The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.
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Harbor masters see Ports
Harbours, wharves and breakwaters
Docking facilities see Ferry service--Islands
>>Sorel, Que., harbour, dredging operation, contaminated sediment, water
pollution, concern, 1188, 1192
>>>Petition, 2368, 3722
>>>S.O. 31, 1417
Harding, Randolph
Former Member of Parliament, death, tributes, 431-2
Hardy, Hagood
Musician/composer, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 7571
Hargrave, Bert
Member of Parliament, former, death, tributes, 4867-8
>>>S.O. 31, 4797-8
Harmonization see Goods and Services Tax
Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) see Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70); Goods and Services Tax
Harper, Ed (REF--Simcoe Centre)
- >>Abortion, petition, 8870
>>Airports, 8968
>>Alberta, 8968
>>Bankruptcy and insolvency, 10080
>>Banks, 5841-2
>>>S.O. 31, 3198
>>Bruce--Grey constituency, S.O. 31, 4742
>>Budget, 462, 9147
>>>o.q., 2433
>>Budget 1996, M. (P. Martin), 461-3
>>Budget 1997, 10079
>>>M. (P. Martin), 9147-9
>>Budget Implementation Act, 1996 (Bill C-31), 2022-3
>>Canada Marine Act (Bill C-44), 9821
>>Canada, petitions, 5610, 7747
>>Canada Pension Plan, 8969, 9147-9
>>Canadian Coast Guard, 8968
>>Canadian flag, S.O. 31, 5678
>>Capital punishment, 9709
>>Child care, 4960-1
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, petitions, 277, 770, 1297, 1775, 2017, 2314, 2526, 2816, 3722, 4158, 4995, 5174, 5610, 5776, 6194, 6804, 7394, 7747, 8234, 8515, 8870, 9807, 10042
>>Child support payments, 4960
>>Children, 4961
>>Committees of the Whole House, M. (H. Gray), 5839-42
>>Constitution, M. (Rock), 6942-4
>>Constitutional reform, 2901
>>Copps, references, o.q., 2249
>>Crime, petitions, 4150, 4996, 5174
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--judicial review of parole ineligibility)(Bill C-45), 5008
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--operation while impaired)(Bill C-201), 2918-20
>>Criminal Code and Copyright Act (amdt.--profit from authorship respecting a crime)(Bill C-205), 3236-7
>>Criminal Code, Corrections and Conditional Release Act, Criminal Records Act, Prisons and Reformatories Act and Department of the Solicitor General Act (amdt.--high risk offenders)(Bill C-55), 9708-9
>>Dangerous/high-risk offenders, 9708-9
>>Deficit, 461, 463, 5839-40, 8967-8, 9147-8, 10078-9
>>>o.q., 2434
>>Department of Health Act (Bill C-18), 1725-6
>>Divorce, 4960-1
>>Divorce Act, Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act, Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act and Canada Shipping Act (amdt.)(Bill C-41), 4960-2
>>Economic development/renewal, M. on supply (Rocheleau), 8967-71
>>Economy, 461-2
>>Education, 6942-4
>>Election (1993), 2901
>>Employment insurance, 8968-9
>>Ethics Counsellor, 7903
>>Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 7902-3
>>Family, 4960-2
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 2903
>>Fisheries, 8968
>>Goods and Services Tax, 462, 5839, 5841, 7902-3, 10077-81
>>>o.q., 1427, 2005-6, 2249-50, 2306
>>>Petition, 10042
>>>S.O. 31, 311, 6181
>>Government advertising, 463
>>Government expenditures, 462
>>>Petition, 1716
>>Gun control/guns, 9709
>>Harper, Ed, references, S.O. 31, 10178-9
>>Health care system, 1725-6
>>Highways and roads, petition, 8515
