The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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de Savoye, Pierre (BQ--Portneuf)
- >>Air transportation, o.q., 5166
>>Bankruptcy Act (amdt.--priority of claims)(Bill C-231), 535
>>Bell Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-57), 5784-8, 5790-1, 5795, 7592-6
>>Bloc Québécois, 8226
>>>S.O. 31, 9079
>>Broadcasting, 7592-3
>>>Petition, 369
>>Broadcasting Act (amdt.--broadcasting policy)(Bill C-216), 4210-1, 10103-4
>>Budget 1996, M. (P. Martin), 849
>>Canada Elections Act and Referendum Act (amdt.)(Bill C-63), 6672-3, 6688-9
>>Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-61), 5351
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 672
>>>o.q., 4502
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, S.O. 31, 8082
>>Canadian Coast Guard, 5200
>>Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act (Bill C-60), 7503-4
>>Canadian Heritage Department, 8224-5
>>>M. on supply (G. Leroux), 8216, 8221, 8223-6, 8228-9
>>Child care, 4762
>>Constitution, M. (Rock), 6984-5
>>Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (Bill C-8), 4164-6
>>Corporations, 9524-5
>>Credit Card Interest Limitation Act (Bill C-402), 9657
>>Credit cards
>>>o.q., 7038-9, 7144
>>>S.O. 31, 7512
>>Crime, 6234
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--judicial review of parole ineligibility)(Bill C-45), 4542-5
>>Culture/arts, 8224-5
>>Dangerous/high-risk offenders, M. (Meredith), 3111-2
>>Deficit, 849, 9524
>>Drug/substance abuse, 4164-6
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, 4164-5
>>Economic development/renewal, M. on supply (Gauthier), 5653, 5664, 5666, 5672
>>Education, 6984-5
>>Education, post-secondary, 849
>>Elections, 6672-3, 6688-9
>>Employment insurance, 9524
>>Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-12), 2243-4
>>Environment, o.q., 6745
>>Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 7136-7
>>Film and video industry, o.q., 5957
>>Francophones outside Quebec, 7094, 8224
>>>S.O. 31, 9987
>>Gasoline taxes, petition, 266, 7892
>>Goods and Services Tax, 7136-7
>>Government contracts, 5666
>>Government grants/loans, o.q., 9022
>>Income Tax Budget Amendments Act, 1996 (Bill C-92), 9523-5
>>Information highway, 5784, 5786-7, 5790-1, 7593, 7595-6
>>Israel, o.q., 4862
>>Justice and Legal Affairs Standing Committee, S.O. 31, 637
>>Liberal Party, o.q., 4749
>>Martin, P. references, 10179
>>Members of Parliament, 3077
>>Music, S.O. 31, 6054
>>National Revenue Department, o.q., 4749
>>Nuclear waste, o.q., 6745
>>Oceans Act (Bill C-26), 5200
>>Official Languages Joint Standing Committee, reports, 10143
>>Parliament of Canada Act and Canada Elections Act (amdt.--confidence motions)(Bill C-250), 8935-6
>>Parliamentary reform, 3077
>>Parole, 4542-5
>>Penitentiaries, 4544-5
>>Private family trusts, M. on supply (Loubier), 4761-2
>>Privilege, prima facie, contempt of Parliament, M. (Hart), 672
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 535
>>>Debate, 7124, 8229
>>>Speeches, 9523
>>>Supply motions, 8223
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Boudria), 252-4, 258
>>Public Service, 4086
>>Quebec, 8223-5
>>Quebec sovereignty/separation, 8228-9
