 28-9
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), S.O. 31, 4663-4
>>Manning, Hon. Ernest Charles, 1056
>>Marine transport, S.O. 31, 3917
>>Mining industry, S.O. 31, 10062
>>Myanmar (Burma), o.q., 9024
>>New Democratic Party, S.O. 31, 4933
>>North American Free Trade Agreement
>>>o.q., 926-7
>>>S.O. 31, 2427, 3627-8, 7569
>>Nuclear reactors
>>>Petition, 7723
>>>S.O. 31, 6742
>>Nuclear weapons, S.O. 31, 4980
>>Parent, references, 10236
>>Pay equity
>>>Petition, 8956
>>>S.O. 31, 1043
>>Persian Gulf War, 5964
>>Peters, Arnold, 4460
>>Pornography, petition, 7723
>>Postal service, petition, 3170, 4089
>>Prince Edward Island, S.O. 31, 6484
>>Private family trusts, o.q., 4459
>>Privilege, Bruden (rights of Members breached), 8912
>>>Bills, Government, 6711
>>>Budget, 395
>>>Debate, 8898
>>>Decorum, 7719
>>>Divisions, 8995-6
>>>Divisions, recorded, 1198-201, 1203-4, 3743-4, 3747, 3749-50, 4410, 5514-8, 6505, 6698-707, 8976-9, 8995-6, 9117-20, 9122-5, 9127-9, 9721-30, 10095, 10097-8
>>>Documents, 2482-3, 3136
>>>Motions, 28-9
>>>Oral question period, 7580-1
>>>Private Members' Motions, 2463
>>>Statements by Members under S.O. 31, 2483
>>>Statements by Ministers, 974, 3168
>>>Throne Speech, 45
>>>Tributes, 7725
>>Rail passenger service, S.O. 31, 9477-8
>>Rail transportation/railways
>>>Petition, 4677-8
>>>S.O. 31, 4067-8, 5236-7, 8943-4, 9543
>>Railway stations, o.q., 241
>>Ringuette-Maltais, references, 9
>>Roy, Jean-Robert, 7718-9
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police, S.O. 31, 1240
>>Sexual assault/offences, 8912
>>Sexual orientation, 2482-3
>>Social services, o.q., 9486-7
>>Somalia, S.O. 31, 4450
>>Speakership, 7, 9-10
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Sheridan), 149-52
>>Tobacco industry, 2567
>>>o.q., 8592
>>>S.O. 31, 130
>>Training programs, Statement by Minister (Young), 3168
>>Turkey, S.O. 31, 5950
>>Veterans benefits, petition, 3170
>>Veterans, statement by Minister (MacAulay), 5964-5
>>Weapons/arms, M., 6508-11
>>Women, S.O. 31, 8773
>>Workplace, S.O. 31, 8900
>>Yukon Territory, S.O. 31, 4933
Blanchette, Marcel see Murder--Bolduc, Isabelle
Bleeding heart mentality see Justice system--Liberal government (Chrétien)
Blender, Michael see Canadian Executive Service Organization
Blieske, Mark see Education--Teachers
Blind and visually impaired persons see House of Commons--Broadcasting/televising; Lawn bowling
Bloc Québécois
Anniversary, fifth, June 15/96, S.O. 31, 3707
>>Convention, March 1997, Quebec Premier Bouchard role, S.O. 31, 8903
>>Election campaign
>>>Platform, lack, S.O. 31, 5803
>>>Quebec Premier Bouchard campaigning for, S.O. 31, 9878
>>Gauthier, Michel, election as leader see Gauthier--References
>>Internet World wide Web site, S.O. 31, 9444
>>Leadership vote
>>>Duceppe victory
>>>>o.q., 9080
>>>>S.O. 31, 9079, 9170
>>>Universal suffrage, 7532
>>>>S.O. 31, 9079, 9170
>>Mandate, Quebec separation/sovereignty, 8215-6, 8226
>>>Economy, ignoring, S.O. 31, 4936
>>>See also Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--No side victory
>>Members of Parliament see Members of Parliament
>>Official Opposition status see Official Opposition;
Procedure--Official Opposition status
>>Popular support, Liberal Party comparison, 7949, 7985
>>Role, defending Quebec interests, 9258
Blondin-Andrew, Hon. Ethel (L--Western Arctic;Secretary of State (Training and Youth))
- >>Bourque, James W., 5565
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, M. (McLaughlin), 7699-701
>>Employment, o.q., 8952-3
>>Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-12), 2372-4
