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Social security agreement with Canada, Quebec, petition, 10146
Colonel Sam Smith Park see Lake Ontario
Colonization see Africa--Colonization/tribalism--Great Lakes region, Historical background
Columbia River Treaty Permanent Engineering Board
1994-1995 annual report, tabled, 3640
COM DEV International see Aerospace industry--Satellite payload system
Commercial Alcohols Inc. see Gasoline/automotive fuels, Alternative fuels
Commercial investment credit see National Revenue Department
Commercial signs see Francophones outside Quebec--Ontario
Commercial water lot fees see Trent-Severn Waterway
Commercialization see Air navigation services; Canadian National Railways--Privatization/commercialization; Ferry service; Pearson International Airport; Ports; St. Lawrence Seaway
Committee of Ministers of Internal Trade see Interprovincial trade--Internal Trade Agreement
Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) see Wildlife--Endangered species
Chair, Vice-Chair or Co-Chair
>>>Election process, 13, 200, 247-65, 4420
>>>Opposition members holding, New Zealand example, 9262
>>Chairs, Prime Minister Chrétien selecting, 6844, 6870-1
>>Government controlling, changing rules, etc., 6844-5
>>Mandate, right to send for persons, papers and documents, M. (Lee), 5824-32
>>>List, tabling, Reform Party refusing consent, 199-200
>>>See also Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee--Reports
>>Role, efficiency, reform, free votes, etc., 4416-9. 4421-4, 4429-31, 4436-8,
4679, 5833, 5837-8, 5934, 6767, 7994-6
>>Vice-chairs, Bloc Québécois Members, Liberal Party Members supporting, 667,
701-3, 740, 4425-7, 4432, 4438-46, 5048, 5751, 5759-60, 5815, 6871
>>>S.O. 31, 476, 918
>>>See also National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee
>>See also Economic development/renewal--Rural Canada;
Law Commission of Canada--Members of Parliament;
Sexual orientation--Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;
Special Joint Committees;
Standing committees;
Subcommittees and individual committees by name
Committees of the Whole House
Assistant Deputy Chairman, P. Ringuette-Maltais, appointment, M. (J.
Chrétien), 9-15, agreed to, on recorded division, 70-1
>>>See also Privilege (by Member)--Epp
>>Deputy Chairman,
>>>Kilger, B., appointment, M. (J. Chrétien), 6-8, agreed to, on recorded
division, 8-9
>>>Milliken, P., appointment, M. (H. Gray), 5740-66, 5813-24, 5832-71, agreed
to, on recorded division, 5870-1
>>>>Amdt. (Strahl), 5743, negatived, on recorded division, 5869-70
>>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (Dalphond-Guiral), not in order, 5746
>>>>Closure under S.O. 57, notice, 5762
>>>>>M. (Peters), agreed to, on recorded division, 5812-3
Common law marriage see Same-sex couples--Spousal benefits
Canadian membership, value, reviewing, 535
>>Canadian role, leadership, 534, 8841-2
>>Commonwealth Day
>>>Poem by Joseph Nancoo, S.O. 31, 8830
>>>S.O. 31, 8944
>>>Statement by Minister (C. Stewart), 8841-2
>>Communications, non-governmental organizations and individuals roles, 8841-2
>>Democracy and human rights, commitment, Auckland, New Zealannd 1995 summit,
etc., 533-4
>>Harare Declaration, Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group, Canadian role,
etc., 8841
>>Partnerships, role, 532-3
>>Quebec, independent, retaining membership, Bloc Québécois position, 534
>>Statement by Minister (L. Axworthy), 532-5
>>Voluntary organizations, role, 533
>>See also Child labour--Eliminating;
Foreign aid--Role;
Human rights--International;
Nigeria--Human rights violations;
South Africa--Apartheid
Commonwealth Day see Commonwealth
Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group see Commonwealth--Harare Declaration
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association see Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports
Communicating for purposes of prostitution see Prostitution--Penalties
