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Anderson, Hon. David (L--Victoria; Minister ofTransport)
- >>Agricultural Marketing Programs Act (Bill C-34), 3945
>>Air Canada, o.q., 134
>>Air navigation services, 1153-4, 8095
>>Air traffic control, o.q., 7190-1
>>Air transportation, 8095
>>>o.q., 134, 922, 2943, 4555, 4634, 4940, 5113, 5166-7, 5423-4, 5564, 6261, 6310, 6957, 6964, 7035-6, 7243
>>Airlines, o.q., 4556
>>Airports, 8095, 8099
>>>o.q., 2308, 9800
>>Automobile safety, o.q., 1109-10, 6008
>>Bridges, o.q., 1292-3, 2141, 2613
>>British Columbia, M. on supply (Duncan), 4842-7
>>Canada Communication Group, o.q., 4805-6
>>Canada Marine Act (Bill C-44), 3565-6, 9681-3, 9692, 9694-8, 9700
>>Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--maritime liability)(Bill C-58), 4415, 5212-3
>>Canada Transportation Act (Bill C-14), 1094, 1113, 1115-6, 1119, 1121-2, 1145-8, 1207, 1209-12
>>Canadian Airlines International, o.q., 922, 4634, 6189, 6261-2, 6268, 6310-1, 6314, 6609-10, 6956-8, 6964, 7035-7, 7083, 7149
>>Canadian National Railways, 8096
>>>o.q., 2068-9
>>Carriage of Passengers by Water Act (Bill C-59), 4415
>>Civil Air Navigation Services Commercialization Act (Bill C-20), 679, 1153-4, 2953, 2958, 3039, 3142, 4167
>>Defence equipment, 8097
>>Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 7725, 7743-4
>>Farm Debt Mediation Act (Bill C-38), 3954
>>Ferry service, 8096
>>>o.q., 6611, 6959, 7788, 9276
>>>qu., 2213-4, 2761
>>Fire-fighters/emergency response personnel, o.q., 2714-5
>>Grain marketing, o.q., 139
>>Grain transportation, 8096
>>>M. for Papers (Easter), 5612-3
>>>o.q., 967, 2312, 8910, 9087-8
>>>qu., 3045-6
>>Greyhound Air, 8095
>>Hazardous products, o.q., 2067
>>Highways and roads
>>>o.q., 529, 5422-3, 6449
>>>Statement by Minister, 2947-8
>>Income Tax Budget Amendment Act (Bill C-36), 3935
>>Inter Canadian, o.q., 10182-3
>>Keyes, references, 8094
>>Marine transport, 5212-3, 8096
>>>o.q., 3087
>>Mirabel International Airport, o.q., 1107, 2813, 3130, 8015, 9651
>>Motor Vehicle Fuel Consumption Standards Act, qu., 7589
>>Oil and gas pipelines, 5213
>>Pearson International Airport, 8095
>>>o.q., 4175-80, 5115, 7147, 7578, 7788, 7836-8, 9384-5, 9447-8, 9487-8, 9551-2, 9799-800
>>Ports, 8096
>>>o.q., 140, 1287, 2308, 7242, 9279
>>>Bills, Government, 3566, 3945, 3954, 4415, 5212
>>>Divisions, recorded, 9232
>>>Minister's/Prime Minister's remarks, 6615
>>Rail transportation/railways, 1113, 1210-2, 2947, 3980, 8096-8
>>>o.q., 2067, 3712, 4986, 5114, 5422, 5739
>>Senate, o.q., 4180
>>Shipbuilding, 8097
>>St. Lawrence Seaway, 8096
>>Transportation, 1121-2, 1147-8
>>>M. on supply (Gouk), 8094-9
>>Trucking industry, 2947-8
>>VIA Rail Canada Inc., 8097
>>>o.q., 10184
Anderson, Adm John see Canadian Armed Forces
Angel, Jeff see Canadian Airlines International--Government Affairs Officer
Anglican Church see Church of England
Anglophones see Education--Quebec denominational school boards; Quebec; Quebec separation/sovereignty; Training programs--Jurisdiction, Quebec
Angus Reid see Canada--International reputation
Animal-human hybrids see Reproductive technologies--New reproductive, Prohibitions
Ownership/control, prohibition, 10 year minimum, puppy mill operators,
Criminal Code provision, creating, petition, 648
>>See also Health
Annapolis Valley--Hants, N.S. see Festivals--Apple Blossom Festival; Infrastructure program
Anne of Green Gables see Family--Definition
Antananarivo, Madagagscar see Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports--International Assembly of French-Speaking Parliamentarians
Antarctica see Arctic--Demilitarized zone
Anti-ballistic missiles see North American Aerospace Defence Command--Star wars
Anti-dumping code see Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement; North American Free Trade Agreement; Steel industry
Anti-gang legislation see Gangs--Motorcycle gangs
Anti-personnel land mines see Defence equipment--Land mines
Anti-semitism see Discrimination and racism
Anti-tank missiles see Defence equipment
Anti-trust legislation see Canadian Airlines International--Integration with American Airlines
Antimony see Mining industry--Apocan Inc.
