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The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The subject entries will either provide reference to a page number or, a combination of page number followed by the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard.

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36th Parliament, 1st Session   (September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)  Latest Session
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D'Artois, Maj Lionel Guy

    >>Military distinctions, national hero, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 13219(201:1400)

D-Day see World War II

Da Costa, Mathieu see Black Canadians--Black History Month

Daffodil Day see Health--Cancer

Daily Food Bank see Food banks

Dairy industry

Dairy products

Dakota Plains Indian Band

    >>Sewage system problems
    >>>Smoke, Geraldine, complaints, Health Department response, o.q., 9960-1(151:1140)
    >>>See also Indian Affairs and Northern Development--Privacy Act violations

Dalian, China see China

Dallaire, LGen Romeo see Canadian Armed Forces

Dalphond-Guiral, Madeleine (BQ--Laval Centre)

    >>Access to information
    >>>o.q., 15208(229:1125)
    >>Access to Information Act (amdt.)(Bill C-208), 2830-1(45:1425-35)
    >>Alkenbrack, Douglas, 5600(84:1510)
    >>Armenia, S.O. 31, 6075(92:1105)
    >>Arts and culture, S.O. 31, 9904(150:1405)
    >>Asbestos industry, o.q., 2443(40:1150)
    >>Asselin, Edmund Tobin, 13913(208:1510)
    >>Bank Act (amdt.)(Bill C-67), 15616(234:1950)
    >>Blood, o.q., 6778(103:1430)
    >>Books, S.O. 31, 6025(91:1405)
    >>Boulet, Gilles, S.O. 31, 775(15:1105)
    >>Bourdages, Rodrigue, 1055(19:1530)
    >>Canada, 3673(56:1300)
    >>Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act (Bill C-43), 11001-3(167:1730-5), 11005-6(167:1740-5)
    >>Canada Day, o.q., 15862(238:1140), 15922(239:1455)
    >>Canada Evidence Act, Criminal Code and Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.--persons with disabilities)(Bill S-5), 3746-8(57:1550-605)
    >>Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST), M. on supply (Brien), 8739(132:1205)
    >>Canada Shipping Act (amdt.--maritime liability)(Bill S-4), 4316(65:1850), 4318(65:1855)
    >>Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Act (Bill C-64), 15618-20(234:1950-5)
    >>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, o.q., 15505-6(234:1435)
    >>Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (Bill C-32), 15555-6(234:1850), 15559(234:1855), 15561(234:1855), 15567(234:1900), 15569-70(234:1900-5), 15579(234:1905), 15581(234:1910), 15583(234:1910), 15585(234:1915), 15589-90(234:1920), 15598(234:1925), 15600(234:1930), 15604-7(234:1935-40), 15609(234:1940), 15611-3(234:1940-5), 15615(234:1950)
    >>Canadian Human Rights Act (amdt.)(Bill S-11), 10127-8(153:1900-5)
    >>Canadian Human Rights Tribunal, 3747-8(57:1600-5)
    >>Canadian Olympic Association, S.O. 31, 12670(193:1410)
    >>Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation, 15199-200(229:1035-45)
    >>Citizenship and Immigration Act, 3746-8(57:1555-605)
    >>>o.q., 3858(59:1140)
    >>Commissioner of Official Languages, o.q., 10559(161:1135)
    >>Commonwealth Games (1998, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), S.O. 31, 8243(123:1405)
    >>Constitution, 3673(56:1300-5)
    >>Constitutional reform, 3673-4(56:1305)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--consecutive sentences for use of firearms in commission of offence)(Bill C-484), 13937-8(208:1800-10)
    >>Criminal Code (amdt.--genetic manipulation)(Bill C-247), 7037-8(106:1730-5)
    >>Criminal Records Act (amdt.)(Bill C-69), 15199-200(229:1035-40)
