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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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35th Parliament, 2nd Session   (February 27, 1996 - April 27, 1997)  Current Session
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Agri-Land Division see Farm Credit Corporation

Agricultural Adaptation and Rural Development Fund see Economic renewal--Rural Canada; Farm debt--Mediation

Agricultural day haul transportation assistance program see Employment--Seasonal workers

Agricultural land see Mirabel International Airport--Development

Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (Bill C-34)--Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food (Goodale)

    >>First reading, 2313
    >>Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee
    >>>Referral forthwith, prior to second reading, M. (Goodale), 3945-53, agreed to, on division, 3953
    >>>Reported, with amdts., 5484
    >>Report stage, 5906-9, 5920-5
    >>>Motions (Hermanson), 5906, negatived, on recorded division, 6155-6
    >>>Concurrence and second reading, agreed to, on recorded division, 6156-8
    >>Third reading, 9854-72, agreed to, on division, 9872, passed.
    >>Royal Assent, 10252. Chap. 20, S.C. 1997
    >>See also Agricultural products--Marketing, programs

Agricultural producers/farmers

    >>Dalgeish family, centennial farm celebration, 3958-9
    >>Debt see Farm debt
    >>Economic importance, S.O. 31, 4978
    >>Efficiency, increase, 9864
    >>Income, 48% from off-farm employment, 9895
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien) policies, impact, o.q., 10231-2
    >>Number, decline, 3961
    >>Self-reliance, government measures, 9888
    >>Streef, Martin
    >>>Canadian Young Farmer for 1996, S.O. 31, 6901
    >>>Ontario Region Young Farmer for 1996, S.O. 31, 2244
    >>Women, wives, role, 9891
    >>Working hours, 9874, 9891
    >>See also Agricultural products--Marketing; Bankruptcy and insolvency--Farmers and fishermen; Goods and Services Tax; Grain marketing--Canadian Wheat Board monopoly (wheat and barley); Wildlife--Endangered species

Agricultural products

    >>Beef industry
    >>>Import allocations, increase. impact, 9862
    >>>North American Free Trade Agreement, benefits, 9871
    >>>Prices, imports, impact, o.q., 2813
    >>Cash advances/advance payments, interest free, emergency advances, etc., 3946, 5907-9, 9854-6, 9858-64, 9866-7, 9869-70, 9899
    >>>Canadian Wheat Board special treatment, 9858, 9860, 9866
    >>>Contingent liability factor, 9858-9, 9862, 9866
    >>Co-operatives, pooling, encouraging, 3946
    >>Harvest, Peace River region, weather problems, damages, 5920-1
    >>Exports, Trade Team Canada benefits, 287, 9637-8
    >>Government purchase programs
    >>>Elimination, 5907-9, 5921-2, 5924-5
    >>>Information, access, 5922
    >>Input costs, 9859-61
    >>>Interest rates decline, relationship, 9637
    >>Interprovincial trade, 9637
    >>Marketing, programs, 2313
    >>>Agricultural producers directing, M. (Hermanson), 1613-22
    >>>Amalgamation, 5906
    >>>Budget allocation, 9854
    >>>Defaults, 3946-7
    >>>Funding see Farm income--Income protection programs
    >>>Government purchase program, eliminating, 9858-60, 9862, 9866
    >>>Legislation (Bill C-34), 5920, 5922
    >>>>Acts combined, Advance Payments for Crops Act, Prairie Grain Advance Payments Act, Agricultural Products Cooperative Marketing Act and Agricultural Products Board Act, 9858, 9860-1
    >>>>Amendments, 5906-7, 5920
    >>>>Bloc Québécois position, 5922, 9854, 9857
    >>>>Election timing factor, 9865-9
    >>>>New, Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (AMPA), 3945-53
    >>>>Overview, 9858
    >>>>Ramming through House, 5920
    >>>>Reform Party position, 5920, 9858-9, 9868
    >>>>See also Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (Bill C-34)
    >>>Ministerial powers, accountability, lack, 5907-8
    >>>New markets, developing, 9859
    >>Price pooling, 9858
    >>Subsidy programs, reduction/elimination
    >>>Adapting, transitional measures, o.q., 3132
    >>>Impact on competitiveness, 846
    >>>Reform Party position, 1493
    >>>United States comparison, 9130-1
    >>>>o.q., 8838
    >>Supply-management system, marketing boards, 814, 5352, 9637
    >>>Elimination by 1999, 1493
    >>>>General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Marrakech agreement, o.q., 1172
    >>>Liberal government (Chrétien) protecting, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Article XI, election promise, 5821, 5843
    >>>Retaining, S.O. 31, 4796, 10178
    >>Tariffs, supply-managed products
    >>>Acceptability, World Trade Organization agreement, 9871, 9874
    >>>>o.q., 1252, 6184
    >>>Dairy products, Liberal Members positions during 1993 election campaign, 1800
    >>>Milk, poultry, eggs, United States North American Free Trade Agreement challenge, 554-5, 677-8
    >>>>Arbitration panel dismissing
    >>>>>o.q., 7031-2, 9747
    >>>>>S.O. 31, 7138
    >>>>>United States launching World Trade Organization challenge, 10107-8
    >>>>o.q., 239-40, 2309-10, 3486-7, 6184
    >>>>S.O. 31, 356
    >>>See also Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement--Agricultural/horticultural products; Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement--Agricultural and fisheries products
    >>Trade rules, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade establishing, World Trade Organization reviewing, 9870-2
    >>Value-added processing, Western Grain Transportation Act funds, elimination, impact, 1558, 1560
    >>Value-added products, 288, 8375, 9568, 9895-6
    >>See also Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement; Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement; Exports; Trade--United States agricultural subsidies