ANZAC Day see World War I
Apartheid see Nisga'a land claim--Agreement in principle; South Africa
APEC see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group
Apocan Inc. see Mining industry
Appeals see Justice system
Appearance see Discrimination and racism
Appendices to Hansard
- >>Mexico, President Ernesto Zedillo, address to joint sitting of Houses of
Parliament (June 11/96), 3697-703
>>>M. (Zed), agreed to, 2773
Apple Blossom Festival see Festivals
Apples see Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement--Agricultural/horticultural products; Fruit and vegetables
Apprenticeship programs see Training programs
Appropriation Act No. 4, 1995-96 (Bill C-21)--President of the Treasury
Board (Massé)
Estimates, 1995-96, supplementary (B), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to,
on division, 994
>>First reading, 994
>>Second reading, agreed to, 995
>>Committee of the Whole referral, committee stage, reported without amdt.,
>>Report stage, concurrence, on division, 995
>>Third reading, agreed to, on division, 995, passed.
>>Royal Assent, 1387. Chap. 4, S.C. 1996
Appropriation Act No. 1, 1996-97 (Bill C-22)--President of the Treasury
Board (Massé)
Estimates, 1996-97, main, interim supply, M. (Massé), agreed to, on recorded
division, 996-7
>>First reading, 997
>>Second reading, agreed to, on division, 997
>>Committee of the Whole referral, committee stage, reported without amdt.,
>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, on division, 998
>>Third reading, agreed to, on recorded division, 998-9, passed.
>>Royal Assent, 1387. Chap. 5, S.C. 1996
Appropriation Act No. 2, 1996-97 (Bill C-56)--President of the Treasury
Board (Massé)
Estimates, 1996-97, main, less already approved, concurrence, M. (Massé),
agreed to, on recorded division, 4409
>>First reading, 4409
>>Second reading, agreed to, on recorded division, 4409
>>Committee of the Whole referral, committee stage, reported without amdt.,
>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, on recorded division, 4409-10
>>Third reading, agreed to, on recorded division, 4410, passed.
>>Royal Assent, 5575. Chap. 25, S.C. 1996
Appropriation Act No. 3, 1996-97 (Bill C-68)--President of the Treasury
Board (Massé)
Estimates, 1996-97, supplementary (A), concurrence, agreed to, on recorded
division, 6584-5
>>First reading, 6585
>>Second reading, agreed to, on recorded division, 6585
>>Committee of the Whole referral, committee stage, reported, without amdt.,
>>Report stage concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, on recorded division, 6586
>>Third reading, agreed to, on recorded division, 6587, passed.
>>Senate passage, 6883
>>Royal Assent, 6884. Chap. 29, S.C. 1996
Appropriation Act No. 4, 1996-97 (Bill C-87)--President of the Treasury
Board (Massé)
Estimates, 1996-97, supplementary (B), concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to,
on recorded division, 8976-7
>>First reading, 8977
>>Second reading, agreed to, on recorded division, 8977
>>Committee of the Whole referral, committee stage, reported without amdt.,
>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, on recorded division, 8978
>>Third reading, agreed to, on recorded division, 8978, passed.
>>Royal Assent, 9306. Chap. 7, S.C. 1997
Appropriation Act No. 1, 1997-98 (Bill C-88)--President of the Treasury
Board (Massé)
Estimates, 1997-98, intermim supply, concurrence, M. (Massé), agreed to, on
recorded division, 8978
>>First reading, 8978
>>Second reading, agreed to, on recorded division, 8978
>>Committee of the Whole referral, committee stage, reported, without amdt.,
>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, on recorded division, 8979
>>Third reading, agreed to, on recorded divisions, 8979, passed.