    >>Disabled and handicapped persons
    >>>o.q., 13512(204:1455)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2643-4(43:1405), 13294(202:1410)
    >>Discrimination and racism, S.O. 31, 5199(78:1400)
    >>Education, post-secondary, o.q., 4838(73:1120)
    >>Emergencies/disasters, S.O. 31, 11163(171:1405)
    >>Employment insurance
    >>>o.q., 4366(66:1440), 8401(126:1135-40), 13162-3(200:1135-40)
    >>Employment Insurance Act, 1977 (amdt.--premiums and Employment Insurance Account)(Bill C-299), 2879(46:1510), 12514-5(190:1320-30), 12521(190:1410)
    >>Employment Insurance Monitoring and Assessment Report, o.q., 3499(54:1155), 13163(200:1140)
    >>Equalization payments, S.O. 31, 12176(185:1110)
    >>Euthanasia, M. (Robinson), 3154-5(50:1110-5)
    >>Federal-provincial jurisdiction, S.O. 31, 2379(39:1410)
    >>Government contracts, o.q., 12802(195:1150-5), 16194(242:1455)
    >>Government documents, 2830-1(45:1425-35)
    >>Government Services Act, 1999 (Bill C-76)
    >>>Disposition, one sitting, M. (Boudria), 13353-5(202:2150-205)
    >>Health care system
    >>>o.q., 11838(180:1140)
    >>>S.O. 31, 6850(104:1410)
    >>Hospitals, S.O. 31, 13563(205:1410)
    >>Huntington, Hon. Arthur Ronald, 11790(179:1510)
    >>Immigration/immigrants, o.q., 12495(190:1125)
    >>Income Tax Amendments Act, 1998 (Bill C-72), 14973-4(225:1910)
    >>Information highway/Internet, 9668-70(146:1415-25)
    >>Information technologies, S.O. 31, 1090(20:1100)
    >>Inter-Parliamentary Delegations, reports, 15730-1(236:1510)
    >>Justice system, 3747(57:1600), 15199-200(229:1035-40)
    >>Lamoureux, Hon. Lucien, 8581(129:1510)
    >>Magazines, o.q., 14884(224:1155)
    >>Marine Conservation Areas Act (Bill C-48), 9999(152:1315-25), 10051(152:1925)
    >>McCain, Fred, 1053(19:1515)
    >>Medical Research Council, S.O. 31, 9639(146:1105)
    >>Millennium scholarship fund, o.q., 4838(73:1120)
    >>National Defence Act (amdt.)(Bill C-25), 11008(167:1745)
    >>National parks/marine conservation areas, 9999(152:1315-25)
    >>Official languages policy/bilingualism
    >>>o.q., 5518(83:1450)
    >>>S.O. 31, 11501-2(175:1110)
    >>Orlikow, David, 3323(52:1555)
    >>Perreault, Pierre, S.O. 31, 2866(46:1400)
    >>Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Bill C-54), 9668-70(146:1415-25)
    >>Pickersgill, Hon. Jack, 2588(42:1510)
    >>Political parties, M. on supply (Duceppe), 750-2(14:1715-30)
    >>>Bills, Private Members' Public, 12521(190:1410)
    >>>Quorum, 9665(146:1350)
    >>>Speeches, 8739(132:1205), 9662(146:1325)
    >>>S.O. 31, 2027-8(35:1110), 2796(45:1105)
    >>Quebec separation/sovereignty
    >>>M. on supply (Duceppe), 3670(56:1240), 3673-5(56:1300-15)
    >>>S.O. 31, 4209(64:1105)
    >>Railway Safety Act (amdt.)(Bill C-58), 11009-10(167:1745-50)
    >>References, statement re Diane Francis Financial Post remarks, S.O. 31, 3023(48:1405)
    >>Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, o.q., 15862(238:1140)
    >>Sexual assault/offences, 3747(57:1600), 15200(229:1040)
    >>Small and medium business, S.O. 31, 1090(20:1100)
    >>Small Business Loans Act (amdt.)(Bill C-21), 4315(65:1850)
    >>Sports, S.O. 31, 14314(215:1400)
    >>St. Lawrence River, 9999(152:1310)
    >>Suicide, 13920(208:1600)
    >>Thompson, Robert Norman, 1986(34:1515)
    >>Tobacco Act (amdt.)(Bill C-42), 10049(152:1920)
    >>Westray mining disaster, M. (MacKay), 14289-90(214:1255-305)
    >>Young offenders
    >>>M. (MacKay), 12199-200(185:1320-30)
    >>Young Offenders Act, o.q., 14274(214:1135-40)
    >>Youth Criminal Justice Act (Bill C-68), 13916-20(208:1530-605)
    >>Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of
    >>>o.q., 13961(209:1140)
    >>>S.O. 31, 14150(212:1410)