Communications see Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement--Electronics; Internet; Middle East; Telecommunications
Communications Security Establishment (CSE)
Annual report for 1996-1997, tabled, 10141
>>Independent review mechanism, establishing, 2725, 6236-7
>>>Commissioner, Claude Bisson, appointment, o.q., 4075
>>>o.q., 2141
Communities in Bloom contest see Environment
Community Access program see Information highway--Internet--School Net program
Community Action Program for Children see Children
Community Credit Project see Small and medium business--Capital
Community Futures Development Corporations see Economic development/renewal--Quebec
Community Futures Program see Economic development/renewal--Rural Canada
Community policing see Police
Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act see Bankruptcy and insolvency; Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act and Income Tax Act (amdt.)(Bill C-5)
Reform Party policy, 10243-5
>>Strengthening, legislative improvements, Throne Speech statement, 3
>>See also Banks
Competition Act
Price discrimination and promotional allowances provisions, review, Canadian
Federation of Independent Grocers position, o.q., 4026
Competition Act (amdt.)(Bill C-67)--Minister of Industry (Manley)
First reading, 6226
>>Second reading, 10217-23, 10241-9
Competition Act (amdt.--gasoline pricing)(Bill C-267)--McTeague
First reading, 1625
>>Second reading, 5128-34
>>>M. (McTeague), negatived, 5131
>>>M. (Epp), agreed to, 5133
>>>Agreed to, 5134
>>Industry Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 5134
>>See also Gasoline/automotive fuels--Price
Competition Act (amdt.--illegal trade practices)(Bill C-221)--Ur
First reading, 246
>>Second reading, 999-1007
>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 1007
>>See also Farm equipment--Dealers;
Motor vehicles--Dealers
Competition Act (amdt.--protection of those who purchase products from
vertically integrated suppliers who compete with them at retail)(Bill
First reading, 8842-3
Competition Act (amdt.--protection of whistle-blowers)(Bill C-266)--Bonin
First reading, 1625
>>Second reading, 5583-91, 7206-7
>>>Agreed to, 7207
>>>Dropped to bottom of order of precedence on the Order Paper, 5591
>>Industry Standing Committee
>>>Referral, 7207
>>See also Consumers--Victimization;
Gasoline/automotive fuels--Price fixing
"Competition and Culture on Canada's Information Highway: Managing the Realities of Transition" see Information highway
Competition Bureau
Director, investigations see Gasoline/automotive fuel--Price increase
Decline, 9252
>>Government taxation policies, discouraging, 9251, 9255
>>Reliant factors, 9252
>>See also Business;
Small and medium business
Composting Environment--National Composting Awareness Week
Computer programs see Copyright
Computer services
Fraudulently obtaining, offence, 3536, 3539-40, 9615
Computers/computer systems
Software conversion, research and development, IBM, CGI and Informission
Group consortium, S.O. 31, 7461
>>Year 2000, date change
>>>Formal Systems Inc., adapting technology, developing, S.O. 31, 4495
>>>o.q. 9887
>>See also Acadia University;
Foreign aid--Cuba;
Police--Search and seizure powers;
Computing Devices Canada see Defence equipment--Clothing--Land forces communications system
Comuzzi, Joe (L--Thunder Bay--Nipigon)
- >>Canada Marine Act (Bill C-44), 9690-4, 9699, 9821-2
>>Children, M., 10041
>>Constitution, M. (Rock), 3349-50
>>Grain transportation, o.q., 967
>>Marine transport, 9822
>>McKinnon, Don, S.O. 31, 8648
>>Ports, 9822
>>Procedure, divisions, recorded, 8994, 9780, 10129
>>Transport Standing Committee, reports, 5687
Concurrent sentences see Sentences (convicted criminals)
Conditional release see Parole
Conditional sentences see Sentences (convicted criminals)
Condoms see Penitentiaries--Inmates
Confectionery Manufacturers Association
Annual confectionery caucus Hillowe'en party, S.O. 31, 5800