>>Hoouse of Commons, 10081
>>Howe, William Marvin, 4231
>>Impaired driving, S.O. 31, 34
>>Income, 8969, 10080
>>Infrastructure program, 8969-70
>>Interest rates, 5840, 8967, 8969, 8971, 9148, 10080-1
>>Interprovincial trade, 8970
>>Job creation, 461-2, 2901, 5839-40, 7902, 8967, 8971, 9147, 9149, 10079-80
>>>S.O. 31, 6181
>>Justice system, 2901, 9709
>>Legislation, 7902
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 5839, 7902-3, 8967, 9148, 10079-80
>>>o.q., 2306
>>>S.O. 31, 7139
>>Members of Parliament, 10081
>>Mirabel International Airport, 8967
>>Murder, S.O. 31, 817
>>National debt, 461-3, 5839-40, 8968, 9147-8, 10078-9, 10081
>>National unity, 2901-4
>>>o.q., 7239
>>Newfoundland, 2904
>>North American Free Trade Agreement, 5840, 7902, 10079
>>Nunziata, references, S.O. 31, 6782
>>Ontario, 461, 8968
>>Parole, 9708-9
>>Pearson International Airport, 5841, 8967, 8970
>>>o.q., 4180, 7147, 7578, 7788, 9799-800
>>>S.O. 31, 8189-90
>>Peters, Arnold, 4461
>>Ports, 8968
>>Postal service, 8968
>>Poverty, 8967
>>Prime Ministers, o.q., 7311
>>Public safety, 9708
>>Quebec, 2904
>>Quebec distinct society status, o.q., 7239, 7311-2
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty
>>>M. on supply (Gauthier), 2900-5
>>>o.q., 2814
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), 2901-2, 2904
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (post 1995), 2901, 2904
>>>Retirement, S.O. 31, 10178-9
>>>See also Prime Ministers--French Canadians
>>Referendums, 10081
>>Registered retirement savings plans, o.q., 823
>>Roy, Jean-Robert, 7718
>>Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism, 2901
>>Same-sex couples, o.q., 2564
>>Service clubs, S.O. 31, 1837
>>Sexual orientation, petitions, 277, 537, 770, 1297, 1716, 1775, 2017, 2314, 2525, 2816, 4158, 4995, 5173, 5610, 5776, 6194, 6804, 7394
>>Social programs, 5839, 8968
>>>o.q., 2609
>>>S.O. 31, 8189
>>Speakership, 5839
>>Special olympics, S.O. 31, 7880
>>Spicer Commission (Citizen's Forum on Canadas Future), 2901
>>Suicide, petition, 1775
>>Taxation, 8969, 9147, 10080-1
>>Tobacco products, 10078
>>Toronto, Ont., S.O. 31, 6742
>>Unemployment, 8968-9, 8971, 9147-8, 10080
>>Veterans benefits, petition, 2851
>>Victims of crime, 9708
>>Violent offences, petition, 7747
>>Young offenders, 9709
>>Young Offenders Act, 9709
>>>Petitions, 537, 827, 4996, 5173, 5609-10, 5776, 6194, 7747
Harper, Elijah (L--Churchill)
- >>Aboriginal land claims, 3963-4
>>Aboriginal peoples, o.q., 3489
>>AIDS, S.O. 31, 5107
>>Child poverty, S.O. 31, 7031
>>Dangerous/high-risk offenders, S.O. 31, 4495
>>Emergencies/disasters, o.q., 2611
>>Family violence, S.O. 31, 4069
>>House of Commons, statement by Minister (Irwin), 8955
>>Housing, o.q., 9175
>>Income tax, o.q., 9022
>>Indians/First Nations, S.O. 31, 9877
>>Manitoba, 289
>>Murder, S.O. 31, 4495
>>National unity, 288-91
>>Nisga'a land claim, 289
>>Northern Flood Agreement, 3963-6
>>Ports, S.O. 31, 230
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 290
>>References see House of Commons--Public gallery
>>Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, o.q., 7661
>>South Africa, S.O. 31, 1759
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Sheridan), 288-91
>>York Factory First Nations Flooded Land Act (Bill C-39), 3963-6
Harper, Stephen (REF--Calgary West; resigned Jan. 14, 1997)
- >>Air Canada, 7526
>>>o.q., 3867-8, 3921-2