>>Fisheries Act (Bill C-62), 6459
>>Government credit cards, 5948-9
>>>o.q., 6187
>>Job creation, 2374
>>Labrador, 6459
>>Privilege, personal privilege, 5948-9
>>>Divisions, recorded, 9117
>>>Documents, 5949
>>>Members' rights, 7337
>>References see Cabinet Ministers--Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders; Government credit cards
>>Unemployment insurance, 2373
>>Youth, 2373
Blood management system, safety, HIV, hepatitus C, Krever public inquiry,
1751, 1779-80, 1783-5
>>>Accountability, government responsibility, 1387-8
>>>>o.q., 7579, 7657-8, 7662
>>>>S.O. 31, 1460
>>>Cabinet documents re draft legislation, Justice Krever requesting, denial,
Canada Evidence Act, prohibiting, o.q., 6370, 6447,
6663, 6746-7, 6750, 6793-5,
6907-8, 6957-8, 7034-6, 7083-5, 7142-3
>>>Canadian Red Cross, two senior officials, $150,000 payment each, o.q., 1550
>>>Documents, access, o.q., 7572
>>>Government report, Judge Krever conduct, motives, criticism, o.q., 7238-40
>>>Government stonewalling, 8243, 8665
>>>>o.q., 7574, 7710
>>>Health Department officials, destroying documents, 7764, 7776
>>>>Hauser, Dr. Jo
>>>>>Dismissal, "golden handshake", timing, o.q., 7714, 7785-6, 7835
>>>>>o.q., 7782-3
>>>>Information Commissioner, condemnation/recommendations, government
response, o.q., 7577, 7714, 7835-6
>>>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigating, o.q., 7782-3
>>>Interim recommendations
>>>>o.q., 528-9, 586-7, 710
>>>>S.O. 31, 581
>>>Justice Krever conclusions, government interference, preventing, 1751, 1780
>>>>Blame, senior officials, ministers, naming, government interference, o.q.,
>>>>Government forum, Krever public inquiry, diversion tactic, o.q., 710
>>>>>Court proceedings, delay, o.q., 1709-10
>>>>>Extension, Supreme Court of Canada, Chief Justice Lamer request, o.q.,
>>>>o.q., 709-10, 768, 1172, 1425-6, 1846, 7657
>>>>S.O. 31, 1164, 2133, 4220
>>>>Victims, faith in system, failed, 1781
>>>>>o.q., 7657
>>>o.q., 7834
>>>Public confidence, improving, o.q., 2066
>>National blood authority, establishing, provinces, conferring, o.q., 7238-9,
9656, 9743-4
>>Supply, safety standards, haemophiliacs, concern
>>>Bayer, faulty products, allegation, investigation, o.q., 4076
>>>o.q., 3635-6
>>See also Canadian Red Cross
Bluenose see Canadian heritage; Ferry service--Nova Scotia
Blueprint for action see Gender equality
B'Nai Brith see Discrimination and racism--Anti-semitism
B'nai Brith Canada see Reform Party--Extremism
Board of Internal Economy
Meetings, opening to public, 3780
>>>See also Parliament of Canada Act (amdt.--meetings of Board of Internal
Economy)(Bill C-310)
>>Members, appointment
>>>Gray, H., Gagliano, Boudria, Hopkins, Duceppe, Dalphond-Guiral,
Ringma, 44
>>>Kilger, B., in place of Boudria, 5611-2
>>>Laurin in place of Dalphond-Guiral, 9389
>>>Silye in place of Ringma, 2483
>>>Strahl in place of Silye, 4234
Board of Trade of Metropolitan Toronto see Drugs and pharmaceuticals--Patent protection
National Safe Boating Week, S.O. 31, 3310
>>Recreational vessels
>>>Great Lakes, United States entry permission certificates, confiscation of
vessel without, United States Coast Guard threat, S.O. 31, 4171
>>>Licence fees, Canadian Coast Guard increasing, 5186-7, 5198-9, 5215-6,
5225-7, 5235
>>>>$14 million revenue, marine safety, relationship, 3597, 3678-9, 3731, 3739
>>>>>o.q., 2713, 3207-8, 3425-6
>>>>Cancellation, petition, 2188-9
>>>Licensing all vessels, paddle-boats, etc., 8961
>>>See also Marine transport--Maritime claims for damages
