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Information Highway Advisory Council see Information highway--"Competiveness and Culture"
Information processing see Financial institutions
Information sharing see Terrorism--International information sharing; Young offenders
Information technologies
Government expenditures, $300 million overspending, Auditor General's
report, o.q., 6749
>>See also Justice system--Federal-provincial co-operation;
Law Commission of Canada
Informission Group see Computers/computer systems--Software conversion
Importance, government role, 9135
>>Privatization, 328
>>>Reform Party position, 6875
>>See also Canadian International Development Agency;
Ports--Vancouver, B.C.;
Research and development--Facilities;
Infrastructure program
$6 billion expenditure, job creation failure, 293, 302, 418-9, 1478, 2989,
3019-20, 5865, 6289, 8969, 9558, 9561, 9639, 10057
>>>$5 billion employment insurance account surplus, relationship, 7770
>>Annapolis Valley--Hants constituency, 7401-2
>>Audits, establishing, 9659
>>British Columbia funds, provincial New Democratic Party constituencies
dominating, 9754
>>Continuation/new program, 3020, 4400-2, 6782-3, 8966-7, 8969-70
>>>1997 extension, $600 million, $425 million new money, Budget 1997 measure,
8292, 8339, 9135, 9564, 10046
>>>>S.O. 31, 8584
>>>Alberta agreement, 7915
>>>>S.O. 31, 7881-2
>>>Calculation of the additional investment based on a minimum threshold,
Public Accounts Standing Committee report, 9659
>>>Funds, Quebec, provincial government controlling, o.q., 4302
>>>Ontario agreement, 9944
>>>>o.q., 9939
>>>>S.O. 31, 9927
>>>o.q., 5369, 6371, 6748, 7788-9
>>>Petition, 7278, 8201
>>>Quebec, negotiations, o.q., 8903-4, 9606
>>>S.O. 31, 6363, 9928
>>>Universities, position, o.q., 5247
>>Federal-municipal revenue sharing agreement, replacing, 9639
>>Funds, diverting to national debt, 10057
>>Patronage factor, Reform Party Members opposing projects, 8073-4
>>>$2.5 million performing arts centre, Woodstock, Ont., S.O. 31, 1417
>>>Canada-Quebec agreement, time frame, application deadlines, extending,
o.q., 3129
>>>Golf courses, canoe museum, questionable eligibility, Auditor General's
report, S.O. 31, 6786
>>>Laval space camp (Cosmodome), funding
>>>>o.q., 2565
>>>>S.O. 31, 4855, 8828
>>>Western Beaches tunnel and boardwalk, Toronto, Ont., 9629
>>Purpose, 7252
>>Quebec share of funds, 8110
>>>Increase, $111 million, election timing factor, 9639
>>Reform Party position, o.q., 10232
>>Rural Canada
>>>Benefits, 335
>>>Projects, Dauphin--Swan River constituency, etc., 287
>>>S.O. 31, 7829
>>Saskatchewan projects, 8068-9
>>Transportation funding, $425 million, 8110
>>See also Highways and roads--National network--Saskatchewan;
Job creation;
National debt;
Pearson International Airport;
Trade centres--Toronto, Ont.;
Universities/colleges--Ryerson Polytechnic University
Inheritance tax see Estate/inheritance tax
Inhumanity see Armenia--Genocide of 1915
Inkster, Norman
Order of Canada, recipient, S.O. 31, 2886-7
Inmates see Penitentiaries
Davis Inlet, Nfld., conditions, relocation, $80 million government
assistance, etc., o.q., 185, 768, 6608
Inquiries see Canadian Armed Forces--Quebec, City, Que, Citadel; Canadian Security Intelligence Service--Soviet Union mole; Public inquiries
Inquiries Canada
Establishment, $4 million budget, 5818
Institut de developpement Nord-Sud
Rwanda program, 6348
Institut de recherche sur l'hydrogène see Energy--Hydrogen as source
Institut des communications graphiques du Québec see Publishing industry
Institut Maurice-Lamontagne see Fisheries--Research
Insulin see Health--Diabetes
Insurance see Financial institutions--Deposit insurance; Nuclear Liability Act (amdt.--insurance coverage)(Bill C-289)
Insurance Brokers Association of Canada see Financial institutions--Financial planning sector
Insurance companies see Financial institutions--Four pillars--Regulation; Insurance industry
Insurance Companies Act see Financial Institutions Laws Amendment Act (Bill C-15); Financial Institutions Laws Amendment Act (Bill C-82)
