The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Children's Hospital Foundation see Hospitals--Children's hospitals
Children's hospitals see Hospitals
Children's Miracle Network Champions see Hospitals--Children's hospitals
Children's Safety Village Fire Education Centre, Cambridge, Ont. see Fire-fighters/emergency response personnel
Children's Special Allowances Act see Income Tax Amendments Act, 1996 (Bill C-69)
Canada, relations with, 6229-30
>>>$7 billion Canadian investment, 8154
>>Democracy, return to, economic growth, etc., 6229
>>Frei, President Eduardo, Canadian visit, Nov. 17-19/96, Quebec excluded,
etc., 6229-30
>>GasAndes consortium pipeline, NOVA Corporation involvement, police actions
re highway blockade, relationship, o.q., 4026
>>Social security agreements with Canada, Quebec, 6229
>>See also Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement;
Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-81);
Economic conditions--Quebec separation/sovereignty threat;
Grain marketing--Wheat;
Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports;
North American Free Trade Agreement;
Registered retirement savings plans--Super RRSP;
Chilliwack, B.C. see Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Chilliwack, B.C.
Canada, relations with, interlocking pillars, 3383-4
>>Canadian reputation, Dr. Norman Bethune, Canadian International Development
Agency, etc., 7364
>>Democracy/Confucianism, relationship, 3583-4
>>Great Wall of China, 2539
>>Human rights, international standards, implementing, Canadian role, 7375
>>Human rights violations, 1824
>>>Amnesty International reports, 3384
>>>Canadian policy, 3383-5
>>>>S.O. 31, 3312
>>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, approach, S.O. 31, 6903
>>>Thailand government arresting Amnesty International members, Canadian
trade policy, relationship, , o.q., 715
>>>United Nations Commission on Human Rights resolution, Denmark sponsored,
Canadian position
>>>>o.q., 9600-1, 9744-5, 10070
>>>>S.O. 31, 9793
>>>See also Nuclear reactors--Sale to China;
>>Military capability, political ideology, relationship, 543, 554
>>Orphanages, treatment of children, Canadian position, trade, relationship,
o.q., 482
>>Political prisoners, o.q., 9601
>>Rule of law, Canada promoting, 3383-4
>>Tiananmen Square massacre, June 4/89
>>>>S.O. 31, 3312
>>>>Statement by Minister (Chan), 3383-5
>>>See also Human rights--Monument erected in 1991
>>Tzy Tzu dynasty, research grant, 2412
>>Unions, leaders, training sessions, meetings, in Canada, 1867
>>Xiaoping, Deng, death, S.O. 31, 8386
>>See also Canadian Executive Services Organization;
Canadian International Development Agency;
Colleges--Beijing Concord College;
Haiti--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping role;
Hong Kong;
Liberal International;
Nuclear weapons--Testing;
Semex Canada;
Taiwan--China-Taiwan dialogue--Election;
Chinese Canadian Association of Public Affairs see Citizenship--Promotion
Chinese Exclusion Act
Abolition, 50th anniversary, S.O. 31, 10062, 10112-3, 10227
Chinese Golden Age Society see Senior citizens
Chinese New Year
Vancouver East constituency, celebration, S.O. 31, 7960
Chinook salmon see Salmon, Pacific fishery
Chirac, Jacques see France
Chiriaeff, Ludmilla
Grands Ballets Canadiens founder, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 4623
Chisholm, Archie Neil
Death, tribute, S.O. 31, 8269-70
Chislet, Albert see Mining industry--Mining Men of the Year
Chocolates see Ganong Brothers Ltd.