>>Ringuette-Maltais, references, 258
>>Royal Canadian Mounted Police, o.q., 1769
>>Senate, M. on supply (Gilmour), 3077
>>Somalia, o.q., 2063-4
>>Taxation, 4761, 9524
>>>S.O. 31, 10179
>>Telecommunications, o.q., 1845, 4987-8
>>Telephone service, 5201, 5785, 5790, 5795, 7593-5
>>>o.q., 4673-4
>>Tobacco Act (Bill C-71), 7124, 8711-2
>>Tobacco industry, 8711-2
>>>o.q., 6559, 6662-3
>>Tobacco products, o.q., 6559
>>Trade, 5351
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 9524
>>Unemployment insurance, 2243-4
>>Unemployment insurance account, 849
>>Victims of crime, M. on supply (R. White), 2081-3
>>Whistle-blowers Protection Act (Bill C-318), 4086
>>Young offenders, 6234-5
de Villiers, Priscilla see Victims of crime--Government measures
Dean, Jeanette see Volunteers--Canada Volunteer Award Certificate of Merit
Death penalty see Capital punishment
Debien, Maud (BQ--Laval-Est)
- >>Afghanistan, S.O. 31, 7307
>>>o.q., 5736, 6906-7
>>>S.O. 31, 5953
>>Air navigation services, 2955-6, 2961, 3396-8
>>>M. on supply (Daviault), 1860-2
>>>S.O. 31, 10177
>>Bosnia and Herzegovina, 78
>>Broadcasting Act (amdt.--broadcasting policy)(Bill C-216), 2026-7
>>Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement, 8155-6
>>Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-81), 8155-6
>>Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement, 8156
>>Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement, 8155-6
>>Canadian Executive Service Organization, S.O. 31, 2302
>>Canadian Human Rights Commission, S.O. 31, 7381
>>Canadian Securities Commission, 1007-8
>>>o.q., 643
>>Caregivers, M. (Szabo), 4824-5
>>Child abduction, M. (B. Tremblay), 4970-1
>>Child care, 8768
>>Child labour, 1862, 8357
>>Child poverty, 7372, 8768
>>Children, 7372
>>>o.q., 482, 9744-5
>>>S.O. 31, 8386
>>Civil Air Navigation Services Commercialization Act (Bill C-20), 2955-6, 2961 , 3395-8
>>Constitution, S.O. 31, 9878
>>Consumers, S.O. 31, 6853
>>Cultural institutions, S.O. 31, 8270
>>Culture/arts, S.O. 31, 6743
>>Developing countries, S.O. 31, 7235
>>East Timor, S.O. 31, 5555-6
>>Education, S.O. 31, 8944-5
>>Employment equity, 8768
>>Employment Insurance Act (Bill C-12), 2299-301
>>Exports, S.O. 31, 7033
>>Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee, reports, 8357
>>Foreign aid
>>>o.q., 2008-9
>>>S.O. 31, 1366
>>Foreign Extraterritorial Measures Act (amdt.)(Bill C-54), 4515-6
>>Gasoline/automotive fuels, 5727-8
>>Gender equality, 8767
>>Genocide, 1862
>>>M. (L. Axworthy), 77-8
>>>o.q., 3638
>>Housing, o.q., 713-4
>>Human rights, 1861-2
>>>M. (Copps), 7371-2
>>Imports, o.q., 2435
>>Innu, o.q., 768
>>International criminal court, o.q., 6612-3
>>Israel, o.q., 4801-2, 9020-1
>>Job creation, 350
>>Labour conditions, 8156
>>Lebanon, o.q., 1661
>>Liberia, o.q., 2362
>>Manganese-based Fuel Additives Act (Bill C-29), 5727-8
>>Mexico, S.O. 31, 3627
>>Middle East, o.q., 9020-1
>>Niger, o.q., 10223
>>North American Free Trade Agreement, 8155-6
>>Parliament Buildings, S.O. 31, 4496
>>Pay equity
>>>o.q., 8781-2
>>>S.O. 31, 6605
>>Poverty, S.O. 31, 6788
>>Procedure, question and comment period, 3397
>>Quebec, S.O. 31, 7511, 8008
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, S.O. 31, 4626