Insurance Companies Act (amdt.)(Bill C-438)--Loubier
First reading, 10143
>>See also Insurance industry--Federally-regulated companies
Insurance Companies Act (amdt.--definition of infant)(Bill C-430)--Harb
First reading, 10039-40
Insurance industry
Banks, involvement, selling, restrictions, maintaining, Budget 1996 statement,
379, 411, 1442, 9094, 9099, 9733
>>>o.q., 970-1
>>>S.O. 31, 582, 816
>>Federally-regulated companies, selling policies to provincially-regulated
companies, prohibition, provincial jurisdiction, foreign competition, consumer
protection, factors, Quebec, etc., 9094-5, 9105-7, 10143, 9571-3, 9733-7
>>>Insurance companies donations to LIberal Party, relationship, 9736-7
>>>North American Free Trade Agreement, World Trade Organization,
relationship, 9094, 9732
>>>o.q., 9550-1
>>>See also Insurance Companies Act (amdt.)(Bill C-438)
>>Mutual insurance companies, demutualization regime, participatory shares,
widely-held shares, etc., 9097, 9103, 9116, 9732-3
>>>See also Financial Institutions Laws Amendment Act (Bill C-82)
>>Policy holders' rights, enhancing, 9732
Intellectual-based economy see Economy
Intellectual property see Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Intelligence Assessment Secretariat see Privy Council Office
Inter Canadian (formerly Quebec Air)
Sale/closure, o.q., 10182-3
Inter-Parliamentary Delegations
Latin America, increasing, strengthening, 6230
>>Travel/junkets, Bloc Québécois/Reform Party participation, positions, 662-3
Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports
Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum
>>>Annual meeting, fifth, Vancouver, B.C., Jan. 7-10/97, 8315
>>>Executive committee, Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 6-8/96, 4899
>>Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
>>>Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in
>>>>Stockholm, Sweden, July 5-9/96, 4899
>>>>Vienna, Austria, Jan. 10-11/96, 1715
>>>>Vienna, Austria, Jan. 16-17/97, 8144
>>>Russian Federation visit, Dec. 13-19/95, 1715
>>Canada-France Inter-Parliamentary Association
>>>Ottawa, Ont., Vancouver, B.C., Victoria, B.C., Oct. 9-16/96, 8561
>>>Paris and Strasbourg, France, Jan. 20-28/96, 1505
>>>Paris, France, May 20-23/96, 4143
>>Canada-Japan Inter-Parliamentary Group
>>>Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum, Cha-am, Thailand, Jan. 15-19/96, 535
>>>Montreal, Que., Ottawa, Ont., Toronto, Ont., Sept. 1-5/96, 4899
>>Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group, Alaska, U.S.A., May 10-13/96,
>>Canadian NATO Parliamentary Association
>>>North Atlantic Assembly, joint session of committees, Brussels, Belgium,
Feb. 18-19/96, 4994
>>>North Atlantic Assembly, joint session of committees, Brussels, Belgium,
Feb. 16-18/97, 9489
>>>North Atlantic Assembly of NATO Parliamentarians, Athens, Greece,
May 10-20/96, 4347
>>>North Atlantic Assembly of NATO Parliamentarians, Paris, France, Nov.
17-21/96, 9489
>>>North Atlantic Assembly Political Committee, Moscow, Russia, Apr. 9-12/96,
>>Chile, visit, Apr. 8-11/96, 2851
>>Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Canadian Branch
>>>Australia visit, November 1996, 7615
>>>Canadian Regional Conference, Winnipeg, Man., July 27-Aug 2/96, 4994
>>>Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, conference, Aug. 17-24/96, 5919
>>>New Zealand visit, Feb. 23-Mar. 2/96, 1505
>>>Parliamentary seminar, London, United Kingdom, Mar. 5-16/96, 4994
>>>Parliamentary seminar, London, United Kingdom, Mar. 4-15/97, 10236
>>>Parliamentary visit, London, United KIngdom, May 8-24/96, 4994
>>Conference of Commonwealth Speakers and Presiding Officers
>>>Nicosia, Cyprus, Jan. 3-6/96, 826
>>>Standing Committee meeting, Cape Town, South Africa, Jan. 2-8/97, 8842
>>International Assembly of French-Speaking Parliamentarian
>>>Antananarivo, Madagascar, July 6-10/96, 7277
>>>Hanoi, Vietnam, Feb. 4-5/96, 93
>>>Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, Mar. 22-23/96, 3779
>>>Paris, France, Mar. 1-19/96, 3323
>>>Policy and General Administration Committee meeting, Beirut, Lebanon, Nov.