>>Budget, o.q., 479
>>Budget 1996, M. (P. Martin), 463-4
>>Canada, 4712-3
>>Canada Day, 7523
>>Canada Elections Act and Referendum Act (amdt.)(Bill C-63), 5526-8, 6595-6, 6598-9, 6624-7, 6652-4, 6678, 6680-2, 6692-3, 6697, 6721-6
>>Canada Health and Social Transfer, 464
>>Canadian Airlines International, o.q., 6857, 6906
>>Canadian Armed Forces, petition, 3325-6
>>Canadian Volunteer Service Medal for United Nations Peacekeeping Act (Bill C-300), 6642-4
>>Children, petition, 2851
>>>M. (Rock), 3266-9, 3275
>>>o.q., 138
>>Constitutional reform, o.q., 3421, 3820
>>Deficit, 463, 783
>>>o.q., 479
>>Economic development/renewal, 784, 789
>>>M. on supply (Gauthier), 5653-6, 5658-9
>>>M. on supply (Strahl), 783-9
>>Education, 3266-8, 3275
>>Election, 6725
>>Elections, 5526-8, 5713-4, 6598-9, 6625-7, 6653-4, 6680-2, 6692, 6721-6
>>>S.O. 31, 3863
>>Electoral boundaries, 6722
>>Employment, 464
>>Excise Tax Act (amdt.--small suppliers carrying on a taxi business)(Bill C-317), 3989
>>Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 7332-3
>>Federal-provincial conferences, o.q., 138, 3421-2
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, o.q., 3422
>>Federalism, 6692-3
>>>o.q., 137-8
>>Goods and Services Tax, 3989, 7332-3
>>>o.q., 3257, 3421
>>>Petition, 6671, 7432-3
>>Government advertising, r.o., 4240
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, M. (Williams), 2970-2
>>Government expenditures, 463-4
>>Highways and roads, petition, 7433
>>Holidays Act (amdt.)(Bill C-365), 7523
>>House of Commons, 6721
>>Hydro-electric power, 785-8
>>Job creation, 463-4
>>Judges, petition, 4714
>>Legislation, M. (H. Gray), 190
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 464
>>Liberal government (Trudeau), 5713-4
>>National debt, 463
>>National unity, 4711-2
>>>o.q., 2814
>>>S.O. 31, 5880
>>Nuclear energy, 3511
>>Old age pensions, 464
>>Ontario, S.O. 31, 916
>>Political parties, 6693, 6721
>>>Bills, Government, 7329
>>>Divisions, recorded, 6507
>>>Oral questions, 3824
>>>Private Members' Motions for Papers, 7526
>>>Questions on the Order Paper, 7526
>>Program Cost Declaration Act (Bill C-214), 7538-40
>>Property rights, M. (Gilmour), 4830-2
>>Public Accounts, S.O. 31, 5107
>>Quebec, 5658-9
>>Quebec Contingency Act (Referendum Conditions)(Bill C-341), 5890
>>Quebec distinct society status, 2861-2, 6680
>>>o.q., 138, 2809
>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, 6693
>>>M. on supply (Gauthier), 2860-4
>>>o.q., 2709-10, 4746
>>>Statement by Minister (Rock), 4711-3
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), 2860-1, 2864, 4711-2
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (post 1995), 2862-3, 4712, 5890
>>>o.q., 137-8, 2709, 4746
>>Queen's University at Kingston Act (Bill S-8), 4103
>>References see House of Commons vacancies--Calgary West; Quebec distinct society status--Reform Party position
>>Referendums, 6693
>>Research and development, M. on supply (Suzanne Tremblay), 3511-3
>>Same-sex couples, o.q., 2480
>>Senate, 6721
>>Social programs, 783
>>Taxation, 5656
>>Taylor, Hon. Senator Nick, S.O. 31, 422
>>Unemployment insurance, 463-4
>>Unemployment Insurance Act (amdt.)(Bill C-292), 3323
Harris, Dick (REF--Prince George--Bulkley Valley)
- >>Air Canada, o.q., 3868-9, 3924
>>Borrowing Authority Act 1996-97 (Bill C-10), 1024, 1026, 1032, 1067-8
>>Broadcasting Act (amdt.--broadcasting policy)(Bill C-216), 4207-8