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), 350
>>>S.O. 31, 9878
>>Refugees, o.q., 1104-5
>>Revoke the Conviction of Louis David Riel Act (Bill C-297), 6633-4
>>Rwanda, o.q., 6612-3
>>Securities industry, 1007-8
>>>o.q., 643
>>Social programs, 8768
>>Telephone service, o.q., 8138-9
>>Television, cable, 2026-7
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Sheridan), 350
>>Tibet, S.O. 31, 8901
>>Trade, 1861-2, 4515-6, 8155-6
>>>o.q., 925
>>Transfer payments to provinces, 8768
>>Unemployment insurance, 2300-1S.O. 31, 1415
>>Unemployment insurance account, 8768
>>Violence, o.q., 9601-2
>>Welfare, 8768
>>>M. on supply (Guay), 8767-9
>>>S.O. 31, 8727, 8776
>>World Conference on Women (Beijing, China, September 1995), 7371
Debt see Alberta--Provincial debt; Credit cards; National debt
Debt adjustment board see Farm debt
Debt Servicing and Reduction Account
Grey, D., contributions, 7319
>>Surplus from Goods and Services Tax revenue, applying, 7022, 7165, 7319
>>See also Goods and Services Tax--Net revenue
Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act see Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70)
Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.--gifts to the Crown)(Bill
C-280)--T. White
First reading, 2314
>>See also National debt--Reduction
Decentralization see Federal-provincial jurisdiction
Deep River, Ont. see Nuclear waste--Disposal
Canada-United States co-operation, agreements, 540
>>>Reviewing, 540-1
>>>Secret accord of February 1947, 552
>>See also Canadian Armed Forces;
National Defence Department;
North American Aerospace Defence Command;
Permanent Joint Board on Defence (Canada-United States)
Defence equipment
>>>Avro Arrow, CF-105s, cancellation in 1960s, 552
>>>CF-5s exports see Defence equipment--Exports, Botswana;
Turkey--Kurdish separatists
>>>>Maintenance contract, Bombardier Inc./Canadair, $216 million, Bristo
Aerospace bid rejected, 6277, 7452
>>>>>o.q., 6488-9, 6561-2
>>>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Cold Lake, Alta.;
North American Aerospace Defence Command--Fighter squadrons
>>>Hercules, maintenance contract, CAE Aviation Ltd., $108 million, o.q., 6562
>>>See also Defence equipment--Helicopters
>>Anti-tank missiles, purchases, 3987, 6481
>>Armoured personnel carriers, acquisition
>>>General Motors of Canada Ltd., London, Ont., contract, Ontario/Quebec
benefits, etc., 6480
>>>>o.q., 4342
>>>o.q., 481-2
>>Army command and control system, $180 million project, 6481
>>Auditor General's 1995-1996 report findings re deficiencies, o.q., 2481
>>Canada-United States agreements, Defence Production Sharing Agreement,
Defence Research Sharing Agreement, test and evaluation program, etc., 540-1
>>Canadian contracts, benefits, S.O. 31, 4450
>>Clothing and helmets, $287 million and $13.4 million projects, 6384, 6481
>>Clothing, integrated protective clothing and equipment, Computing Devices
Canada contract, S.O. 31, 7880
>>Expenditures, 3987
>>>Reduction, 502
>>>>Budget 1996, impact, o.q., 481-2
>>>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Peacekeeping role
>>>Botswana, CF-5 fighter aircraft, S.O. 31, 3416-7
>>>China, o.q., 712
>>>>Criteria, human rights, etc., 3985-7