>>Royal Assent, 9306. Chap. 8, S.C. 1997
>>>Growth, 5191, 5221, 6464
>>>Provincial jurisdiction, need, S.O. 31, 9599
>>Newfoundland, federal aquaculture development strategy, S.O. 31, 229
>>Nova Scotia Agriculture College, Truro, N.S., Aquaculture science degree
program, S.O. 31, 757
>>Research and development, 3677
>>Task force, report, making public, o.q., 9609
>>See also Salmon--Chilean salmon products
Arafat, Yasser see Palestine Liberation Organization
Arbour, Justice Louise see Judges--Leaves of absence; Penitentiaries--Prison for Women
Archer-Daniels-Midland Ltd. (formerly Olgilvie Flour Mills)
15 month strike, 8485
see Flour milling
Archives see Copyright--Rights
Canadian sovereignty, North American Aerospace Defence Command role, 500
>>Circumpolar co-operation, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing
Committee study, travel, 2773, 2787-8, 5609
>>>See also Foreign Affairs and International Trade Standing
Committee--Reports, Seventh
>>Demilitarized zone, Canada/Russian Federation establishing, Antarctica
example, 501, 506-7
>>Pollution, 5221
>>>Circumpolar nations addressing, Arctic council, establishing, 326
>>>>o.q., 1375
>>>Legislation, lack, 4693
>>>Conference, Canadian Polar Commision, arranging, Health Department
officials, participation, o.q., 9277-8
>>See also Nuclear Radiation--Northern Russia/Arctic;
Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region Conference
Arctic Council
Establishment, membership of eight circumpolar countries, o.q., 4344
Argenteuil--Papineau constituency see Papineau Family; Sports--Amateur athletes
Argentia, Nfld. see INCO Limited--Smelter
Argentina Grand Prix see Auto racing--Villeneuve
Aristide, Jean-Bertrand see Haiti
Armand-Marquiset honourary award see Volunteers--Les Ainé(e)s de Jonquiére
Earthquake, Dec. 7/88, Canadian aid, etc., anniversary, S.O. 31, 7138
>>>Canadian observers, o.q., 5061
>>>Election law violations, Canadian position, o.q., 5061
>>Genocide of 1915, Turkey role
>>>Anniversary, S.O. 31, 1838, 10177-8
>>>Commemorating man`s inhumanity to man annually, M. on supply (Daviault),
1814-35, 1847-75, as amended, agreed to, 1875
>>>>Amdt. (Fry), 1818, agreed to, on recorded division, 1874-5
>>>>>Amdt. to amdt. (B. Mills), 1822, negatived, on recorded division, 1873-4
>>>>Moment of silence, 1873
>>>Compensation, 1850
>>>Historical background, description, 1814-5, 1825-8, 1847-8, 1854, 1858-9,
1861-3, 1866, 1871
>>>Hitler, Adolf, 1939 remarks, 1831, 1834, 1848, 1860
>>>House of Commons motion, passage, 6359
>>>>S.O. 31, 1886
>>>International recognition, 1817, 1825-6, 1829-30, 1853, 1855, 1872
>>>Monument proposal, Montreal, Que., alleged federal government interference,
Pettigrew role, etc., 1815-8, 1824-5, 1832-3, 1853-4, 1861, 1872
>>>>Conflict of interest possibility, o.q., 585
>>>Ontario and Quebec legislatures recognizing, 1817, 1825-6, 1835, 1847,
1861, 1864, 1872
>>>Orphans immigrating to Canada, 1859
>>>Petition, 3641
>>>Quebec Legislature commemoration motion, consent denied, S.O. 31, 4068
>>>Recognizing as "genocide", 1814-35, 1847-50, 1852-66, 1870-2
>>>>Trade with Turkey, relationship, 1816, 1832, 1864
>>>School textbook references, External Affairs Department 1988 letter to
Ottawa school board, 1816
>>>Turkey position, not recognizing, 1817, 1826-7, 1834, 1848-9, 1852, 1857,
>>>See also Cyprus--Turkey-Greece conflict;
European Union--Turkey;
Human rights--Monument erected in 1991
>>Independence from former Soviet Union, fifth anniversary, Sept. 21/96,
S.O. 31, 4549
>>See also Foreign aid
Armenian see Members of Parliament--Language
Armenian Canadians
Contributions to Canada, 1814, 1825, 1827, 1859, 1871-2
>>Immigration to Canada, 110th anniversary, S.O. 31, 8583-4
Armoured personnel carriers see Defence equipment
Armouries see Canadian Armed Forces
Arms see Weapons/arms
Armstrong, Maj Barry see Canadian Armed Forces
Army Cadet Month see Canadian Armed Forces--Cadets
Arone, Shidane see Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation
Arseneault, Guy H. (L--Restigouche--Chaleur; Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Canadian Heritage as of Feb. 23, 1996)
- >>Books, 9008
>>Broadcasting Act (amdt.--broadcasting policy)(Bill C-216), 1325, 2027-8, 4205-6
>>Broadcasting, M. (Suzanne Tremblay), 1738-9
>>Budget 1996, M. (P. Martin), 1524, 1528-30
>>Canada Labour Code (amdt.--severance pay)(Bill C-219), 1918