Chrétien, Aline see Chrétien, Jean--References
Chrétien, Right Hon. Jean (L--Saint-Maurice; Prime Minister)
- >>Access to information, o.q., 5242
>>Aerospace industry, o.q., 5598, 5601, 5603, 5807
>>>M. (L. Axworthy), 6380-1
>>>o.q., 6444-6
>>Agricultural products, o.q., 6184
>>AIDS, o.q., 3714, 3716
>>Air Canada, o.q., 3866-7, 7575-6, 7710
>>Asbestos industry, o.q., 4229, 5482, 7889
>>Bankruptcy and insolvency, o.q., 9081
>>Bloc Québécois, o.q., 4937, 9080
>>Blood, o.q., 6447, 7083-5
>>Boats/boating, 5215-6, 5218
>>Bourassa, Robert, 4989-90
>>Budget 1996, M. for approval (P. Martin), 378
>>Budget, o.q., 2813
>>Cabinet Ministers, o.q., 921, 5241-2, 5292-3, 5955-6, 6185, 6262, 7574, 7710-1
>>Canada, 55-6
>>>o.q., 2891
>>Canada Foundation for Innovation, o.q., 10115
>>Canada Pension Plan, o.q. 8273, 8505-6
>>Canada Revenue Commission, o.q., 423-4
>>Canadian Airlines International, o.q., 6364
>>Canadian Armed Forces, o.q., 4340, 4629, 4631, 4668-9, 4982, 6446
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, o.q., 7464
>>Canadian Coast Guard, 5216
>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency, o.q., 2756
>>Canadian Human Rights Commission, o.q., 9272
>>Canadian Securities Commission, o.q., 423, 2756, 3921
>>Central America, o.q., 2891
>>Child care, o.q., 3564
>>Child poverty, o.q., 3873, 7663, 8195, 9649, 10115
>>Children, o.q., 4071-2
>>Chrétien, Jean, references, o.q., 5808-9, 7387
>>Citizenship and Immigration Department, o.q., 965-8, 1051-2
>>Collenette, references, o.q., 5240-2, 5287, 5292, 6262
>>Committees of the Whole House, M., 6, 9
>>Constitution, o.q., 138, 3710, 4667, 4936-7, 5881, 9741-2
>>Constitutional reform, o.q., 2812, 3709-10, 5881
>>Copps, references, o.q., 2179
>>Cuba, o.q., 357
>>Defence expenditures, o.q., 4224-5, 4303-4, 4339, 4629
>>Deficit, o.q., 133, 964, 1048, 1288-9, 4635, 7884-5, 8947, 9649, 10116
>>Dion, references, o.q., 5481-2
>>Disabled and handicapped persons, o.q., 9277
>>Discrimination and racism, o.q., 2137-8, 2180-1, 5806-7
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, o.q., 5598
>>Economic conditions, o.q, 7885, 9649
>>Economic development/renewal, o.q., 5597-8, 5601
>>Economy, 56-7
>>>o.q., 7464, 9081, 10115
>>Education, o.q., 4071, 7239, 8009-11, 9546-8, 9796-7
>>Egypt Air, 1295
>>Election, o.q., 138, 10116-7
>>Employment, o.q., 10120
>>Employment insurance, o.q., 7463
>>Equalization payments, o.q., 5804
>>Ethics Counsellor, o.q., 5956
>>Federal-provincial conferences, o.q., 133, 138, 1053, 4070-1
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 5217
>>>o.q., 132-3, 2757, 3558-9, 3920-3, 4071, 4073, 4936-7, 5881, 7239, 7882-3, 9741-2
>>Federalism, 56
>>>o.q., 138, 2807
>>Fisheries, Pacific, o.q., 9798
>>Foreign aid, o.q., 968-9
>>France, o.q., 8510
>>Francophones outside Quebec, o.q., 1052, 3209
>>Gangs, o.q., 8950, 9080
>>Gauthier, references, o.q., 7572, 8947
>>Goods and Services Tax, o.q., 362, 1050, 1469, 1764-7, 1841, 1887-9, 1891-3, 1954, 1956-7, 2137-8, 2144, 2179-82, 2433, 2435, 2758, 5808, 7385-6, 7389, 7465, 7467, 7883, 10116
>>Government, o.q., 9798, 10117
>>Government contracts, o.q., 4223-4, 5600, 5804, 5806
>>Government credit cards, o.q., 5954-6, 6129-30, 6187, 6189, 6262
>>Gun control/guns, o.q., 5806, 5808
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, o.q., 9083
>>Government expenditures, o.q., 10119
>>Haiti, o.q., 968-9
>>Health care system, 55