>>>>External Affairs and International Trade Standing Committee (3rd Sess.,
34th Parl.), report, implementing, 3982
>>>Decline, 3985-6
>>>Developing countries, 3986-7
>>>Export of Military Goods From Canada 1995, document
>>>>Parliamentary debate before opportunity to read, 3986
>>>>Tabled, 3982
>>>Thailand, 3986
>>>See also Defence equipment--Land mines;
East Timor--Indonesian occupation; Turkey--Kurdish separatists
>>Foreign military sales program, mismanagement, internal audit, etc., o.q.,
>>Grenade launchers, $15.3 million project, 6481
>>>E-H 101s, contract, cancellation, Liberal government (Chrétien) election
promise, "red book", 5823
>>>>$500 million compensation costs, 7979-80
>>>Marine/search and rescue, acquisition, 514, 6480-1
>>>>o.q., 481-2
>>>Sea King helicopters, replacing, 6383-4
>>Land forces communication system, Computing Devices Canada contract, $90
million, o.q., 6562
>>Land mines, anti-personnel
>>>Ban on import, export and use, 1329, 3984, 3987-8
>>>>o.q., 2482
>>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--mines)(Bill C-252)
>>>Canadian moratorium on use and sale, S.O. 31, 815-6, 2604-5
>>>Canadian stockpile, two-thirds destroyed, 6406
>>>>o.q., 5115
>>>Canadian summit, 70 countries participating, 6405-6
>>>>o.q., 4985, 5115, 5169
>>>>S.O. 31, 5238
>>>Detection systems, $27 million project, 6481
>>>Impact, children,. etc., 6405
>>>International ban, etc,
>>>>Axworthy, Foreign Affairs Minister, Nobel Peace Prize nomination, S.O. 31,
9015-6, 9169
>>>>Canadian government position, role, 3984, 3988
>>>>>o.q., 2481-2
>>>>Canadian summit role, target date of 1997, 6406
>>>>Crystal Spring United Church Women role, S.O. 31, 9169
>>>>Petitions, 883, 4870, 5021, 5485, 6710, 8316
>>>>S.O. 31, 4644, 5021, 6788
>>>International Committee of the Red Cross report, 1329
>>>International congress on anti-personnel mines, Geneva, Switzerland,
April-May 1996, S.O. 31, 2472
>>>International use, extent, removal, 1871
>>>Parrish presentation to North Atlantic Assembly re detection and removal,
etc., S.O. 31, 9738
>>>>S.O. 31, 1366-7
>>>Removal, Canadian role, 3987
>>>>o.q., 5115, 5169
>>Purchases, government plans, House of Commons debating, 6480-1
>>>o.q., 6010-1
>>Quebec expenditures, 4777, 7268
>>>o.q., 4342
>>>HMCS Preserver, supply ship, contract tenders, 8094
>>>Minesweepers, Kingston class, $35 million maintenance contract, Fenco
MacLaren Inc., SNC Lavalin subsidiary, 6028-9
>>>>Donation to Liberal Party, relationship, 6028
>>>>o.q., 714
>>>Shipbuilding industry benefits, 8097
>>>Submarines, acquisition, 3987, 6383-46480
>>>>Canada's Defence Policy Review Special Joint Committee (1st Sess., 35th
Parl.) recommendation, 514
>>>>o.q., 481-2, 6010
>>>>Role, benefits, 513-4
>>>>United Kingdom Upholder submarines, 513
>>>>>o.q., 4077
>>Tanks, Leopard, turret replacement, $145 million project, 6481
>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Peacekeeping role
Defence expenditures
Concientious objectors not contributing taxes, diverting to special account,
>>>Petition, 9999
>>>See also Conscientious Objection Act (Bill C-404);
Income tax--Peace tax
>>Reduction, 50-1, 1518, 6353, 6384
>>>$800 million, 502-3, 514, 544