Colonial act, 2869-70, 2877
>>Federal government, creation of provinces, 6692
>>Two founding peoples, agreement between, 6228
>>See also British Columbia;
Federal-provinciial jurisdiction--Historical development;
Prince Edward Island;
Confederation Bridge see Bridges--Fixed link to Prince Edward Island; Prince Edward Island
Confederation Life Insurance see Bell Canada--Supplemental pension plan
Conference Board of Canada see Economy--Personal futures; Research and development--University-industry synergy research and development award
Conference of Commonwealth Speakers and Presiding Officers see Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports
Conflict of interest
Liberal government (Chrétien), Cabinet Ministers, allegations, examples,
>>See also Armenia--Genocide;
Judges--Code of conduct--Pensions;
Judges Act--Amendments;
Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Grievance system;
Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation
Conflict of Interest and Post-Employment Code for Public Office Holders see Cabinet Ministers
Conflicts see International conflicts
Confucianism see China--Democracy
Canadian Armed Forces 1960-1964 peacekeeping role, 6386
Congrès International francophone sur la PME see Small and medium business
Connaught Laboratories see Research and development--University-industry synergy research and development award
Connors Brothers Ltd. see Fisheries, Atlantic--Processing plants
Conscientious objection act
Enactment, petitions, 394, 493, 2615
>>See also Income tax--Peace tax
Conscientious Objection Act (Bill C-404)--Robinson
First reading, 9701
>>See also Defence expenditures--Concientious objectors
Quebec opposition, 2867
>>See also Quebec--Roux, Jean-Louis
Consecutive sentences see Sentences (convicted criminals)--Concurrent sentences
Conseil de la souveraineté du Québec see Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--Federal funding
Conseil des bio-industries du Quebec see Biotechnology
Conseil du patront de Québec
Dufour, Ghislain, President, retirement, tribute, S.O. 31, 3864
Conservative government (Mulroney) see Unemployment insurance--Reform
Name changes
>>>Bonaventure--Gaspé--Îles-de-la-Madelaine--Paboc constituency, 6622-3
>>>See also Electoral Districts Name Change Act (Bill C-347)
>>Twinning with United States congressional districts, S.O. 31, 635
>>See also Electoral boundaries
Constituents see Members of Parliament--Constituents
Amending, 3616-7, 6981-2
>>>British Columbia Legislature approval, prior provincial referendum
requirement, 343, 345
>>>Difficulty, 3058
>>>Quebec veto
>>>>Constitutional entrenchment, o.q., 36, 3710
>>>>See also Constitution--Amending, Regional veto;
Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995)--No side victory
>>>Referendum, requiring, petition, 1111
>>>Regional veto, 2878, 2882, 3059, 6278, 6292
>>>>Bloc Québécois position, o.q., 9741
>>>>British Columbia, including as region, 6278
>>>>Constitutional amendment, preventing, 5998, 6250-1
>>>>Constitutional entrenchment, Throne Speech statement, 5, 293, 5997-8,
>>>>>o.q., 138, 9880-1
>>>>>Victoria formula, comparison, o.q., 138
>>>>o.q., 4936-7, 5732, 5881, 7310-1, 9741-2
>>>>See also Senate--British Columbia representation
>>>Rights, protecting, 6983-5
>>>Senate role, 3050, 3052, 3054, 3063
>>>See also Constitutional reform
>>Evolution, etc., 2897
>>Notwithstanding clause see Aboriginal self-government--Constitution;
Justice system--Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms provisions
>>Patriation in 1982
>>>Chrétien, Jean, role
>>>>o.q., 9879-81
>>>>S.O. 31, 9878, 9986
>>>Dion position, o.q., 1544
>>>Quebec opposition/rejection of Quebec, 286, 2858-9, 2867, 2869-71, 2878,
6228, 7092, 8174, 9105
>>>>Mulroney speech to Canadian Club, Apr. 14/97, re offer to Quebec, o.q.,
>>>>o.q., 2755-6, 4667, 4745, 4799, 5881, 9879-81
>>>>Quebec Members of Parliament supporting, Bloc Québécois alternative, S.O.