Dams see Parkhill Dam Memorial

Dance see Arts and culture; International Dance Day

Danforth Festival see Festivals

Dangerous/high risk offenders

    >>>Applications, increase, 7208(109:1220)
    >>>At parole or release date, 13866(208:1005)
    >>>>See also Criminal Code (amdt.--dangerous offender)(Bill C-492)
    >>Federal-provincial task force see Child sexual abuse/assault/exploitation--Sex offenders/pedophiles, Screening/flagging system
    >>Flagging system, Canadian Police Information Centre role, 14167(212:1600)
    >>Judicial restraint provisions, restraining orders, peace bonds, 7208(109:1220-5), 14076(211:1135)
    >>Legislation, Criminal Code, Corrections and Conditional Release Act, Criminal Records Act, Prisons and Reformatories Act and Department of the Solicitor General Act (amdt.--high risk offenders)(Bill C-55)(2nd Sess., 35th Parl.), 7208-9(109:1220-5), 12934-5(197:1255)
    >>National flagging system, 7208(109:1220)
    >>Parole eligibility, review after seven rather than three years, 7208(109:1220)
    >>Recognition and Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms Act and Constitution Act, 1867 (amdt.)(Bill C-304), 8734(132:1130-5)
    >>Sentences, indeterminate, 7208(109:1220)
    >>Sex offenders, long term offender designation, 7208(109:1220), 14167(212:1600)
    >>See also Violence/violent offences--McNutt

Danley Bay Resources see National parks/marine conservation areas--Tuktut Nugait

DARE program see Drug/substance abuse

Dark zones see Rail transportation/Railways--Safety, Thamesville, ON.

Darmadi, David see Drug/substance abuse--Trafficking

Dartmouth, N.S.

    >>Lancaster Ridge subdivision, property dispute between National Defence Department and Gay family, petition, 10343(158:1005-10)

Datura Stramonium see Drug/substance abuse

Dauphin--Swan River constituency

David Dunlap Observatory see Space--Black holes

David, Senator Paul

    >>Montreal Heart Institute Founder, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 13560(205:1355)

David Suzuki Foundation see Air pollution; Mining industry--Tulsequah chief mining project

Davidson, John see Health--Genetic disease

Davidson, Kim see Film and television industry--Academy Awards

Davie Industries Inc. see Shipbuilding--Lévis

Davies, Brian see International Fund for Animal Welfare

Davies, Libby (NDP--Vancouver East)

Davis Day see Labour

Davos, Switzerland see Goods and Services Tax--Implementation

Dawn of the Year 2000, The: A Vision of the Future in Environment see Environment--Conference

Day parole see Parole

Dayton peace accords see Bosnia and Herzegovina--International Stabilization Force; Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province, Diplomatic initiatives

DDT see Toxic substances

de Chastelain, Gen John see Canadian Armed Forces

De Coster, Robert

    >>Quebec public administrator, death, tribute, S.O. 31, 6545(99:1410)

De Gaulle, Charles see France

De-icing technology see Aerospace/aeronautical industry

de Roussan, Yves see Swissair--Flight 111, Tributes

de Savoye, Pierre (BQ--Portneuf)

Deaf persons

    >>Education, post-secondary, costs, 5087-8(76:1905-10)
    >>>o.q., 4369(66:1455)
    >>Services for, airports, hospitals, post-secondary institutions, etc., 3749(57:1615)
    >>Speech and Hearing Awareness Month (May)
    >>>Canadian Hearing Society, promoting, S.O. 31, 5900-1(89:1410), 6917-9(105:1410), 7054(107:1100)
    >>>Communications tools, providing, importance, House recognizing, M. (St-Hillaire), 14722(222:1510), agreed to,
    >>>S.O. 31, 14819(223:1355-400)

Death penalty see Capital punishment

Debien, Maud (BQ--Laval East)

DeBlois, Charles see Immigration and Refugee Board--Board members

Debt see Alberta--Debt reduction; Central America--Hurricane Mitch; Developing countries; National debt; Provincial debt; Saulteaux First Nation

Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act (amdt.--gifts to the crown)(Bill C-240)--T. White

    >>First reading, 570(12:1005)
    >>See also National debt--Reduction

Debt Servicing and Reduction Fund see Goods and Services Tax--Debt/deficit reduction

Declaratory power see Federal-provincial jurisdiction--Federal powers

Defence see Canadian Armed Forces; National Defence Department

Defence contracts

    >>Canada, most favoured nation status, export permit exemption, United States revoking, allegations of security problems, release of information and technology transfer, $5 billion in contracts in jeopardy, job losses, etc., government action, o.q., 14104(211:1440-5), 14154-5(212:1435), 14226(213:1445), 15144(228:1450-5), 15862(238:1140)
    >>>120 day delay to review decision, negotiations, Quebec participation, o.q., 14275(214:1140)
    >>See also Aerospace/aeronautical industry

Defence Department see National Defence Department--Name

Defence equipment

    >>Acquisition, procurement, 6991(106:1235), 7015(106:1505), 7017(106:1515), 7019(106:1525), 7024(106:1605), 7035(106:1715)
    >>>$1 billion, 6988(106:1220)
    >>>House of Commons debating, o.q., 1905(33:1440)
    >>>Inappropriate purchases, 6986(106:1210)
    >>>Management, improving, 6986(106:1200), 7001(106:1345)
    >>>Off the shelf commercial technology, 6988(106:1220)
    >>>o.q., 11969(182:1440), 12130(184:1455-500)
    >>>Aurora aircraft, communications systems, qu., 8889(134:1530)
    >>>CF-18 fighters, reducing number, equipping with precision guided munitions, 12056-8(183:2040-5)
    >>>Joint strike fighter program, $4 million expenditure, o.q., 12753(194:1430)
    >>>Monitor jet trainer aircraft, Canadian Aerospace Group manufacturing in North Bay, Ont., S.O. 31, 19(3:1400)
    >>>T-33 and Tutor jets, grounded, replacing faulty parachutes, o.q., 11289(172:1445)
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Air force; Nuclear weapons--Nuclear weapons-capable aircraft
    >>Armoured vehicles
    >>>Armoured personnel carriers, replacement, 12042(183:1900), 12056(183:2040)
    >>>Coyote armoured reconnaisance vehicle, 6980(106:1120), 12042(183:1900), 12062(183:2120)
    >>>>See also Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province, North Atlantic Treaty Organization intervention
    >>>Deficiencies, risk factor, 6986(106:1205)
    >>>Support vehicles, direct fire support vehicle, multi-purpose support vehicle, 12056(183:2040)
    >>Defence policy white paper of 1994, 6976(106:1055), 6983-5(106:1145-55), 12056(183:2035-40)
    >>Expenditures, Auditor General's 1998 report, o.q., 6212(94:1430), 6290(95:1440-5), 14270(214:1115)
    >>Exports, 3604(55:2030-5)
    >>>Controls, etc., o.q., 2738(44:1440), 2805-6(45:1150)
    >>>Indonesia, o.q., 2806(45:1150)
    >>>Report, Export of Military Goods from Canada
    >>>>1996 report
    >>>>>Tabled, 3069(49:1000)
    >>>>>Tabling, o.q., 2036-7(35:1155)
    >>>>1997 report
    >>>>>Tabled, 10144(154:1505)
    >>>>>Tabling, 8884(134:1455-500)
    >>>See also Weapons/arms
    >>Firearms, C6 automatic weapons, 7033-4(106:1655-700)