>>>Bases, personnel, etc. o.q., 4224-5, 4229, 4303-4, 4339, 4552, 4555, 4629
>>>Bloc Québécois position, 395, 1455, 6481
>>>Budget 1996 statement, 372
>>>Social programs, diverting to, S.O. 31, 9167
>>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Combat capability--Peacekeeping role
Defence equipment--Expenditures;
North American Aerospace Defence Command
>>See also Foreign aid--Official Development Assistance
Defence industry
Conversion program, 304, 839, 1437, 3982
>>>Funding, 5662
>>>>o.q., 709
>>>MIL Davie, non-participation, 301, 8093
>>>Petitions, 568
>>>See also Automobile safety--Air bag release mechanism propellants
>>Exports see Defence equipment--Exports
Defence Industry Productivity Program (DIPP)
Elimination, 5661-2
>>>o.q., 530
>>See also Technology Partnerships Canada--Establishing
Defence policy
White paper see Canadian Armed Forces--Personnel, number;
National Defence Department--Restructuring;
North American Aerospace Defence Command;
>>See also Canada's Defence Policy Special Joint Committee (1st Sess., 35th
Foreign policy--Parliamentary debates
Defence Production Research Agreement see Defence equipment--Canada-United States agreements
Defence Production Sharing Agreement see Defence equipment--Canada-United States agreements
Defence research
Esquimalt Defence Research Detachment, closure, relocation to Halifax, N.S.,
S.O. 31, 8727-8
Défi-Emploi program see Employment
1995-96, $4.1 billion lower than projected, 5367
>>>Possible inflated by $1 billion to cover transition costs in harmonization
of Goods and Services Tax agreement with maritime provinces, liability booked
in year incurred, Public Accounts, Auditor General comments, 7049-51, 7297
>>>>o.q., 5600-2
>>1996-97, not exceeding $19 billion, Budget 1997 statement, 8290, 8327,
8336, 8362, 9136, 9148-9, 9154, 9260-1, 9521-2, 9559, 9563, 9566, 9638, 9951,
10060, 10079, 10081, 10085
>>>$14 billion, 10090, 10094
>>>$17 billion, 9560-1, 9630, 10045-6, 10074
>>>Controllable, 8797
>>>Less than projected, $8 billion additional flexibility, use, 8299-300,
8337, 9923-4, 9941, 9951
>>>>o.q., 8309, 8903-4, 8947-8, 9886
>>$9 billion, 1998-99 target, financing internally, Budget 1997 statements,
8291, 10045-6
>>$24.3 billion in 1996-97, 454, 1538
>>28.6 billion, 5864-5
>>$33 billion, 1996-97 projection, 432, 812, 1551, 3068
>>>$7.3 billion lower, updated projection, o.q., 5367-8
>>$42 billion when Liberal government (Chrétien) elected, 1538, 6286, 8290,
>>Breaking back, 7257
>>Controlling, 846
>>Elimination, 48, 59, 1475, 1538, 3033, 5850, 6021, 7228, 7280
>>>Alberta experience, 434-5, 1448, 1452
>>>By year 2000, Budget 1997 measures, lack, Bloc Québécois position, 8299,
8322, 8337, 10044-6
>>>Canadian/European measurement methods, comparison, 6236, 6238
>>>Date, establishing, 403, 794, 4755
>>>>o.q., 964, 1048
>>>>S.O. 31, 1759-60
>>>Decentralization of powers to provinces, impact, 439
>>>Government strategy, 806
>>>Investor confidence factor, etc., 9633
>>>Maintaining pace, Budget 1997 statement, 8291
>>>o.q., 133, 314, 479, 8450
>>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney), Reform Party election
promises, 7405
>>>Provincial governments policies, comparison, 1526-7
>>>>o.q., 314, 1288