>>Budget 1997, M. (P. Martin), 8341, 8379-81, 8422, 8427
>>Canada Communication Group, 1182
>>Canada Pension Plan
>>>o.q., 8312-3, 8446
>>>S.O. 31, 3864
>>Canadian Armed Forces, M. (B. Mills), 7343-4
>>Canadian Wheat Board Act (amdt.)(Bill C-72), 8254-5
>>Capital punishment, 3911, 4254, 4619-20, 9464
>>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 1143-4
>>>S.O. 31, 816
>>Committees of the Whole House, M. (J. Chrétien), 13-4
>>Corporations, M. on supply (Loubier), 901-2, 910-2
>>Crime, petition, 3721-2
>>Criminal Code (amdt.)(Bill C-234), 7427
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--judicial review of parole ineligibility)(Bill C-45), 3909-13, 4253-4, 4574, 4619-20
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--operation while impaired)(Bill C-201), 93-4, 946-8, 4483-4
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--production of records in sexual offence proceedings)(Bill C-46), 9393, 9398-401
>>Criminal Law Improvement Act, 1996 (Bill C-17), 9463-4
>>Dangerous/high-risk offenders, M. (Meredith), 1142-4
>>Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (Bill C-7), 1179-83
>>Estimates, M. (Massé), 4389-90, 4394
>>Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 7150-1, 7298-9, 7762-3, 7789-91
>>Finance Standing Committee, M. (H. Gray), 7268
>>Gasoline taxes, petition, 4266
>>Goods and Services Tax, 269, 988, 7150-1, 7298-9, 7762-3, 7789-91
>>>M. on supply (Solberg), 988
>>>Petition, 7433
>>Government advertising, o.q., 240
>>Government contracts, 1180-2, 1193
>>Government departments, boards, agencies and commissions, M. (Williams), 2967-8
>>Government expenditures, 1181
>>Government programs and services, 1178
>>Grain marketing, 8254
>>Gun control/guns, 9401, 9463-4
>>Health care system, petition, 2851
>>Highways and roads, 8422
>>>Statement by Minister (Anderson), 2948-9
>>Hockey, S.O. 31, 9479
>>Housing, 7151
>>Impaired driving, 93-4, 946-8, 2949, 3774, 3910-1, 9399-400
>>>M. 6929-31
>>>Petitions, 96, 2716, 2816, 3567, 3722, 4236-7, 4447, 7433
>>>S.O. 31, 129, 961, 2938, 8388
>>Income tax, 7298
>>Interprovincial trade, 269
>>Job creation, 268, 7268, 8341
>>>o.q., 7187, 8312-3
>>Justice system, 1143, 3910-2, 9400, 9463
>>Legislation, 7298-9
>>>M. (H. Gray), 205, 267-9
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 268-9
>>Liberal Party, S.O. 31, 4551
>>Members of Parliament, 9463
>>>Petition, 4266
>>>S.O. 31, 3864
>>Murder, 1142-3, 4619-20
>>>o.q., 1108-9
>>National debt, 4394
>>Negotiation Terms of Separation Act (Bill C-230), 4785-6
>>Nunziata, references, 3911
>>Parliament of Canada Act and Canada Elections Act (amdt.--confidence motions)(Bill C-250), 8471-4
>>Parole, 3909-13, 4200, 4253-4, 4619-20, 9400, 9463-4
>>Pearson International Airport
>>>M. (Gouk), 1129-30
>>>S.O. 31, 4744
>>Penitentiaries, 1143
>>Politicians, 7790
>>Pornography, S.O. 31, 7235
>>Prisons and Reformatories Act (amdt.)(Bill C-53), 4639-42
>>Privilege, Ramsay (contempt of Parliament), 4200
>>>Bills, Government, 2962, 7328
>>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 4521
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 7150, 7790
>>>Members' remarks, 7399
>>>Private Members' Motions, 6937
>>Property rights, 9464
>>Rail transportation/railways, 2949
>>Referendum on the Restoration of the Death Penalty Act (Bill C-261), 4520-1
>>Reform Party, S.O. 31, 3556