>>>o.q., 4071, 5807, 8652-3, 8657
>>House of Commons, o.q., 1764-5, 1768-9, 1841, 2758, 2813, 7574, 7710-1, 10117
>>Hydro-electric power, o.q., 4632-3, 4866
>>Immigration/immigrants, o.q., 3082, 3084
>>Income tax, o.q., 424
>>Information highway, o.q., 3487
>>Infrastructure program, o.q., 4302
>>Interest rates, o.q., 133, 1048, 1050, 8308, 9082, 9649, 10116
>>Job creation, 53-5
>>>o.q., 132, 134, 1846-7, 2144, 3083, 4072-3, 4222-3, 4230-1, 5288-9, 5804, 7384-5, 7464, 7884, 7966, 7968, 8016, 8308, 8949, 9082, 9214-5, 9649, 9798, 10115
>>Labour relations, o.q., 3558
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 52-3
>>>o.q., 1889-90, 2144, 2758, 7464, 7574
>>Liberal Party, o.q., 5806-8, 7388-9
>>Manganese-based Fuel Additives Act (Bill C-29), 5724-5
>>Manning, Hon. Ernest Charles, 1054
>>Manning, references, o.q., 4224, 5806-9, 7710
>>Mining industry, o.q., 920-1
>>National Defence Department, o.q., 3204, 4340, 4630-1, 4669, 4747-8
>>National unity, 2432
>>>o.q., 2756-7, 2810-1, 2813-4, 3558, 7239
>>Nuclear energy, o.q., 5597
>>Nuclear power plants, o.q., 1959-60
>>Nunziata, references, o.q., 1764, 1768-9, 1841
>>Oaths of Office (Pro Forma)(Bill C-1), 1
>>Oceans, 5218-9
>>Official Languages Commissioner, o.q., 2561
>>Official languages policy/bilingualism, o.q., 3558, 5806
>>Oil and gas industry, o.q., 7885-6
>>Pensions, 55
>>Ports, o.q., 7242
>>Poverty, o.q., 5476-7, 7462, 9649
>>Private family trusts, o.q., 4456
>>>Bills, Government, 9221
>>>Minister's/Prime Minister's remarks, 9088
>>Quebec, o.q., 2136-7, 2807, 6127-9
>>Quebec distinct society status, 57
>>>o.q., 138, 1462, 2438, 2809, 3558, 4936, 5881, 7238-9, 7882-4, 7965, 9741-2, 9798
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, o.q., 2431-2, 2755-6, 2806-8, 2811-2, 2891, 3557-8, 4667-8, 4936, 5881-2
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), o.q., 2756, 3557-8, 5881, 7882-3, 9741, 10117
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (post 1995), o.q., 132, 138, 1048, 2136-7, 2807-8, 2811-2, 2891, 3558
>>>Altercation with separatist demonstrator, 284
>>>>Manning position, 2453
>>>Big city lawyer, 7396-7
>>>Bullet-proof limousine, elimination, 5851
>>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation town hall meeting, Dec. 10/96, broken promises accusations, response
>>>>o.q., 7384, 7387
>>>>S.O. 31, 7379, 7381-2
>>>Commitments, not keeping, 2853-4
>>>Dismissal as Prime Minister by Governor General, Reform Party request, 721-3
>>>Finance Minister during Trudeau administration see Deficit--Liberal government (Trudeau)
>>>Fund raising dinners, political influence, relationship, 6731
>>>Homeless people, contact with, 5536, 5816, 5819, 6287, 6324
>>>Manning, debating outside House of Commons, o.q., 5808-9
>>>Ontarian, Gauthier remarks, S.O. 31, 760
>>>Ottawa-Carleton Board of Trade, state of the country speech, Feb. 13/97, 8058-9
>>>>o.q., 8084-5
>>>>S.O. 31, 8083
>>>Quebec Deputy Premier Bernard Landry remarks, S.O. 31, 9929
>>>Quebec popularity, Aline Chrétien radio interview, etc., S.O. 31, 9986
>>>Travel outside Canada, 214