20-21/96, 9513
>>Inter-Parliamentary Union
>>>Beijing, China, Sept. 14-21/96, 6065
>>>Istanbul, Turkey, Apr. 13-21/96, 3385
Inter-Parliamentary Union see Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports
Interest Act see Mortgages
Interest rates
Canada-United States, comparison, 1507, 1535, 7218, 7229
>>>o.q., 133
>>Decline, 404, 410, 446, 448, 450, 459, 803, 809, 840, 848, 1442, 1487, 5993,
6016, 6236, 6244-8, 6284, 6288, 7218, 7223, 7246, 7269, 7331, 8076, 8290,
9148, 9151, 9155, 10080-2, 10086
>>>Bank of Canada low inflation rate policies, 9260, 10090
>>>Benefits, etc., 5850, 5855, 5859, 6246, 6280, 6734, 6737, 8333, 8963, 8967,
8969, 8971, 9142-3, 9633, 10080
>>>>o.q., 10116
>>>Economy stalled factor, 6238, 7006
>>>Government fiscal policies, impact, 7261
>>>Liberal government (Chrétien)
>>>>During, Prime Minister Chrétien exaggerating, 5816
>>>>Encouraging personal debt, 10080
>>>>Taking credit when not due, 7258, 7261, 9260, 10090-1
>>>o.q., 1048, 1050, 8308, 8448, 9032, 9649, 10182
>>>Public disinterest, 5840
>>>See also Agricultural products--Input costs
>>Increase, 7258
>>Quebec independence, impact, 7250
>>See also Agriculture;
Credit cards;
Economic development/renewal;
Farm debt;
Financial institutions;
Foreign investment;
Job creation;
Mortgage loans;
National debt;
Internal Trade Agreement see Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act (bill C-19); Interprovincial trade
International agreements, conventions, treaties see Aboriginal peoples; Air navigation services--Commercialization; Air quality--Canada-United States agreement; Air transportation--Canada-United States Open Skies Agreement; Border, Canada-United States--Shared border accord; Brazil--Canadians imprisoned; Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement; Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act (Bill C-61); Caribou--Porcupine caribou herd; Drug trafficking; Human rights--United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Marine transport--Maritime claims for damages; Migratory birds--Canada-United States convention; North American Aerospace Defence Command--Agreement; North American Free Trade Agreement; Permanent Joint Board on Defence (Canada-United States)--Establishment; Trade; United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child; Water--Boundary Waters Treaty
International AIDS conference see AIDS
International Assembly of French-Speaking Parliamentarians see Inter-Parliamentary delegations, reports
International assistance see Foreign aid
International Association of Fire-fighters see Fire-fighters
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) see World Bank
International banking centres see Banks
International Book Day see Culture/arts
International business development see Exports
International Business Machines (IBM) see Computers/computer systems--Software conversion
International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development
President, appointing, delay, S.O. 31, 4337-8
>>Role, contributions of Ed Broadbent and Gisèle Côté-Harper, S.O. 31, 2884
>>See also Human rights--International;
Rwanda--Civil war
International Centre on the Prevention of Crime see Crime prevention
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) see Air navigation services--Commercialization; Cuba--United States aircraft shot down
International Committee of the Red Cross see Defence equipment--Land mines
International conflicts
Civil wars dominating, impact, etc., 3982, 3987, 6345-6, 7366
>>>Dictatorships, relationship, 7367-8
>>Cold war end, relationship, 7366
>>International intervention, responsibility, 6396, 7367
>>>Economic measures, 7367
>>>Canadian role, etc., 544-6, 1853, 1867-71
>>>Democracy, relationship, 7367
>>>Economic factors, 1869, 7368
>>>International arms registry, role, 545
>>>International financial institutions, role, 544-5, 1868
>>>International institutions, United Nations, role, 1868-9
>>>Positive propaganda role, 7367
>>>Precursors, identifying, 7366
>>Triage concept, applying, 6346
