The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Goose Bay, Labrador see Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Goose Bay, Labrador; Highways and roads--Trans-Labrador Highway
Gouk, Jim, (REF--Kootenay West--Revelstoke)
- >>AIDS (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), 2442
>>Air navigation services, 1156-7, 2822, 2834-5, 3148-52, 4169
>>Air transportation, o.q., 4345, 6368-9, 6665
>>Airports, 8104
>>Automobile leasing, petition, 3264
>>British Columbia, S.O. 31, 2000
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1996 (Bill C-31), 2025-6
>>Canada Endangered Species Protection Act (Bill C-65), 10206
>>Canada Health Act (amdt.--conditions for contributions)(Bill C-251), 1329
>>Canada Labour Code (Part I) (amdt.)(Bill C-66), 8897, 8923-, 9494, 9497, 95007
>>Canada Marine Act (Bill C-44), 9699-700
>>Canada Pension Plan
>>>Petition, 10144
>>>S.O. 31, 8442
>>Canada Transportation Act (Bill C-14), 1085-7, 1094-7, 1111, 1117-20, 1123-4, 1144-7, 1151, 1215-9, 1227-8
>>Canadian Airlines International, o.q., 6665, 6747, 6792, 6905, 6958, 7036-7, 7082-3
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 743-6
>>Canadian Coast Guard, 3151, 3737-8
>>>o.q., 2011
>>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill C-33), 2441-4
>>Canadian National Railways, 4045, 8053
>>Child support payments, 8152
>>Civil Air Navigation Services Commercialization Act (Bill C-20), 1156-7, 2822, 2834-5, 3148-52, 4169
>>Committees of the Whole House, M. (J. Chrétien), 14
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--judicial review of parole ineligibility)(Bill C-45), 4290-1
>>Divorce Act, Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-41), 8152
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, petition, 10145
>>Education, petition, 3876
>>Election, S.O. 31, 10111
>>Elections, S.O. 31, 1162
>>Emergencies/disasters, S.O. 31, 9986
>>Fire-fighters, S.O. 31, 2427
>>Gasoline taxes, petition, 4159
>>Goods and Services Tax, 1156
>>>Petition, 10145
>>Government, 4290
>>Grain transportation, 1151
>>Health, 1329
>>Highways and roads, 8048, 8051, 8077, 8106
>>House of Commons, 740, 744
>>Justice system, 2441-2, 4290-1
>>Labour disputes, 8923-5, 9494
>>Labour relations, 8927
>>Labour unions, 8923
>>Legislation, 4045-6, 9117
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), S.O. 31, 5675
>>Members of Parliament, 2442
>>Mining industry, petition, 1111
>>Mirabel International Airport, 2834-5
>>National parks/marine conservation areas, o.q., 10072
>>Oceans Act (Bill C-26), 3737-8
>>Official Opposition, 744-5
>>Parole, 4290-1
>>>M. on supply (Ramsay), 8807
>>Pay equity, petition, 6966-7
>>Pearson International Airport, 1715, 2822, 4169, 8047-8, 8051, 8054
>>>M., 1125-7, 1132-3
>>>o.q., 1713, 3260, 3925-6, 4178-9, 9384
>>Pearson International Airport Agreements Act (Bill C-28), 1715
>>Ports, 1216
>>Privilege, prima facie, contempt of Parliament, M. (Hart), 736, 740, 743-6
>>>Bills, Government, 1085-6, 1097, 1715
>>>Debate, 1124
>>>Divisions, recorded, 8994, 9502
>>>Divisions, recorded, deferred, 1146, 1153
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 8280
>>>Members' remarks, 8078
>>>Motions, 9489-90
>>>Question and comment period, 736, 9500