>>>See also Africa--Great Lakes region, United Nations peacekeeping mission; Air Canada--Airbus A320 passenger jet; Canada-United States relations; Canadian Armed Forces--Renewal; Canadian Broadcasting Corporation--Programs; China--Human rights violations; Committees--Chairs; Constitution--Patriatuion in 1982; Constitutional reform--Chrétien--Debate--Meech Lake Accord--Undertaking; Deficit--Reduction; Discrimination and racism; Economic development/renewal--Montreal, Que.; Goods and Services Tax--Abolish/eliminate/scrap; Gun control/guns--Legislation; Human rights--International; Interest rates--Decline; Liberal government (Chrétien); Liberal Party--Election nominations--Election pre-campaign; Marchand, Hon. Senator Len; Members of Parliament--Party discipline; North American Free Trade Agreement--Abrogation; Official Opposition--Bloc Québécois; Quebec--Bouchard, Hon. Lucien; Quebec distinct society status; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Legal right--Quebecers right to decide Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--Chrétien--No side victory--Yes side victory--Percentage yes vote required; Quebec sovereignty referendum (post 1995)--Percentage yes vote required; Senate--Elected--Triple E; Sexual orientation--Canadian Human Rights Act. Legislation; Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation passim; Taxation--Reduction; Unemployment--Level
>>Reform Party, o.q., 4747-8, 7464
>>Research and development, o.q., 4303
>>Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, o.q., 9277
>>Same-sex couples, o.q., 2562-4
>>Securities industry, o.q., 4073
>>Senate, o.q., 2560, 2757
>>Sexual orientation, o.q., 137, 963, 970, 2560, 2565
>>Social policy, 56-7
>>Social programs, o.q., 4071-3
>>Softwood lumber industry, o.q., 6183-4
>>Somalia, o.q., 1369, 1463-5, 1770, 1844, 4224-7, 4230, 4303-4, 4306-7, 4338-40, 4454, 4458, 4629, 4631, 4668-9, 4675, 4981-2, 4984, 5240-1, 5287, 5290-1, 7572, 7574, 7657, 7710-1, 7888, 7970, 8010
>>Taxation, o.q., 1050, 2432, 4072-3, 5480, 5808, 7966-7
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply M. (Sheridan), 52-8
>>Tobacco industry, o.q., 8504, 8506-7, 8651-2
>>Tobacco products, o.q., 9083
>>Trade, o.q., 357-9, 3485, 6183, 9277
>>Training programs, o.q., 424, 919-20, 965, 1046-7, 1053, 2756, 4936-7, 5881, 7238-9, 9741, 9798
>>Transfer payments to provinces, o.q., 7236, 8195
>>Unemployment insurance, o.q., 3920-1
>>Unemployment insurance account, o.q., 3921
>>Unemployment, o.q., 3083, 7462-3, 7884, 8308, 9649
>>United States, o.q., 6183
>>Young, references see Immigration/immigrants--Political opinions re Quebec separation
Chrétien, Jean-Guy (BQ--Frontenac)
- >>Administrative Tribunals (Remedial and Disciplinary Measures) Act (Bill
C-49), 7606-7
>>Agri-food industry, 5922
>>Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (Bill C-34), 3947-8, 5921-2, 9854-8
>>Agricultural producers/farmers, 9874
>>Agricultural products, 554-5, 814 , 5921-2, 9130, 9854-7, 9874, 10107-8
>>>o.q., 239, 8838, 9747
>>>S.O. 31, 356
>>Agriculture, 9855
>>Agriculture and Agri-Food Department, 7449-50, 9856-7
>>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee, reports, 3323
>>Air Canada, 7591
>>Asbestos industry, 7172-3, 8230-1
>>>o.q., 4229, 4941, 5482, 6961-2, 7888-9
>>>S.O. 31, 4625, 9543
>>Bishop of the Arctic of the Church of England in Canada Incorporation Act (amdt.)(Bill S-15), 9627-8
>>Borrowing Authority Act, 1996-97 (Bill C-10), 1023, 1025-6, 1034
>>Budget 1996, M. (P. Martin), 799, 809, 814, 828-9, 831
>>Budget 1997, 9630
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1996 (Bill C-31), 1932-3, 1941-5
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1997 (Bill C-93), 9630-1, 10074-7, 10088
>>Canada, 9856, 9875