>>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 1529
>>>M. (McLaughlin), 7701-2
>>>o.q., 2311, 3869, 4506, 7242-3
>>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33), 2192
>>Children, 7174
>>Copyright Act (amdt.)(Bill C-32), 8990-1, 8993, 8996-9, 9008, 9031, 9033, 9039, 9043-4
>>Cultural industries, 1529
>>Deficit, 1529-30
>>Education, 4974-5
>>Employment, 1529, 8042-3
>>>o.q., 10120
>>Employment insurance, 1528, 1530
>>Francophones outside Quebec
>>>M. on supply (Marchand), 3841-2
>>>o.q., 1052, 3260, 9450
>>Government programs and services, 1529
>>Hanrahan, references, 8991
>>Job creation, 1529-30
>>Magazines, o.q., 586
>>National parks/marine conservation areas, qu., 6617
>>North American Free Trade Agreement, o.q., 586
>>Official languages/bilingualism, 3841-2
>>>S.O. 31, 3706
>>Parks Canada, 1529, 1922
>>Parliament Hill, qu., 4267-8
>>Petitions, g.r., 3263
>>Police, o.q., 4864
>>>Bills, Government, 8991, 9039
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 1918
>>>Debate, 1524, 8993
>>>Divisions, recorded, deferred, 8996-7
>>>Members' remarks, 2192, 8427
>>>Motions, 9037
>>>Question and comment period, 9033
>>>Sittings of the House, 9044
>>>Speeches, 1325
>>Public safety officers compensation fund, M. (Szabo), 8040
>>Schools, S.O. 31, 5556
>>Sexual orientation, 2192
>>Social programs, 1528
>>Taxation, 1529
>>Television, cable, 2027-8, 6176
>>Trent-Severn Waterway, 7502
>>>o.q., 5740
Art Eggleton Centre of Molecular Medicine Research see Biotechnology--Israel
Arthritis see Health
Arthritis Month see Health--Arthritis
Artificial insemination
Doctors right to refuse, British Columbia lesbian couple case, 2538
Artisans see Quilting
Governor General's Performing Arts Awards, recipients, S.O. 31, 4335, 4337
>>Hale, Jennifer, Royal Academy of Dancing, London, England, acceptance,
S.O. 31, 5475
>>Income, 3447, 3461, 8992, 9005, 9283-4
>>Kieff, Antonio Grediaga, Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Que., sculpture,
donation, S.O. 31, 7077
>>See also Unemployment insurance--Benefits
Artqui Média see Culture/arts
Arts see Culture
Asbestos industry
Products, consumer safety question
>>>European Union, negotiations
>>>>o.q., 6962
>>>>S.O. 31, 6306-7
>>>France banning, economic impact, federal government position, 8230-1
>>>>o.q., 4229, 4635, 4941, 5292, 5482, 5810, 6961, 7888-9
>>>>S.O. 31, 4625
>>>>World Trade Organization referral, 7172-3, 8230-1
>>>>>o.q., 6961-2, 7889
>>>Research, $500,000 grant to Asbestos Institute, o.q., 5292
>>>Royal Society of Canada study, 8231
>>>S.O. 31, 9543
Asbestos Institute see Asbestos industry--Products
Asbestos region, Que. see Economic development/renewal
Ashrafinia, Siamak see Refugees--Criminals
Asia see Air transportation--Canada-Asia routes; Immigration/immigrants; Trade
Asia Minor
Atrocities of 1922, Greeks massacred/expelled by Turkish forces, 1829
Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group (APEC)
Canadian participation, trade benefits, 280, 5312
>>Manila, Philippines, Nov. 23-5/96 meeting
>>>Canadian role, o.q., 6960
>>>East Timor activist José Ramos-Horta attendance, o.q., 6371-2
Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum see Inter-Parliamentary delegations, reports--Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum--Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group
Asia-Pacific region see Energy industries; Trade
Assad, Mark (L--Gatineau--La Lièvre)
- >>Agri-food industry, o.q., 8735
>>Bourassa, Robert, S.O. 31, 4978
>>Chrétien, Jean, references, S.O. 31, 9929
>>Curling, S.O. 31, 7652
>>Cycling, S.O. 31, 9016
>>Dairy products, o.q., 2436
>>Economic conditions, S.O. 31, 5286
>>>o.q., 1590, 1665, 1713
>>>S.O. 31, 1540, 1953-4
>>Members of Parliament, S.O. 31, 9376
>>Middle East, S.O. 31, 5730
>>National Revenue Department, S.O. 31, 5595
>>Palestine LIberation Organization, S.O. 31, 2606
>>Private family trusts, S.O. 31, 2999
>>Procedure, Members' remarks, 6316
>>Program Cost Declaration Act (Bill C-214), 7543
>>Quebec, 6316
>>>S.O. 31, 6307, 7572
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), S.O. 31, 2936
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (post 1995), S.O. 31, 2061, 4221
>>Rail transportation/railways, S.O. 31, 8831
>>Small and medium business, S.O. 31, 8443
>>Training programs, o.q., 9993
>>Underground economy, S.O. 31, 7932
>>Women, S.O. 31, 8775