>>>Standing Orders, 740
>>>Supply motions, 8106
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 743-4, 2822
>>Rail passenger service, 1086, 8048-50, 8054, 8077-8, 8106
>>Rail transportation/railways, 1086-7, 1095-7, 1117-8, 1123, 1144-5, 1215-7, 1227-8
>>Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-43), 4045-6
>>References see Transportation--Policy
>>Ringuette-Maltais, references, 14
>>Salmon, o.q., 2613
>>Same-sex couples, 2442
>>Senior citizens, petition, 10144-5
>>Sexual orientation, 2440-4, 2822
>>Transportation, 1119-20, 1147, 1217-9, 3150-1
>>>M. on supply, 8047-51, 8053-4, 8077-8, 8097-8, 8104, 8106
>>>VIA Rail Canada Inc., o.q., 10184
>>Wildlife, 10206
>>>Statement by Minister (Gagliano), 2015-6
Gouzenko, Igor see Cold war
Accountability, 4760, 4770
>>>Lack, 7755, 7764-5, 7899
>>Business management practices, profitability, analogy, 4376
>>Decision making powers, unelected, unaccountable bureaucracy controlling,
>>>Getting Government Right: a progress report, tabled, 385
>>>Getting Government Right---Governing for Canadians, tabled, 8349
>>Downsizing, 6244-5
>>>See also Public Service--Reduction
>>Elitism, 3075
>>Integrity, ethics, restoring, Liberal government (Chrétien) election promise,
"red book", 6236, 7847
>>>Failure, 5821-2, 5857, 6287, 6289, 6318, 7509, 7606-7
>>>Scandals, lack, o.q., 9798, 10117
>>>See also Liberal government (Chrétien)--Credibility
>>Public opinion, confidence and trust
>>>Increase, Macleans magazine poll, 10083
>>>>o.q., 9798, 10117
>>>Lack, 7776, 9397
>>Reducing, decentralizing, S.O. 31, 4494
>>Role, 810, 5510, 5860, 6286, 7672, 8060-1
>>>Historical, 4386-7
>>>Opportunities, providing, 10048-50, 10053
>>>Powers, re-election goals, etc., 223-5
>>>Reducing, individual taking responsibility, 9526-7
>>>Reform, Budget 1996 measures, 437
>>>Rethinking, 1536
>>>Ruling/listening, 4290
>>>Smaller, 6014, 6019-20, 6286-7, 6289
>>>>Reform Party position, 5860-1, 5866-7, 8063, 8789, 9559-60, 9567, 10053
>>>>See also Taxation--Reduction
>>See also Liberal government (Chrétien)
Government advertising
Advertising agencies, contracts, 100% Canadian requirement, BCP Canada
contract, o.q., 5557-8
>>Canada Post Corporation, 45 cent stamp, use, promoting, utility, o.q., 240
>>Expenditure, 1992-1995, all media, ro., 7525-6
>>National Defence Department, r.o., 4240
>>Royal Canadian Mint, two-dollar coin, promoting, $2 million advertising
campaign, 463
>>>o.q., 240
>>See also Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions
Government aircraft
Prime Minister`s VIP airplane, elimination, 5851
>>See also Cabinet Ministers--Travel
Government appointments
Canadian citizenship, requirement, 5496
>>Committee review, United States example, 5931
>>Merit principle, 5933, 5935-6
>>Patronage, 5492-5, 5501, 5505-9, 5569-70, 5572, 5574-6, 5579-83, 5753,
5755, 5762, 5766, 5925-9, 5932-7, 7454-5, 7457, 7474-5, 7478, 7491-2, 7603,
7605, 7607-8, 7610, 7612-3
>>>Collenette, Penny, role, 7455, 7492
>>>Eliminating, Liberal government (Chrétien) election promise, "red book",
5765, 5854
>>>o.q., 9886-7, 10067
>>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney, Campbell), Marjorie LeBreton
role, 7455
>>>Quebec deferral Liberal Party candidates, Senator Pietro Rizzuto role, S.O.