31, 9879
>>>See also Federalism--Decentralizing;
Quebec separation/sovereignty
>>Quebec nationhood, right to protect, recognition, 9259-60
>>Section 93 see Education--Quebec denominational school boards
>>Terms of Union of Newfoundland with Canada, Term 17, amendment
>>>M. (Rock), 3243-50, 3264-75, 3293-309, 3326-80, agreed to, on recorded
division, 3379-80
>>>>Amdt. (D. Mills), 3348, negatived, on recorded division, 3378-9
>>>M. (Rock), 6938-46, 6951-2, 6969-94, 7091-6, agreed to, on recorded
division, 7096
>>>>Amdt. (D. Mills), 6970, negatived, on recorded division, 7094-5
>>>See also Education--Newfoundland
>>See also Aboriginal peoples--Aboriginal and treaty rights;
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;
Canadian Human Rights Act;
Gangs--Motorcycle gangs, Legislation;
Indians/First Nations--Powers;
Interprovincial trade--Barriers;
Members of Parliament--Number--Oaths of allegiance;
Nisga'a land claim--Agreement in principle;
Official languages policy/bilingualism;
Parole--Murderers, Olson, Clifford;
Quebec distinct society status;
Quebec separation/sovereignty--Legal right--Secession
legislation--Unilateral declaration;
Sahtu Dene and Métis land claim--Agreement
Constitution Act, 1867 see Property rights--Canadian Bill of Rights
Constitution Act, 1982
Amending process, Section 43, use, 3244, 3269, 3272-3, 3297, 3329, 3338,
3353-4, 3367
>>See also Constitutional reform--First Ministers conference
Constitution Act, 1996 (amdt.--balanced budget and spending limit)(Bill
First reading, 244
>>Second reading, 2326-34
>>>Dropped from Order Paper, 2334
>>See also Deficit--Prohibition;
Government expenditures--Limits
Constitution Act, 1997 (Representation)(Bill C-385)--O'Brien
First reading, 8988-9
>>See also Members of Parliament--Number
Constitutional amendments see Education--Newfoundland religion-based school system;
Constitutional court see Supreme Court of Canada
Constitutional reform
Charlottetown Accord
>>>Grey, D., position, o.q., 5806
>>>Referendum, Oct. 26/96, rejection, 2417
>>>>British Columbia 70% rejection, 343
>>>>Quebec, 2900
>>>>Status quo rejection factor, 2901
>>>Reform Party position, o.q., 2812
>>>See also Aboriginal self-government;
Federal-provincial jurisdiction--Decentralization to
provinces--Exclusive provincial jurisdiction;
Members of Parliament--Quebec representation;
Quebec distinct society status;
>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, refusal to discuss, 6254
>>Constituent assembly, role, 344
>>Debate, revival, Gauthier remarks re Prime Minister Chrétien responsibility,
S.O. 31, 4857
>>Ethnic communities, role, 344
>>Federal-provincial conference before April 1997, 1607
>>First Ministers conference, June 1996
>>>Constitution Act, 1982, section 49 requirement re holding constitutional
conference on amending formula, relationship, lack of public role, etc.,
o.q., 3632-3, 3709-10, 3820
>>>Not discussing, provinces position, o.q., 3421
>>Institutions, reform, 3058-9
>>Meech Lake Accord
>>>Bloc Québécois and Parti Québécois opposition, o.q., 5881
>>>Chrétien, Jean, position at Liberal Party leadership convention
>>>>o.q., 1543
>>>>See also Quebec distinct society status--Chrétien, Prime Minister
>>>Quebec five conditions, rejection, 6228
>>>See also Quebec distinct society status--Charlottetown and Meech Lake
>>Quebec demands, Dion position, etc., S.O. 31, 1656
>>Scope, 343-5
>>Undertaking. appropriate timing, 343-4
>>>By 2000, 344
>>>Chrétien, Prime Minister, remarks following Quebec sovereignty referendum
(1995), 343
>>United States constitution, comparison, Thomas Paine, "generational
responsibility", 6977-9
>>See also Constitution--Amending;
Quebec separation/sovereignty
Construction industry see Goods and Services Tax--Abolish; Income tax--Underground economy
Consultants see Cabinet Ministers; Canadian Food Inspection Agency--Contracts; Canadian International Development Agency; Immigration/immigrants
Consumer model see Education, post-secondary
Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (amdt.--nutritional value of food)(Bill
First reading, 95
>>See also Food--Nutritional value
Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act (amdt.--recombinant hormones)(Bill
First reading, 4086
>>See also Food--Prepackaged