>>>Quebec Premier Bouchard commitment, o.q., 964, 1047-8
>>>Reform Party alternative budget proposals, 341, 852-3, 2991, 5863
>>>>S.O. 31, 816-7
>>>Reform Party zero in three program, 419, 433, 463, 1555, 3943-4, 9253, 9261
>>>S.O. 31, 7829, 8306
>>>Summit meeting, government-business leaders, requesting, o.q., 964
>>>Targets, lack, 1526, 8336
>>>See also Family--Strenghthening;
Job creation
>>Forecasts by Finance Minister Martin, conservative, 9152
>>G-7 countries, comparison, 405, 439, 793, 799, 1910, 5903, 6874, 7269, 8331,
8341, 9563
>>Government credit rating, relationship, 6244
>>Gross Domestic Product ratio, 1523, 7400, 8331
>>>G-7 countries, comparison, 1511, 4775
>>Human deficit, relationship, 440
>>Interest rate decline, impact, 10074
>>Interest rate increase, impact, 432-3, 1517
>>Liberal government (Trudeau) record, 439
>>>Chrétien, Finance Minister role, 7281
>>Moody's Investors Service downgrading bond rating, 10079
>>New Zealand, comparison, 9261
>>Ontario, 1434-5
>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) record, 439, 1517
>>Prohibition, legislation, 244, 2326-34
>>>See also Constitution Act, 1996 (amdt.--balanced budget and spending
limit)(Bill C-213)
>>Provincial-territorial, reduction, 12.6 billion in 1995-96, 404, 793, 799
>>Public choice theory, 2327
>>Reduction, 203-4, 458, 811, 845, 1448, 1453, 1490, 1517-8, 1522-3, 1531-2,
1537, 1904, 6016, 6242, 6244-5, 6248, 6866, 7218, 7266, 7405, 8062, 8076, 8319,
8333, 9145, 9524, 9535, 10091-2
>>>50%, 9142
>>>Balanced, gradual approach, 303-4, 308,
798, 1434, 1487, 1507, 5511-2,
7405, 7411-2, 9142
>>>>o.q., 133
>>>Bloc Québécois position, S.O. 31, 5367
>>>Bloc Québécois proposals, 1455-7, 7404
>>>"Broken the back of the deficit", Prime Minister Chrétien statement, 202,
307, 461, 834, 1553, 10090-1
>>>>o.q., 133, 313
>>>Budget 1996 forecasts, 1529-30
>>>Budget 1996 measures, 847, 849, 1474, 1910, 9531
>>>>Lack, 831, 846, 1534
>>>Budget 1997 measures, 8341
>>>Burden, passing on to provinces, 381, 812, 1437, 1439, 1905, 7248-9, 8062,
>>>Canadian Heritage Department, $160 million additional expenditure, impact,
oq., 4635
>>>Crown assets, sale, 1905
>>>Fiscal update, creative accounting, o.q., 5371
>>>Forecasts, accuracy, 9941-2
>>>G-7 countries, comparison, 9629
>>>>o.q., 8592
>>>Goods and Services Tax surplus revenue, use, 7898, 7910
>>>Government expenditures reduction, relationship, 1438, 8327, 9523, 9567,
10044-6, 10060, 10085, 10092
>>>>o.q., 8086
>>>Government revenues, increase, relationship, 6015, 7731-2, 8318, 8327
>>>Government strategy, 7317
>>>>Failure, 2992-3, 5490, 6526
>>>>Fiscal irresponsibility, 9253
>>>>o.q., 1288-9, 7884-5
>>>>Public opinion, 800, 2990
>>>>S.O. 31, 5730
>>>>Success, 5579, 6526, 6531-2
>>>Gradual, permanent approach, 374, 792
>>>Greater than claimed, 10044-6, 10074
>>>History, 1437
>>>Interest rate decline, relationship, 5850, 7218, 9113
>>>LIberal government (Chrétien) budgets, measures, 10078-9
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien) policies, 293-4, 783, 834, 1449, 1473, 1489,
9137-8, 9561, 10081, 10083-4
>>>>Maintaining, 7231-2
>>>>o.q., 9649, 10118
>>>>S.O. 31, 310, 6002, 9077
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien), Progressive Conservative government