>>Canada Endangered Species Protection Act (Bill C-65), 10165-8
>>Canada Transportation Act (Bill C-14), 1221-4
>>Canadian Flag, 8181
>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency, o.q., 10121
>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act (Bill C-60), 5358-9, 7435-7, 7449-50, 7453-5, 7481-8, 7553-4, 7560-1, 7564, 7566-7, 7590-1
>>Canadian Heritage Department, M. on supply (G. Leroux), 8181, 8227-8, 8230
>>Canadian Space Agency, 7454, 7487-8
>>Canadian Wheat Board, 5921, 9857-8, 9876
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.--audit)(Bill C-212), 3669-70
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-72), 8236-8, 10150-2
>>Cattle industry, 9874
>>Child poverty, 10076
>>Chrétien, Jean, references, 284
>>Co-operatives, statement by Minister (Robichaud), 5331-2
>>Corporations, 284, 831
>>>M. on supply (Loubier), 907, 910
>>Dairy industry, 8237
>>Dairy products, 799, 814, 828-9, 1933, 7437, 7769, 8575, 8940, 9130-1, 9855-6, 9874-5, 10075-6
>>>o.q., 427-8, 1050, 8734, 8838
>>Deficit, 831, 9630-1, 10074
>>Elections, 1223, 7454, 7561
>>Employment insurance. 10074
>>Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-12), 2342, 2344-5
>>Estimates, M. (Massé), 4356, 4358-61
>>Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 7769-70
>>Farm Debt Mediation Act (Bill C-38), 3955-6, 9873-6
>>Farm income, 9855, 9857
>>Food, 8985-6
>>>o.q., 8656
>>Freight rates, 1221-2
>>Gasoline/automotive fuels, 5724-5
>>Gauthier, references, 283
>>Goods and Services Tax, 284-5, 1932-3, 7769-70, 8237, 9631, 9857, 10074-5, 10070, 10088
>>Government, 7606-7
>>Government expenditures, 7454-5, 9857
>>Grain marketing, 8237-8, 9874, 10150
>>>M. on supply (Hermanson), 4096, 4099-102, 4111-4
>>Grain transportation, 8069, 9856, 9875, 10074-6
>>Health, 5359
>>Income tax, 284
>>Inventions, S.O. 31, 1836
>>Irving Whale, 1221
>>Job creation, 284, 809, 831, 9631
>>Job losses, 284
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 284, 9631, 10075, 10077
>>Maple syrup industry, 5922, 9855-6, 9874
>>>qu., 4161
>>Mirabel International Airport, 284
>>National Revenue Department, 4356
>>National unity, 284
>>Oceans Act (Bill C-26), 5215-9
>>Old age pensions, 284
>>Parliament, 7449
>>Parole, petition, 8843
>>Patronage, 9876, 10151
>>Pest Management Regulatory Agency, 7275
>>>o.q., 6793
>>Pesticides, 7275
>>Politicians, 9857, 10077
>>Post offices, S.O. 31, 7379
>>Prime Minister's residences, 284
>>Private family trusts, 10126-7
>>>Bills, Government, 2342, 7481
>>>Committee reports, 3323
>>>Question and comment period, 10077
>>Public Accounts Standing Committee, M. (Guimond), 10126-7
>>Quebec, 283, 7590
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 284, 9631
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), 8227-8
>>Quebec Superior Court, 7454-5, 7561, 7567
>>Rail transportation/railways, 1221-4
>>References, taking Chair as Acting Speaker, 7771
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 7769
>>Senate, 4358-61
>>>M., 3290-1
>>>Petitions, 5892, 7391-2, 8956
>>Taxation, 799
>>Therrien, Henri, S.O. 31, 9795
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Sheridan), 283-5
>>Tobacco Act (Bill C-71), 8575-7
>>Tobacco industry, 8575-6
>>Tobacco products, 8575
>>Transportation, M. on supply (Gouk), 8069
>>Unemployment, 10076
>>Unemployment insurance, 284, 2344-5
>>Unemployment insurance account, 9630, 10074
>>Welfare, 284
>>Wildlife, 10165-7