Agricultural Products Board Act

    >>Repeal, legislation, 3945-53
    >>>See also Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (Bill C-34)
    >>See also Agricultural products--Marketing programs, Legislation

Agricultural Products Cooperative Marketing Act

    >>Repeal, legislation, 3945-53
    >>>See also Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (Bill C-34)
    >>See also Agricultural products--Marketing programs, Legislation

Agricultural research

    >>Canada Foundation for Innovation role, 9637-8
    >>Funding, government cutbacks, 8397
    >>>Reform Party position, 5843
    >>Importance, S.O. 31, 7307
    >>Matching investment initiatives program, o.q., 5063


    >>Budget 1997 measures, 9637-8
    >>Cost recovery programs
    >>>Negative impact, 6222-3
    >>>>Redress, o.q., 5886
    >>>>S.O. 31, 8647
    >>>See also Canadian Food Inspection Agency; PEI Potato Board; Pest Management Review Agency
    >>Durham County, Ontario, importance, S.O. 31, 4854
    >>Food Security for Canadians and a Fair Return for Canadian Farmers, Liberal Party document, 3962
    >>Forums, national/regional, Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Goodale holding, 304-5
    >>Government expenditures, cut-backs, 8962, 9855
    >>Government interest, legislation, election, relationship, 9860
    >>Government policy, benefits, 287, 3958-9
    >>Government role, reducing, adopting free enterprise system, 9889
    >>Importance, Quebec, etc., 9638, 9863, 9891, 9893, 9895, 9898-9
    >>Interest rates, low, benefits, 287
    >>Legislation, impact, 3961
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien) election "red book" promises
    >>>Kept, 25%, 5843-4
    >>>Not kept, 8063, 9858-9
    >>>Reversals, S.O. 31, 3917, 5802
    >>Liberal government (Chrétien) policies, impact, S.O. 31, 10175-6
    >>National 4-H Week, S.O. 31, 6123, 6256, 6305
    >>National policies, programs
    >>>Benefits, 9637-8
    >>>Consultations, round table meetings, national conference, etc., 9638
    >>Non-democratic socialist system, former agriculture minister Eugene Whelan remarks, etc., 226-7
    >>Pesticide use see Fruits and vegetables; Pest Management Regulatory Agency; Pesticides
    >>>National debt/deficit, impact, 1933-4
    >>>New, creating, ministerial powers, deletion, Auditor General 1989 and 1992 report recommendations, 1715
    >>>See also Agriculture and Agri-Food Department Act (amdt.)(Bill C-268)
    >>Quebec, 1618-9
    >>>Garon, Jean, provincial minister from 1976 to 1996, role, 9891-2
    >>Reform Party position, caucus members background factor, etc., 9864-5, 9868, 9890, 9895, 9899, 101~55
    >>Reform Party regional approach, 9637
    >>>Importance, 9891, 9895
    >>>Quebec, 1560
    >>Taxation policies, benefit, 9637
    >>User fees, 846
    >>Video, Where Does it All Come From, children's instructional, Niagara Federation of Agriculture sponsorship, first place award, TVO Telefest Awards gala, tribute, S.O. 31, 6179
    >>See also Gross Domestic Product; Indians/first Nations--Powers; Interprovincial trade--Internal Trade Agreement; Research and development

Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act see Farm debt--Mediation

Agriculture and Agri-food Department

    >>Expenditures, maintaining, 9638
    >>Food Production and Protection Branch, business alignment plan, cost recovery and user fees issue, approach, o.q., 8656
    >>Quebec expenditures, 11%, 7449-50, 7452, 9856-7, 9891-3
    >>Rural secretariat, Canadian rural information service, 303
    >>See also Canadian Food Inspection Agency--Consolidation; Health--"Mad cow" disease

Agriculture and Agri-Food Department Act (amdt.)(Bill C-268)--Milliken

    >>First reading, 1715
    >>See also Agriculture--Programs

Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister see Canadian Food Inspection Agency; Canadian Wheat Board--Modernizing; Goodale--References

Agriculture and Agri-Food Standing Committee

    >>Reports, presented
    >>>First (certification of organic agriculture issues and options), 3323
    >>>>Dissenting report, Bloc Québécois, 3323
    >>>Second (Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (Bill C-34)), 5484
    >>>Third (Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act (Bill C-60)), 6964
    >>>Fourth (Farm Debt Mediation Act (Bill C-38)), 7390
    >>>Fifth (Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-72)), 9804
    >>Travel, authorization, M. (Zed), agreed to, 2897, 8399
    >>See also Canadian Food Inspection Agency--Accountability to Canadian Wheat Board--Modernizing; Farm debt--Mediation Parliament--Establishing, Legislation;

AIDS (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)

    >>>Snowy Owl Foundation, Look Beyond, book, S.O. 31, 6902
    >>>World AIDS Day, S.O. 31, 6853, 6955
    >>Education pamphlet, Man to Man Society, school distribution, 2442
    >>Farah Foundation, "Ca Marche", annual fundraising event, S.O. 31, 5104
    >>HIV/AIDS tests see HIV/AIDS
    >>International AIDS conference, Vancouver, B.C.
    >>>Prime Minister Chrétien, invitation, refusal, o.q., 2945, 3716
    >>National AIDS Awareness Week, S.O. 31, 5107
    >>National AIDS Strategy, funding
    >>>o.q., 3562-3, 3714, 4866
    >>>Other disease research, comparison, 1751, 2113-4
    >>>Petitions, 3722-3, 4088, 4236, 7432, 7893-4
    >>>Renewing, expanding
    >>>>o.q., 6908, 8511
    >>>>Petition, 7585, 8018, 8046, 8145, 8201, 8359, 8695, 10144
    >>>>qu., 8844
    >>>S.O. 31, 5472
    >>See also HIV/AIDS; HIV/AIDS Sub-Committee; Penitentiaries--Inmates