(Mulroney), targets, achievement record, comparison, 463, 812-3, 1517-8,
1533-4, 7217, 8341
>>>Lowest in 15 years, 9629
>>>On backs of disadvantaged, 846, 7402,
>>>>Avoiding, 9633-4
>>>>o.q., 42
>>>On backs of taxpayers, 7766
>>>Ontario, comparison, 1048
>>>>Premier Mike Harris methods, 8062
>>>o.q., 235
>>>Problem solved, 10088
>>>>Prime Minister Chrétien remarks, o.q., 10116
>>>>Exceeded, 25% of extra for new programs, Finance Minister Martin
statement, 9292
>>>>Underestimated, 9146-7
>>>Rate, too slow, 8967-9
>>>Provinces, comparison, 1551
>>>Reform Party influence, 5996
>>>Reform Party position, 5839-40, 6738
>>>Revenue increase basis, 463, 1489, 8062, 8786, 9112-4, 9147
>>>>Exports, relationship, 6018-9
>>>Social programs, cutbacks, relationship, 6255, 9147
>>>>o.q., 8085-6
>>>Spending cuts, not tax increases, 456, 792-3, 5858, 6016
>>>Staying the course, 7261
>>>>Budget 1997 statement, 8290
>>>Targets, 1996-1997, 3% of Gross Domestic Product, achieving, 1997-1998, $17
billion, 2% of Gross Domestic Product, forecast, 202, 287, 304, 372, 395, 404,
408, 412, 435, 437, 440, 445, 447, 452, 455, 457, 459, 462-4, 798-800, 802-3,
814, 833, 837, 841, 847, 1433-5, 1443, 1449-50, 1484, 1494, 1537-8, 1554,
1559, 1901, 1910, 2899, 2994, 3024, 4374, 4383, 5840, 5850, 5858, 5860, 6235,
6246, 6280, 6284, 7246, 7251, 7256, 7269-70, 7399-400, 7406, 7411, 8290, 8331,
9136, 9637, 9954, 10079
>>>>o.q., 41, 134-5, 235, 313, 317, 964, 1048, 1288, 4635
>>>>Petition, 4592, 4807, 4899, 5610
>>>>S.O. 31, 816, 5731
>>>>Surplus over target, use, Finance Standing Committee recommendations,
7218-20, 7223, 7271
>>>>Throne Speech statement, 3
>>>>Unemployment insurance premium reduction, impact, 1907
>>>Targets, $3 billion contingency in calculations, Budget 1997 statement,
>>>Targets, exceeding, Budget 1997 statement, S.O. 31, 8306
>>>Tax increase, relationship, 373, 4378,
6019-21, 7809, 9147, 9559, 10060,
>>>>o.q., 8085
>>>>S.O. 31, 8726-7
>>>Tax relief, Reform Party/Progressive Conservative Party proposals, impact,
8331, 8334
>>>Transfer payments to provinces reduction, relationship, 410, 453, 803, 849,
1456, 1534, 1905, 6018, 6239-40, 7248, 8327, 8336, 9112, 9114, 9136, 9138,
9140, 9146-7, 9150, 9557, 9567, 9630-1, 9634, 9923-4, 9940-1, 10044-5, 10060,
>>>>o.q., 5367
>>>Two year rolling targets, 798
>>>>o.q., 2434
>>>Under control, 10057
>>>Unemployed persons, impact on, 9140, 9145
>>>Unemployment insurance, cutbacks, relationship, 6255
>>>United States, comparison, o.q., 1048
>>>See also Air navigation services--Commercialization;
Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Chilliwack, B.C.;
Economic development/renewal;
Employment insurance--Surplus;
Federal-provincial jurisdiction--Decentralization;
Government expenditures--Contingency reserve;
Transport Department--Expenditures;
Unemployment insurance account--Surplus
>>Responsibility of governments, Finance Minister Martin remarks, 6014
>>Revenue shortage, not expenditure problem, 4736
>>Special interest groups, financial demands, impact, 7229-30
>>Unpaid taxes, contributing factor, 844-5
>>See also Alberta;
Economy--Growth, Slow pace;
Income security;
Job creation;
Social programs--Protecting