Bodnar, Morris (L--Saskatoon--Dundurn; Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Industry, Minister for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and Minister of Western Economic Diversification as of Feb. 23, 1996)
- >>Aerospace industry, o.q., 5560-1, 5684
>>Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act (Bill C-19), 1314-5, 1791-3
>>Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters Canada, S.O. 31, 3199
>>Asbestos industry, 8231
>>Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-5), 3030-3, 5354-5, 5531-2, 9287-9, 9293-4
>>Bell Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-57), 7591-2
>>Broadcasting, 7591-2
>>Budget 1996, M. (P. Martin), 807, 1555, 1572
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1996 (Bill C-31), 1979-80
>>Canada Business Corporations Act (amdt.--qualification of directors)(Bill C-204), 1402-3
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I) (amdt.)(Bill C-66), 8897-8
>>Canadian flag, 8214
>>Canadian Heritage Department, M. on supply (G. Leroux), 8213-4
>>Census (1996), M. (Grey), 6778-9, 7811-2, 9237
>>Child poverty, S.O. 31, 7031
>>Competition Act (amdt.--illegal trade practices)(Bill C-221), 1006-7
>>Consumer safety, 3027-8
>>Consumers, 3030
>>Corporations, o.q., 5684
>>Credit cards, o.q., 6494, 7144
>>Crime, 8863
>>>Petition, 3721
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--judicial review of parole ineligibility)(Bill C-45), 4284-5
>>Criminal Code and Copyright Act (amdt.--profit from authorship respecting a crime)(Bill C-205), 3238-9
>>Culture/arts, 8213-4
>>Economic development/renewal, 3030
>>>o.q., 4458, 5684
>>Environment, 3028
>>Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 7061
>>Farm equipment, 1006-7
>>Gasoline/automotive fuel, 4975-6
>>>o.q., 2365
>>Gasoline taxes, petition, 189, 8202
>>Goods and Services Tax, petition, 6709
>>Government contracts, o.q., 4223
>>Grain marketing, M. on supply (Hermanson), 4131-4
>>Grain transportation, 8897-8
>>Health care system, 321, 8214
>>Highways and roads, petition, 8202
>>Hyundai Auto Canada Inc., o.q., 9803
>>Impaired driving, petition, 3013
>>Information highway, 3028, 7592
>>Interprovincial trade, 1314-5, 1332-3, 1791-3
>>Job losses, 321
>>Judges, petition, 3933
>>Justice system, 4284
>>Law Commission of Canada Act (Bill C-9), 1308
>>Motor vehicles, 1006-7
>>Murder, 4284
>>Murderers, 8863
>>National Parole Board, 4285
>>Newspapers, 321, 3777, 5328
>>Nuclear weapons, petition, 8202
>>Order of Canada, S.O. 31, 2473
>>Parole, 4284
>>>M. on supply (Ramsay), 8861-3, 8865
>>>S.O. 31, 9210
>>Patent Act (amdt.)(Bill C-311), 5272-4
>>Petitions, g.r., tabled, 1426, 1715
>>Political parties, S.O. 31, 6053
>>Prisons and Reformatories Act (amdt.)(Bill C-53), 4649-50
>>>Debate, 7812
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 8865
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, 5612
>>Radioactive Waste Importation Act (Bill C-236), 5983-4
>>References see Gun control/guns--Legislation
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 4284
>>Sexual orientation, 2053
>>>Petitions, 2569
>>Small and medium business, 1881
>>>o.q., 1423
>>Social programs, 1555
>>Standards, 3027-8
>>Standards Council of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 3027-8
>>Student loans, 5354
>>Telecommunications, o.q., 4988
>>Telephone service, 5201
>>>o.q., 1051
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Sheridan), 321
>>Tourism, 5708
>>Trade, 1793
>>Victims of crime, 5531
>>>M. on supply (R. White), 2053
>>Volleyball, S.O. 31, 2245
>>Young offenders, 4284