Air bag release mechanisms see Automobile safety

Air cadets see Canadian Armed Forces--Cadets

Air Canada

    >>Airbus A320 passenger jet, 1998 purchase contract, political influence allegations, Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigation, 7526, 8243
    >>>Bourgon, Jocelyne, Privy Council Clerk, knowledge, o.q., 7575-6
    >>>Inquiry commission, establishing, o.q., 7576
    >>>Investigation reopened in 1995, o.q., 3422, 3925
    >>>Justice Department role, letter to Swiss authorities, 8665
    >>>>o.q., 3422, 3868, 3922-3, 3925, 7575-6, 7660-1, 7710, 7715, 8593
    >>>Justice Department strategic communications advice contract, $160,500, relationship, 8278
    >>>>o.q., 8199-200, 8953
    >>>Ministerial responsibility, o.q., 7575-7
    >>>Mulroney, Brian, former Prime Minister, lawsuit, out of court settlement, apology, etc., 7591, 7760, 7764, 7776, 9257, 9462
    >>>>o.q., 3711, 3818-9, 3866-9, 3921-3, 4021, 7574-6, 7660-1, 7715, 7834
    >>>>qu., 10239
    >>>Murray, Philip, Royal Canadian Mounted Police Commissioner, role, competence, o.q., 7660
    >>>Political interference, lack, o.q., 7575-6
    >>>Political witch hunt, Manning remarks, o.q., 7710, 7715
    >>>Prime Minister's Office, Privy Council Office, involvement, qu., 10240
    >>>Procedures, changing, former Justice Allan Goodman role, etc., o.q., 7575, 7577, 7661, 7715
    >>>Rock, Justice Minister, role, providing information, o.q., 3422, 3867-9, 3924-6, 4020, 7661, 7715
    >>>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, informing, o.q., 3817-9
    >>>>Letter from Royal Canadian Mounted Police, tabling, 4006, 4157-8, 4675-6
    >>>>>o.q., 3924
    >>>>qu., 10239-40
    >>Dec. 29/95 flight, South Korea air force interception, coding error, o.q., 134
    >>Government grants, contributions, loan guarantees, 1981-96, r.o., 4240
    >>Regional carrier pilots, strike
    >>>Negotiated settlement, need, o.q., 7713-4
    >>>Strikebreakers, use, o.q., 7713-4
    >>Reservation centre, Saint John, N.B., opening, S.O. 31, 3122
    >>"Sitting Comfortabull" advertising campaign, European newspapers, racist sterotyping, insult, S.O. 31, 2428
    >>See also Air transportation--Canada-Asia--Canada-Czech Republic--Canada-Italy route; Canadian Airlines International; Labour disputes--Replacement workers

Air guns see Gin control/guns

Air India, Flight 182

    >>Crash/bombing, June 23/85
    >>>Public inquiry/Royal commission, establishing
    >>>>o.q., 5888
    >>>>S.O. 31, 3917
    >>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigation, o.q., 5888
    >>>Talwinder Singh Parmar suspected role, Surrey-Delta Sikh Temple honouring, S.O. 31, 3814

Air navigation services

Air pollution

    >>Automobile emmissions, national standards, revising
    >>>o.q., 3426-7
    >>>Provincial co-operation, need, o.q., 8658
    >>Carbon dioxide emissions (greenhouse gases), reducing, 1558, 4329-30, 9792
    >>>1990 levels, stabilizing, 1451, 4330
    >>>20% by year 2005, international commitment, meeting, o.q., 2812, 7087
    >>>Bonn, Germany, international accord, drafting, Canada, commitment, o.q., 8509
    >>>Brazil summit, 1992, climate change goals, not meeting, o.q., 10071-2
    >>>Liberal government (Chretien) "red Book", election promises, 1479, 10163
    >>>>o.q., 2812, 4077
    >>>o.q., 2812
    >>>Voluntary measures, failure, 9791-2
    >>>>o.q., 8509
    >>Research program, government/private sector/University of Toronto, $1.9 million study, o.q., 3131
    >>Respiratory diseases, link, clean air conference, addressing, o.q., 2313
    >>See also Environment--Sustainable transportation