>>United Nations role, inadequacy, etc., 3987
International congress on anti-personnel mines see Defence equipment--Land mines
International co-operation
Canadian role, 5994, 5996
>>Non-governmental organizations, funding cut-backs, 6396
International court see International criminal court
International criminal court
United Nations establishing re human rights, genocide, war crimes,
Canadian support, amending legislation, etc., 1851, 1856-7, 7361-2, 7369, 7771-2
>>>o.q., 6314, 6612-3
International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction see Emergencies/disasters
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination see Discrimination and racism
International Day of the Worker see Labour
International development
Canadian role, 7583-4
>>>S.O. 31, 7830
>>International development week
>>>S.O. 31, 7780, 7830
>>>Statement by Minister (Boudria), 7583-4
>>See also Canadian International Development Agency;
Developing countries;
Institut de développement Nord-Sud
International Development (Financial Institutions) Assistance Act
Schedule, amending, Order in Council, tabled, 6964
International Development (Financial Institutions) Assistance Act Order Act
(Bill C-77)--Minister of Foreign Affairs (L. Axworthy)
First reading, 7391
>>Second reading, 9900-2, agreed to, 9902
>>Committee of the Whole referral, committee stage, reported without amdt.,
>>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 9902
>>Third reading, agreed to, 9002, passed.
>>Royal Assent, 10252. Chap. 19, S.C. 1997
>>See also Environment--Developing countries
International Development Research Centre see Official languages policy/bilingualism
International development week see International development
International financial institutions see International conflicts--Prevention
International flights see Mirabel International Airport
International Fund for Animal Welfare see Seals--Annual hunt
International Human Rights Day see Human rights--International
International Joint Commission (Canada-United States) see Water--Canada-United States Boundary Waters Treaty
International Kite Festival see Festivals
International Labour Organization (ILO)
International labour conference, 81st and 82nd sessions, June 1994 and 1995,
Canadian position, tabled, 3165
>>See also Child labour--Eliminating
International law see Quebec separation/sovereignty
International law of the sea see Oceans
International Meet of Log Drivers and Raftsmen see Festivals
International Monetary Fund (IMF) see Africa--Great Lakes region, United Nations peacekeeping mission; Bank for International Settlements; Cameroun--Democracy; Developing countries--Foreign debt; Economy--Growth; National debt; World War II--Institutions created at end
International organizations see Judges--Leaves of absence; International security
International Ploughing Match
S.O. 31, 4626, 4663
International Poetry Festival see Festivals
International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement
Convention, St. John`s, Nfld., October 1996, S.O. 31, 4933
International relations
Conflict management/conflict prevention, 5309
>>Multinational initiatives, organizing, Canada role, 5308-9
>>Rule of law, importance, 4485
International Science and Engineering Fair see Science and technology--Science fairs
International security
Canadian policy, statement by Minister (L. Axworthy), 3982-8
>>Democracy, human rights, relationship, 3983, 3988
>>Economic and social conditions, underdevelopment, conflicts, relationship,
>>Hate messages, impact. Canadian initiative re free and democratic European
media, 3983
>>Individual security, relationship, 3983
>>International organizations role, Throne Speech statement, 4
>>Parliamentary debate, lack of notice, text in English only, 3985-6
>>See also Europe;
Weapons/arms--Export controls
International Senior Citizens' Day see Senior citizens
International Translation Day see Translation
International Women's Week see Women
Internet see Information highway
Internet Child Pornography Restriction Act (Bill C-396)--C. Axworthy