31, 9929
>>>See also Canadian Food Inspection Agency--Executives;
Somalia--Canadian Armed Forces peacekeeping operation, Public inquiry;
>>Salaries, excessive, 7799-800
>>See also Order in Council appointments/appointees
Government borrowing
1995-96 and 1996-97, 3% of Gross Domestic Product, 861
>>1997-98, .7% of Gross Domestic Product, Budget 1996 statement, 373, 404,
407, 861-2, 1443, 1450, 1481
>>1997-98, requirements, legislation (Bill C-83), 8299
>>1998-99, forecast, 861
>>Borrowing authority legislation
>>>April 1/96 effective date, urgency, 860, 862
>>>Introducing, 372
>>>See also Borrowing Authority Act, 1996-97 (Bill C-10)
>>Current account surplus, decrease, 834
>>Elimination in second quarter of 1998, 6235, 6280
>>>Borrowing from Public Service pension fund factor, 6238
>>Foreign borrowing
>>>Decrease from $29 billion to $13 billion, Budget 1996 statement, 847-8,
>>>>o.q., 425
>>>Eliminating, 4775
>>G-7 countries, comparison, 806, 8291
>>Requirements, 7217-8, 7246, 8341
>>>New, decline, 373
>>>Reducing, 1507
>>>Reduction from $32 billion to $14 billion, 10094
>>United States comparison, 862
>>See also Gross Domestic Product
Government buildings
Hull, Que., National Revenue Department, tendering call, requirements, not
applying in Ontario, 956-7
>>>o.q., 711-2
>>Space, vacancy rate, ro., 4714
>>See also Fisheries and Oceans Department--Head office building
Government contracts
>>>Amendments, disallowing, 1181
>>>Copps awarding contracts to political campaign contributors, 6675, 6730-1
>>>Deposit cheques, submitting, qu., 4237
>>>Non-compliance provision, Public Works and Government Services Department,
waiving, qu., 5485
>>>Without tenders, 40% of total contracts, 10106-7
>>>>o.q., 9656-7
>>Contents, full disclosure, 1181, 1186, 1261-2
>>Members of Parliament, involvement, 1178, 1188-9, 1191-6, 1261-2, 1264
>>Political party financing, relationship, 1187-8, 1190, 1258, 1261, 1263-5,
6731, 7984-5
>>Procurement process
>>>Advanced contract award notices, 10107
>>>Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency role, o.q., 3636
>>>Federal-provincial agreement, 1801
>>>French documentation, lack, 10054
>>>Government Operations Standing Committee, report, recommendations, 9513,
9567, 10054
>>>Interprovincial trade agreement provisions, S.O. 31, 706
>>>Job creation, relationship, 10053-6
>>>Open bidding system, 1177, 1183-5, 1261, 1264-5, 5664-6, 10107
>>>o.q., 5600
>>>Regional development, relationship, 9567
>>>Regional representation, Quebec, etc., 10054-6
>>>Transparency, 1177, 1182, 1184, 1186-8, 1194, 1197, 1258-9, 1261, 1264-5
>>>See also Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement;
Government Operations Standing Committee--Reports, Second
>>Quebec, share, 5666
>>>o.q., 4223-4, 5599-600, 5805-6
>>Small and medium business, awarding to, 1180, 10107
>>Sole source/tendering process
>>>Abuse potential, 1180-1
>>>See also Government buildings--Hull, Que.