    >>Helicopters, 11351(172:2220)
    >>>Grifton utility tactical transport helicopter
    >>>>Inadequate, 6980(106:1120), 7016(106:1510), 12062-3(183:2120-5), 12074(183:2240), 12080(183:2325)
    >>>>See also Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province, North Atlantic Treaty Organization intervention
    >>>See also Iraq--United States led proposed military intervention, Canadian position; Search and rescue helicopters
    >>Inadequate, 3374(52:2215), 5138(77:1505), 5496(83:1230-5), 6265-6(94:2105-20), 6970-1(106:1015-20), 6973-4(106:1035-45), 6986(106:1205), 6994(106:1255), 7000(106:1345), 7023(106:1555), 7941(119:1555), 11343(172:2120-5), 11345(172:2135), 11348(172:2155), 12073-4(183:2235-40), 13023(198:1545)
    >>>Auditor General's report for 1998 findings, 6977-80(106:1105-20), 6984(106:1150), 6986(106:1210)
    >>Satellite communications system, COM DEV International contract, S.O. 31, 9219(139:1405-10)
    >>>Frigates, 12 new, 6985(106:1155)
    >>>HMCS Athabaskan see Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of--Kosovo province, North Atlantic Treaty Organization intervention
    >>>HMCS Eastview see Veterans--World War II
    >>>HMCS Huron, stray missile in Pacific Ocean, o.q., 1284(23:1440-5)
    >>>HMCS Okanagan see Bahamas--Ocean rescue
    >>>HMCS Shawinigan, minesweeper, multi-purpose capabilities, reserve forces use, etc., 7033-4(106:1705)
    >>>Jane's Fighting Ships assessment, o.q., 15918(239:1435)
    >>>Maritime coastal defence vessels, 12 new, 6985(106:1155), 7016(106:1510)
    >>>Naming, HMCS designation, removing, 8005(120:0915)
    >>>>See also National Defence Act (amdt.--Her Majesty's Canadian Ship)(Bill C-427)
    >>>Support vessels, replacing, 12056(183:2035)
    >>>Transport vessels, purchasing, o.q., 15141-2(228:1440-5)
    >>>Acquisition, negotiations with United Kingdom, 5496(83:1235-40), 7027(106:1625)
    >>>>o.q., 970(18:1455), 5711(86:1420-5), 5761(87:1135)
    >>>Capability, lack, removal from undersea mapping grid, 12073-4(183:2240)
    >>>HMCS Okanagan see Bahamas--Ocean rescue
    >>>Upholder submarines purchased from United Kingdom, 6992(106:1240), 6994(106:1300), 7017(106:1515), 7024(106:1605), 7034(106:1705), 7142(108:1640), 12056(183:2035-40)
    >>>>Announcement while House of Commons not sitting, o.q., 5826(88:1450)
    >>>>Costs of acquisition, modifications, etc., 14472-3(217:1830-5)
    >>>>>o.q., 11970(182:1445)
    >>>>>qu., 9357(141:1205)
    >>>>Role, capabilities, etc., 6980(106:1120), 6984-5(106:1155), 7028(106:1625), 7035-6(106:1720), 14472(217:1830)
    >>>>>o.q., 5826(88:1450)
    >>>See also Nuclear weapons--Nuclear weapons-capable aircraft--United States weapons
    >>Surplus, selling, 11012-3(167:1755)
    >>>Abrams tanks, United States offering to provide and pay maintenance costs, 5496-7(83:1235-40), 12075(183:2250)
    >>>Leopard tanks
    >>>>Obsolete, replacing, 12056(183:2040)
    >>>>Thermal weapons sight, 6980(106:1120)
    >>Technology, modern, 7019(106:1525)
    >>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Auditor General's report for 1998; Weapons/arms