First reading, 9417
>>See also Child pornography--Internet publication
Interpretation Act (amdt.--definition of child)(Bill C-408)--Harb
First reading, 10035
Interprovincial trade
Amount, comparison with international trade, 2699, 5346
>>>Constitutional prohibition, 2700
>>>Economic impact, costs, income, job losses, etc., 1791, 2698-9, 2718, 2992,
5347-8, 5351, 8970
>>>Examples, 1791, 1799, 2718
>>>Extent, 500 barriers, etc., 2699
>>>Federal government challenging, constitutional authority, use, 269, 1799
>>>>o.q., 318
>>>>See also Hydro-electric power--Churchill Falls project
>>>Goods and Services Tax, Atlantic provinces harmonization agreement, impact,
7753, 7905
>>>>Retail Council of Canada statement, o.q., 6011-2
>>>Historical background, 1794-5
>>>Reducing, job creation potential, S.O. 31, 2429
>>>Removing, reducing, 2701-2, 2718, 2992, 5335, 5346-8, 7766, 9224, 9901
>>>>Canadian companies competitive advantage, 2700
>>>>Finance Standing Committee recommendation, 2699, 5346
>>>>Free trade, 283, 296, 1791-802
>>>>Importance, 5348
>>>>International trade expansion, priority, relationship, 7768-9
>>>>Liberal government (Chrétien) inaction, 2699-700, 2991-2, 5346-9, 5832-3,
>>>>>S.O. 31, 4665
>>>>Liberal government (Chrétien) election promise, "red book", 2699, 5765,
5817, 5823, 5860
>>>>North American Free Trade Agreement, comparison, 2699-700, 2702, 10051
>>>>Reform Party proposals, 2992, 9632
>>>>See also Job creation
>>>See also Agri-food industry;
Employment--Labour mobility;
Exports--Small and medium busines;
United Parcel Service
>>Disputes, federal government settling, 9754
>>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, 1791, 5348
>>Government procurement contracts, bidding process, opening up,
Ontario-Quebec agreement, S.O. 31, 3309-10
>>Importance, extent, statistics by province, etc., 1798-9, 1801
>>Internal Trade Agreement, 5346-7
>>>Agriculture provisions, lack, 1801, 2700-1
>>>Amending formula, 7768
>>>Approval formula, deadline, provinces and territories majority, 8358,
>>>>See also Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act (amdt.)(Bill
>>>Business interests not addressed, 2700
>>>Dispute settlement mechanism, Committee of Ministers of Internal Trade,
Secretariat, panels, etc., 1312-5, 1332, 1792-4, 1798, 1800, 2700-1
>>>>Federal government role, powers, retaliatory measures, 1312-3, 1315,
1793-4, 1798, 1800, 2702, 2718
>>>>Private parties, companies, access, 1314, 2701
>>>Energy industries provisions, lack, 1798, 1801-2, 2700-1
>>>Exemptions, criteria, protectionism, etc., 1313-4, 1332, 1800, 2700-1
>>>Federal-provincial agreement, unanimous, requirement, 7442
>>>First Ministers' conference, agenda item, o.q., 3487-8
>>>Harmonized sales tax, violation, 7768
>>>Improving, Throne Speech statement, 5
>>>Legislation, Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act (Bill C-19),
>>>>Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act (Bill C-88)(1st Sess.,
35th Parl.), delay in introducing, passing, 203
>>>>Consultations, 1791-2, 2719
>>>>Flawed and inadequate, 2701
>>>>Withdrawing until negotiations completed, 1801
>>>>See also Agreement on Internal Trade Implementation Act (Bill C-19)
>>>MASH sector, municipalities, academic institutions, schools and hospitals,
provisions, lack, 2700-1
>>>>Extending to, negotiations, British Columbia withdrawal, impact, 7768
>>>>>o.q., 8510-1
>>>Order in Council appointments, patronage, etc., 1313-5
>>>Quebec separation/sovereignty, economic partnership with Canada,
relationship, 1312, 1331, 1794, 1796-9, 2703
>>>Role, overview, 2717-8
>>>Signed July 1994, 1792, 2717
>>>Trucking industry, exempting, Quebec small business impact, etc., 1331-3,
>>>See also Financial institutions--Credit costs;
Government contracts--Open government procurement;
Hydro-electric power--Churchill Falls project;
Job creation
>>Quebec, importance to, 1793-4, 1798-9
>>See also Agricultural products;
Goods and Services Tax--Harmonization;
Government procurement--Federal-provincial agreement;
Highways and roads--Trade;
National unity