>>Waste and abuse, 1455
>>See also Air Canada--Airbus A320 passenger jet;
Canadian Food Inspection Agency--Contracts;
Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (Bil C-7);
Government advertising--Advertising agencies;
National Defence Department--Contracts
Government credit cards
Cabinet Ministers use for personal expenses, guidelines, Blondin-Andrew case,
Ethics Counsellor role, etc., 5857, 5889, 5948-9, 6186-9, 6320, 6322-3, 6325
>>>o.q., 5685, 5738, 5885-7, 5954-6, 6007, 6057-9, 6129-30, 6262-3, 6312
Government credit rating
Short term debt, upgrading, Dominion Bond Rating Service announcement,
o.q., 9453
>>See also Deficit
Government databases see Elections--Voters list, permanent
Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions
1998-99 expenditures, $2 billion reduction, Budget 1996 statement, 372, 1902
>>Advertising, 1991-94 expenditures, 7434
>>>ro., 7525
>>Agencies, multi-year appropriations, enabling, 1903, 2982
>>Annual reports, tabling, mandatory information disclosure, 1362-3, 1378-80,
>>Auditor General's reports, responses, tabling in House of Commons, Financial
Administration Act, amending, M. (Williams), 1073-83, 2963-72, 3845-52
>>>Agreed to, on recorded division, 4051-2
>>>Dropped to bottom of Order Paper, 1083, 2972
>>Commercialization, management-labour negotiations, merit principle,
applying, 8489-90
>>Downsizing/restructuring, 5488, 5497-9, 5571-2, 5576-8, 6526, 7603, 7608-9
>>>Legislation, Government Organization Act (Federal Agencies)(Bill C-65)(1st
Sess. 35th Parl.), 7608-9
>>Duplication, elimination, cost-savings, 1493, 5488-9
>>>Bloc Quebecois, position, 5490, 6146
>>>Liberal government (Chretien), election promises, 5798-9
>>>Full time, number, ro., 5523
>>>Second residence living/transportation allowance, 1896
>>>>qu., 5645
>>>>ro., 5646
>>>$9 billion over Budget 1995 projections, 10094
>>>>o.q., 9082-3, 9172-4, 9326-7, 9451, 9649-50
>>>Reduction, 435, 7228, 7246
>>>>9% ($4 billion) of departmental spending rather than 19% ($9 billion)
target, change hidden, 9112-4, 9517, 9522, 9942, 9944-5
>>>>>o.q., 9380-1
>>>Review, 4355
>>Gender equality, feminists role, 342
>>Hearings, intervenor funding, provision, S.O. 31, 355-6
>>Inventory, stock management, improvements, $1.2 billion potential savings,
Auditor General November 1996 report, 7226, 8322
>>>o.q., 6744
>>>Public Accounts Standing Committee recommendations, 9701
>>Juneau Review Panel, report, cost, commissioners, payment, 1445
>>>o.q., 1550
>>Numbers, reduction, 374
>>Operating budgets
>>>Increase, 390, 4396-7
>>>Review, quarterly, standing committees, 1189-90, 1193, 1266
>>Treasury Board, President's annual report
>>>Getting Government Right--Governing for Canadians, tabled, 8349
>>>Getting Government Right: Improving Results Measurement and
Accountability with Departmental Performance Reports", 5917-9
>>>>Statement by Minister (Masse), 5917-9
>>>>Tabled, 5917
>>See also Access to information;
Administrative Tribunals (Remedial and Disciplinary Measures)
Act (Bill C-49);
Gender equality;
Science and technology
Government Employees Compensation Act (amdt.--definition of child)(Bill
First reading, 10038-9
Government expenditures
12% of Gross Domestic Product, Budget 1996 statement, 408
>>$103.5 billion in 1998-99, reduction from $120 billion 1993-94, Budget 1997
statement, 8291, 8336
>>$95 billion, Reform Party alternative /fresh start" budget statement, 7410,
7906, 7955, 8328
>>Accountability, 1191-2, 1196-7,
1259, 1262-3, 1265-6
>>>Public Accounts Standing Committee, role, 4383-4
>>>Public Service, role, whistleblowing, 1179, 1259, 1262, 1266
>>>Reform Party position, 1181, 4396, 4398-9
>>>>o.q., 9934
>>Budget 1997 measures
>>>$1 billion new expenditures, 9629
>>>See also Government expenditures--$103.5 billion
>>Business subsidies, percentage, 1490
>>Contingency reserves, $3 billion, 1909
>>>Unused portion, use in deficit reduction, 373
>>>>o.q., 317
>>>Budget 1996 measures, 798
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien) election promise, "red book", 5823, 5844
>>Focusing on the things that really count to Canadians, Finance Minister P.