>>Regulations Act (Bill C-25), 3773-5
>>Salmon, o.q., 3636-7
>>Senate, 4390
>>Sentences (convicted criminals), 3910, 9401
>>Sexual Assault/offences, 9393, 9398-401
>>Sexual orientation, petition, 3721
>>Small and medium business, 306-7
>>Standards Council of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-4), 2962
>>Taxation, 269, 8380-1
>>Throne Speech, Address in Reply, M. (Sheridan), 125, 157, 306-8
>>Victims of crime, 3912, 4620, 9401
>>>Petition, 7433
>>Young offenders, 9401
Harris, Hon. Mike see Ontario
Harrison, Keith see Parole--Murderers, Nichols, John
Hart, Jim (REF--Okanagan--Similkameen--Merritt)
- >>Africa, M. (L. Axworthy), 6381-4
>>Blood, S.O. 31, 2133
>>Budget 1996, M. (P. Martin), 1523-5
>>Canada Steamship Lines Inc., 1524
>>Canadian Armed Forces, 80-1, 502, 557-8, 560, 562-5, 649, 671-2, 689-91, 4151, 6382-4
>>>o.q., 482, 819-20, 1052, 1106-7, 1659, 2438, 2481, 4455, 4800-1, 4938, 5059, 5242, 9178, 9276-7
>>>S.O. 31, 582
>>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, o.q., 6314-5
>>Capital punishment, 4606-7
>>Collenette, references, o.q., 5164
>>Criminal Code (amdt.--judicial review of parole ineligibility)(Bill C-45), 4606-7
>>Defence equipment, 502, 6383-4
>>>o.q., 481, 2481, 6488-9, 6561-2, 7189-90
>>Defence expenditures, 502-3, 6384
>>Drugs and pharmaceuticals, S.O. 31, 9211
>>Electric power, o.q., 6488
>>Employment insurance, petition, 6193
>>Environment, S.O. 31, 8647
>>Excise Tax Act, Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act, Income Tax Act and Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.)(Bill C-70), 7328-9
>>Fisheries, Pacific, 502-3
>>Goods and Services Tax, 7328-9
>>>Petition, 7394
>>Haiti, 6384
>>>M. (L. Axworthy), 80-1
>>>o.q., 482
>>Highways and roads, petition, 7394
>>Hijacking, S.O. 31, 3199-200
>>House of Commons, 14
>>Job creation, 1523-4
>>Liberal government (Chrétien), 4607
>>Murder, 4607
>>National Defence and Veterans Affairs Standing Committee, 564
>>National Defence Department, o.q., 3005-6, 3085, 3127, 3203-4, 3422-3, 4630-1, 4669-70, 4747-8, 4800-1
>>North American Aerospace Defence Command, M. (L. Axworthy), 501-3
>>Nuclear reactors, o.q., 6314
>>Parole, 4606-7
>>Privilege, contempt of Parliament, 557-60
>>Privilege, prima facie, contempt of Parliament, M., 562-5, 649, 671-2, 686, 689-92
>>>Chair, impartiality, 8279
>>>Divisions, recorded, 8621, 8624
>>>Documents, 3427-8
>>>Language, inappropriate/improper, 4183, 8279
>>>Motions, 649
>>>Oral questions, 8279
>>>Petitions, 6191
>>>Private Members' Motions, 6330
>>Procedure and House Affairs Standing Committee, M. (Strahl), 4151
>>Quebec sovereignty referendum (1995), 563-4
>>Registered Retirement Savings Plans, 1524-5
>>Ringuette-Maltais, references, 13
>>Sedition, 671
>>Seniors benefit, 1525
>>>S.O. 31, 7460
>>Somalia, 4607, 6384
>>>o.q., 1465, 1545-6, 1588, 1659, 1707-8, 1955-6, 2140, 4181, 4225, 4304-5, 4341-2, 4455, 4499-500, 4503-4, 4554-5, 4938, 4983, 5059, 5164, 5242-3, 7314, 8198, 8508
>>>S.O. 31, 6259
>>Speakership, 13
>>Taiwan, S.O. 31, 522
>>Taxation, 1523
>>Tobacco Act (Bill C-71), 8749-52
>>Tobacco industry, 8749-52
>>Unemployment insurance, 1524
>>Victims of crime, S.O. 31, 131
>>Welfare, 1524
>>World War II, S.O. 31, 6259
>>Young, references, o.q., 8277
>>Young offenders
>>>Petition, 7089
>>>S.O. 31, 3708
>>Young Offenders Act
>>>M., 6327-30
>>>S.O. 31, 3199-200
>>Yugoslavia (former), 80