Defence expenditures see Canadian Armed Forces--Government funding; Conscientious Objection Act (Bill C-272); Income tax--Taxpayer directing use

Defence industry

    >>Conversion to peacetime purposes, 8846-7(133:1555-600)
    >>>See also Shipbuilding--Lévis, Que. shipyard

Defence Industry Productivity Program (DIPP) see Technology Partnerships Canada

Defence Planning Guide 1998 see Canadian Armed Forces--Reducing number of personnel

Defence policy

    >>1994 Special Joint Committee on Canada's Defence Policy, recommendations, 11347(172:2150-5)
    >>House of Commons debating, format, voting, etc., 8930(134:2025-30)
    >>Priorities, establishing, 6990(106:1230)
    >>White paper of 1994, 6971(106:1020), 6974(106:1045), 7024(106:1600), 11347(172:2155), 12056-7(183:2035-40)
    >>>Government ignoring, 6983-4(106:1145-50)
    >>>See also Canadian Armed Forces--Combat capability; Defence equipment

Defence research

    >>Suffield Experimental Station, mustard gas tests on individuals, Harry Flanders case, etc., S.O. 31, 13430(203:1405)



    >>Federal and provincial, reduction, consensus, 50(3:1740)
    >>See also Quebec--Economy

Degrâce, Nérée see Arts and culture--Fédération acadienne du Québec

Deh Cho see Mackenzie Valley--Land and water management, Legislation

DeHavilland Aircraft see Aerospace/aeronautical industry

Dehydration industry

    >>European Common Market subsidies and rail service threatening, S.O. 31, 5459(82:1055)

Delgamuukw case see Aboriginal land claims--British Columbia; Nisga'a land claim--Agreement

Deline, N.W.T. see Mining industry--Uranium mining

Deloitte & Touche see Canadian Wheat Board--Audits

Demers, Robert see Sexual assault/offences--Sex offenders


    >>Best form of government, 7713(117:1540)
    >>Historical background, economic benefits, North America/Soviet Union comparison, etc., 1247-8(22:1600-10)
    >>See also Aboriginal peoples/communities; Bosnia and Herzegovina--International Stabilization Force; Canada; Indian bands/reserves--Band management; Information highway/Internet--Information access role; Liberal government (Chrétien); Nigeria--Abacha; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Quebecers right to decide; Trade--Corruption and bribery, Negative impacts of corruption; Tunisia

Democratic People's Republic of Korea see Korea, Democratic People's Republic of

Demonstrations see Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Group--Vancouver Summit; Student loans--Debtloads


    >>Reserves, forcing onto, 9894(150:1300-5)
    >>See also Mining industry--Uranium mining; Nunavut Territory--Denesuline of Northern Manitoba; Sahtu Dene and Métis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement; Sayisi Dene

Denesuline of Northern Manitoba see Indians/First Nations--Land management; Nunavut Territory

Denmark see Child poverty; Income tax--Conventions/protocols; Income Tax Conventions Implementation Act 1997 (Bill C-10); Wind energy

Denominational school boards see Education--Quebec

Dental Health Month see Health

Dental plan premiums see Income tax--Self-employed

Dental plans see Small and medium business

Denturist Awareness Month see Health care system--Denturists

Denturists see Health care system

Deoxyribonucleic acid see DNA

Department of Veterans Affairs Act see War Veterans Allowance Act, Pension Act, Merchant Navy Veteran and Civilian War-related Benefits Act, Department of Veterans Affairs Act, Veterans Review and Appeal Board Act, and Halifax Relief Commission Pension Continuation Act (amdt.)(Bill C-61)

Deportation see Extradition; Immigration/immigrants; Iran--Human rights violations; Refugees; War criminals

Depository bills and notes

    >>Financial instruments, use in debt market, held in clearing houses, trading in book entry system, 6163-8(93:1635-710), 7744-5(117:1910-25)
    >>See also Depository Bills and Notes Act (Bill S-9)

Depository Bills and Notes Act (Bill S-9)--Minister of Finance (Martin, Paul)

    >>Message from Senate, 5143(77:1540)
    >>First reading, 5339(80:1515)
    >>Second reading, 6163-9(93:1630-720)
    >>>Agreed to, 6169(93:1720)
    >>Finance Standing Committee
    >>>Referral, 6169(93:1720)
    >>>Reported, without amdt., 6967(106:1000)
    >>Report stage, concurrence, agreed to, 7743(117:1910)
    >>Third reading, 7744-8(117:1910-40), agreed to, on division, 7748(117:1940), passed.
    >>Royal Assent, 8077(120:1730). Chap. 13, S.C. 1998
    >>See also Depository bills and notes

Deposits see Banks and financial institutions--Cash deposits

Deputy Speaker

    >>Appointment see Committees of the Whole House
    >>Electing, 5878(89:1140)
    >>See also Milliken

Deraiche, Robert see Murder

Deregulation see Air transportation--Safety; Bus transportation--Interprovincial bus service; Environmental protection/management--Regulation; Rail transportation/railways--safety

Derksen, Candace see Murder

Derrickson case see Indians/First Nations--Matrimonial property rights

Derventa see Bosnia and Herzegovina--International Stabilization Force

Designated drivers see Impaired driving

Desjarlais, Bev (NDP--Churchill)