Martin statement, 8334, 8340
>>Increase, 1518, 6019, 9517
>>>After budget balanced, 10092-3
>>>Election, relationship, 9860, 10050,
10060, 10085, 10088-9, 10094
>>>Finance Standing Committee recommendations, 7229
>>Item-by-item scrutiny, Bloc Québécois proposal, 9519
>>Limits, legislation, 244, 2326-34
>>>See also Constitution Act, 1996 (amdt.--balanced budget and spending
limit)(Bill C-213)
>>Management/mismanagement, 7223
>>>Auditor General November 1996 report, o.q., 6744-5
>>>o.q., 9883
>>Patronage, pre-election spending
>>>o.q., 9934, 9938-9, 10066, 10119
>>>S.O. 31, 9928, 9985
>>>Lack, 9951
>>>Multiculturalism, 1537-8
>>>Taxpayers, consultations, 1537-8
>>Professional services, 15% cut-back, Liberal Party "red book" promise, o.q.,
>>Program Expenditure Details: a Profile of Departmental Spending,
tabled, 385, 8349
>>Progressive Conservative government (Mulroney) record, 1525-6
>>Quebec benefits, 2874-5
>>Quebec share, 5649, 5653, 8186, 8209, 9187, 9857, 10055
>>>o.q., 5805
>>Reduction, 404, 415, 1526-7, 6246, 7256, 7258, 7403
>>>17% since 1993 election, 7226
>>>1993-1999, 12% overall, o.q., 7237
>>>$2 billion, Budget 1996 statement, 414
>>>$7 cut for $1 increase tax revenue, 372, 1489, 1527, 2993-4, 3024, 3935,
>>>$20 billion over three years, Reform Party election platform, 463-4
>>>$25 billion, Reform Party taxpayers alternative budget proposals, Liberal
government (Chrétien) budget measures, comparison, 836-7
>>>Alberta, comparison, 806
>>>Budget 1995, Budget 1996 measures, $26.1 billion in savings, 450, 799,
2994, 3024, 3935
>>>Budget 1995 measures, effective Apr.1/97, S.O. 31, 8189
>>>Budget 1996 measures
>>>>Impact, 408, 1489
>>>>>o.q., 424
>>>>Lack, 841
>>>Burden transferred to provinces, 841, 9944-5
>>>Health, education, welfare, transfer payments to provinces, $15 billion,
Reform Party alternative taxpayer budget proposals, comparison, 215-6, 400-1,
>>>New Zealand, benefits, 419
>>>Operating expenditures, 6% reduction since 1993 election, 8319
>>>Petition, 1716
>>>Provinces, participation, 7260
>>>Reform Party proposals, 1555, 7943,
>>>S.O. 31, 5953
>>>Spending better, relationship, 2899
>>>Transfer payments to provinces, relationship, 1551, 7223, 7256, 8319, 9945
>>>>o.q., 424, 5370-1, 9649-50
>>>See also Deficit--Reduction
>>Reallocation, youth, technology and external trade, Budget 1996 statement,
1536, 9921
>>Restraint/reduction program, maintaining, Liberal Party spending tradition,
threat, 7229, 7231-2
>>>See also Deficit--Reduction, Liberal government (Chrétien)
>>Review, committee scrutiny, Quebec National Assembly example, 1177, 1186
>>Statutory expenditures, review, 3324
>>>See also Statutory Program Evaluation Act (Bill C-294)
>>Waste and extravagance, elimination, 374, 395, 462, 7257
>>>Auditor General's report, 7404
>>>>$71 ship repair, $30,000 dollar expenditure, example, o.q., 6790
>>>o.q., 6448, 9885
>>See also National debt--Interest payments;
Transfer payments to provinces